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In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 39

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 39

A Chapter by Yosh

After getting back from their aquarium date, Marvin surprises Calista with something that spurs her into wanting to further hang out with Marvin to clear up any confusion he might speculate from her.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 39:

June 17 2023. The day is Saturday.

Calista and Marvin get back from their aquarium date.


Line 1) Hey guys. How was the date-


Line 2) I mean. How was the aquarium?


Line 3) It was great. I had a lovely time with Marvin.


Line 4) And we also got to see a bunch of cute animals.


Line 5) Yeah. It was a great way to spend the day.


Line 6) We also got some souvenirs for you.

Calista reveals to show the stuffed animal shark. And gives it to Talulla.

Talulla beams in adoration.


Line 7) Let it be your moral support as you recover from your sickness.


Line 8) Aww thanks. I'm gonna name him Reginald.

They all smile.

Calista puts some magnets up on the fridge and unwinds.

Talulla and Marvin get some alone time.


Line 9) Marvin. I think I’m actually coming down with something.


Line 10) Oh no. Do you think it’s a side-effect from taking the medicine earlier when you shouldn’t have?


Line 11) It’s definitely not from that. But I’m sick regardless.


Line 12) I guess I must’ve manifested it into the future. What a scary ability. Do I have powers?

Marvin looks at Talulla in confusion.


Line 13) But anyways. Since I’m actually sick now. You and Calista should hang out tomorrow again.


Line 14) I don’t know. 2 days in a row seems a bit risky.


Line 15) Too bad. You’re gonna have to take action sooner or later. So, stop procrastinating.

Calista walks in and hears the last of Talulla’s sentence.


Line 16) Who’s procrastinating?


Line 17) Oh, no one. Just chatting with Marvin about some stuff.

They eat dinner and unwind.

Marvin walks into Calista’s room and sets a jewelry box on her desk.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 18) I said I didn’t find anything I liked.

Line 19) But that was only for myself. 

Marvin back in the gift shop buying Calista the necklace while she browse’s the gift shop.

Line 20) Good thing Calista was so preoccupied, that she didn’t see me buy anything.

Line 21) I want this to be a surprise for her.

Calista walks into her room and spots the jewelry box.

Line 22) Calista: I don’t remember placing this on my desk. Where’s it from?

Line 23) Calista: Did Talulla give this to me? It must be empty.

Calista picks it up and jangles it to find something inside.

She opens the box to find a seashell necklace revealed.

Line 24) Calista: This is so cute! But where’d it come from?

Calista looks at the back to see it’s from the aquarium brand gift shop.

Calista’s narration:

Line 25) Marvin must’ve placed this here.

Calista blushes.

Line 26) But why? He said he didn’t like anything from the shop.

Line 27) Why is he giving me presents? He doesn’t give Talulla any.

Line 28) Does this mean he considers me as something more?

Line 29) What’s going on? He’s already owed me back everything we’ve spent on him.

Calista makes her way to Marvins nook.

Line 30) I’m so hesitant about approaching him.

Line 31) Suddenly, I feel too shy to face him.

Line 32) But, I need to know the purpose of this gift.

Line 33) Or else my assumptions will get the best of me.

Calista gets to Marvins nook.


Line 34) M-Marvin?


Line 35) Hey, Calista. What’s up?

Calista starts blushing tremendously.


Line 36) I don’t think I can accept your gift.

Marvin is confused.


Line 37) So, you found out about it? Did it surprise you?


Line 38) Yes. It did.


Line 39) Is it scratched? Broken? What’s the issue? Why can’t you accept it?


Line 40) I can’t accept it because I don’t know what your intentions are by giving this to me.

Marvin laughs.

Line 41) Marvin: She’s got me all figured out.


Line 42) It is merely a gift I’m giving to my friend in remembrance of what we did today.


Line 43) That’s it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Calista’s narration:

Line 44) Of course that’s his intention.

Line 45) I keep looking into things too much.

Line 46) And then making a fool out of myself.

Line 47) Now. Marvin knows what I thought his motives were.

Calista starts embarrassly blushing.


Line 48) Y-Yeah. That’s what I thought you meant by giving this to me.


Line 49) It’s very beautiful. Thank you so much.

Line 50) Marvin: I feel bad. After all, I'm the one who’s making her feel this confused.

Calista’s narration:

Line 51) I need to somehow prove to Marvin that I’m not wary of his friendly gestures.

Line 52) If he discovers that I’m suspicious of his signals. He might find out how I actually feel about him.

Line 53) I can't ruin his plans for getting home.

Line 54) His goal is to fall in love with someone to be able to get back to his time. And I could get the way in his plans just from my “silly crush”.

Line 55) I wish my feelings weren’t this complicated.


Line 56) Hey, M-Marvin?


Line 57) Yes, Calista?


Line 58) Would you like to hang out again tomorrow?

Line 59) Marvin: Huh? Now she’s the one proposing ideas?

Marvin blushes.


Line 60) Uh. Y-Yeah. I would love that.


Line 61) Afterall, we need to further rekindle our relationship if today was just the start.

Marvin smiles.


Line 62) You’ve got that right.


Line 63) Well then it’s a plan.


Line 64) Good night then.


Line 65) Sweet dreams.

The next day goes by and they are all at the dinner table and Talulla looks sick. They start eating breakfast.

June 18 2023. The day is Sunday.

Calista checks Talulla’s temperature by putting her hand on her forehead.


Line 66) Your head is burning up.


Line 67) You know the drill for today then.


Line 68) Ugh, yeah. I hate feeling this yucky.


Line 69) If you continue to feel this way tomorrow. You should take the day off.


Line 70) Yeah. You’re right.

Talulla blows her nose.


Line 71) But, I want to go to the beach and drink a pina colada. Getting caught in the rain.


Line 72) I promise you we’ll do that once you get better.


Line 73) That’s depending on the weather though. Jersey weather has been bipolar these past few days.

Calista looks at her weather app.


Line 74) Today would’ve been the perfect day to go. The weather’s perfect.


Line 75) You and Marvin should go to the beach.

Line 76) Talulla: I’m so slick for casually mentioning that. Even though I’m sick. I’ve still got it.

Marvin and Calista face each other.


Line 77) How does that sound to you?


Line 78) You only got to see the beach from a dock. You haven’t experienced how it is nowadays..


Line 79) The atmosphere is completely different.

Marvin nods his head.

They arrive at the beach after taking a parking spot.


Line 80) Parking is so expensive nowadays.


Line 81) Yeah. But this beach is worth the pay.

They make their way to the entrance and see a view of the beach with palm trees.

An ocean breeze passes Marvin and he closes his eyes.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 82) The seas enchanting ambiance. Has a way of luring you in.

Line 83) I couldn’t be more grateful to experience this with none other than the girl I like.

Line 84) I’ve never felt this alive!

Marvin looks at Calista.

They walk towards the beach entrance and get their feet in the ocean's water.

Calista slightly flinches.


Line 85) The water’s so cold!


Line 86) It’s just like old times.

They walk around the shore and Calista keeps a lookout for seashells.

She dips her hand in the water to catch a seashell but a wave hits her and it gets all her pants wet from her torso.

She opens her mouth in shock.


Line 87) You’re soaked.


Line 88) All for a good cause though.


Line 89) Reach out your hands.

He does and Calista places the seashell in Marvin’s hand. He can sense it’s big from his touch.


Line 90) Wow. You found such a good one.


Line 91) I impressed myself. Jersey never has shells like these.


Line 92) Must mean good luck then.


Line 93) Perhaps. Take it as you will.

They walk around and sit on some sand.


Line 94) We’ll probably regret this later.


Line 95) It’s too late anyways. I’ve already gotten sandy.

Calista looks at the sky and sees a crescent moon.


Line 96) Marvin, look.

Marvin takes a look and catches the moon.


Line 97) It looks especially pretty in the bright sky.

Marvin holds his necklace with Luna’s ring attached to it. Calista notices.


Line 98) You must miss her a lot.

Marvin looks at Calista with empathy.


Line 99) If you ever want to talk to me about how much you miss her. Don’t hesitate.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 100) Anytime I mentioned how much I missed my sister in front of my other friends.

Line 101) They were confused on how to comfort me properly because they looked at me with only sympathy.

Line 102) It’s different when you get a glimpse of empathy from someone's perspective.

Line 103) Something unexplainable. But something I didn’t know I needed.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 39 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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