In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 37

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 37

A Chapter by Yosh

Two months go by ever since Marvin landed in 2023. How have things progressed and what does he plan to do to fulfill his goal sometime soon?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 37: 

June 15 2023. The day is Thursday.

Around 2 months go by since Marvin has time traveled to 2023.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 1) It has been 2 months since I’ve time traveled to 2023.

Line 2) During my time here, I’ve made 2 new friends.

Line 3) Talulla, who’s been helping me out a lot with reaching my goal of getting back to my time.

Shot shows Talulla.

Line 4) And Calista. However, I’d like to think of her as more than just a friend.

Shot shows Calista.

Line 5) During my time here I’ve found a job. And have been hanging out with my old friends too.

Shot shows Marvin at his job.

Line 6) Ever since then, I’ve been working to kill time and gain some money.

Line 7) Afterall Calista, isn’t free all the time. She has her own things to do.

Line 8) Therefore, that leaves me only the weekends to hang out with her. And maybe on the weekdays, depending on whatever spare time we have.

Line 9) During those times, I’ve gotten to know her well.

Line 10) But am I in love? Is the main question I’ve been asking myself.

Line 11) All I can say is that I’m not in love with Calista, yet.

Line 12) But, I’m definitely falling for her, there’s no doubt about that.

Line 13) Lately, we’ve been watching a lot of movies together.

Them all watching movies as a trio.

Line 14) We even went to the zoo. Which intrigued me a lot.

Marvin looking at all the animals in shock.

Line 15) We saw a play that stunned us.

Dramatic part from the play.

Line 16) Went to an escape room. That confused us.

Them confused on how to get out of the escape room.

Line 17) We’ve gone on many food tours.

Trying a bunch of foods around the city.

Line 18) We attended an indie band’s concert.

Them being shocked at a rock band.

Line 19) But, now I’ve been planning the ultimate date with her.

Line 20) After doing my research, I plan to take Calista on an adventure-filled day.

Line 21) For this Talulla, and I planned on how I could hang out with Calista privately.

Line 22) In this plan Talulla is going to fake being sick. Then, I propose that Calista and I hang out together.

Line 23) This plan may or may not work depending on if Calista wants to leave her supposed “sick friend” to hang out with me.

Line 24) For this date, I plan that we go to the aquarium.

Line 25) Talulla taught me how to drive her car just for this purpose.

Line 26) Modern technology is more high-tech, so I was not familiar with how to maneuver it at all.

Line 27) But I was able to handle it after Talulla showed me what to do.

Line 28) After we come to a stopping point while browsing the aquarium.

Line 29) We’ll have a candlelit dinner. Since it’s an option the aquarium provides.

Line 30) Then, we can browse the gift shop and buy some trinkets.

Line 31) I am a little scared of this date though.

Line 32) I have a feeling that after we go through with it.

Line 33) I might BE in LOVE with Calista.

Line 34) This is a big issue for me because as soon as I fall in love with Calista.

Line 35) I’ll have to return to my time.

Line 36) Which means goodbye for us.

Line 37) And I don’t want us to part ways just yet.

June 17 2023. The day is Saturday.

Talulla wakes up and joins everyone for breakfast that Calista made.


Line 38) Hey. You’re up. Are you feeling okay?


Line 39) I’m fine. Why do you ask?


Line 40) You look like you’re coming down with something.


Line 41) Why do you say that?


Line 42) You look pale.


Line 43) I think I may be sick. It got all hard to swallow yesterday night. And now my throat hurts a bit.


Line 44) You must’ve caught it at work.


Line 45) During the summer. Flu season tends to be more contagious.


Line 46) Bacteria thrives in the heat. So, that makes sense.


Line 47) It’s just a bit pathetic to get sick during the summer.


Line 48) I should be drinking a pina colada by some poolside.


Line 49) You can do that once you get better.

Calista gets up to get medicine from the pantry.


Line 50) Take some cough syrup after you eat breakfast.


Line 51) Oh. No thank you. Mother nature will take care of it.


Line 52) Listen. I know you hate drinking this stuff but it’ll make you feel a whole lot better.


Line 53) After that, you should do a foot soak with hot water and the rub vapor rub all over yourself.


Line 54) All I said was my throat hurts a bit. That doesn’t mean I’m sick.

They finish breakfast. And Calista gets out a spoon.

Calista fills it with cough medicine.


Line 55) Ahh. Open wide.


Line 56) Calista, I’m not drinking that.

Calista shoves it in her mouth. Marvin mouths “sorry” to Talulla.

After Talulla drinks the medicine she “blaghs”

Line 57) Marvin: Is it safe that she drank that? She’s completely healthy, so how will her body react?


Line 58) You need to take care of yourself, Talulla. You should rest for today.


Line 59) You’re the worst for that.

Marvin pulls Talulla aside.


Line 60) Hey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think she’d force you to take anything. Is it okay that you took that medicine? Won’t you overdose? Do we need to call poison control or something?


Line 61) Relax. Cough medicine is just a bunch of BS cherry flavored crap. The real deal is if she forced me to take some pills. That would’ve been risky.


Line 62) I’m sorry you had to do that for me.


Line 63) Don’t be. It’s nothing your G can’t handle.

Calista shouts from the other room.


Line 64) Talulla, get over here!


Line 65) Coming, coming.

Calista has a full foot-soak ready for Talulla and some herb drink with vapor rub.


Line 66) Dude. What is all of this?


Line 67) It’s called Mission: get better, Talulla.


Line 68) Come on. Sit and drink up.


Line 69) Why are you like this?

Talulla sits and takes her socks off for the foot soak.

Calista hands her the herb drink and Talulla takes a sip.


Line 70) Is this that “toolsi” stuff again?


Line 71) It’s pronounced “Tulsi”.

Talulla takes a sip. And gives a sour face.


Line 72) It’s so bitter. 


Line 73) Well yeah. I added ginger and peppercorn to it.


Line 74) I’m sorry to hold you guys up while I’m sick. I know we usually go places during the weekend.


Line 75) That’s fine. Your health matters more. Plus, our bank accounts could use a rest.


Line 76) Noooo! But, I feel really bad. We’re always working. We should be exploring and doing stuff with our lives.


Line 77) Why don’t you and Marvin go somewhere?


Line 78) And leave you behind while you’re sick? I don’t think so.


Line 79) No, please. I’m completely capable of taking care of myself. Go somewhere you two. I completely don’t mind.

Talulla starts to fake cough.


Line 80) Besides, you guys should keep your distance. Whatever I have is most likely contagious, just like Marvin said.


Line 81) Plus, I would like some time to myself. Just to chill and watch some TV alone. While I soak my feet and drink my Tulsi drink.


Line 82) Do you want to go somewhere, Marvin?


Line 83) Would YOU like to head somewhere? Talulla said she could use some space.


Line 84) I guess we could go somewhere if she wants us to leave her alone. But, where should we go?


Line 85) Do you want to head to an aquarium?


Line 86) An aquarium? I haven’t been to one in a while. That sounds nice. I just feel bad that you can’t come along, Talulla.

Talulla is occupied watching TV.


Line 87) Hello? Earth to Talulla.


Line 88) She’s preoccupied.

Calista gets ready and heads to the living room. She waits by Talulla.


Line 89) How do I look?


Line 90) Not once in the 5 years that I have known you, have you asked me that question. Why are you asking?


Line 91) I just want to look good.


Line 92) For who?


Line 93) For myself, obviously.

Calista starts blushing.


Line 94) Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.

Marvin makes his way to the living room wearing snazzy clothes.


Line 95) Hey, Marvin. Are you ready to head out?


Line 96) Yes. Are we all set?

Calista nods her head.


Line 97) By the way, you look great.

Calista blushes.


Line 98) Why thank you. You look great too.

Marvin starts blushing too.


Line 99) Anyways. We’ll be heading out. Make sure you fill up some more water when it gets cold. After that, rub some vapor all over yourself. And that mug better be empty when I get back.


Line 100) Okay, mom. Have a good time you two.

They head out. And Marvin leads to the car.


Line 101) Why are you walking to the car? Shouldn’t we head in that direction? Where the bus is? Or are you planning on taking a taxi?


Line 102) Oh. I was thinking we could just take Talulla’s car.

Line 103) Marvin: I forgot to mention to her that I learned how to drive it.


Line 104) Long story short. Talulla trained me to drive this car, just in case of emergencies.


Line 105) So, that’s why you guys were out those couple of times.


Line 106) I didn’t even notice you taking the keys before we went out.

Marvin takes them out of his pocket and jangles them.

He opens the passenger door and leads Calista to it.

Line 107) Calista: Somehow. All of this seems so coordinated.

Calista gets in and thanks Marvin. 

Marvin then gets in as well.


Line 108) Can you pull up a navigator on your phone?

Calista is smiling.


Line 109) What is it?


Line 110) I’m just immensely shocked at you right now.


Line 111) It's my pleasure to leave you stunned.


Line 112) You better drive safely. It’s not like you have a license on you.


Line 113) If we somehow get pulled over, the both of us can just switch places. You have a license, right?


Line 114) I do, but then won’t I get in trouble by the police?


Line 115) If you get in trouble, I’ll pay the fine.

Calista smirks at Marvin.


Line 116) Fine then. Show me your driving skills.

They go on their merry way to the aquarium.

Calista’s narration:

Line 117) Because I see Marvin so differently now, I was hesitant to reply on going out with him.

Line 118) If we go out, just the two of us. Isn’t that kind of like a date?

Line 119) I just hope I don’t slip up by being flirtatious like last time.

Line 120) I’m sure he’ll connect the dots and realize I have a crush on him.

Line 121) But, I just wonder. Does he, by any chance, feel the same way about me?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 37 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
