Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 15

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 15

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir's take out for Sotsona and him came and they continue to hang out with each other when something unexpected happens later.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 15:

February 20th 2024. The day is Tuesday. 

The take out that Casimir ordered comes and they watch the show as they eat.

Sotsona is a bit shy as she eats in front of Casimir.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I didn’t know what to expect when eating this for the first time.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, it’s quite good. I’ve never tasted anything like this before.

Sotsona looks over at Casimir to see that he’s not paying any mind to her and is focusing on the show.

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess he wasn’t kidding when he said this is his favorite show. 

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s completely glued to the screen like some sort of Ip@d kid.

As Sotsona eats her food, she digs out a pepper that was hiding beneath the Pad Thai noodles.

The pepper is a shiny dark red.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This pepper looks lethal. You can already tell it’s got some heat to it without even trying.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, I am sick. People say eating spicy things when you're sick is good because it’ll help kill bacteria.

Line 7) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, my spice tolerance is quite low. Can I handle something like this?

Line 8) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s only one way to find out.

Sotsona’s mouth waters and flinches as she places the pepper in her mouth.

She slowly starts to chew the pepper and can already tell that it’s very spicy from just a few bites.

She struggles to get the pepper down, but does it eventually after some time.

The pepper leaves her mouth with a burning sensation that only seems to get worse and worse each second.

She fans her mouth and winces from the spiciness.

She looks over at Casimir who still hasn’t noticed anything, since his attention is diverted elsewhere.

Line 9) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s been so attentive with me, but suddenly we put on his favorite show and it’s like I don’t even exist anymore.

In agony, Sotsona gets Casimir's attention for help.


Line 10) Cas! Can you please get me some cold water?! I would get it myself, but I don’t know where your water is.

Casimir doesn’t bat an eye on Sotsona, but responds.


Line 11) I’ll get it in a moment. I want to finish this scene.

Line 12) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Are you kidding me right now? This is urgent. How could the show be more important than me?


Line 13) It’s an emergency! I ate the pepper! I need water now!

Casimir diverts his attention to Sotsona and quickly gets some water for her after he pauses the show.

He hands her a cup and she quickly goes to drink it.

She spits it out when she realizes the water is warm.

Casimir looks shocked at Sotsona for spitting the water out.


Line 14) Sotsona! Why’d you spit the water out?!

Sotsona winces from the warm water making the spice in her mouth even worse.


Line 15) I specifically asked for cold water because I knew that warm water would only intensify the heat from the pepper.


Line 16) You can’t have cold water. You’re sick.

Sotsona looks at Casimir with a dull face.


Line 17) I’m just saying.


Line 18) Then what am I supposed to do? Sit in torment while my mouth’s on fire?

Casimir laughs.


Line 19) You probably have a weak spice tolerance. I said it was spicy and you didn’t seem to have any objections about that, so I thought you could handle this.

Sotsona gives Casimir another dull look.

She fans her mouth with her hand since the spice is only getting worse.


Line 20) Just give me the cold water. I need it now! I’m burning up!

Casimir gives in and gets Sotsona some cold water.

She snags it out of his hands briskly and quickly chugs all of it.

She lays back in relief and sighs.


Line 21) … Thank you. I really needed that.

Casimir smiles, but looks down at the mess Sotsona made when she spit the water out of her mouth.

Sotsona follows Casimir’s gaze and realizes that he’s looking at her mess.


Line 22) I’ll clean that later. I’m so sorry.

As Sotsona realizes that her behavior just now was very embarrassing, her face goes red.

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I just spit out all my water in front of Casimir!

Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so stupid! I made a complete fool out of myself!

Sotsona covers her face away from Casimir in a flustered manner.

Casimir notices the way she reacts.


Line 25) Don’t worry about the mess.

Casimir laughs.


Line 26) You just caught me off-guard when you spit the water out.

Sotsona tries to hold in her laugh, but joins Casimr as she continues to cover her face.

They laugh with each other for a while.


Line 27) Can you promise not to look at me? I need to get up, so that I can clean my mess.


Line 28) Just continue watching your show. But, tell me where the paper towels are.


Line 29) They’re at the end of the kitchen in a big closet called a pantry.

Sotsona pauses, being dumfounded from the way Casimir just explained things to her like she’s some little kid.


Line 30) I know what a pantry is, dude.


Line 31) Oh sorry. I assumed you wouldn’t.

Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Just when I thought we were having a good time, he just had to ruin the moment by being a rich b*****d.


Line 33) You can get up now. I promise I’m not looking at you.

Sotsona hesitantly uncovers her face and it leaves a mark because she was applying to much pressure from being tense.

She spots Casimir from her peripheral vision, but doesn’t make eye contact with him from embarrassment.

She walks to the pantry to get paper towels.

She tears off a thick amount and wipes her mess in shame.

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is so awkward. Why am I so on the spot lately?

She finishes cleaning off everything perfectly and sanitizes the floor as well.

Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I want to make sure I didn’t contaminate this area after I spit out everything.

She gets back up and makes her way to the kitchen to throw away the used paper towels.

Casimir overhears Sotsona’s steps and assumes she walked back over to the pantry after cleaning her mess.


Line 36) While you’re in the kitchen, take some medicine. It’s also in the pantry.

Sotsona’s caught off-guard with Casimir’s comment.


Line 37) Hey! I told you not to look at me!


Line 38) I didn’t, I just heard you shuffling around in the kitchen.

Sotsona finds the medicine she took earlier in the pantry and takes it again.

She walks back to the couch awkwardly and continues to watch the show.

After some time they finish more episodes of the show and Sotsona looks at the TV in shock from how crazy the show has progressed in just a few episodes.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 39) You’re telling me that Su Su doesn’t take the money that Chen-Yu’s mother offered for her to leave her son?!

Line 40) If I was in her shoes, I’d take that money in a heartbeat.

Line 41) However, this strikes a conversation between Su Su and Chen-Yu, causing them to reconsider if they want to be together.

Line 42) And ever since Su Su mentioned they break up, Chen-Yu’s has been brooding like crazy.

Line 43) And now they have the audacity to end the 11th episode with Chen-Yu in the ICU because he got into a car accident!

Line 44) Who wrote this drama?!

Line 45) And why am I constantly on the edge of my seat?!

Casimir glances at Sotsona’s reaction.


Line 46) I told you these next few episodes were going to be crazy.


Line 47) You weren’t kidding. I can’t believe Chen-Yu got into a car crash!


Line 48) Since there’s more episodes, that just goes to show that there’s more in line for the plot of this show.


Line 49) What else will they add?

Casimir laughs.


Line 50) Get ready for a roller coaster of emotions.

Line 51) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’m glad we’re able to bond over something.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 52) Let’s watch the next episode. I’m dying to know what happens next!

Casimir presses for the next episode to play.

The episode take a long time to load even after they wait a while.


Line 53) Is something up with the internet? What’s going on?


Line 54) I have no clue. The internet should be working normally.


Line 55) I’ll give it a speed test just to make sure.

Casimir does a speed test on his phone and looks in shock at his phone from such a low score.


Line 56) 0.98 megabits per second?!


Line 57) That’s outrageously low! What the hell is going on?!

Casimir walks over to his TV and unplugs the internet router.


Line 58) Sometimes you just need to restart everything. Maybe that’s the issue.

Casimir unplugs the router and waits 30 seconds before plugging it back in.

The TV starts up again and Casimir checks the Wifi.

He is left disappointed when he realizes things didn’t change after restarting the internet.


Line 59) I pay them so much for fast reliable internet and this is what they give me.

Casimir claps the remote against his hand to get it shaken up, but the episode still won’t load after spamming the play button multiple times.

After a couple of minutes fiddling around with the cables for the internet, the power shuts off.

Casimir and Sotsona are left in the dark.

Casimir turns on flash from his phone and accidentally shines it directly onto Sotsona’s face.

She flinches from the brightness stinging her eyes.


Line 60) Sheesh, Cas. Don’t shine it directly at my eyes.


Line 61) Sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were still near.


Line 62) Did you think I would suddenly move around in the dark? Who does that?

Casimir laughs.


Line 63) Sorry. I didn’t realize how stupid that would sound saying it outloud.


Line 64) Why did the power shut off?


Line 65) My guess is that it’s probably from the blizzard.

Sotsona looks shocked.


Line 66) Is it STILL SNOWING outside?!

Casimir gets up and uses his flashlight to locate the nearest window in the house.

He spots one and approaches it, uncovering the curtains that are blocking the sight of snow that has been piling up all day.

Casimir notices that more snow has piled up throughout the day, compared to yesterday.

Casimir shines the light back to Sotsona again and she turns away.


Line 67) Stop that!


Line 68) Sorry. But, you should get over here.

Sotsona follows Casimir’s flashlight and walks to the window near him.

She looks outside in shock.


Line 69) This blizzard has to be some sort of record for the most amount of snow fallen in Chicago.


Line 70) Tell me about it. It’s been snowing non-stop since yesterday.


Line 71) I guess you’ll be staying another night.


Line 72) Like there was a chance for me to go home anyway.


Line 73) What time is it?

Casimir checks his phone.


Line 74) It’s around 8:54 PM.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 75) What? How is it already that late?


Line 76) Time flies when you’re having fun.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.

She stretches and yawns.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Suddenly, now that he mentions the time, I’m feeling slightly tired.

Casimir notices her demeanor and sarcastically replies.


Line 78) You must be so exhausted from doing nothing all day.

Sotsona gives Casimir a dull look.


Line 79) It’s not like I had anything better to do. What’d you expect?


Line 80) Anyways, shouldn’t your parents be worried about you? Are they up to date with your circumstances?


Line 81) They’re up to date. Why are you suddenly mentioning that?


Line 82) I just wondered why you didn’t have your phone on you all day.


Line 83) … Truth is. I’ve avoided using it all day.

Casimir looks curious.


Line 84) Why’s that?

Sotsona sighs in distress.


Line 85) I just know exactly what they’ll reply back with.


Line 86) I don’t want to deal with that right now.


Line 87) I get where you’re coming from. But, delaying it won’t do you any good.


Line 88) I know. But, at least I have a valid excuse this time around since the power’s out.


Line 89) The power’s out, but mobile data will serve you justice. I also have a hotspot you could use.

Sotsona gives Casimir a dull expression, once again.


Line 90) Quit looking at me like that. I’m just trying to be realistic with you.


Line 91) Rip the bandaid off.


Line 92) I may be a hypocrite telling you that because I just finished a lot of work today after procrastinating for a few days.


Line 93) But, that’s because I wanted to be productive around you and keep myself busy while you relaxed.


Line 94) I’ve noticed that I’ve been making you feel uncomfortable and flustered.


Line 95) Those were not my intentions whatsoever and I’m sincerely sorry for making you feel that way.


Line 96) What I’m trying to get at is that I'm by your side no matter how this ends.


Line 97) We made a contract. And I abide to the rules we laid out.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir.


Line 98) About our contract, we still haven’t signed it yet, have we?

Casimir smacks his head in realization.


Line 99) Crap. Why do I keep forgetting important details?


Line 100) Please remind me about that later.


Line 101) For starters, just handle dealing with your parents.

Sotsona sighs in contemplation.


Line 102) I’ve got your back. Don’t hesitate any longer.

Sotsona nods her head.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 24, 2024
Last Updated on June 24, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
