In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 36

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 36

A Chapter by Yosh

Talulla is confused as to where Calista must've gone finding her room empty and the place sounding quiet. She leads herself over to Marvin's nook to find a amusing sight.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 36:

April 27 2023. The day is Thursday.

While sleeping beside each other Calista (since she’s so used to sleeping with stuffed animals) wraps her arms across Marvin to cuddle him. But he’s so passed out that they all don’t notice until the morning when Talulla finds them.

Talulla makes her way to the kitchen. 

Line 1) Talulla: Huh? Calista is usually up around this time. I wonder what happened.

Talulla walks back to Calista’s room.

Line 2) Talulla: Her bed is made. Did she leave early? Why is everything so quiet?

Talulla walks back into the kitchen.

Line 3) Talulla: Come to think of it. Where did everyone go? Where’s Marvin?

Talulla makes her way to where Marvin sleeps (his nook)

Line 4) Talulla: Is he still sleeping?

Talulla finds Calista cuddling Marvin. She is shocked.


Line 5) Oh, how the tables have turned.

Calista is quietly snoring. Marvin is sleeping deeply. They are both knocked out.

Talulla shakes Calista awake.


Line 6) Wakeup Calista. You’re going to be late for work.

We get a view of Calista slowly opening up her eyes from a first person point of view.

Line 7) Calista: Talulla? Is she waking me up? Why?

Line 8) Calista: Didn’t I set my alarm? This is so unlike me.

Calista wakes up and is tired looking.

Line 9) Calista: Huh? Marvin? What’s he doing here?

Calista realizes how she fell asleep. And Rapidly gets up from her stance as she unwinds her arms from Marvin.


Line 10) Oh my Gosh. I fell asleep next to Marvin.

Calista starts blushing.

Marvin starts moving after Calista unwinded her arms from him.


Line 11) Yeah, yeah. Stop acting like it’s some accident. I know that you did it on purpose. 


Line 12) It wasn’t on purpose. I swear. I guess I just nodded off in front of him and crashed on his bed.


Line 13) Then explain the cuddling.


Line 14) I-. It must be because I’m so used to sleeping with a stuffed animal.

*Demonstration comparison of a stuffed animal with Marvin.


Line 15) I just needed something to wrap my arms around.

Talulla replies in a sarcastic tone


Line 16) Yeah. That explanation doesn't sound suspicious at all.

Marvin starts to wake up.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 17) An unknown scent lingers.

Line 18) It smells like vanilla and maybe a hint of rose.

Marvin fully opens his eyes and peers at Calista.

Line 19) Huh? What a pleasant way to wake up.

Line 20) Oh right. She fell asleep next to me.

Line 21) I could SO get used to this.


Line 22) Good morning guys. Are we running late?


Line 23) Look who’s trying to change the subject.


Line 24) Marvin. You should’ve woken me up last night and told me to scram to my room.


Line 25) How could I? Do you realize how rude that is?


Line 26) You and Talulla own this place. It’s certainly impolite for me to tell you off like that.


Line 27) Besides. What’s the big deal? We’re friends after all.


Line 28) I’m sure you’ve fallen asleep next to a friend before.


Line 29) What makes this situation any different?


Line 30) Because you’re a guy-

Line 31) Calista: He has a point. I must be blowing this situation out of proportion. That seems to be a bad habit of mine.


Line 32) B-But didn’t you notice I put my arms around you?

Line 33) Calista: Now why did I bring that up? I should’ve left that at bay. He didn’t seem to notice it.

Marvin blushes.

Line 34) Calista: Great. Now some awkward tension.


Line 35) No wonder I was so warm.

Calista blushes.


Line 36) Sorry about this.


Line 37) Don’t be. I was the one who should’ve done something about it.

Calista and Marvin keep apologizing to each other.


Line 38) Huh? I could watch this all day.


Line 39) Hey, love birds?

They both turn to Talulla in confusion.


Line 40) I would love for this to keep going. But we’ve got work to get to. So, let’s get ready.

Calista starts getting ready for the day.

Calista’s narration:

Line 41) It should have occurred to me to be more suspicious on why what I was cuddling was so warm.

Line 42) And the unfamiliar scent.

Scene cuts to Calista sleeping by Marvin’s side.

Line 43) It was quite comforting.

She digs her face into Marvin’s back.

Calista blushes as she recalls that memory.

Line 44) I can’t believe that was Marvin.

She comes to the dinner table to eat breakfast.

She peers at Marvin as he eats.

Line 45) That aroma was quite pleasant to take in.

Marvin catches her gaze and Calista looks away in embarrassment.

She blushes and eats her breakfast and Marvin smiles at her.

Line 46) Talulla: It’s like watching a romance movie. What a breath of fresh air.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 47) As usual we went to work and the day went on.

Line 48) I came back and we did our nightly habituals.

Them playing board games all together.

Line 49) I spent my days with the girls.

Another day goes by.

April 28 2023. The day is Friday.

Line 50) Same thing happened Friday.

Line 51) Since I went on a date with Calista Tuesday. I didn’t want to bring anything else up to her, just in case she would question my intentions.

Line 52) Doing too much all at once will make me seem suspicious.

Line 53) I need to be meticulous about my plan.

Line 54) I cannot jeopardize Calista's feelings for my own gain.

April 29 2023. The day is Saturday.

Line 55) Talulla brought up an idea for us to go to a painting parlor.

Line 56) There I spent time with Calista as we painted mugs together.

Calista showing her mug at Marvin.


Line 57) How cute.


Line 58) Can I see yours?

Marvin shows his and it looks like a masterpiece compared to Calista’s. She is shocked in amazement.


Line 59) Woah. I see you mister V@n G0gh.


Line 60) Oh, come on. You’re giving me way too much credit. I’m flattered though.


Line 61) No seriously. You have a knack for art. You’re so talented.

Marvin's narration continues:

Line 62) We then ate at some cute cafes to taste the local food.

Line 63) Talulla really saved my butt with all these dating ideas.

Marvin admiring Calista as she tries the food at the cafe and takes pictures of it.

Line 64) She’s so interesting when she likes something.

Line 65) It’s like you can see it in her eyes.

Line 66) The way they light up with passion. 

Line 67) It’s so adorable.

They get back home and unwind. They are all wearing skin-care masks as they watch another movie.

Marvin's narration continues:

Line 68) She gets quite sentimental when we watch movies.

Line 69) It’s so fascinating how much emotion she expresses in her face.

Line 70) It’s empathy for sure. She’s been through something like this before.

They finish the movie and chat for a bit.


Line 71) They said in around 2 weeks they’ll put our mugs in the kiln and we can pick them up.


Line 72) Ooh. I can’t wait to see how they turn out.


Line 73) Especially yours, Marvin. It was truly a work of art.


Line 74) I think it might turn out a bit dark. I didn’t pay much attention to when the lady came around with the colors for the glazes, after they were put in the kiln.

*Flashback to that scene and Marvin just chooses whatever color.


Line 75) Come to think of it. I didn’t pay much attention either.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 76) And if you think I forgot. I’ve been asking Calista questions about herself everyday.

Line 77) So, far I’ve found out that she hates mushrooms, got bad grades in highschool, and gave herself a belly button piercing by accident during middle school.

We get a flashback of all those scenes.

Line 78) Of course in return she’s asked questions about me too.

Line 79) I told her I didn’t learn how to potty train myself properly until I was 5, sprained my knee when I was 15 from trying a dance move and failing miserably, and tried to cut my hair and it ended up looking horrible so I wore top hats to school for 2 months until it grew out.

We get a flashback of those scenes.

Line 80) My secrets were a lot deeper than hers. But her reactions are what made my confessions worth fessing up to.

Line 81) I’ll tell her all about myself if I truly have to.

Calista is in her room looking at her calendar. They have washed all their masks off and are ready for bed. Marvin walks by.


Line 82) Hey, Marvin. Come take a look at this for a sec.

Marvin enters Calista’s room.

Calista crosses Saturday April 29, 2023 on her calendar.


Line 83) It’s been officially 2 weeks since you’ve gotten here.


Line 84) Oh yeah. You’re right.


Line 85) Do you think you’ve made progress on your goal of getting out of here?

Marvin’s narration

Line 86) I have made progress. Slowly but steadily Calista is making her way to my heart.

Line 87) At this rate. I think I could fall in love with her at any time.

Line 88) I just hope that I don’t realize it too soon, because I want to spend all the time I can here.

Line 89) I miss my time. But I don’t want to go back just yet.

Line 90) I need to savor my previous moments with Calista.


Line 91) I’ve made my progress.


Line 92) You haven’t given me much of an update about your dating life. But I won’t pry. I’m glad you're making progress.

Calista smiles at Marvin.


Line 93) Thanks. But you still owe me your fun fact of the day.


Line 94) And you still owe me yours.


Line 95) Alright for me. When I was 12. I watched a horror movie for the first time and couldn’t sleep for 5 months. I had to sleep in my brother's room for a while until I got over it.


Line 96) That must’ve been your origin story. That’s why you're so scared of horror movies.


Line 97) Listen. Who isn’t scared of horror movies? It’s a completely normal and valid reaction. Especially when they slap you in the face “saying it’s based on a true story”.

Marvin laughs.


Line 98) Oh boy. You bring up a good point.


Line 99) So, what’s your fun fact of the day?


Line 100) I’m lactose and tolerant.


Line 101) Oh…?


Line 102) But if I recall correctly. I’m pretty sure you had dairy at some point during your time here.


Line 103) You recall correctly.


Line 104) Oh my Gosh. Are you okay?


Line 105) This may be too much information. But I was fighting for my life in that bathroom at one point.

Calista starts laughing.


Line 106) I don’t mean to laugh. Are you truly okay?


Line 107) I’m alright don’t worry about me. Sometimes I let myself go all out.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 36 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
