In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 33

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 33

A Chapter by Yosh

How do Marvin, Calista, and Talulla maneuver Elouise finding out about Marvin's existence?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 33:

April 25 2023. The day is Tuesday. And it’s the evening.

Elouise just spots Marvin and Calista and questions if Marvin is who he truly is.


Line 1) M-Ma’am you must be mistaken.

Elouise looks at Marvin in shock.

Line 2) Calista: Oh no! This wasn’t supposed to happen! Now what will we do?!


Line 3) I-It is you. I can’t be mistaken.


Line 4) Let’s just walk away, Marvin.

Calista grabs Marvin by the arm but he stops in his tracks.

Calista is confused by this.


Line 5) Do you want to talk with her?


Line 6) You know you don’t have to.


Line 7) I have no choice. She’s already recognized me.

Elouise keeps staring at Marvin in shock.


Line 8) H-How are you here?!


Line 9) It’s a long story…


Line 10) I… I see.

A moment of silence passes between all of them. Elouise ducks her head down in shame.


Line 11) Is there… Anything you’d like to say to me?

Elouise looks up.


Line 12) I don’t-


Line 13) I hoped I wouldn’t stumble into you at all.


Line 14) What?! How can you say that?!


Line 15) Listen, if you have nothing to say. Then I’m gonna go. 


Line 16) But I beg you. Please avoid all of us.

Elouise looks at Marvin in despair.

Marvin grabs Calista by the arm.


Line 17) Let’s go, Calista.

Calista walks along with him and looks back at Elouise.

Line 18) Elouise: Has she been hiding him? All this time?

They finally get on the bus and make their way back home.

Marvin is quiet during their ride on the bus.

Line 19) Calista: I’m sure that encounter bothered him. 

Line 20) Calista: When he’s quiet like this. It’s a sign I should give him space.

Line 21) Calista: He should be okay by tomorrow morning.

Line 22) Calista: I just wish I knew what to say. I’m sure he would like some comfort. If only I knew the right way to comfort him.

They make it back home. And Talulla lets them in.


Line 23) Hey guys. How was dinner?

Marvin replies in a monotone voice.


Line 24) Dinner was great. I had a great time with Calista.


Line 25) Is the bathroom free? I’d like to wash up.


Line 26) It’s all yours.

Marvin makes his way there and Calista and Talulla sit down to talk.


Line 27) So, I take it that dinner didn’t go well between you two?


Line 28) No. Dinner was great. But it got ruined when we stumbled into…

Calista explains everything to Talulla.


Line 29) Man that’s rough.


Line 30) We’ve been trying to avoid her all this time. And then BAM! We stumble into her anyways. What a pain.

Calista sighs.


Line 31) Of course he’s not gonna take it well. That lady ruined his life.


Line 32) Everything was just going so good though. Why’d it have to be ruined?


Line 33) So, everything went well with Marvin?

Talulla gives Calista a flirtatious look.


Line 34) Oh, come on. Stop trying to change the subject. This is about Marvin.


Line 35) It’s also about you.

Talulla tip toes her fingers on Calista.


Line 36) Sure you don’t feel anything for him?


Line 37) Your actions say otherwise.


Line 38) It’s not like that. We’re just friends. I don’t know him all too well.


Line 39) Then why’d you agree to go to dinner with him? Huh?


Line 40) What?! That’s proper etiquette 101. When someone treats you to dinner you don’t refuse because then that’s just plain rude.


Line 41) And his date canceled on him so I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.


Line 42) Plus I like hanging out with him.

Talulla responds sarcastically.


Line 43) But just as a friend. Right?


Line 44) Listen. It can’t be more than that and you know it.


Line 45) He’s from a different lifetime. He’s already lived his life.


LIne 46) We'd never work out.


Line 47) So, you’re already thinking about whether you’ll work out or not. Alright. I see I see.


Line 48) I’m just thinking realistically!


Line 49) Besides. I’m done letting people walk away from my life. 


Line 50) It’s happened before and you know how that turned out.


Line 51) It won’t happen again.

Talulla ruffles up Calista’s hair.


Line 52) Ugh. You’re so sappy.


Line 53) You just messed up my hair.

Talulla hugs Calista.


Line 54) I was just teasing you. I’m sorry if that hurt your feelings.


Line 55) I already knew that. You could never hurt my feelings, Tal.

Marvin walks out the bathroom all unwinded and ready for bed.


Line 56) Hey. You feeling better?


Line 57) Hey. Bathroom’s free. I’m gonna head to bed.

Marvin walks away.

Calista mumbles under her breath.


Line 58) He didn’t answer my question.

Calista is in her bed. Struggling to go to sleep.

Calista’s narration:

Line 59) I’m not nosey for speculating whether Marvin was telling the truth about the reservation thingy, right?

Line 60) I mean seriously. I used to be a waiter and canceling a reservation is quite simple.

Line 61) He wouldn’t make all of that up just to eat dinner with me though. What am I thinking?

Line 62) But it’s not weird for me to speculate that he was being quite flirtatious, right?

*Get’s reminded of their date.

Line 63) Now that I look back at it. We were definitely flirting, weren’t we?

Line 64) Ugh! How could I let myself slip up so badly?!

Line 65) We’re supposed to be friends.

*Get’s reminded of how he made her blush.

Line 66) He was flirting with me for sure back there. Whether he intended it or not.

Line 67) Guh! Why am I getting being so ditzy?! I barely know the guy!

Line 68) I bet I’m just blowing the situation out of proportion. Some people just have flirtatious personalities.

Line 69) Considering how little I know Marvin. That seems to be a viable reason to explain his behavior.

Line 70) But why was I getting so excited that he could possibly like me?

Line 71) I mean yeah it’s been a while since I’ve had a boyfriend.

Line 72) But that doesn’t mean I’m longing for one.

Line 73) He’s just my male friend. I’m being confused about my feelings.

 A couple minutes go by.

*She gets reminded of another time he made her blush

Line 74) Eek! I can’t believe he said that to me!

Calista starts blushing.

Line 75) Well this sucks.

Line 76) I think I might like Marvin.

Line 77) Or maybe I’m just sleep deprived.

Line 78) Eh. I’ll test it in the morning to see if it’s true. Right now what I need is sleep.

April 26 2023. The day is Wednesday.

Calista gets up to eat breakfast that Talulla made. Marvin is eating with him since he has to go to work. She joins the table all tired looking.


Line 79) Good Morning guys.


Line 80) Are we all doing okay?


Line 81) We’re okay. But are you?


Line 82) What do you mean by that?


Line 83) You look like you didn’t get any sleep last night.


Line 84) You’re right. I couldn’t sleep properly again.


Line 85) Oh really? Why?

Calista’s narration:

Line 86) Why?...

Line 87) Wait… What was I thinking about last night?

*Calista gets reminded of her thoughts.

*She also gets reminded about how she was going to test herself in the morning.

Line 88) Well this is just wonderful, isn’t it?


Line 89) I’ll fix you up a cup of coffee.

Marvin makes the coffee and gives it to her.

Calista gets a good look at Marvin’s face.

Their eyes lock and she stares at him for a bit.


Line 90) You must be really tired if you’re zoning out like this.

Calista blushes.

Calista’s narration:

Line 91) Crap…

Line 92) I think I like Marvin.

Calista swerves her gaze from Marvins.


Line 93) Thank you for the coffee.


Line 94) You know. You should stay home and rest if you’re really that tired.


Line 95) It can’t be good to go to work sleep deprived.


Line 96) I can’t just not go to work. I already missed a handful of days.


Line 97) I’ll be okay. Thanks for your concern though.


Line 98) Anytime.

They blush at each other but Calista tries to look away because she’s embarrassed.

The doorbell rings for their place.

Talulla goes to look through the peephole and automatically gets panicky.

Line 99) Talulla: Oh my Gosh! It’s her!


Line 100) Um. Guys? We have a problem?

They get up to look through the peephole and are disappointed in who they see there.


Line 101) What should we do?


Line 102) Nothing. We told her to stay away from us. If we don’t answer for a while she’ll leave us alone.


Line 103) What’s she here for anyway?


Line 104) Let’s…


Line 105) Let her in.


Line 106) Marvin you don’t have to talk to her. You made things clear enough the other night.

Marvin pats Calista on the shoulder. 

Calista looks at Marvin in a confused manner.


Line 107) I know you’re just looking out for me. But let’s just get this over with, okay?

Calista blushes like crazy.

Marvin opens the door to Elouise.


Line 108) U-Uh. H-Hello.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 33 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
