Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 21

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 21

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir helps the lady out in the register pay for her items and focuses on getting Sotsona home successfully before she feels even more nauseous.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 21:

February 21st 2024. The day is Wednesday. 

Casimir goes to the check-out with the lady.


Line 1) I can’t thank you enough for doing this.

Casimir smiles.


Line 2) It’s my pleasure offering you the help.


Line 3) You’re helping me out a lot in doing this.


Line 4) Truth is, It’s been hard for me to make ends meet lately. 


Line 5) You’re an angel for doing this.


Line 6) I’m so lucky and grateful for you.

Casimir feels happy hearing this.


Line 7) I’m glad I’m able to help someone in need.

The lady smiles.

While at the check-out, Casimir spots the candy and magazines section at the register.

A thought occurs to him.


Line 8) Come to think of it, I think I read a blog about cravings during menstruation.


Line 9) It mentioned how people usually crave sweet things during their cycle.


Line 10) What do you think? Should I get her something?

The lady smiles.


Line 11) You’re putting a lot of thought into this.


Line 12) Your friend is very lucky to have someone like you by their side. 

Casimir smiles.


Line 13) Usually during my cycles, I crave sour candy.

Casimir smiles.

Line 14) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t know Sotsona’s preferences in candy.

Line 15) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Or if she even likes sweets to begin with.

Line 16) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, since she’s drunk. I want to get her something sweet as a treat.

Line 17) Casimir’s inner thoughts: If this lady recommends sour candy…

Line 18) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’ll get some chocolate too, just in case she prefers that instead.

Casimir picks out some candies for Sotsona and places them in his basket.

The cashier registers everything for both of them and Casimir pays.

They get their items bagged and Casimir helps the lady load her groceries in the back of her car.

The lady shuts the door to signal that they’re finished loading everything.


Line 19) Are you all set?

The lady smiles. 


Line 20) Yes sir. Thank you so much for helping me.


Line 21) It’s no problem.


Line 22) I was having a pretty tough week. But, you made it all better.


Line 23) I wish you all the best.

They say their goodbyes and Casimir walks back to his car.

He opens the door and sets the groceries that he got in the passenger's seat along with the other things they bought at the mall.


Line 24) Hey, Sotsona. I’m back. I got your things-

Casimir hears loud snoring at the back of his car as he buckles himself up and starts his car.

He looks behind himself and notices that Sotsona has fallen asleep.

He smiles looking at her.

They finally arrive back at Casimir's penthouse.

Line 25) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How am I going to get Sotsona out of the car?

Line 26) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t want to wake her.

Line 27) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How will I take her up the stairs to the guest-bedroom?

Casimir gets his groceries and shopping bags and exits the car.

He opens the back seat door and pokes Sotsona.


Line 28) Sorry Sostona, but, you have to wake up.

Sotsona doesn’t budge from Casimir poking her.


Line 29) Don’t ignore me. How do you think a small man like me will easily get you tucked in bed?


Line 30) I was struggling enough earlier today.

Sotsona’s snoring gets louder.

Casimir rolls his eyes.

Line 31) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess I have to do it the hard way then.

He stretches before attempting to pick her up.

Casimir unbuckles Sotsona and holds her body close to him to pick her up.

As he tries to get her tall frame out of his small car door, he accidentally hits her head at the top of the car.

Casimir covers his mouth in shock and rubs her head.

Line 32) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe she’s still asleep after that. I guess she must’ve passed out.

Casimir huffs his breath as he walks to the entrance of his house.

He finally makes it through the door and runs fastly to the couch to quickly put Sotsona down.

As he puts her down he catches his breath.

Line 33) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I need to hit up the gym some more.

Line 34) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should be able to pick her up easily.

Line 35) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But since I’m shorter than her, it’s hard to pick her up comfortably.

Casimir checks the time on his phone.

He notices it’s quite late and that he should head to bed.

Line 36) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t want to leave her like this.

Line 37) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, I’m so tired from today.

Line 38) Casimir’s inner thoughts: What if she gets nauseous?

Casimir looks around himself.

Line 39) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should place a bin beside her to use.

Casimir places an empty trash can bin beside the couch Sotsona is sleeping on.

Line 40) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She was supposed to take her medicine earlier.

Line 41) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, I guess this is for the better.

Line 42) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It doesn’t sound safe for her to use medicine while she's already this drunk.

Casimir touches Sotsona’s forehead.

Line 43) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s quite hot, but that must be because her face is flushed.

Casimir pulls his hand away and looks over Sotsona.

Line 44) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s so peaceful when she’s asleep.

Line 45) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But so difficult when she’s awake. It’s ironic.

Casimir smiles.

Sotsona groans and moves to her side.

Casimir alarmingly raises his hands, thinking he woke her up.

But she remains asleep and brings her knees to her arms in a cold position.

Casimir notices this and brings over her blanket.

Again he covers her body, making sure every inch is closed with the blanket.

Casimir turns the lights off and heads to his room.

His phone rings as he begins to unwind for bed.

He checks his phone and sees that his mom is calling him.

He answers immediately in an upbeat tone.


Line 46) Hey mama! What’s up?


Line 47) Cas? Did you get the papers done?

*Zephryn is Casimir’s mother.


Line 48) Right. I forgot to tell you. I was occupied with some things. Sorry.


Line 49) That’s fine. But, why were you so busy?

Casimir freezes.

Line 50) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I have yet to tell mom about the situation I have with Sotsona.

Line 51) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess the best way to tell her would be through the phone, since I wouldn’t want her to lash out on me in person.


Line 52) There’s something I have to tell you.


Line 53) Go on ahead. Also why was there such a big transaction from your account today?


Line 54) Don’t think I’m being nitpicky about your spending habits.


Line 55) You’re a responsible adult capable of monitoring what you buy. And I trust you.


Line 56) But 623,976 dollars? Did you buy a new car or something?


Line 57) You know my thoughts about you spending so much money on cars.


Line 58) It’s not a good investment. You should save your money instead.

Casimir rubs his head in distress.


Line 59) It wasn’t a car. I bought a bunch of things today for someone.


Line 60) What kind of things and for who?


Line 61) Clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, skincare, perfume…

Casimir hesitates before fully finishing his statement.


Line 62) And a ring… It’s probably the most costly item from the bunch.

Casimir’s mom looks confused.


Line 63) A ring? What kind of ring cost nearly half a million dollars?!

Casimir hesitates before responding.


Line 64) … The engagement kind?

Casimir’s mom goes silent.

She excitingly responds when she realizes something.


Line 65) Oh my goodness! Is Celestyn* getting married?!

*Casimir’s sister (will be shown later in the story).


Line 66) With who mom? She’s not with anyone at the moment. Well, at least no one I’m aware of.


Line 67) She had something going on with some girl, I forgot her name. I figured it was her. Is it not?


Line 68) If you can’t even remember her name, I doubt that Celestyn would’ve proposed.


Line 69) Then why’d you buy an engagement ring?

Casimir rubs his head in distress.


Line 70) … I’m the one who’s getting married, mom.

Casimir’s mom goes silent.

She replies in shock.


Line 71) W-With who?!


Line 72) Why does that matter? I’m getting married and that’s final.


Line 73) What the hell?! “That’s final”?! Have you been dating someone?!

Casimir thinks of something to say.


Line 74) … Y-Yeah. I am. And then I proposed to her. Just like everyone else normally does.


Line 75) How come none of us knew about this?

Casimir freezes in his stance, struggling to come up with something to say.


Line 76) U-Um. We both wanted to keep it on the down low.


Line 77) You know, a person like me can’t just date anyone so publicly.

A moment of silence goes by.


Line 78) But why didn’t you tell anyone about it? Not even me?

Casimir says the first thing off the top of his head.


Line 79) We were testing the waters.


Line 80) The both of us were uncertain about going further with our relationship, but stuck by with each other all this time.


Line 81) And that’s when I realized that we should get married to each other, and then I proposed to her.


Line 82) Fortunately she accepted, but it was so rash, I didn’t have a ring on deck yet.


Line 83) That’s why I bought one today.

Casimir’s mom stays silent.


Line 84) Hello? Mom? You still there?


Line 85) … Y-Yeah. I’m just processing how out of the blue this is.


Line 86) Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t tell me all this time that you were dating someone.


Line 87) Sorry mom. Things just ended up this way. I can explain a lot more another time.


Line 88) … Alright. How long have the two of you been together?

Casimir picks a random number.


Line 89) W-We met 3 years ago.


Line 90) 3 years ago?!


Line 91) You’ve been hiding this for 3 years?!


Line 92) … Yes. But, like I mentioned, we were testing things between us.


Line 93) We met at a restaurant. She was the waitress that served my table.


Line 94) You can even ask Yuvin*. He was there with me.

*Casimir’s assistant. The one that drove Casimir home after he ate at the restaurant Sotsona was working at (AKA guy 2).

Line 95) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I need to fill Yuvin in on the deeds so he plays along with our schemes.

Line 96) Casimir’s inner thoughts: He’s going to hate me. But, it’s the only way our cover doesn’t get blown.


Line 97) … I-I see. Well… Congrats!


Line 98) I know I don’t sound thrilled. But I’m truly glad to hear that you finally settled down with someone after struggling for quite some time.

Casimir smiles.


Line 99) It’s very nice to hear that mom. This means a lot to me.


Line 100) What’s her name?


Line 101) Sotsona. Sotsona, Begay.


Line 102) That’s a pretty name.

Casimir sentimentally smiles.


Line 103) It is. Isn’t it?


Line 104) Add Adair* to the end of it, and it’ll be the most perfect name out there.

*Casimir’s last name and his mother’s company’s name (Adair Hair Products).

Casimir smiles.


Line 105) Listen. Are you busy tomorrow?


Line 106) … Um. I don’t think so.


Line 107) Would it be alright if I dropped by to meet her?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 27, 2024
Last Updated on June 27, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
