![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 32A Chapter by Yosh![]() Marvin and Calista continue to have dinner with each other to bond and something unexpected happens later.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 32: April 25 2023. The day is Tuesday. Calista just arrived at the reserved restaurant date Marvin planned out. They are now both ordering what they want to eat for dinner. Waiter Line 1) Hello. I’ll be your waiter for the evening. Waiter Line 2) Can I start you guys out with some drinks? Calista Line 3) I’ll have a lemonade, please. Marvin Line 4) I’ll take a Shirly temple, please. The waiter writes that down on her notepad. Waiter Line 5) Alright. And have you guys decided what you’re going to order for the main course? Or do you need more time? Marvin Line 6) One moment. Have you decided what to order, Calista? Calista Line 7) I have. Have you? Marvin nods his head. Marvin Line 8) I’ll take a… They order their food and the waiter leaves. Calista looks at Marvin in a sympathetic way. Marvin Line 9) What’s with that expression? Calista mumbles. Calista Line 10) Let me pay… Marvin Line 11) No way. Calista sighs. Calista Line 12) So~ how has your day been? Marvin Line 13) It’s been good. Calista Line 14) I’m glad you're keeping your head up after your date was canceled. Marvin Line 15) Oh. Yeah. I’m all good. Calista Line 16) I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brung that up. Marvin Line 17) Hey, it’s no problem. Marvin Line 18) I’m not so upset about it. Because I get to hang out with you. Calista blushes. Marvin Line 19) Sorry if that came across as flirtatious. That wasn’t my intention. Line 20) Marvin: It was. Calista Line 21) Don’t worry I didn’t perceive it that way. Line 22) Calista: I did. Marvin Line 23) So, why was work so boring? Calista Line 24) You know. Paper work. Typing on the computer all day. Blah blah blah. Calista Line 25) After having an extravagant weekend. It just enhanced how boring my work actually is. Calista Line 26) I’d much rather hang out with you as well. Marvin blushes. Calista Line 27) I don’t get why we have to work, you know? Calista Line 28) People always preach about how we should be living our lives. But, it doesn’t make sense if we waste the majority of it on work because it’s essential for survival. Calista Line 29) I would understand it if people loved their jobs. But, I’m sure I speak for the greater majority when I say that's something a lot of us can’t relate to. Calista Line 30) I wish we didn’t have to work. I wish I could just do whatever I wanted to do and live my life like an adventure. Calista Line 31) I wish I was a superhero, or something like that. Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 32) Well you may not be the stereotypical “superhero” we’re all thinking of. But I find you to be my hero. Calista chuckles. Marvin Line 33) Like I’ve mentioned before. I wouldn’t have been given this chance if it weren’t for you and Talulla. Marvin Line 34) You essentially saved my life. Marvin Line 35) I told you about how my life ended out. And it sucked. I was living miserably. But, now that you’ve helped me. You’ve saved me. Calista smiles. Marvin Line 36) I can’t thank you enough for that. Calista Line 37) Ever since you came into my life. You haven’t left my mind. Marvin blushes. Marvin Line 38) What do you mean by that? Calista Line 39) I just find it so surreal that you’re here. Like ACTUALLY here. Calista Line 40) Ever since that. My life just feels unreal. Like nothing matters except you being here because it’s so out of the ordinary. Calista Line 41) It’s just like, how can I go about my life normally when I’m living with a guy from the 60s? Marvin remembers what his manager said about never letting Calista go. *Refer to that shot in the previous episode. Calista Line 42) You okay, Marvin? You looked so upset just now. Marvin Line 43) Oh, I was just… Remembering something. I’m sorry. Calista Line 44) Don’t be. Are you alright though? Marvin Line 45) It’s just something I can’t seem to control. I’ll be okay though. Eventually. Calista Line 46) Well a wise man once told me a phrase. You might recognize it. It’s leo ni leo. Marvin laughs. Marvin Line 47) Using my own words against me. Huh? Calista Line 48) You said it. Not me. Literally, though. Marvin Line 49) You’re quite the person Calista. Calista is confused. Marvin Line 50) I know this is cliche. But I’ve literally never met anyone like you before. Calista Line 51) Of course you haven’t. Everyone is different. That statement can apply to anyone. Marvin Line 52) No, but you stand out. Marvin Line 53) Your personality is just so magnetic. It winds people in. In a good way of course. Marvin Line 54) All I’m saying is that you’ve made quite the impression on me. Calista Line 55) Well, you’ve definitely made quite the impression on me. That’s for sure. Marvin Line 56) Say. Tell me something about you that you haven’t already told me. Calista starts to think. Calista Line 57) Well I guess a fun fact is that I’m not scared of bugs. Marvin Line 58) Really? That’s surprising. Calista Line 59) Or like any other animals like reptiles. Calista Line 60) I just never found any fear dealing with them. Calista Line 61) Anytime one creeps into our apartment. Talulla begs me to get rid of them. Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 62) I just find it ironic that you can deal with that. But, not horror movies. Calista Line 63) Says the guy who’s scared of heights. Marvin Line 64) Yeah, yeah. Everyone has their fears. Calista Line 65) Alright, now your turn. Marvin thinks to himself. Marvin Line 66) I’m pretty introverted. Calista Line 67) What?! I don’t believe that one bit. Marvin Line 68) It’s true. I don’t like being gathered around lots of people. Especially at a convention of some sort. My friends usually drag me along. Marvin Line 69) I’m much more content and comfortable with just being around my close friends. Calista Line 70) But we went to the movies, explored the city, and went to the fair. Marvin Line 71) That’s different because I was mainly gathered with you and Talulla. Marvin Line 72) For example, the dinner party I was at before I traveled to this time. I dreaded going for months to the point where my friends dragged me to go with them. Marvin Line 73) I contemplate ordering things, speaking to people I don’t know. You know, things like that. If it’s with people I’m comfortable with and I’m enjoying my time being around them. Then I’m fine. Marvin Line 74) But if I have to greet a bunch of acquaintances and make small talk with them even though they don’t care about me. I’d much rather go on a roller coaster. Calista Line 75) Dang. Is it really that serious? Marvin nods his head. Waiter comes by with food. Calista Line 76) Wow! Everything looks so good. Marvin Line 77) Let’s dig in. They finish eating their food and the waiter comes by to collect their plates. Waiter Line 78) How was everything? Calista and Marvin Line 79) Delicious. Waiter Line 80) Any room for dessert? Calista and Marvin both look at each other and confirm their response. Calista and Marvin Line 81) No thank you. The waiter comes by with the check. Marvin leads his hands so the waiter would give it to him. His face is in shock from how expensive the order came out as. Line 82) Marvin: I guess my whole payment that I got from the 2 days I worked is fully gone now. Marvin glances at Calista. Line 83) Marvin: I have no regrets. It was completely worth it. Calista Line 84) Let me see the check? Marvin Line 85) Not a chance. Calista Line 86) Fine. I’ll just do the mental math in my head then. Marvin Line 87) Please spare yourself. Calista sarcastically rolls her eyes. Calista Line 88) Thank you. Marvin. Calista Line 89) You definitely replenished my entertainment for the day. Calista Line 90) Thanks for that. And the food was amazing as well. Marvin Line 91) I didn’t do all of this for free though. Calista Line 92) What? But you said- Marvin Line 93) From now on. You have to tell me something new about yourself everyday. Calista blushes. Calista Line 94) Why? Marvin Line 95) Just cause. Calista Line 96) Well then you have to do the same thing. Marvin Line 97) Deal. Let’s shake on it. Marvin leads out his hand. Calista shakes his hand. They head to the bus stop and walk their way there. As they walk they talk. An old lady bumps into Calista. Calista Line 98) Sorry ma’am. Line 99) Old lady: Wait a minute… Why do I recognize that voice? The old lady turns around. Old lady Line 100) Hey you! Calista turns around and Marvin turns with her. Old lady Line 101) Aren’t you the lady that threatened me- The old lady spots Marvin and gets her words cut off (the old lady is Elouise Hall Teresa’s grandmother and Marvin's former wife). Marvin looked panicked. Line 102) Marvin: Oh my god! It’s her! Old lady Line 103) M-M-Marvin?! Is that y-you?! End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 24, 2024 Last Updated on June 25, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author