Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 13

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 13

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona has to stay at Casimir's place.


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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 13:

February 19th 2024. The day is Monday.

Sotsona has to spend the night at Casimir's. 

Casimir leads Sotsona to the guest bedroom.


Line 1) Here is where you’ll be staying for the night.

Sotsona beams from how amazing the room looks.


Line 2) Wow! This is most likely the best room I’ve ever stayed at!

Sotsona plops on the bed face down.


Line 3) Wow! It’s like I’m on a cloud! Or cotton candy!

Casimir smiles.


Line 4) Well. I’ll leave you on your own. 


Line 5) The bathroom is to the left. Feel free to use whatever products you’d like for your shower.

Sotsona looks confused.


Line 6) Wait, you’ll even let me take a shower?


Line 7) Of course. The bathroom’s all yours.

Sotsona beams.


Line 8) Wow. Casimir. I don’t know what to say.


Line 9) I’ve never been treated this way.


Line 10) I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.


Line 11) I owe you big.

Casimir smiles.


Line 12) Go easy on yourself. You deserve this.

Sotsona’s eyes spark as Casimir talks.


Line 13) Thank you. Thank you so much.


Line 14) Anytime. Get comfy.

Casimir shuts the door, and Sotsona unwinds for bed.

She enters the bathroom Casimir was talking about and sees how decked out it is.

The bathroom glistens as she opens it.

She beams in admiration taking in the view.  

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow. I don’t know what to think.

Line 16) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel bad about using anything because I just don’t feel worthy enough of even touching the products.

Line 17) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I never thought that only in the span of a couple of days, I’d be sleeping in a pent-house like this.

Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I was waiting for a miracle to happen.

Line 19) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m glad I did something about meeting Casimir.

Sotsona takes a shower and gets dressed in a bathrobe.

She exits the bathroom with steam coming out of the door, while drying her hair with a towel.

Line 20) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow. That’s the best shower I’ve ever taken in my life.

Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel so rejuvenated and refreshed.

Sotsona jumps on her bed and gets cuddled up.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 22) The cold air as you exit a hot shower and lay on cool sheets.

Line 23) Am I in Heaven?

Line 24) There’s so much dopamine boosting through my system.

Line 25) I feel like I’m finally starting to become my idealist self.

Line 26) This is the life I’ve always wanted to live.

Line 27) I hope it’s all uphill from here.

Sotsona gets cuddled up in bed and heads to sleep.

An hour later Casimir comes by Sotsona’s room and knocks on her door.


Line 28) Hey. Sotsona. You still up?

He waits to get a response out of her, but he doesn’t hear anything.

He opens the door and sticks his head through to see Sotsona.

He notices her lying in bed asleep.

Casimr holds in his laugh as he sees that Sotsona has rolled all over the bed to get comfy (the sheets are wrinkly).

He comes closer and notices that she went to sleep with wet hair.

Line 29) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She could’ve asked for a blowdryer. Doesn’t she know that doing these kinds of things damage your hair?

He takes the edge of her blanket and covers her with it fully.

As he gets her tucked in, he gets a good look at her face.

Line 30) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She looks angelic when she’s asleep.

Casimir blushes and exits the room. 

As Casimir exits he faces his back on the door.

Line 31) Casimir’s inner thoughts: This is going to be a long journey. But, I hope it’s worth it.

The next morning rolls around and Sotsona wakes up from the sun peeking out of her curtains.

February 20th 2024. The day is Tuesday.

She blinks her eyes open and smiles at the beaming sun.

Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: A good morning indeed.

Sotsona checks her phone and sees that it’s past the time she was supposed to get up to go to work.

She immediately panics and gets ready ASAP.

She rushes out of her room and passes the living room where she sees Casimir in the kitchen making breakfast.

Casimir notices her and slightly flinches because he didn’t expect her to be awake by now.


Line 33) Jeez. Sotsona! You scared me!

Sotsona rushingly replies to Casimir.


Line 34) Cas! I need a ride real bad to work! Could you please give me one?!


Line 35) So much happened yesterday that I forgot about work!


Line 36) I didn’t even set an alarm or anything!

Casimir assures Sotsona.


Line 37) I don’t know if you’ve taken a glance at how it looks outside, but there’s no way ANYONE’S working today.

Sotsona replies in confusion to Casimir’s statement.


Line 38) What? Is there still snow?


Line 39) It’s even worse today than it was yesterday.


Line 40) But the sun was beaming from your window. How could it still be snowing?


Line 41) It’s THAT kind of weather lately. The sun is shining, but that won’t stop the weather.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.


Line 42) Ah. I see. Welp. I guess I rushed to get ready for nothing.


Line 43) Well, not for nothing. I’m making you breakfast.


Line 44) It’s almost done. Sit down and make yourself comfortable.

Sotsona gathers her wits and sits down.


Line 45) Listen, I was thinking that if you’re this shaken up about losing your job, you should quit.


Line 46) Easy for you to say. How else am I going to make money?


Line 47) I could offer you a job.

Sotsona’s looks confused.


Line 48) Isn’t that nepotism? That’s unfair. 


Line 49) I know denying an offer just because of my pride is stupid. 


Line 50) But, I want to find something for myself.


Line 51) Something I didn’t have to have connections to get hired.


Line 52) Something I handled on my own.


Line 53) I get what you mean. But, please at least consider the offer.


Line 54) It’s a good way to rub shoulders with my mom.


Line 55) Plus, I think I’d be better suited for you rather than working as a waitress.

Line 56) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How can he say that when he doesn’t even know me?

Line 57) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel like he has some sort of false perception of who I really am.

Casimir notices how down Sotsona looks all of a sudden.


Line 58) Breakfast’s ready.

Casimir places a plate of eggs in front of Sotsona.

Sotsona notices how sad the eggs look.

She laughs.

Casimir looks offended.


Line 59) Is this your attempt at making eggs?


Line 60) It’s not an attempt, it’s the way I make them.


Line 61) You could use some work. These look sloppy.


Line 62) Just eat them. I made them especially for you.

Sotsona eats the eggs and gives her verdict.


Line 63) How are they?


Line 64) They’re just eggs. But, let me be honest and say that they’re slightly hard to swallow.

Sotsona drinks her water and swallows the eggs.

She drinks more water and realizes that her throat feels weird.


Line 65) Or that could just be me. Why is it hard to swallow suddenly?


Line 66) Is that so? Are you allergic perhaps?


Line 67) It’s not that. 

Casimir touches Sotsona’s forehead.


Line 68) You’re not burning up or anything, that’s strange.


Line 69) You must’ve caught a slight cold from the weather.

Sotsona annoyingly groans.


Line 70) Ugh. Are you serious?


Line 71) And you said you were robust. I felt it in my gut that something like this would happen.


Line 72) Well then it’s your fault. You’re the one that manifested it into reality.


Line 73) Not you blaming me. This is your fault for exposing yourself to the cold weather.

Casimir laughs.


Line 74) I’ll get some tea ready for you.


Line 75) It’s not like you can leave my place anyways.

They finish breakfast and Casimir makes tea for Sotsona.

She drinks the tea and it soothes her throat.


Line 76) When the weather tones down a bit, we should go shopping together.

Sotsona’s looks shocked.


Line 77) Shopping? For what?


Line 78) Well, it’s February, and since we’re getting married. People are going to assume we’ve been together for some time.


Line 79) And your point is?


Line 80) Well. Valentine’s day passed by. If you have nothing to show for what I got you, people will get suspicious.


Line 81) I know you said you don’t do anything for the holidays, but this is something we have to do to convince people that we’re legit.


Line 82) I get what you mean. I just feel bad for your bank account.


Line 83) You shouldn’t have to waste your money on something like this.


Line 84) It’s not a waste. Plus, I’ll have to get you a ring eventually.

Sotsona looks surprised at Casimir.


Line 85) A ring? What are you talking about?


Line 86) Doy. We have to get an engagement ring.

Sotsona realizes this and the idea settles in.


Line 87) Oh, you’re right.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.


Line 88) Dang. This is all such a waste of money.


Line 89) Stop saying that.


Line 90) Everyone deserves nice things.

Sotsona’s eyes spark.


Line 91) Forgive me for assuming. But, I’m guessing you’ve never had the chance to splurge like this before.


Line 92) That’s right. Your assumption is correct.

Casimir smiles.


Line 93) Well, then I’m honored to be able to do something like this for you. 


Line 94) It feels special to know that I’m your first.


Line 95) So, if I’m going to be your first, I’m going to give you all the best that I can.

Sotsona blushes.

Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He did it again. My heart just skipped a beat.


Line 97) Now, do you understand why it’s not a waste?

Sotsona looks away from Casimir and sips her tea in embarrassment.


Line 98) It’s your money. Do whatever you want.

Casimir smiles.


Line 99) Finish up your tea so I can check your temperature.


Line 100) Do you have a thermometer or deck or something?


Line 101) Of course. Who doesn’t?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 22, 2024
Last Updated on June 22, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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