In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 41

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 41

A Chapter by Yosh

Talulla leaves on a family vacation, leaving Marvin and Calista on their own. What goes down after that? Or is it a recipe for disaster?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 41:

August 15 2023. The day is Tuesday.

Talulla just left for her family visit in Florida. That leaves Marvin and Calista on their own for 2 weeks.


Line 1) I guess it’s just us two for 2 weeks.

Marvin nods his head.


Line 2) Is that a recipe for disaster?


Line 3) What do you mean?


Line 4) Well it’s just that I rely on Talulla a lot.


Line 5) So, for things like cooking. I really don’t know much. Even after Talulla gave us that cooking class.


Line 6) But, doesn’t Talulla leave every year like this?


Line 7) What did you do about that before?


Line 8) Scrap up all I could in the fridge and cook all I can. 


Line 9) Or just order take out.


Line 10) So, that’s what you relied on all this time for two weeks?

Calista nods her head.


Line 11) How come Talulla hasn’t taught you how to cook by now?


Line 12) I’m not sure. I guess it’s because it’s something she doesn’t mind doing and it’s become a habit.


Line 13) Well then you have your work cut out for you.

Calista is confused.


Line 14) You’re in luck because I know how to cook.


Line 15) And I am going to teach you the basics.


Line 16) Um. You really don't have to.


Line 17) Nope. I’m doing it. It’s about time you learn how to cook.


Line 18) Stay tuned for later this evening.

They get back from work and Marvin walks into the door.


He sees Calista putting ingredients in the fridge.


Line 19) Did you go grocery shopping?


Line 20) Well, yeah. I just thought we could use some more things for our meals.


Line 21) That’s some smart thinking.

They get out all their ingredients and get to cooking the food.


Line 22) Let’s make pasta from scratch.


Line 23) For this we’ll need a cup of flour.

Marvin puts a cup of flour straight on the counter board.


Line 24) Marvin! Put it in a bowl! You’re gonna make a mess!

Marvin laughs.


Line 25) Just trust me, Calista. Come on. Repeat after me.

Calista hesitantly repeats after him.

Line 26) Calista: Gosh, this feels so wrong.


Line 27) Now we’re going to add half a teaspoon of salt. And combine.

Calista repeats after him.


Line 28) Now we’re going to make a well in the middle of this flour dome to crack our eggs in.

Marvin cracks two eggs and Calista does the same thing.


Line 29) We’re going to whisk the eggs inside the flour mound. Then knead it all together.

They finish kneading.


Line 30) Congratulations. You just make dough.

Calista looks proud of herself.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 31) That look on her face…

Line 32) Fills my stomach with butterflies.

Marvin blushes.


Line 31) We’re going to let this rest to the side for 30 minutes in some cling wrap.

They wrap their dough in cling wrap.


Line 32) During this time we’ll focus on making a sauce and some meatballs to add.

Marvin cooks onions, garlic, and carrots on a skillet. Calista does the same thing beside him.

Then they add in the canned tomatoes, water, and seasoning.


Line 33) While that simmers we’ll focus on the meatballs.

Marvin adds breadcrumbs, milk, egg, onions, and seasoning to the ground beef.


Line 34) We’ll roll them into balls and steadily place them in the sauce.

Marvin does just that and signals for Calista to do the same.


Line 35) We’ll let this cook in the sauce for 30-35 minutes.


Line 36) Our dough is well rested so we can pull it out and start cooking it.

Marvin rolls the dough out nice and thin.

Then he starts cutting it up into lines.

He places them in some boiling water and lets it cook.


Line 37) All the work is practically done now. All we have to do is wait for everything to be ready.

Some time goes by and they get to plating their dishes.

They plate and set it on the dining table.


Line 38) Quite simple, huh?


Line 39) Maybe it is. Or maybe I just have a good instructor.


Line 40) Wait till you taste how good it is.


Line 41) Let’s eat at the same time.

They windle some spaghetti in their forks and “ding” it together.

Calista and Marvin

Line 42) Cheers!

They take a bite and their expressions show the food is delicious.


Line 43) Mmm. It’s so good. Most likely the best pasta I’ve ever had in my life.


Line 44) There’s nothing better than homemade food.


Line 45) With just some love and a bit of elbow grease you can create something delicious.

Calista smiles.


Line 46) Who taught you how to cook so well?


Line 47) My caretaker. Mama Milly.


Line 48) She’s taught me so much. This dish just scratches the surface.


Line 49) As good as this is. It’s definitely not as good as the way she makes it.


Line 50) I’ve tried to replicate it thousands of times, but it still doesn’t taste as good as hers.

Calista smiles.


Line 51) Thank you, Marvin.


Line 52) You’re really embarking your wisdom onto me.


Line 53) It’s my pleasure. You should be proud of yourself though.

They continue to eat their dishes.

Calista’s narration:

Line 54) He didn’t judge me when I told him I couldn’t cook.

Line 55) He explained everything thoroughly to the point where I could understand it.

Line 56) He applauds my comprehension from beginning to end.

Line 57) How could anyone be this sweet?

Calista blushes.

Calista gets to washing the dishes.


Line 58) Let me help you out with that.


Line 59) Please. You’ve helped enough for today.


Line 60) All of this was my idea.


Line 61) Sure. But you taught me some actual skills. Let me repay you by cleaning up.


Line 62) At least let me dry the dishes.


Line 63) The washing machine will do that. Don’t worry.

Calista smiles at him.


Line 64) Let me wash the dishes next time then, so that we’re even.


Line 65) Next time?


Line 66) Well yeah. This is a skill you should broaden over time. If you practice every day. You’ll be a professional in no time.


Line 67) Y-Yeah, you’ve gotta point.


Line 68) So, what are you thinking for tomorrow? We should make it more complex, so that it’s a bit challenging.


Line 69) M-More complex?

Marvin laughs.


Line 70) Was the pasta too hard for you?


Line 71) I mean it wasn’t hard, but, just very interactive and lengthy.


Line 72) Well, buckle up for more because it’ll get even more interactive and lengthy. Pasta is on the easier spectrum of cooking.

Calista is shocked.


Line 73) Don’t be stressed out. I’ll help you through it.


Line 74) Just trust me.


Line 75) What do you say? Do you trust me?

Calista smiles.


Line 76) Yeah, I trust you.

The next day goes by and they get on doing another dish.

August 16 2023. The day is Wednesday.

Calista’s narration:

Line 77) As each day went on Marvin taught me how to cook more dishes.

They cook lasagna the next day.

Line 78) With his help, he simplified how complicated I thought things would be.

They cook chicken breast and grains the next day.

Line 79) With a sense of direction he helped me cook. And it was actually quite simple, when broken down.

Line 80) He was so kind throughout all of this, by lending me a helping hand.

Line 81) It melts my heart just thinking of how considerate he’s being to me.

Line 82) He’s also super patient. I appreciate him looking out for me.

August 18 2023. The day is Friday.

They are talking during breakfast.


Line 83) Since the weekend is just around the corner. Why don’t we celebrate your cooking abilities with a steak?


Line 84) Sounds tough. Do you think it’ll work out?


Line 85) Of course it will. I’m mentoring you.

Calista laughs.


Line 86) Alright. Then it’s a plan. I’ll buy all the ingredients after work.


Line 87) Maybe get some wine too.


Line 88) Yes, chef!

They get back from work and get to cooking in the kitchen.

Marvin has the wine bottle in his hands.


Line 89) Calista, can you fetch me a corkscrew please?

Calista digs in her shelf and hands it to Marvin.


Line 90) Here you go, Chef.

Marvin smiles.


Line 91) Oh I get it. The wine is for the steak. I’ve definitely seen that on some cooking networks.


Line 92) I mean you could do that. But this is for us to drink.


Line 93) I just want to drink it now, as an appetizer for our meal.

Calista gets some wine glasses and Marvin opens the wine bottle and pours some in the cups.

They clink their cups. And drink as they cook.


Line 94) Steak is not all that complicated. 

They drink, talk, and cook at the same time.


Line 95) Voila! Medium rare steak, asparagus, and mashed potatoes.


Line 96) Brava, chef. Let’s dig in.

They eat and Marvin pours more wine.


Line 97) You look buzzed enough. Do you still want some more?


Line 98) Sorry, I must be getting ahead of myself.


Line 99) No, please. Knock yourself out. You deserve to relax.

Marvin pours himself some and pours some for Calista.

She notices and he winks at her.


Line 100) Do you have a low alcohol tolerance?


Line 101) Is it obvious?


Line 102) You’re just a little red. That’s all.

Marvin smiles and laughs. Then hiccups.


Line 103) Woah. Excuse me.

Calista smiles.

Marvin blacks out on the couch and Calista gets to dishes.

Calista’s narration:

Line 104) He said he would wash the dishes this time around.

Line 105) But I guess he got too wasted.

Line 106) Is it weird I find it adorable?

Calista finished washing the dishes and tidying up.

She goes to wake Marvin so he could go to bed.


Line 107) Marvin. Why don’t you go lay on your bed.

Marvin mumbles.


Line 108) C-Calista. I’m sowwy I couldn’t wash the dwishes…

Calista smiles.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 41 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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