In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 43

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 43

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin's confession leaves Calista emotional. She feels deeply upset that their relationship cannot prosper into something more and that it's only temporary. The spend the next day together.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 43:

August 18 2023. The day is Friday.

Calista tucks Marvin into bed and walks over to her room in deep thought of Marvin’s confession towards her.

Calista’s narration:

Line 1) I’m so upset now.

Line 2) The expression Marvin gave me when he told me he liked me.

Back to when he rested his head on her shoulder.

Line 3) Makes my heart ache.

Line 4) I don’t want him to leave either.

Line 5) And I like him so much too.

Line 6) But we won’t ever work out.

Line 7) There’s just no way.

Calista gets emotional and teary eyed.

Line 8) Why does life have to be so unfair?

Calista crawls into bed and cuddles her stuffed animal. She cries in her sleep.

Line 9) What in the world am I going to do now?

The morning comes around and it’s saturday.

August 19 2023. The day is saturday.

We are in Marvin’s room and he just woke up in a hot sweat.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 10) Oh jeez. I feel light headed.

Line 11) I must’ve drank too much last night.

Line 12) I hope I didn’t say anything weird to Calista.

Line 13) I can’t be sure though. I tend to go overboard when I’m buzzed.

Marvin crawls out of bed and rubs his temples.

Line 14) My head is in so much pain.

Marvin’s stomach rumbles and he gets goosebumps

Line 15) And my stomach aches. This is the worst.

Marvin stands up and suddenly gets dizzy.

He gets nauseous and runs to the bathroom.

After puking he sobers up in the shower.

Line 16) Eek. The water’s so cold.

Marvin finishes his shower and gets out.

He spots Calista making breakfast.


Line 17) Hey. Good morning.

Marvin sits down on the table where it’s already set up with plates and cups of coffee.


Line 18) I’m sorry for getting so drunk last night.


Line 19) I just gave into my implusies. I hope I wasn’t a hassle though.


Line 20) If I was, I promise I’ll make it up to you.

Calista turns around and puts eggs on the plate in front of Marvin.

She starts speaking.


Line 21) You were fine. Don’t worry about it.

Marvin looks shocked at Calista.

He notices her makeup melted into tears.


Line 22) Calista, were you crying?

Line 23) Calista: What?! How does he know that? Was I crying too loudly?!


Line 24) U-Um no. What makes you say that?


Line 25) It’s just your makeup’s all smudged.

Line 26) Calista: Crap! I didn’t take it off last night.


Line 27) It slipped my mind to take it off last night. I was really tired.


Line 28) And the reason it’s in streaks is because…


Line 29) You know when you get so sleepy that your eyes get watery?

Marvin nods his head.


Line 30) It must’ve been that and ruined my makeup.


Line 31) That’s on me. Do I really look that scary?

Calista pulls out her phone and looks at herself on her camera.

She gasps as if she’s seen a ghost.

Line 32) Calista: Yikes! I can’t believe I’ve been walking around like this around him!


Line 33) Of course, you don’t look scary.


Line 34) You just look like you had a rough night.

Calista’s narration:

Line 35) That’s the thing.

Line 36) It was a rough night.

Calista turns away as she starts to get emotional again.


Line 37) I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go wash my face.

She walks off swiftly.

Line 38) Marvin: Her voice sounded a bit shaky. I’m not buying the excuse she gave me.

Line 39) Marvin: The look on her face says otherwise. 

Line 40) Marvin: I won’t pry, since she seems like she doesn’t want to talk about it.

Calista is in the bathroom wiping her makeup off with a cotton pad.

Calista’s narration:

Line 41) I’m such an emotional wreck today.

Line 42) I need to control myself. I don’t want Marvin to see me cry.

Line 43) I’ve already made the situation awkward enough.

Line 44) This will only enhance it.

Calista finishes and walks back to the table beaming.

Marvin smiles back at her to lighten the mood.

Calista notices Marvin hasn’t started eating.


Line 45) You should be eating. Why did you wait?


Line 46) It’s bad manners to eat before the person who made your food.

Calista smiles.


Line 47) Then, let’s dig in, shall we?

As they eat Marvin strikes up a question.


Line 48) Just out of curiosity. Did I say anything I wasn’t supposed to last night?

Calista looks down and blushes.


Line 49) You didn’t say anything that caught me off guard.

Line 50) Marvin: How am I supposed to differentiate if confessing to her caught her off guard?


Line 51) My memories fuzzy. Can you remind me what I said?

Calista clears her throat.


Line 52) You just asked me some questions and told me to stay by your side as you were feeling sick.


Line 53) What kind of questions?


Line 54) Stuff about my future. Settling in with family. What kind of parent would I be like? Yada Yada. Things like that.


Line 55) Oh. Alright then.


Line 56) Why are you asking? Did you think you revealed something to me?

Marvin chokes as he sips coffee.


Line 57) Oh sorry, excuse me. My friend’s just tell me that I have a reputation of being a blabber mouth when I get drunk.

Calista smiles.


Line 58) I see. But don’t worry. You didn’t say anything like that.


Line 59) Just out of curiosity, on my part. But, have you been going on your dates?


Line 60) U-Uh. Y-Yeah. After work I usually meet up with someone.

Marvin is lying.

Line 61) Calista: So, he still goes on dates. Even though he likes me.


Line 61) Then why haven’t you found someone yet?


Line 62) It’s been around 4 months. Surely someone would have caught your eye by now.


Line 63) It’s actually a lot more complicated than that.


Line 64) I’m sorry. It’s not my place to ask. I guess I just feel comfortable enough to ask you things like that.


Line 65) But, if I’m crossing the line. Just say the word. And I’ll keep it in mind.

Marvin laughs.


Line 66) I’m glad you’re comfortable around me. Don’t feel the need to tiptoe around me when asking questions.


Line 67) The more straightforward you are. The better.


Line 68) After all, we're trying to rekindle our relationship.

Calista smiles.


Line 69) Alright then. Let me ask this. Is there ANYONE there, at least?


Line 70) There was. But at the moment no.

Marvin is lying.


Line 71) What happened?


Line 72) You know. The usual. Someone isn’t committed enough. You put the pieces together.


Line 73) Ahh. Sorry to hear that.

Line 74) Calista: Seems a bit like a surface level response. But I’ll let it slide.


Line 75) You have nothing to be sorry about. It takes a lot of time just to find the right person.

Calista nods her head.


Line 76) Which is why I have to make sure I’m close with you and Talulla.


Line 77) I could be here for longer than we’ve anticipated.


Line 78) Remember when the psychic told me to take my time?


Line 79) Yeah that’s right. There’s no need to rush.


Line 80) That’s why we should hang out today.

Calista is caught off guard.


Line 81) You and I need to bond some more.

Calista starts nervously laughing.


Line 82) What do you say?

Calista’s narration:

Line 83) It will be challenging to continue containing myself around Marvin.

Line 84) But if it means that we’ll hang out some more, then it’s worth it.

Line 85) He may not be here for long, which is why I should savor every moment we have together.

Line 86) I can’t let my feelings get in the way of this.

Line 87) And I can’t let him know that I know how he feels too.

Line 88) I’m certain it will ruin things.

Line 89) We just have to keep that veil between us.

Line 90) And I have to pretend like we’re just friends.

Line 91) I knew this journey would be hard.

Line 92) But, I guess it’s just dawning on me now.


Line 93) Marvin…


Line 94) You’ve become one of my closest friends lately.


Line 95) I don’t know how much longer you’ll be here.


Line 96) All I know is that once you leave. I’ll most certainly miss you.


Line 97) Even if we won’t remember all we’ve been through.


Line 98) No matter what, all of it was not a waste.


Line 99) This relationship is worth the effort in the present.


Line 100) So, let’s spend as much time as we can with each other.


Line 101) Because you’re important to me.

Marvin smiles and blushes.

He replies to lighten up the mood.


Line 102) Does that mean yes?

Calista laughs and blushes.

She nods her head.

Marvin's narration:

Line 103) I didn’t know that’s how she felt about me.

Line 104) It warms my heart to know that I’m important to her.


Line 105) You have a way with words.


Line 106) I only have a way with words because you make me feel that way.

Calista’s narration:

Line 107) I won’t hold back things I want to say to him anymore.

Line 108) It’s now or never.

Line 109) I don’t want to regret not saying things to him.


Line 110) Let me help you wash the dishes.


Line 111) I feel like you’re not telling me how bad I was last night because you don’t want to hurt my feelings.


Line 112) And I missed my wash day yesterday.


Line 113) I made a promise after all.

Calista smiles.


Line 114) Do you like keeping your word?


Line 115) I’m a man of my word.


Line 116) Knock yourself out then.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 43 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
