![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 40A Chapter by Yosh![]() Calista and Marvin are still at the beach chatting with each other about deep things.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 40: June 18 2023. The day is Sunday. Marvin and Calista are talking about their siblings at the beach. Calista Line 1) Tell me about her. Marvin Line 2) She was obsessed with fairy tales. Marvin Line 3) I remember when she got sick I would come home from school and rush over to read her some stories. Marvin Line 4) She could never get enough. Calista smiles. Calista Line 5) How precious. Marvin Line 6) It’s bittersweet thinking about her. Marvin Line 7) She was only five. Marvin Line 8) She never got to experience life. Calista Line 9) That’s unfortunate. Marvin Line 10) She would’ve grown into such an amazing person. Marvin Line 11) I think she would’ve become a writer. Marvin Line 12) Sometimes I get swept up in my visions, and I think she's still alive. Marvin Line 13) And then I snap out of it and realize it’s been thirteen years. And she hasn’t been with me all this time. Line 14) Calista: I thought I was the only one who thought that way. Marvin Line 15) If I’m living for anyone. It’s for her. Marvin Line 16) She’s still in my heart. And I’m taking her along on this adventure known as my life. Marvin Line 17) I get angry at myself for realizing I failed to accomplish my promise to her in my previous life. Marvin Line 18) All of this. Is because I made the wrong decisions. Calista Line 19) We all think that way. Calista Line 20) We dwell too much on making the right choice. Calista Line 21) And if things don’t go our way. We bash ourselves harshly. Calista Line 22) It’s a nasty habit. Calista Line 23) We have to remember that it’s our first time going through life too. Calista Line 24) Nobody has it figured out. Calista Line 25) If we make the wrong choice. It is what it is. Calista Line 26) It was the way things were intended in the first place. Calista Line 27) As long as we learn from our mistakes. That’s all that matters. Calista Line 28) Life is like a science experiment. Calista Line 29) Trial and error. Calista Line 30) If things don’t work out the first time around. We reflect and try again. Calista Line 31) And we try again until something sticks. But trust me it will work out eventually. It just has to. Calista Line 32) So, please go easy on yourself, would you? Marvin’s narration: Line 33) If all of this was intended in the first place. Line 34) Does that mean I’m supposed to fall in love with Calista? Line 35) If that’s the case. She must be my true love. Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 36) I never blamed my other friends for not fully understanding my grief over the loss of my sister. Marvin Line 37) They gave me sympathy and pity. But, I never knew that empathy was all I ever needed. Marvin Line 38) Talking to you. Made me realize that I’m not alone. A that I have someone to relate to. Marvin Line 39) Thank you for bringing me some closure. Calista Line 40) It’s my pleasure. Marvin Line 41) Do you want to talk about Raymond? Calista smiles. Calista Line 42) My brother is an intelligent guy. Calista Line 43) I relied on him my entire childhood. And he was the best older brother I could ever ask for. Calista Line 44) He never got angry with me. He always remained calm and optimistic. Calista Line 45) He’s my best friend. Calista Line 46) And… I miss him. Calista Line 47) So. So much. Calista Line 48) Especially after what happened with our parents. Calista Line 49) I thought that we would at least have each other. Calista Line 50) But, I was completely alone. Calista Line 51) It was the lowest I’ve ever been in my life. Calista Line 52) There were times I had dreams of Raymond. Calista Line 53) In my dreams I would yell at him and tell him I hate him for abandoning me. Calista Line 54) I barely recognize his face from my memories. It’s like an uncanny version of him. Calista Line 55) If it weren’t for pictures, his face would be just a blur to me. Marvin Line 56) I feel the same way about Luna. Calista Line 57) You’re right. It is comforting to hear that there’s someone out there who’s going through the same thing as you. Calista Line 58) Having some to relate with. Calista Line 59) I wish I met you earlier along with Talulla. Calista Line 60) If it weren’t for her. I don’t think I would be here right now. Calista Line 61) She saved me. Marvin Line 62) Do you think Raymond will come back for you? Calista Line 63) Considering the fact that it’s been 5 years without even a hint of his presence. I’m not so sure about that. Marvin Line 64) Do you think he’s safe? Calista Line 65) I filed a missing persons report. But there was still no update about his whereabouts. Calista Line 66) I’m sure it’s nothing crazy like kidnapping. I think he may have just fled the state. Or maybe even the country. Calista Line 67) Apparently my case is quite common. Calista Line 68) I remember entering the police station and finding a bunch of fliers for missing people. Calista Line 69) And nothing was getting done to find them. Calista Line 70) All they do is a county announcement on the news. But, other than that. Nobody cares. Calista Line 71) Raymond could be anywhere. Calista Line 72) I just don’t understand why he severed all connections with me. Calista Line 73) We were never on bad terms. Calista Line 74) I think that maybe I reflect his past traumas, since I was a key witness. Calista Line 75) He probably just left me because I reminded him of all the harsh things he had to endure. Calista Line 76) If that’s the case. I don’t blame him. He must’ve wanted to start fresh. Calista Line 77) In fact. I’m not angry at him at all. Calista Line 78) But… I really want to see him again. Marvin puts his arm around Calista. Calista leans on Marvin. Calista’s narration: Line 79) Talking to him is quite healing. Line 80) It’s like he understands me fully and accepts me for who I am. Line 81) I’ve never felt this close to anyone before. Marvin gets out from Calista’s grasp and gets up. Marvin Line 82) I can feel all the sand that crept into my clothes. Marvin reaches out his hand to Calista, she takes it and gets up. Calista Line 83) I can feel the same thing happening to me. Their butt imprints are in the sand. Calista Line 84) Look at our imprints. They laugh. They walk back to the car. And make their way back home. Around 2 more months go by since Marvin landed in 2023. August 15 2023. The day is Tuesday. Marvin’s narration: Line 85) I’ve been in 2023 for 4 months. Line 86) During my time here I’ve done the usual recheme. Line 87) Work, home, hanging out with the girls. Line 88) Then hanging out with them on the weekend. Line 89) Lately we’ve gone to the beach. Them at the beach. Line 90) An art museum. Them browsing at an art museum. Line 91) Visited a botanical garden. Them taking pictures at the garden. Line 92) We went on a hike. Them on a hike enjoying a view from a mountain. Line 93) Volunteered at Talulla’s work and played with the animals there. Them playing with the animals. Line 94) Talulla gave us a personal cooking class. Them attempting to cook alongside Talulla. Line 95) We even took a pottery class together. Them doing pottery on a wheel. Line 96) Then we went to another amusement park all together. Line 97) Every moment with the girls has truly been a gift. Line 98) They are really great friends. Line 99) I’m lucky to have them by my side. Talulla is packing in her room. And struggling to fit clothes in her luggage. Calista Line 100) Do you need some help? Talulla looks up at Calista and she comes over to help. Calista Line 101) Rolling your clothes like this helps your luggage become more compact. Calista Line 102) I thought we’ve been through this. Talulla Line 103) We have. I just try to prove you wrong every year. Calista rolls her eyes. Calista Line 104) At least you get to have a second summer. Talulla Line 105) But it’s so humid in florida. Calista Line 106) It’s humid here too. Talulla Line 107) But it’s like a sauna there though. I’m gonna be sweating profusely. Calista Line 108) You’ll have plenty of fun though. Talulla Line 109) Of course. I’m visiting my family after all. Calista smiles and they finish packing. Talulla says her goodbyes as she heads to the airport. Calista Line 110) Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off at the airport? Talulla Line 111) There’s no need. I’ll get there safely myself. Talulla hugs both Marvin and Calista. Talulla whispers in Marvin's ear. Talulla Line 112) Keep Calista company while I’m gone. Marvin Line 113) I’m already one step ahead of you. Talulla Line 114) Alright then. I’m off. I’ll call and text you guys. Don’t worry about me. Marvin and Calista Line 115) Bye! Have a safe flight. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 28, 2024 Last Updated on June 28, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author