Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 26

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 26

A Chapter by Yosh

Zephryn (Casimir's mother) leaves. Sotsona and Casimir delve into a topic that comes across after they open Zephryn's presents, leaving the both of them flustered.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 26:

February 22nd 2024. The day is Thursday. It is the evening. 

Zephryn (Casimir’s mom) just left Casimir’s pent-house on an urgent work matter (AKA the background check on Sotsona, a duty Yuvin has to take on).

Sotsona goes to the back of the kitchen to get the presents Zephryn handed to her earlier.

She goes back to Casimir and hands him his present.


Line 1) Oh, right. I wonder what she got us.

Casimir and Sotsona open their presents in sync and see that Zephryn gifted them jewelry.

They look at each other in shock and open their jewelry boxes together.

Inside lies two rose gold bracelets with an ingrained initial on it.

One bracelet has a S and the other has a C.

Casimir smiles realizing what exactly his mother got for the both of them.


Line 2) It’s a couples bracelet.

Sotsona awkwardly responds.


Line 3) Oh… I see.


Line 4) You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to.


Line 5) No, it’s fine. We should wear it to show people we’re legit.


Line 6) Don’t you think your mom will get suspicious if we don’t?

Casimir laughs and teases Sotsona.


Line 7) Just admit you want to wear matching bracelets together.

Sotsona blushes.


Line 8) It’s not like that.

Sotsona tries to remember which part of the contract* states something specific.

*Refer back to episode 9 for more details about the contract.


Line 9) I think it’s the 4th clause of our contract that states if we need to showcase people we’re a real couple we have to let ourselves do specific gestures to prove our legitimacy.

Casimir mischievously smirks.


Line 10) Wow, so now you’re even going out of your way to memorize our contract?

Sotsona blushes.


Line 11) It’s not like that. I’m just making sure I’m up to date about the regulations of our deal.


Line 12) So, then explain to me why you stormed out of my place earlier in the cold to get not only my mom, but ME, a present?


Line 13) That was a compensation for your kindness. Nothing more, nothing less.

Casimir smirks in a playful way.


Line 14) Can it become something more?


Line 15) What does that mean?


Line 16) Am I allowed to lead you on?


Line 17) Am I allowed to look at you as something more? Like a lover?

Sotsona’s face flushes red.


Line 18) A lover?! You’re crazy!

Casimir blushes.


Line 19) I told you that I’ll make you come around to liking me.


Line 20) All I’m asking is if that’s something I can do.

Sotsona gets flustered.


Line 21) Why do you need my permission? Isn’t that what you’ve been up to all this time?


Line 22) Well, yes. But, I feel like I should give you a heads up on the behavior I’ll be showcasing towards you.

Sotsona gets shy from Casimir acting so outward about his feelings for her.


Line 23) You already explained this to me.


Line 24) And how are you feeling about it?


Line 25) How am I supposed to feel?


Line 26) Well, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable with the way I’ll be associating with you.


Line 27) I feel like that's what I’ve been doing, and it doesn’t sit right with me.


Line 28) So, let me know if I ever cross any boundaries.

Sotsona feels embarrassed that Casimir pointed out the awkward tensions between them.


Line 29) See? Like right now. I just made you feel uncomfortable, right?

Sotsona covers her face, feeling shy.


Line 30) It’s not like you can control the way you feel about me.


Line 31) It seems like I've already pestered you enough about why you like me. It doesn’t appear like a feeling that can be helped on your part.


Line 32) I’m just not used to our dynamics.


Line 33) So, anything you do to me in THAT manner is obviously going to make me feel uncomfortable.


Line 34) But that’s just the way it is, and I’ll have to get used to it. Like I said we’ve been through this.

Casimir gets upset hearing Sotsona explain her perspective.


Line 35) I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to be dealing with this.


Line 36) I put myself in this situation, so stop feeling bad. Plus, I’d rather deal with this than my problems back at home.


Line 37) In fact, It’s been helpful diverting my attention to us. It distracts me from my worries.


Line 38) Don’t feel bad for me. I’m holding up just fine.


Line 39) I don't blame you for how you come across to me.


Line 40) I just get flustered easily, that’s all.

Casimir nods his head in understandment.


Line 41) Still, I shouldn’t let myself get too carried away. We have boundaries to respect.


Line 42) Isn’t that the 6th clause of our contract?

Sotsona looks at Casimir mischievously, not being able to restrain in pointing out Casimir memorizing the contract as well.

Sotsona teases Casimir.


Line 43) Oh! So, now you’re the one that’s memorizing the clauses of our contract too?

Casimir blushes realizing what Sotsona just pointed out to him.

Sotsona extends her hand out for Casimir to give his bracelet over.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.


Line 44) What? Are you going to put this on me?


Line 45) No. I’m going to put it on myself.

Casimir is still confused.


Line 46) But why? It doesn’t have your initial engraved on it.


Line 47) That’s the whole point.


Line 48) When I wear this, I’ll think of you because your initial is on it.


Line 49) And when you wear mine, you’ll think of me because of my initial being on it.

Casimir face flushes red.

Sotsona sneakily puts her bracelet on Casimir’s wrist.

Then she puts his bracelet on her wrist.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir.


Line 50) Now we’ll be matching.

Sotsona lifts up Casimir’s wrist next to hers.

Casimir covers his face in embarrassment.

Casimir tries to switch the topic to change the setting of the mood.

He is acting frustratingly shy.


Line 51) You, go get ready for bed. It’s late.


Line 52) I need to get the dining room all tidied up.


Line 53) Don’t worry. I’ll get that cleaned up.


Line 54) You’ve been super helpful today. Let me repay the favor by cleaning up.


Line 55) And I know you’re only switching the topic because you’re embarrassed and need to cool down.

Casimir gets even redder than before and covers his face away from Sotsona.

Sotsona laughs, noticing Casimir’s embarrassment.

Line 56) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s so observant. I knew she’d think my behavior was suspicious.


Line 57) Go take a shower to cool down.

Casimir excuses himself from the conversation to cool down in his room.

He shuts his door and slides down the back of it.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 58) Her whole tangent about being flustered from me liking her and then making moves herself is contradicting.

Line 59) It’s like she pulled a un@ reverse card on me and I started to be the one to get flustered, while she was the one that was getting bold.

Line 60) She’s not the only one who’s not used to our dynamics.

Line 61) We’re not consistent at all.

Line 62) But I can’t help but get butterflies in my stomach from this.

Sotsona is putting the leftovers in containers and washing the dishes that were used during their dinner.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 63) I’m acting on a whim near Casimir.

Line 64) If anything, I’m the one that’s leading him on.

Line 65) But, it’s not on purpose.

Line 66) When he makes me flustered, that makes me want to get back at him.

Line 67) I get overpowered with this feeling of courage to tease him back.

Line 68) But, if I’m being honest, there’s tons of factors that lead to that.

Line 69) With all the kindness Casimir has bestowed upon me these past few days…

Line 70) He’s been so thoughtful and prioritized my needs before his.

Line 71) Nobody has ever done that for me.

Line 72) And I think the feelings I get from his gestures are only making me cocky.

Line 73) I guess I’m getting spoiled.

Line 74) He was so patient and understanding earlier by helping me with my makeup.

Line 75) That's why I rushed off spontaneously to get him a gift PRONTO.

Line 76) I don’t know what came over me when I gushed out my feelings to him when I was giving him his gift*.

*Refer back to episode 24, information starting from line 65, etc.

Line 77) But these testful interactions that I’m having with his family are humbling me.

Line 78) And I guess the second I succeeded, I felt the need to let loose…

Line 79) And become even more confident than before when interacting with Casimir.

Line 80) Again, it’s not on purpose. I just can’t seem to control it.

Line 81) I’ve never felt this way with anyone before.

Line 82) And for only a few days, we’ve made hefty progress in our relationship, whether as friends, or something more.

Line 83) I think I’m just confused and that’s causing me to act all jumbled.

Line 84) My mind is unfamiliar with the way my life has been.

Line 85) And I’m feeling random emotions that I can’t get a hold of.

Line 86) But, it all comes down to getting used to the way things are.

Line 87) The only thing I know for certain is that I'm excited.

Line 88) I don’t know what the future holds for Casimir and I.

Line 89) But all I know is that it won’t be filled with dull moments.

Line 90) I’ll finally be entertained.

Line 91) And satisfied with the way things are in my life.

*Shot cuts to Casimir fresh out the shower, checking his notifications on his phone.

He notices he missed call from Yuvin.

Line 92) Casimir’s inner thoughts: No way! Yuvin called me first? That’s out of the ordinary.

Line 93) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Well since he always ignores my calls, I’ll ignore him and just text for now.

Casimir texts Yuvin.

Line 94) Casimir’s text: Why did you call me? Is it an emergency?

Yuvin texts back immediately.

Line 95) Yuvin’s text: No, I just need to get a response about the position you wanted to give Sotsona at your company.

Line 96) Casimir’s text: What about it? Why do you need to know?

Line 97) Yuvin’s text: Because I’m the one that trains these newbies and regulates their positions dingbat! 

Line 98) Yuvin’s text: That’s what an assistant does!🙄

Casimir laughs.

Line 99) Casimir’s text: I don’t like being rushed, but I guess I’ll ask her.🤷

Line 100) Casimir’s text: Sweet dreams pookie! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!😘

*Shot cuts to Yuvin receiving Casimir’s text and being disgusted from the way Casimir just responded.

Yuvin leaves Casimir on read.

Casimir clicks his tongue in a playful manner.

Casimir gets dressed in his pajamas and heads to the living room where he spots Sotsona finishing up with tidying the place.

He smiles seeing her doing an act of service to him.

Sotsona spots Casimir in his silk pajamas and bonnet.

Sotsona laughs at his appearance.


Line 101) You should hold those candle canister thingies to seal your outfit.

Casimir playfully rolls his eyes.


Line 102) Anyways. We have something important to discuss.

Casimir sits at the table and pats for Sotsona to sit on the chair beside him.

Sotsona gladfully sits beside Casimir and rests her face on the palm of her hand, awaiting their conversation.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 2, 2024
Last Updated on July 2, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
