Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 14

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 14

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir wants to conclude the way Sotsona is feeling physcially and they go about their day staying inside with each other because of the blizzard.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 14:

February 20th 2024. The day is Tuesday. 

Casimir shakes his thermometer to get ready for checking Sotsona’s temperature.


Line 1) Kay, place this inside your armpit.

Sotsona looks disturbed.


Line 2) Inside my armpit? Why would I do that?


Line 3) Shouldn’t it be placed in my mouth?


Line 4) Oh. I guess you could do it that way. But, whenever I was sick as a kid, my mom would always place it inside my armpit.

Sotsona awkwardly responds.


Line 5) … Okay. Just give me it.

She places it in her mouth and they wait for the temperature to finalize.


Line 6) If it’s around 97 to 100 plus degrees fahrenheit, then you’re sick.

The thermometer beeps and Sotsona checks her results.

She looks at the thermometer in shock realizing she’s sick.


Line 7) It’s 100.7 degrees!

Casimir places his hand on Sotsona’s forehead again.

She flinches.


Line 8) Why do you keep doing that?


Line 9) To check if you’re hot. Which you’re burning up right now.

Casimir blushes.

Line 10) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I mean she is hot, regardless of whether she’s sick or not.


Line 11) I can’t believe this crap! I was able to survive the pandemic. And suddenly I get a wimpy cold from being outside for two seconds?!

Casimir laughs.


Line 12) I understand your frustration. Let me get you some medicine.

Casimir gets up and fetches some medicine from his pantry.

He grabs some medications and goes back to Sotsona with a cup of water.

He pops some pills out for her and serves it with some water.


Line 13) Take these. I got them at the pharmacy a couple months ago.

Sotsona looks at the medicine skeptically.


Line 14) How can I trust that you’re not about to poison me?

Casimir looks offended.


Line 15) What kind of guy do you take me for? I would never do such a thing!


Line 16) Show me the medicine box, so that I know what I’m putting in my system.

Casimir gives Sotsona the medicine box and she confirms it looks legit.

She still proceeds to look at Casimir skeptically as she swallows the pills.


Line 17) If something else happens to me after I take these, you’ll be in big trouble.


Line 18) Murdering someone wouldn’t be so good for your company's reputation, now would it?

Casimir squints at Sotsona confusingly.


Line 19) Maybe you’re saying a bunch of mumbo jumbo because your sickness is affecting the way you think.

Sotsona looks offended at Casimir.

She “hmphs” at him.


Line 20) Anyways we have nowhere else to be so just chill in the living room, I guess.


Line 21) I’ll make you some tea so you can rest.

Casimir gets up.


Line 22) What will you be doing?


Line 23) I have some important work to take care of that I’ll be doing in my office.


Line 24) Plus, I should keep my distance from you. I don’t know if what you have is contagious.

Casimir gets some tea ready for Sotsona and gives it to her.


Line 25) Do you want to watch some TV?


Line 26) I have nothing else to do. So, I might as well.

Casimir gets his remote and turns on the TV.

Sotsona beams at how cool Casimir’s TV operates.


Line 27) I have all kinds of streaming websites, so watch whatever you want.

Line 28) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Show off! You don’t need to rub it in my face that you can afford all these kinds of services.

Sotsona rubs her arms together to gather some warmth.

Casimir notices this and assumes she’s cold.

He walks out of the living room to return with a thick blanket for Sotsona.


Line 29) I should’ve known that someone with a cold would freeze up so easily.

He crouches and puts the blanket on Sotsona..

They’re close to each other as he does this.

Casimir focuses on fully covering Sotsona’s body with the blanket.

Sotsona blushes and turns away from him.

Line 30) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why is it that when we’re in these awkward situations, I get the most flustered?

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s completely unfazed and it’s driving me crazy.

Casimir stands up.


Line 32) Are you starting to warm up now?

Sotsona avoids Casimir’s gaze and blushes from embarrassment.

She nods her head and he starts to walk towards his office.


Line 33) I wish I could join you, but I have work to tend to.

He walks away and Sotsona’s whole face turns red.

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Idiot! Why would he say something so slick like that? What does he mean he wish he could join me?

Sotsona’s heart starts to thump rapidly.

She places her hand to her chest.

Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: NO! You’re confused! Stop getting so worked up!

As she calms down, she picks on a streaming website to use and browses the selection of things they have to watch.

She lands on a famous show and her eyes spark in interest.

Line 36) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: “Cupid’s Strike”! I’ve seen this show advertised everywhere! Now I have to watch it!

Sotsona notices that the genre is romance.

She slightly cringes.

Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m not really into genres like romance, but I’ll give it a go, since people have been raving about how good this show is.

Sotsona presses the play button and hits the subtitles for the show (it’s a Cdrama).

She watches the show as Casimir works in the other room.

*Shot cuts to Casimir working as he sits on his office chair, sorting out all sorts of documents that are scattered on his desk.

He looks flustered reminiscing about covering Sotsona with a blanket.

Line 38) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That was far too bold of a move for even me to pull off.

Line 39) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How was I able to retain my composure so well?

Line 40) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess the way I feel after doing something like that confirms that I like Sotsona.

Casimir laughs.

Line 41) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It’s adorable how she was avoiding my gaze. I guess she got flustered too.

Line 42) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, I have to watch what I do. I can’t do something like that again. I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.

Casimir sighs.

Line 43) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How am I supposed to focus on work when I can’t stop thinking about what just happened between us? 

Some time passes and Sotsona is halfway through watching the Cdrama’s first season.

She’s laying on the living room couch, with her eyes glued to the screen.

Line 44) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow! I didn’t think a show like this would even compel the likes of me to continue watching.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, something about it is so addicting!

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just want to know what happens next again and again.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 47) The main character’s name is Su Su. She’s a hopeless gal struggling to open up her business.

Line 48) After years of laboring for the opening of her shop, she negotiates antics with the rich CEO of a tech company.

Line 49) He’s an arrogant man with shiny jet-black hair named Chen-Yu. He’s just looking for someone to toy around with as he’s bored with life as a businessman.

Line 50) After teasing Su Su for some time, he gets attached and grows sympathetic towards her as she stays resilient through his charades.

Line 51) He realizes that playing with someone’s feelings like that is bad and wants to make it up to her.

Line 52) As he showers her with all sorts of gifts and figures out that he’s in love with her, she still gives him the cold shoulder.

Line 53) Upon realizing she's just a pawn in Chen-Yu's game, she becomes upset since all she has ever wanted was to open her store.

Line 54) Even though she rejects him left and right, he still tries to win her over in desperation.

Line 55) Since he won’t take no for an answer this spurts him into doing a bunch of lavish things to win her affection.

Line 56) As she tries not to give into his temptations, she figures out it’s too late because she already developed feelings for him.

Line 57) This makes them become an official couple by episode 7. 

Line 58) However, even more obstacles form on her journey as she becomes his girlfriend.

Line 59) Since he is the CEO, his parents wouldn’t just let him date anybody.

Line 60) Since she’s only started to make a name for herself, his parents are highly disapproving of their relationship.

Line 61) But, this doesn’t stop her from trying to get on their good side.

Line 62) Now, she’s preparing for how she should please his parents, so that they like her.

Sotsona squeals and shuffles her feet inside the blanket.

She gets hit with a wave of realization that she’s being cringy from geeking over a show like this.

Line 63) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: In what parallel universe would I be squealing to a drama and kicking my feet like this?

Episode 8 auto plays on the TV.

Sotsona can’t resist the temptation to continue watching.

Line 64) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This universe! How could I not watch something like this?!

Sotsona excitingly snuggles up in the blanket to get comfy to watch the next episodes.

*Shot cuts to Casimir in his office.

He is stapling the last set of documents he needs for a report.

He sighs and stacks the papers on top of the other papers he was sorting out.

Line 65) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I finally finished this after procrastinating for weeks.

Casimir pats himself on the back.

Line 66) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Go me! I’m proud of myself for getting this done!

Casimir checks his phone and realizes it’s lunch time.

Line 67) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I deserve to treat myself to some take out. I’m craving Thai food.

Line 68) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Sotsona must be hungry too. I should ask her what she wants. It’s not like I have any meals ready to eat in my fridge.

Casimir exits his office and heads to the living room where Sotsona is.

He spots her watching TV intently.


Line 69) I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.

Sotsona flinches, not expecting for Casimir to be behind her out of the blue.


Line 70) Jeez! Cas! Why’d you sneak up on me like this?

Sotsona pauses her show.


Line 71) Shouldn’t you be working?

When Sotsona pauses the show, the show heading comes up on the screen of the TV and Casimir notices.

He beams when he realizes she’s watching THAT show.


Line 72) No way! You’re watching “Cupid’s Strike”! That’s one of my favorite shows ever!

Sotsona beams on the inside, but retains her cool on the outside.

Line 73) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t want him to have the satisfaction of us finding some common interest, so I’ll act like I’m uninterested.


Line 74) Oh. This silly show? I just put it on because I saw it being advertised everywhere.

Casimir beams.


Line 75) How do you like it so far?

Sotsona gives Casimir mediocre expression.


Line 76) Eh. It’s alright, I guess.


Line 77) I’m not dropping since I’m so far along. Besides, it’s not like there’s anything else to watch.


Line 78) But, it’s nothing special.

Casimir looks bummed from Sotsona’s answer.


Line 79) Don’t take that the wrong way. I didn’t mean it like that, since you just said this is your favorite show.

Sotsona mischievously grins on the inside.

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I did. But, it’s not like he knows that.


Line 81) Anyways, why’d you come here?


Line 82) Oh, right. I finished my work, so I was thinking we could order something to eat.


Line 83) Is there anything you’re craving at the moment by any chance?

Sotsona thinks to herself.


Line 84) Nothing in particular. I guess I don’t have much of an appetite because I’m sick. What are you thinking of getting?


Line 85) A couple weeks ago, I went to this Thai restaurant with Yuvin* downtown, and they have the best Pad Thai I’ve ever tasted in my life!

*Yuvin is Casimir’s assistant (AKA Guy 2, he was at the restaurant with Casimir when he met Sotsona for the first time).


Line 86) Do you want to try it?


Line 87) Sure, if you say it’s the best.


Line 88) It’s quite spicy too, so I’m sure it’ll kill all the bad germs that are causing your sickness.


Line 89) How are you feeling by the way?

Sotsona flinches thinking Casimir would put his hand on her forehead again, but he doesn’t.


Line 90) Oh. I’m fine. Just feeling stuffy, that’s all.


Line 91) Alright. I’ll make the order so that you have something in your belly in order to take more medication.

Casimir makes the order on his phone and sits on the opposite side of his couch, away from Sotsona.

He finishes the order and puts his phone down.

Sotsona is confused as to why Casimir is sitting with her.


Line 92) Are you going to play the show or what?


Line 93) You’re going to watch it again?


Line 94) Well, yeah. I told you it’s one of my favorites.

Sotsona shrugs and presses play.

They watch the show together, but this time around Sotsona is a bit uncomfortable around Casimir, so she sits up straight, rather than laying loose.


Line 95) What episode is this?


Line 96) The eighth episode.

Casimir’s eye’s spark.


Line 97) Buckle up. You’re in for a ride with this episode.

Sotsona passionately responds to Casimir’s remark.


Line 98) Hey! No spoilers!

Sotsona blows her cover when she implied earlier that she wasn’t interested with the show.

Casimir locks eyes with Sotsona as he realizes this from her.


Line 99) Ah ha! I knew you were faking being uninterested in this show.

Sotsona looks away from Casimir in embarrassment.


Line 100) How’d you figure that out?


Line 101) Because everyone loves this show!

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 24, 2024
Last Updated on June 24, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
