In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 34

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 34

A Chapter by Yosh

Elouise barges into their place. What will she say to them now?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 34:

April 26 2023. The day is Wednesday.

They let Elouise into the apartment and she sits on their couch. They all stare at what she’s going to say.


Line 1) So, can you spit out what you need to say?

Marvin and Calista look at Talulla for how straight to the point her response was.


Line 2) Excuse me young lady-


Line 3) She’s right. Say what you need to say so we can get this over with.


Line 4) I’ll take all the time I need for your information. I’m not in any sort of rush.


Line 5) This can’t take all day. We’ve got places to be.


Line 6) I won’t have you ordering me around. In fact, you owe me an apology.


Line 7) I don’t owe you anything. Let’s get straight to the point, shall we?


Line 8) I speculated about you all this time. And you ended up lying to my face, since all of my suspicions ended up being true.


Line 9) That’s enough evidence for you to owe me an apology.

Calista scoffs.

Marvin looks annoyed and begins talking.


Line 10) Is that what you came here for?


Line 11) N-No…


Line 12) Instead of giving her an attitude. Why don’t you say what you need to say and be on your merry way?

*That rhymed.


Line 13) I-It’s more of a private thing, I’d like to say to you.


Line 14) I told you to avoid me the other day, and yet here you are.


Line 15) If you have anything to say to me you can say it in front of my friends.


Line 16) What friends? You’ve only known them for a couple of days and all of a sudden they’re your friends?


Line 17) They’re more my friends than you ever were to me.

Line 18) Calista and Talulla: That’s cold.

Marvin looks at his phone.


Line 19) Can we wrap this up? I’ll be late for my job.


Line 20) J-Job? Why do you have one?


Line 21) Listen if you’re going to ask me a bunch of questions instead of getting to the point. You should leave. You’re wasting our time.


Line 22) Y-You’re being disrespectful.

Marvin starts yelling.


Line 23) Disrespectful? You’re the one who disrespected me my whole life! You have no right to talk like that!


Line 24) Do you have any idea how much I struggled because of you?!


Line 25) Do you?! You ruined my life!


Line 26) And then you come in and disrespect the people who have shown me more compassion than you ever have!


Line 27) I shouldn’t have let you walk in.


Line 28) Get out! I don’t want to hear another word from you!


Line 29) I never want to see you again! Leave me alone!

Elouise frantically gets up and walks to the exit. Calista leads her outside.


Line 30) I shouldn’t have come here.


Line 31) You’ve got that right.


Line 32) I’ll forget all about this and leave you guys alone. Just take this. Please.

Elouise hands over an envelope.


Line 33) I think it’s best you don’t leave me with anything. He’ll probably throw it out anyways.


Line 34) I don’t care. Just give it to him.

Calista shakes her head no.


Line 35) Please. If you still have any kindness left in you. Give this to him with all your might. He needs to read it.

Calista frustratingly accepts and snags the envelope from Elouise.


Line 36) Thank you. I’m sorry I came by. This will be the last you hear from me.


Line 37) Teresa doesn’t know much about our situation. And I’ll promise not to tell her anything.

Elouise walks away.

Calista looks down at the envelope and sees cursive handwriting labeled “To Marvin From Elouise”.

Line 38) Calista: Must be a letter. I guess these are her last words.

Calista walks back in and sees how down Marvin looks. Talulla is standing there awkwardly. She walks up to Calista.


Line 39) Did she leave?


Line 40) Once and for all.


Line 41) About him. I’m just going to maintain my distance. He was quite scary back there.


Line 42) What’s that you're holding?


Line 43) Elouise begged me to take it. I think it’s a letter for Marvin.


Line 44) Dang. Do you think he’ll take it?


Line 45) He’ll probably burn it or something. He seems really riled up about this. I’m scared to even give this to him.


Line 46) Give it to him later when he’s dialed down a bit.


Line 47) That was my plan from the start.


Line 48) I’m sorry.

The girls look back at Marvin as he looks at the ground sitting on the couch.


Line 49) I’m sorry you guys had to see that.


Line 50) I’m sorry for letting her in.


Line 51) I’m just sorry. Really sorry.


Line 52) It’s completely okay, Marvin. Don’t get hung up on this.


Line 53) Yeah, don’t worry about it.

They all head to work.

We are at Calista’s job. She's typing on her computer.

Calista’s narration:

Line 54) I’ve never seen Marvin so angry.

Line 55) I mean he has every right to be though.

Line 56) It was just a shocking experience.

Line 57) It must be hard taking all this in.

We are at Marvins job. He's very gloomy putting books on a bookshelf.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 58) Did I go overboard?

Line 59) I’ve been keeping my feelings hidden all these days because I’ve been trying to hide it from the girls.

Line 60) But I think I’m slowly starting to fall back into that dark void.

Line 61) I haven’t seen my friends in a long time and I miss my old time.

Line 62) On top of that, I unleashed my anger on Elouise.

Line 63) Once I finally saw her. I couldn’t control myself. I just had to take all my anger out on her.

Line 64) But, I shouldn’t have let my feelings get the best of me.

Line 65) I was the one who decided to go through with the marriage.

Line 66) I was the idiot from the start.

Line 67) This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have put the blame on her.

Marvin starts getting emotional.

Line 68) She’s just a helpless old lady. Who am I to yell at her?

Line 69) Everything that goes wrong in my life is because of me.

Line 70) It’s all my fault. I’m being too sensitive.

Line 71) I keep letting my emotions control me.

Line 72) I need to be logical and stop messing up.

Line 73) If I keep messing up. I’ll sever the relationships I have established now.

Get’s a flashback of hanging out with Calista.

Line 74) I can’t ever let that happen. Ever. 

Marvin gets back from work and the whole gang is there.

They unwind and do their routines. They have some free time to spare.


Line 75) Are you doing okay, Marvin?


Line 76) Huh? Oh. Yeah I’m alright.


Line 77) Marvin. I think your pants are on fire.

Marvin looks frantically at his pants and ruffles through them.

Talulla bursts out in laughter.


Line 78) It’s just a figure of speech. Don’t you know it means you’re lying.


Line 79) Oh. I thought you literally meant it though.


Line 80) Stop joking around with him. He could use a break.


Line 81) It’s alright. You guys cheer me up anyway.


Line 82) Ah ha. So, you are upset.


Line 83) No crap, Sh3rl0ck. It’s quite obvious.


Line 84) Is it really that obvious?

They nod their heads.


Line 85) Marvin, don’t feel pressured to tell us anything.


Line 86) But as professional observers. It’s just something we’ve noticed. That’s all. Take it easy.


Line 87) But to cheer you up. Why don’t we watch a movie if you’re up for it?


Line 88) Trust me after watching a good movie. You’ll start feeling better. 

They get on the couch and start watching a movie.

A scene from the movie plays.


Line 89) Calvin, you can’t stay cooped up in your room all day and not say a thing!


Line 90) How was I supposed to know that you were dealing with some stuff? I’m not some psychic.

Calvin and Amy sit on a bed.


Line 91) Listen. I’m here for you. And I want you to open up to me about your feelings.


Line 92) But I’m not a mind-reader. So, if you don’t tell me things I won’t know about them.


Line 93) I care about you, Calvin. I want all that’s best for you.

Calvin and Amy hug each other as he cries on her shoulder.

Scene cuts back to Marvin, Calista, and Talulla reacting to the movie.

Line 94) Talulla: Dang. I didn’t expect this movie to be so sad. I wanted something to cheer up Marvin. But I think this will bring him down even more.

The movie ends.


Line 95) Talulla? What a sad movie.


Line 96) Sorry. I wasn’t expecting it to turn out that way. I was hoping for something more cheerful.


Line 97) Are you okay, Marvin? You’re not sad because of the movie right?


Line 98) Don’t worry. I’m doing alright. As sad as it was. It was a good movie.

They wrap things up and Marvin is heading to bed. Calista approaches him.

Calista’s narration:

Line 99) I know I need to give this to him.

Line 100) But, I feel like such wrong timing. He must be really upset.

Line 101) I don't want to bring this up again. Which is why I know I shouldn’t delay it any longer.


Line 102) Do you have a second, Marvin?


Line 103) Of course I do. What is it?

Marvin is friendly and smiles at Calista.

Line 104) Calista: I know he's just putting on a brave smile, so I won't worry about him. But I see right through it.


Line 105) I know the timing is terrible. But I’ve never really been good at that thing.

She hands over the envelope to Marvin and he leads out his hand to accept.


Line 106) As… I won’t say her name but you know who, was leaving. She left me this and begged me to give it to you.


Line 107) I know I should’ve given it to you earlier. However, I wanted to give it to you when you were a bit more relaxed.


Line 108) Thank you. I’m sorry if I came across as hostile earlier in the day. But, you should never be scared to approach me. Even if I’m really angry.


Line 109) I’ll keep that in mind.


Line 110) Anyways. Sorry to cut off here. But goodnight.


Line 111) Have a good night, Calista.

They smile at each other. Calista leaves and Marvin reads the letter.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 34 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
