Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 25

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 25

A Chapter by Yosh

Zephryn (Casimir's mother) stands outside Casimir's door, waiting for Sotsona and him to open it for her, so they can meet each other.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 25:

February 22nd 2024. The day is Thursday.

After hearing the knock coming from their door, Casimir looks over at Sotsona to get assurance for him to open it for his mother.

She nods her head, and Casimir hesitantly reaches for the door handle and lock to open the door for his mom.

His eyebrows quiver from worry.

He crosses his fingers in hope and opens the door to let his mother in.

Line 1) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Please be a successful meeting!

Zephryn sees her son and the both of them welcome each other.


Line 2) Hello Casimir! It’s so nice to see you!


Line 3) Hello mom!

Zephryn has an emerald green turban on along with a long sleeve dress and pumps to match.

She is wearing gold jewelry and white square shaped glasses (based on her prescription).

Her makeup is glam.

Zephryn goes in for a hug and Casimir graciously hugs her back.

A couple feet away Sotsona walks over to the both of them.

Zephryn catches a glimpse of Sotsona over Casimir’s shoulder as she hugs him.

Sotsona notices Zephryn’s gaze and slightly flinches when they make eye contact.

Sotsona’s body language changes to being timid and reserved.

Sotsona awkwardly get closer to them.

Zephryn unbinds from Casimir and approaches Sotsona in a friendly manner.

She grabs Sotsona’s hands and this catches her off-guard.


Line 4) You must be Sotsona. It’s so great to finally meet you.

Zephryn hands Sotsona the gift-bags she was holding in the entrance.


Line 5) Open these up later.

Zephryn winks at Sotsona.

Sotsona nervously smiles.

She looks over to Casimir and he mouths to her “Just like we practiced”.

Sotsona assuringly nods her head and slowly gulps from nervousness.

She talks back to Zephryn in a friendly manner.


Line 6) Thank you, ma’am. It’s so great to meet you too.

Sotsona places the gift-bags at the entrance counter stand (and extra storage cupboard) .

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 7) Let’s rewind to how Casimir and I rehearsed for this day.

*Flashback to episode 12 when on Presidents day, Casimir picks up Sotsona from work to practice how they would sort things out with his mom (details in between lines 57 and 58).

The day is February 19th 2024. The day is Monday.


Line 8) Alright, firstly introduce yourself in a confident way.

Sotsona takes a deep breath and attempts to do as Casimir says.


Line 9) Nice to meet you. I’m Sotsona Begay, and I’m your son’s fiance.

Sotsona awkwardly smiles at Casimir and extends her hand out for a handshake.

Casimir looks at Sotsona’s judgingly from how she just introduced herself.


Line 10) Look. I know I said my mother is a business woman, but this situation isn’t business. It’s a personal matter.


Line 11) So, introduce yourself in a normal way. But courageously. And leave out the part where you say that you're my fiance.


Line 12) I haven’t told her about us yet. But, by the time we schedule to meet up with her, I’m sure she’ll already know about that then. So, it would be weird to mention it again.

Casimir’s explanation goes through one ear and out the other for Sotsona as she tries to acknowledge them.


Line 13) Alright. From the top. Action!


Line 14) I’m Sotsona Begay. It’s nice to meet you.

Casimir nods his head in assurance.


Line 15) There you go. That was better.

Sotsona looks confused.


Line 16) Better? But not good enough?


Line 17) You still sound a bit tense. Try calming down a bit before you speak with her.


Line 18) I heard that taking deep breaths usually sends signals to your brain to be more tranquil. So, try that.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.

Some time passes as they practice introductions until perfected.


Line 19) Alright. So, you have a general consensus on how to introduce yourself to her.


Line 20) Now, we have to focus on interactions.


Line 21) For example, let’s say my mother asks what you do for a living.


Line 22) Answer that. Honestly.


Line 23) …Okay. Well, I would say that I’m a waitress.


Line 24) I think my mom would respond to that statement by saying “Is this a permanent job”? So, answer that.

*The scene shifts to present day and Casimir's mother asks Sotsona the question they practiced as they all sit together at the dining table (Casimir had food prepared for their meet-up that he ordered beforehand).

February 22nd 2024. The day is Thursday.


Line 25) Is being a waitress something permanent for you?

Line 26) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow! Casimir really does have a knack for reading people.

Line 27) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How did he know his mom was going to ask this question?

Sotsona diverts her attention to being focused, rather than thinking in her head too much.

She warmly smiles at Zephryn.


Line 28) It’s only temporary. I am working to save up for university.

Zephryn nods her head in understandment.


Line 29) Ahh. You want to attend university again?

Sotsona looks at Casimir being stumped on what to say because they didn’t rehearse her potentially asking that.

Casimir moves his hand in a progressing way for Sotsona to go with the flow of the conversation.

Sotsona nods her head at Casimir.

Line 30) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Right. We couldn’t have possibly rehearsed every possible way to interact with Zephryn.

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I said I could pull something off by improvising.

Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, I’ll just go with the flow.

Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s best I stay truthful.


Line 34) I never attended university in the first place.


Line 35) My family couldn’t afford to pay for the school of my choice.


Line 36) And I didn’t want to attend any other school besides that one.


Line 37) Which is why I decided that saving up was the right thing for me to do.

Zephryn takes in what Sotsona is saying intently.

Sotsona and Casimir pay attention to Zephryn eagerly, with the both or them not being able to tell what Zephryn is thinking after Sotsona explained herself.


Line 38) … I see. Well, good for you.

Zephryn gives Sotsona an assuring smile.

Sotsona’s shoulders drop from relief.

Casimir looks relieved too.


Line 39) Speaking of your family, could I get in contact with them? I’d love to meet them if that’s possible.

Casimir and Sotsona freeze, not anticipating for Zephryn to say something like that.

Sotsona swoops in impulsively.


Line 40) About my family, at the moment we aren’t on the best terms.


Line 41) Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. If you don’t mind me asking. Why?

Casimir goes pale, but Sotsona’s cover for herself.


Line 42) My family wanted me to have some sort of substitute rather than going into the workforce to save for my dream school.

Sotsona gets sentimental.


Line 43) They always prioritized education. And since I wasn’t willing to go to any other school besides my dream one, they were very controlling on the things I could and couldn’t do.


Line 44) They would monitor everywhere I would go.


Line 45) If I came home late, they would get suspicious.


Line 46) If I didn’t make enough every week from work, they would look down upon me.


Line 47) In general, they dictated every aspect of my life because I went against their word.


Line 48) And I didn’t like the way they operated things with me.


Line 49) Which is why I decided to finally fly out of the cage they trapped me in.


Line 50) To restart and become the person I always wanted to be.


Line 51) To live life under MY terms.


Line 52) Little did I know, one day that I would meet someone that could make my aspirations possible.


Line 53) Ever since I met your son, 3 years ago while I was working a shift…


Line 54) He was very persistent, dare I say desperate to know more about me.

Casimir looks surprised at Sotsona.


Line 55) Till this day, I don’t know what lured him into setting his eyes on me.


Line 56) But he offered me renewal.


Line 57) Which was something I could simply NOT ignore.


Line 58) Ever since then, he’s been the most understanding person I’ve ever known.


Line 59) Along the way I realized my feelings for him.


Line 60) And that’s how we ended up together like this.

Sotsona smiles at them as she finishes her explanation.

Casimir is touched from hearing Sotsona’s point of view.

Zephryn smiles happily hearing her side of the story.


Line 61) Wow! I had no idea!


Line 62) I apologize that we kept this under wraps.


Line 63) I hope you understand why we had too.


Line 64) Our intentions were never to exclude you.


Line 65) We just needed to sort things out on our own.


Line 66) It feels good to get this off our chests now.


Line 67) I understand. It's good to know you guys have worked things out.


Line 68) So, when do you plan on getting married?

Sotsona and Casimir freeze, the both of them turning pale and looking nervous, again not expecting Zephryn to ask such a question.

Sotsona taps Casimir’s foot under the table to swoop in with something to say.

He gets her signal and comes up with some excuse rashly.

Out of the blue, Casimir starts laughing.

Zephryn looks at him with concern written all over her face.

Sotsona looks at Casimir nervously and a bit embarrassed.


Line 69) How silly of us? We still haven’t figured out a day.

Zephryn now understands why Casimir was laughing.


Line 70) Well, in that case, why don’t we host it soon? I know just the right people we could hire to plan everything out accordingly.


Line 71) We could get everything scheduled in less than 3 months. How does that sound to you guys?

Casimir looks at Sotsona for an answer and she shakes her head no, without Zephryn noticing.


Line 72) I appreciate the thought, mom. But, we still have some things of our own that we need to process before we start planning the marriage.

Zephryn looks at Casimir and Sotsona skeptically.


Line 73) I thought you guys said you had everything taken care of. What else is needed?

Casimir and Sotsona freeze again.


Line 74) It’s just-

Zephryn cuts him off, eager to know the reason why they can’t plan the wedding sooner.


Line 75) Just what? It’s important that I know.

Casimir nervously responds to his mom.


Line 76) S-Sotsona and I just recently moved in with each other, and we would like some time to take things slow.


Line 77) I already told you over the phone, mom, that we planned this engagement rashly.


Line 78) We need some time to process things about Sotsona’s career and her family, before we go planning our wedding.


Line 79) We don’t want to rush things. After all, we have all the time in the world.

Casimir nervously smiles at Zephryn, hoping that she accepts his excuse for now.

Zephryn surprisingly nods her head in an understanding way.


Line 80) Forgive me. I was just getting excited and planning things over my head.


Line 81) Casimir is right, the both of you can take as much time as you need to settle things.


Line 82) I’m sorry if the both of you felt pressured from my sudden questioning.

Sotsona gives Zephryn some assurance.


Line 83) Not at all. You have every right to be curious.


Line 84) After all, we’ll be future in-laws.

Sotsona happily smiles at Zephryn.

Zephryn looks back at her in amusement.


Line 85) Just let me know when you guys are ready to get things planned.

Casimir and Sotsona nod their heads.


Line 86) Sorry if I seem nosy.


Line 87) I guess I’m just associating work with personal circumstances too.


Line 88) Since Casimir is the CEO of Adair*, it’s important that I know all the things that associate his reputation.

*Reminder that Adair is the haircare business that Zephryn, Casimir, and Celestyn (Casimir’s sister) runs.


Line 89) I just want to make sure that everything is going well.


Line 90) Casimir, have you decided whether you are going public with this relationship yet?


Line 91) Things like that should be kept private until we fully seal the deal. I don’t want to announce big news that isn’t finished.


Line 92) That’s smart. But take my advice, maybe don’t be seen in public together because people might notice.


Line 93) We all know how people like to misconstrue things.


Line 94) Of course mother. You know what’s best.

A phone starts ringing.


Line 95) Excuse me. That would be my phone. Pardon me as I take this call.

Casimir and Sotsona (together)

Line 96) Of course.

Zephryn gets up to take her call.

She walks out, leaving Sotsona and Casimir at the dinner table by themselves.

Sotsona wants to speak out but Casimir places his finger over his mouth to signify for her to keep quiet.

Sotsona understandingly nods her head.

Casimir shows her the okay sign�'� to question how Sotsona is doing.

Sotsona assuringly nods her head and asks him the same thing.

Casimir nods his head with the same response as Sotsona.

They stare at each other proudly knowing that the meeting is going well so far.

Zephryn comes back to the dinner table. 


Line 97) I’m very sorry you guys. But, something came up for work and I need to leave right now.

Casimir and Sotsona stand up and lead Zephryn to the exit door.

Sotsona goes to the back of the kitchen to give Zephryn her presents.

Zephryn sees the presents and looks appreciative.


Line 98) Aw, you guys shouldn’t have.


Line 99) The flowers and chocolates are from me.

Casimir winks at his mom.


Line 100) You can open my gift at home, mom.

Zephryn nods her head.


Line 101) I’m sorry to leave you guys hanging like this.


Line 102) Don’t worry. We can always meet up some other time.


Line 103) Of course. It was very nice to meet you, Sotsona.

Sotsona happily smiles.


Line 104) It was nice to meet you too, ma’am. I’m glad we got to talk.

Zephryn expands her arms while holding the gifts to hug Casimir goodbye.

Casimir hugs his mom tightly and Zephryn opens her arms for Sotsona to hug her too.

Sotsona looks surprised but goes into hug Zephryn back, then Zephryn leaves.


Line 105) Bye, have a lovely evening.


Line 106) The same to you guys too. I look forward to our next meeting.

Zephryn makes her way to the lobby building to get her car back from the valet parking (the lobby for the penthouse plaza).

Casimir and Sotsona look at each other proudly.

They high five each other for the team effort.

Zephryn makes her way to the valet parking and the receptionist is pulling over her car.

Zephryn dials to call back the person who called her during dinner with Casimir and Sotsona and they answer.

Zephryn talks in a very serious tone.


Line 107) Let’s do the background check on her.


Line 108) And you’re sure you want to do this?

A grim expression engulfs Zephryn’s face.


Line 109) Yes. Our interactions seemed too good to be true. I’d rather be safe than sorry.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on July 1, 2024
Last Updated on July 1, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
