Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 24

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 24

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir helps Sotsona redo her makeup after failing her attempt at a smokey eye. During this time they chat with each other and she runs a last-minute errand to give Casimir something.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 24:

February 22nd 2024. The day is Thursday.

Casimir helps Sotsona do her makeup in the guest bathroom. 

Casimir compliments Sotsona’s perfume*.

*They went to a beauty shop to get her cosmetics and perfume at the mall yesterday (refer back to episode 18, details in between lines 88 and 89).


Line 1) I knew that getting you that perfume was a good choice.

Casimir tries to cheer Sotsona up since she’s been emotional.


Line 2) You smell great.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.

She looks at him appreciatively.


Line 3) It’s all thanks to you. You’re the one that bought it for me.

Casimir smiles and finishes the base of Sotsona’s makeup and moves onto the eyes.


Line 4) Is it okay if we do something else besides a smokey eye?


Line 5) Yeah. Do whatever you think is best.

Casimir nods his head in assurance and starts blending eyeshadow on her lid as she closes them for him.


Line 6) Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. But, you look great.


Line 7) You were right when you said everything would come along when you put all the pieces together.


Line 8) It’s obvious you’re a professional and I’m just a rookie.

Casimir finishes one of her eyes and pulls back to look at Sotsona.

Sotsona opens her eyes and looks at Casimir directly into his.

They’re inches away from each other and make intense eye contact.

Casimir slightly blushes, especially after Sotsona complimented him.

He gets started on the other eye.


Line 9) Let me be honest with you, Sotsona.


Line 10) You’re really impatient.

Sotsona is caught off-guard with Casimir suddenly saying something like that.


Line 11) Sorry if I’m being blunt, but I’m just looking out for you and want to help.


Line 12) Therefore, I will only speak the truth.


Line 13) I know maybe saying this is out of line because I don’t know you all too well.


Line 14) But being raised by a business woman opened my eyes to a world of accurately reading people.


Line 15) And I read you as an impatient person, am I wrong?

Casimir stops and Sotsona opens her eyes.

They look at each other again.


Line 16) Your read on me is quite accurate.

Casimir finishes Sotsona’s eye shadow and moves onto eyeliner.

She closes her eyes again.


Line 17) You have a lot of potential. And you’re very eager to delve into things.


Line 18) As great as that is, people that share your ambitions fall into this habit of giving up too quickly. That’s why I said you’re impatient.


Line 19) You see no purpose in trying again and just wait for a miracle to take charge instead.


Line 20) Since you want to change yourself for the better. I want to challenge you to try again.


Line 21) Just for you to keep trying until you get it right.


Line 22) Then you’ll see just how much hard work pays off.

Casimir finishes her eyeliner and curls her lashes, then coats them in mascara.

He lines her lips in a crimson color, then fills it in with a scarlet red lipstick.

Since he’s done, he sprays a setting spray to set all of her makeup.

Sotsona opens her eyes.

Casimir and Sotsona are much closer now, staring into the eyes of each other deeply.


Line 23) Sotsona, you are a smart person.


Line 24) I can tell you have a big heart and put others before yourself.


Line 25) But learn to prioritize yourself.


Line 26) Don't be let down by inconveniences.


Line 27) I care about you, and want you to care about yourself too.


Line 28) Just know that you’re not alone on this journey.


Line 29) Again, I’m here for you, no matter what.

Sotsona’s eyes spark.


Line 30) Anyways, your makeup is done.

Casimir turns Sotsona’s vanity chair to face the mirror and she looks at her finished look.

She stands up and comes closer to the mirror in disbelief.

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Oh my gosh! This makeup looks flawless!

Sotsona diligently looks at the makeup to appreciate Casimir’s work.

The makeup look that Casimir did instead of a smokey eye is a light brown silver cut crease.

In the inner corners of Sotsona’s eyes is iridescent highlight that makes the whole look pop.

Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t think I’ve ever looked like this in my entire life!

Sotsona looks at Casimir appreciatively.

Casimir happily smiles at her.


Line 33) Do you like it?


Line 34) I love it. It looks amazing.


Line 35) This was definitely a much better move than the smokey eye.


Line 36) I just feel so pretty.

Casimir feels tingly on the inside from Sotsona’s words.


Line 37) T-Thank you. Thank you so much.

Sotsona’s eyes slowly tears up.

Casimir notices and panics.


Line 38) Don’t cry. You’ll ruin the makeup again.

Casimir takes a q-tip and soaks the corners of Sotsona’s eyes to dry her tears.

He pulls back and they’re both very close to each other.

The both of them slightly blush from the close interaction.

Casimir checks the time to change the setting of the mood.


Line 39) We have around 15 minutes before my mom should be here.


Line 40) She might come early though.

Sotsona gets struck with an idea.

She checks her phone and swiftly goes to her map app to type in a location.

Once she verifies the place she wants to go to isn’t far away, she makes her commitment.


Line 41) Do you mind if I quickly go out for a bit, since we have some spare time left?

Casimir is caught off-guard with this question.


Line 42) But why? I just told you that she might come early.


Line 43) I know, but I’m willing to take that risk.


Line 44) Where do you want to go?


Line 45) It’s a secret, just tell me if I can go or not.


Line 46) Is it far?


Line 47) Not at all. It’s only 5 minutes away from a walking distance.


Line 48) It’ll be faster if I drive you there.


Line 50) Please, just let me go on my own.


Line 51) Can’t you take a hint of what I’m trying to do?

Line 52) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t have any idea of what she’s up to.

Line 53) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Could she be running away at the very last minute?

Casimir sighs and rubs his head in distress.


Line 54) Fine, you can go.


Line 55) Just promise me you’ll be back here on time?

Sotsona extends out her hand with all her fingers tucked, except her pinky.

She wiggles her pinky finger around to signify for Casimir to interlock his with hers.

He rolls his eyes and they pinky promise each other.


Line 56) And make sure you look both ways before crossing the street.

Sotsona nods her head and dashes off to the exit of Casimir’s pent-house.

She swiftly puts her coat on and touches her coat pocket to ensure that her wallet is in there.

Line 57) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Good thing I accumulated some tips this Monday before Casimir picked me up. So, hopefully I have enough money to pay for the things I want to get.

Sotsona exits the house and sees that there is still a lot of snow outside.

She rubs her arms from the cold breeze hitting her body, but makes her way to her destination.

After five minutes of speed walking to the store in the cold, she finally makes it there.

She enters a flower shop and immediately grabs two big bouquets and two boxes of chocolate.

The cashier rings up Sotsona’s purchase and bags the items.

Sotsona sighs from relief knowing that she was able to afford to pay for the items she wanted to buy with her tips.

She accepts her receipt and swiftly walk out of the shop back to Casimir’s pent-house, following the directions in her maps app.

The cool wind blows in her hair slightly undoing her curls and giving it a more wavy, freshly blown out look instead.

Sotsona catches her breath as she knocks on the door of Casimir’s house.

He opens it and sees her catching her breath.

The cold air hits his body and he rubs his shoulders.


Line 58) Jeez. It’s cold outside.


Line 59) I can’t believe you actually made it back in time.

Casimir moves out the way for Sotsona to enter the pent-house.

Sotsona places the bag on the ground and Casimir helps her take off her coat.


Line 60) So, where did you go?

Sotsona mischievously smirks.


Line 61) That bouquet shop down the street.

Sotsona picks up her bag and takes out one of the bouquets and boxes of chocolates, giving them to Casimir.

He accepts the gifts in confusion.


Line 62) Are these for me?

Sotsona amusingly nods her head.


Line 63) What for?

Sotsona looks confused by Casimir's questioning.


Line 64) Because you deserve it, obviously.

Sotsona looks at Casimir bashfully.


Line 65) This is honestly the least I could afford to give you back.


Line 66) This whole week you’ve been super welcoming and supportive to me.


Line 67) You took me in as your roommate without any hesitation.


Line 68) You bought me all sorts of lavish things.


Line 69) Even took care of me while I was sick or drunk.


Line 70) Comforted me when I was upset.


Line 71) Helped me when I needed help.


Line 72) It’s crazy to think that all of this happened in less than a week.


Line 73) But you already have done so much for me.


Line 74) And I just want to thank you for that.


Line 75) I want you to know that I’m grateful and lucky that you're by my side.


Line 76) And that I thank you for putting up with me even though I’ve been nothing but a burden to you.


Line 77) I think this is the first time ever in my life that I felt so seen.


Line 78) I feel SO cared for by you.


Line 79) I would like to repay your kindness in any way, shape, or form possible.


Line 80) From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Casimir blushes red from Sotsona’s words.

He turns his head away from being so flustered.


Line 81) It makes me happy to hear that.


Line 82) Just don’t call yourself a burden.


Line 83) I’m the one that’s helping you because I want to.


Line 84) I’m glad to hear that you appreciate what I do.


Line 85) This is a very kind gesture. Thank you.

Sotsona blushes hearing Casimir’s comment.

Sotsona pulls out the other bouquet and chocolate too.


Line 86) This is for your mom.


Line 87) I’m not sure if you got something for her, but I just thought I shouldn’t be empty-handed when she comes.

Casimir smiles.


Line 88) Do you think she’ll like these flowers? Is there anything in this chocolate that she might be allergic to?

Casimir chuckles.


Line 89) Don’t worry, she’s not allergic to anything. And I’m sure she’ll love these flowers.


Line 90) You didn’t have to get this for her. I already got her something this morning.


Line 91) Oh, really? Sorry I was such a wreck earlier that I didn’t comprehend anything.


Line 92) No. I didn’t mention it to you. It’s at the back of the kitchen.


Line 93) You can place your gifts there for her too.

Sotsona gathers the items and walks over to place them besides Casimir’s gifts.

Casimir smells the flowers Sotsona bought him and blushes reminiscing about her words.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 94) Nobody, in the entire course of my life has EVER talked to me like that.

Line 95) Being thanked by her for what I’ve been doing is so rewarding.

Line 96) Going out of her way to dash in the snow to get me this…

Line 97) Nobody has ever done something like this for me.

Line 98) I feel so special and honored.

Line 99) I’ve never received flowers from anyone before.

Line 100) I’ve always been the one to give flowers to others.

Line 101) And now that I’m receiving a set of my own…

Line 102) I finally understand what that’s like.

Line 103) There’s no doubt that I like Sotsona.

Line 104) I’m sure all of this was out of kindness…

Line 105) But, is it wrong to think that she might feel the same way as I do?

A knock from the entrance door echoes for Sotsona and Casimir to hear.

They freeze in their stances, knowing exactly who’s knocking on the other side of the door.

*Shot pans to Casimir’s mom (Zephryn) outside, all dressed up, with gift-bags in hand waiting for them to open the door for her.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 30, 2024
Last Updated on June 30, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
