![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 31A Chapter by Yosh![]() Marvin plans to do something special for Calista to show his appreciation for her.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 31: April 25 2023. The day is Tuesday. The girls go to work and Marvin begs his manager to give him the money he’s worked for to take Calista on a date after they both get off work. Marvin Line 1) Good day, sir. May I please speak with you? His manager agrees by nodding his head. Marvin Line 2) I know it’s crazy to ask for this all too soon. But could I, by any chance, get my paycheck by the end of the day? Marvin’s manager looks confused. Manager Line 3) Marvin, you’ll get your paycheck every 2 weeks. Line 4) Marvin: 2 weeks? That’s way too long! How come I didn’t know about this earlier? Marvin Line 5) That’s news to me. Manager Line 6) It was in the papers that you signed. *Shot of Marvin signing papers to officially be hired. Marvin Line 7) Right. I must’ve forgotten because I read through everything. He didn’t read, he just got straight to signing. Manager Line 8) Right… Marvin Line 9) Well anyways, please hear me out. Marvin Line 10) You know I’m at that age where I’m looking for someone in THAT sort of way. Marvin Line 11) And I’ve found someone who’s caught my eye recently. Marvin Line 12) I really want to take her out to dinner, but I can’t do that because I don’t have enough money. Manager Line 13) Young man. How did you pay for yourself all this time before? Marvin Line 14) Uh. My parents did that for me. Manager side-eyes Marvin. Manager Line 15) So, then why can’t you just ask your parents to lend you some money? Marvin Line 16) Uh. Because I’m trying to refrain from relying on them like I used to. It’ll make me independent, you know? Marvin Line 17) Listen, she’s really important to me. And I’m sure she’s the one. I just want to hang out with her all the time. Marvin Line 18) She’s showered me with so many gifts and I feel bad that I can’t do the same. Marvin Line 19) So, just help me out. Let me treat her tonight. As a way to show my appreciation for all she’s done for me. The manager looks touched by Marvin’s words. Manager Line 20) Listen to me, Marvin. How serious are you about her? Marvin says “huh” and is confused. Marvin Line 21) I-I’m very serious about her. I like her a lot. Manager Line 22) Promise me you’ll never let her go? Marvin’s narration: Line 23) About that… Line 24) I’m falling for Calista. But I’ll have to let her go eventually. Line 25) We live in completely different times. Line 26) She belongs to this time. And I belong to mine. Line 27) We won’t make it. It can’t work between us. Line 28) That’s inevitable for sure. Line 29) But it’s something I can’t control. Line 30) What I can control is how I spend my time with her now. Line 31) Instead of brooding, I should appreciate all my moments with her. Line 32) I won’t be able to reminisce about her in the future. Line 33) What matters is what I do with the time I have now. Manager Line 34) Don’t let her be the one that got away. Manager Line 35) I also had someone like that before. Manager Line 36) I always think about what my life would be like if we had stayed together. Manager Line 37) It’s very bittersweet. A feeling I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Marvin Line 38) I won’t let her go. The manager smiles. Manager Line 39) Although it goes against the rules. I’ll make the cut this time around. Manager Line 40) I’ll give you the paycheck after you finish your shift today. Marvin Line 41) Yes! Thank you so much! Manager Line 42) You better keep your promise. Now get back to work. Marvin Line 43) You got it Boss. Marvin clocks out of work and his manager hands him his paycheck. Marvin is changing clothes in the bathroom (he brought a bag with himself) Marvin’s narration: Line 44) The plan is to pretend like I went on a date with someone from that dating app. Line 45) I’ll tell Calista it didn’t work out and that I already reserved a spot. Line 46) I think that’ll make her stay with me. Line 47) Well, here goes nothing. Marvin rings Calista. Calista sees that Marvin is calling and picks up. Calista Line 48) Hey, Marvin! Marvin Line 50) Hey, Calista. How are you doing? Calista Line 51) Eh. I’m alright. Just had a boring day at work. Calista Line 52) Are you heading home soon? Marvin Line 53) Uh. Actually I was planning on going on a date after work… Marvin Line 54) And it got canceled. Marvin Line 55) Only issue is that I already reserved a spot at a restaurant. Calista Line 56) I’m sorry to hear that. Why does canceling dates seem to be a recurring thing for you? You’re the perfect date. Marvin blushes. Shortcuts to Calista and she is also blushing but in an embarrassed way. Line 57) Calista: Wait. Did I really just say that? He’s gonna get the wrong idea. Calista Line 58) Uh. I-I mean that you just seem like a good candidate for those reasons. It’s strange so many people are canceling on you. Calista Line 59) A-Anyways, you said you reserved a spot? Marvin Line 60) Yeah. I did it a while ago. Calista Line 61) Are you having trouble canceling the reservation? You know you can do that. Right? Line 62) Marvin: Why didn’t I think of that? Now what am I going to say to get her to come? Calista Line 63) Is that something the restaurant can’t do? Marvin Line 64) U-Uh. Yeah. They said they can’t do that. Calista Line 65) What kind of restaurant can’t cancel a reservation? Marvin Line 66) T-This one apparently. Calista Line 67) Can’t you just not go? Line 68) Marvin: What can I say to excuse this? Marvin Line 69) Uh. They’ll charge a fee if I do that. Calista Line 70) That’s absurd! Well, how much is the fee? Marvin Line 71) Expensive. I was thinking instead of paying for the fee. Why don’t you and I go together? Calista Line 72) You and me? Marvin Line 73) Yeah. Consider it a token of my appreciation towards you. Marvin Line 74) Listen, you’ve done so much for me, Calista. Both you and Talulla. Marvin Line 75) I’ll get Talulla back another time. But just for today let me take you out to dinner. Marvin Line 76) Not in that WAY, obviously. I always took my friends out for dinner back in my time too. Marvin Line 77) I just want to show you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. As a friend, of course. Marvin Line 78) So, what do you say? Can you come? Marvin Line 79) It’ll be a waste of money. Don’t you think? Marvin Line 80) Just let me provide you company, since you said you had a boring day. Calista is blushing on the other line of the phone. Calista Line 81) Well. Um. Alright then. I’ll come. It might take me a while to get ready, though. Marvin smiles. Calista Line 82) Before I end the call. What should I wear? Calista gets dressed in something casual but sort of dressy-like. Calista’s narration: Line 83) He just wants to go as friends. Line 84) Nothing more nothing less. Line 85) He just wants to take you out to reciprocate for all the times you’ve helped him. Line 86) Saying ‘no’ would be rude. Go, since he’s made such an effort. Line 87) On top of that. What he planned to do today was canceled. Line 88) You should cheer him up. He must be bummed out. Line 89) Besides you’re bored anyways. This will make your day. Calista makes it to the restaurant and sees Marvin sitting outside waiting for her. She takes a deep breath and walks toward him. Calista Line 90) Hey there Marvin! Did you wait long? I tried to get ready as fast as I could. Marvin glances at Calista and is shocked by how pretty she looks. Marvin Line 91) Wow! Line 92) Marvin: She’s so beautiful. Marvin Line 93) E-Excuse me. Where are my manners? Calista sits down in front of him. Calista Line 94) Oh, don’t worry. You look very dapper yourself. Marvin blushes. Marvin Line 95) Why thank you. Marvin Line 96) You look stunning. Calista blushes. Calista Line 97) Thank you. Marvin gives the menu to Calista. Marvin Line 98) Pick anything you’d like. Calista Line 99) Don’t you dare say my treat. Marvin Line 100) Too late. My treat. Calista Line 101) No, Marvin. I’m not letting you do that. Marvin Line 102) Didn’t you hear what I said on the phone? I’m taking you out for dinner. Not the other way around. Calista Line 103) At least let me pay for what I order. Marvin Line 104) I’m taking the check for the both of us. Calista Line 105) Ugh. Fine. You win. Marvin Line 106) Yeah I do. I won at un@ the other day. Marvin’s narration: Line 107) As much as I miss home. Line 108) I love hanging out with Calista so much. Line 109) I want this moment to last forever. Line 110) I want to give her the world. Line 111) I want her to be the happiest girl in the world. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 22, 2024 Last Updated on June 22, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author