In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 35

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 35

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin reads the letter Elouise wrote for him. How will he process what she's written?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 35:

April 26 2023. The day is Wednesday.

Marvin is reading the letter that Elouise left for him.

Letter reads:

Line 1) Dear Marvin, I would like to apologize to you. Yes. After all these years I’ve decided to come forth and present you with my apology. I know it’s too late. I know I can’t make up for all those years. 

Line 2) But, this is something I need to get off my chest. I’m hoping it’ll bring some peace into my life. Back to when we were friends I kept my eye on you.

*Flashback to Marvin and Elouise hanging out all as friends.

Line 3) Unlike the other guys I’ve met in my life. You shined bright. And that appealed to me. Ever since then, I realized how charming you were.

*Flashback to when Marvin helped Elouise with a scab on her knee.

Line 4) And I caught feelings immediately.

In the flashback Elouise is blushing at Marvin immensely.

Line 5) You were just supposed to be my brother's friend. That’s all. But you became something more to me. And all I wanted was to be with you. 

Line 6) This doesn’t excuse anything. But at the time my mother and father separated.

Elouises’ parents sealing a contract for divorce.

Line 7) As you know the separation was due to the affair my father was having. But, since my dad had the upper handing in business. He won my brother and I over my mother. 

Elouises’ dad is negotiating to take care of the kids.

Line 8) I remember the last time I saw my mother like it was yesterday. She left me on a rainy day and never came back to see me.

Elouises’ mother leaving her.

Line 9) I always wondered why my mom got the underhanding in life, even when my dad was the one in the wrong. 

Line 10) And since he wasn’t around to guide me in my life. I got confused on understanding why he was the bad guy. Afterall, he was the one who had the upper hand.

Elouise noticing her dad’s business antics.

Line 11) Ever since then. I followed in my dad’s footsteps. I began to use my power against people. Just like how my dad used it against my mom.

Line 12) I thought what I was doing was right. I mean my mom was the one who left me after all, so I assumed she was bad. Years later, I learned why what I did was wrong.

*Flashback to when Elouise did that whole waiter thing with Marvin.

Line 13) I did that with you as well. You were something that I wanted and I used my power against you. 

Line 14) I tricked you into marrying me. I thought that throughout our marriage you would fall in love with me, so it wouldn’t have been a waste. 

*Flashback to their ceremony.

Line 15) But your eyes never looked at me filled with love. That’s when I learned that power wasn’t everything. It certainly couldn’t buy your affection. So, it was meaningless to me.

Line 16) Since I was envious, I wanted to get back at you. So, I did the same thing my father did. And I took our son away from you by getting a divorce.

*Flashback to when Elouise did that.

Line 17) I wanted to hurt you the way I thought you hurt me. And I regret that severely. I should’ve never gotten married to you from the start. And I shouldn’t have taken our child away from you.

Line 18) But it was too late. The damage had been done and I knew you would never forgive me. Especially after all I put you through.

*Marvin struggling with depression after his break up reminder.

Line 19) Being the coward I was. I made it so that our son and I would never run into you and that you would never run into us. I was too ashamed to be around you.

Line 20) Or try to reconnect (even though I doubt you would’ve reciprocated). 

Line 21) And then you passed away. Within a blink of an eye, the father, my son always wanted to be with, had passed away.

*Refer to when Marvin passed away.

Line 22) Our son resented me ever since then. And it’s taken years for me to reconstruct things with him. But I’m sure that’s just my karma.

Line 23) My biggest regret in life was dragging you down my path. I should’ve left you where you were. Maybe then we would’ve been just good friends. 

Their son being angry at Elouise.

Line 24) I’ve had dreams where I could talk to you. And I tell you how sorry I am for hurting you so deeply. 

Line 25) In my dreams you’d forgive me, to bring me some closure. However, I’m not sure if that’s something you’d actually do.

Her dreams of trying to reconnect with Marvin.

Line 26) And then, there you were. Walking down the street, exactly as you looked around 60 years ago. I thought I was dying and hallucinating your complexion.

*Refer back to her meeting him.

Line 27) But here you are. And I can’t believe it. I still don’t understand why you are here. But it’s our reality. And there’s nothing I can do to mend our relationship.

Line 28) But I just wanted to severely apologize for all I’ve done. Even if you don’t forgive me. I know it’s something I need to do before my time comes.

Elouise being in shock that Marvin is alive.

Line 29) I guess I got a bit jealous along the way because you had great companions by your side.

Referring to Calista and Talulla.

Line 30) It was great seeing you again. I hope that maybe in another life, we could start things over. Thank you for putting up with me even though you shouldn’t have had to. 

Line 31) I wish you the best of luck on your new journey. I’m glad you have another chance at life (I’m assuming that’s the case).  Sincerely Elouise Douglas.

 The end of the letter.

Marvin finishes reading the letter by his bed.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 32) Just like every story. There’s two sides.

Line 33) I knew Elouise and Todd were struggling with family things.

Elouise and Todd together dealing with their family stuff.

Line 34) Who would’ve thought that’s to blame for how Elouise turned out.

Line 35) Everything happens for a reason.

Line 36) Life is just that unfair. Once you wonder about things. You won’t find out until you no longer need to know.

Line 37) It never goes the way one anticipates.

Calista is back in the kitchen stuffing her bag for work. Marvin notices.


Line 38) You still not asleep?

Calista walks over to Marvin.


Line 39) Even if I were asleep, answering you would prove that I am awake.


Line 40) Right… That question makes no sense.


Line 41) I was just wrapping things up for work tomorrow.


Line 42) Right then. You should get some sleep. It’s late anyways.


Line 43) You seem like you wanted to talk about something.


Line 44) We can talk another time. You have to be at work early in the morning.


Line 45) I’m down for a late night chat.


Line 46) If we start talking. We’ll be talking all night.


Line 47) So, then let’s talk all night.


Line 48) Well if you insist so much.


Line 49) You rarely open up like this. Of course I’m going to insist on talking with you.

Calista sits on Marvins bed.


Line 50) I think I was too hard on Elouise today.


Line 51) If you ask me. I think she deserved it.

Marvin hands over Elouises’ letter to Calista.


Line 52) This is too personal. Are you sure you want me to read this?

Marvin nods his head and Calista gets to reading.

Calista finishes reading the whole letter.


Line 53) Wow. That was a lot of information.


Line 54) Don’t you think her apology was sincere?


Line 55) I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it actually DOES sound sincere. But, it’s definitely not enough for you to forgive her.


Line 56) But, you could forgive her if you want to bring some closure within yourself.


Line 57) Just don’t feel like you have to because she apologized to you. Kay?


Line 58) Should I say it in person?


Line 59) I think a letter should do the trick. Besides, you asked her to leave us alone.


Line 60) Even if you decide to forgive her, that doesn’t excuse all she’s done. It doesn’t mean everything is cupcakes and rainbows now.


Line 61) All it means is she’s self-aware of her mistakes and is owning up to them by taking responsibility.


Line 62) If you ask me, it doesn't do much to mend the whole situation, besides moving on for someone else to feel better about themselves.


Line 63) Is that something you’re up for?


Line 64) I want to move on. But I can’t do that if I’m stuck in the past now can I?


Line 65) She’s old. It's likely she's making peace with everything since her TIME must be approaching.


Line 66) Therefore, to give her that peace. I will forgive her.


Line 67) But I’m also forgiving her to give myself some peace too.


Line 68) I’m doing this for me.


Line 69) Just the way it should be.


Line 70) All of this is really hard.


Line 71) I can’t imagine it from your point of view.


Line 72) It’s hard to open up about your feelings.


Line 73) It’s also embarrassing for no reason too.


Line 74) I’ve been taking in all of this quite hard.


Line 75) I’m longing for my home. And I’m upset about how things didn’t go my way.


Line 76) And I’m blaming myself along the way. Because when I reflect. I notice that it all falls down on me.


Line 77) We all take it that way.


Line 78) Regardless of people thinking that way. You should also forgive yourself along the process to really heal.

Calista points at Marvins chest.


Line 79) You’re focusing on forgiving all these people. That you’re forgetting to forgive the most important person. And that’s yourself.


Line 80) It’ll take some time. But before you know it. You’ve moved on and you’ve put yourself first.

Marvin smiles.


Line 81) It’s like you always know the right thing to say.

Calista blushes.


Line 82) I hope you know you give great advice.


Line 83) You’re a really good friend, Calista. I really mean it.

Calista blushes.


Line 84) I-I try my best. That’s all.

They start talking while Marvin writes his letter and Calista leans on Marvins bed frame.

Line 85) Dear Elouise. I’ve received your letter. Thank you for giving it to Calista. I’m glad I got to hear from you.

Line 86) I would like to apologize for shouting at you. I got really angry and took out all my anger on you.

Line 87) I should’ve kept my emotions in check and remained calm while asserting my stance.

Line 88) I want you to know that I forgive all you’ve done to me.

Line 89) I don’t want to be a burden in your life by keeping you down for what happened.

Line 90) I want you to move on. And live your life. I’m glad you’ve been doing that by raising our son. His daughter Teresa has grown graciously.

Line 91) As much as I forgive you. I won’t just forget about the past. But it’s something I will try my best to get over on my own.

Line 92) I hope you have a good rest of your life and live it up to the best.

Line 93) Please move on and forgive yourself in the process as well. Everybody makes mistakes.

Line 94) I wish you a delightful rest of your life. Sincerely Marvin.

Shot cuts to Elouise crying while reading his letter (she received it during another time frame)

Shot cuts back to Marvin and Calista talking on the bed. They are both laying down and facing each other.

Marvins narration:

Line 95) The movie we watched inspired me to come forth about my feelings.

Line 96) It’s best I remain truthful and work on bettering myself.

Line 97) As we can see. If we don’t work on bettering ourselves, people get hurt in the process.

Back to Elouise and Marvin arguing in another time span.

Line 98) Although we don’t intend to. They get meddled into the situation and suffer hardships when they shouldn’t have to.

Line 99) I can’t have that happen to Calista.

Line 100) She’s become an important person in my life and I want to be better for myself and for her.

Line 101) Even if we don’t work out. I want to be the best version of myself with the time I have by her side.

Line 102) She deserves good people in her life.

Line 103) I care about her way too much to disappoint her.

Line 104) So, I must take better care of myself.

Calista starts dozing off in Marvin's bed.

Marvin pulls his covers to cover Calista while she starts sleeping in his bed.

Line 105) Marvin: This will look quite suspicious in the morning. But, oh well.

Line 106) Marvin: She looks like an Angel in her sleep.

Line 107) Marvin: I hope she gets a good night rest and sweet dreams.

Marvin tucks himself into bed and they fall asleep by each other's side.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 35 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
