![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 30A Chapter by Yosh![]() The trio continues to find way in which they can get closer with each other, especially Marvin with Calista.![]()
Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.
Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 30: Night of April 23 2023. The day is Sunday. The trio has come back from the outing and Talulla pulls Marvin aside to chat. Marvin Line 1) What’s up? Talulla Line 2) I was thinking. How do you plan to get closer with Calista? Marvin Line 3) As we’ve been doing with our outings. Talulla Line 4) She goes back to work tomorrow. How will you do things then? Marvin Line 5) Since we’re all free during the weekends. I’ll do it during that time. Talulla Line 6) What will you be doing during the weekday though? Marvin Line 7) It slipped my mind to mention it to you but my friend has offered me a job. I hope I get hired so then I’ll be able to work. I’m meeting up for an interview tomorrow. Talulla Line 8) Job? You don’t need one. Marvin Line 9) Listen I owe you and Calista a hefty amount of money. I won’t just go around with that being unpaid. Talulla Line 10) Marvin you’re wasting your time getting money. You should be focusing on Calista. Marvin Line 11) She’s not available all the time which leads me to be at home. Instead of doing nothing I should work to get money. Marvin Line 12) Not only will that help me pay you guys back, but I’ll be able to afford outings with Calista. Talulla Line 13) But why are you doing this? Marvin Line 14) It makes me feel bad when I need you guys for money. So, this will make me feel better. Plus I see no harm in it. Talulla Line 15) Fine, do as you please. Talulla Line 16) I’ve been meaning to ask you but what will you be doing about your dating app? Talulla Line 17) Are you just gonna lie to Calista and say you’ve been going on dates with people but haven’t been matching? Marvin Line 18) Yes. What other choice do I have? I’ve made my decision to pursue Calista. But as you’ve said I’m not gonna let her find out. Talulla Line 19) That’s not guaranteed. Marvin Line 20) I’m well aware of that. Talulla Line 21) Waiting until the weekends to hang out with Calista is waiting too long. Marvin Line 22) That’s the only time she’s available though. Talulla Line 23) You need to make the most of your time while you’re here. Talulla Line 24) I suggest you hang out with her after work on the weekdays too. Marvin Line 25) That’s a bit too much. Don’t you think? Marvin Line 26) I bet she’ll be tired after work. Why should I drag her around to hang out with me? Talulla Line 27) It doesn’t always have to be you hanging out somewhere. We can find time to hang out at home. Marvin Line 28) You think so? Talulla Line 29) Of course. I’ll even plan out what you need to do and let you know ahead of time. Marvin Line 30) You would do that for me? Talulla Line 31) Of course. Calista deserves to do fun things. It’s a double whammy because I’ll be helping you out in the process as well. Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 32) Thanks, Talulla. This means a lot to me. Talulla Line 33) It’s what I do best. Calista is in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water. She sees Marvin walking over to his bed. Calista Line 34) Still not asleep yet? Marvin Line 35) I was just about to head to bed. Calista Line 36) Oh I see. I just wanted to say that I had a good time with you today. Calista Line 37) Oh… And Talulla of course. Line 38) Calista: If I say the phrase like that, it’ll make it seem like we were on a date, when this was a group thing. Line 39) Calista: I can’t be talking like that. Especially after what I said earlier. *Refer to when Calista talked about the mental health thing on men. Calista Line 40) Sorry if the conversation got a little weird at times. Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 41) Are you still on about that? Calista Line 42) Just making sure. Marvin Line 43) I know you didn’t mean anything by it. Calista Line 44) Well I’m glad you don’t think anything of it. Marvin Line 45) I had a good time with you too. Marvin Line 46) Oh… And Talulla of course. Calista Line 47) I can’t believe it, Marvin. You’re teasing me. Marvin Line 48) Sorry. I couldn’t resist temptation. Calista LIne 49) I guess Talulla IS rubbing off on you. Calista Line 50) It’s fine though. I let the both of you slide. Calista Line 51) Anyways I’m gonna head to bed. Calista Line 52) Have a good night. Marvin Line 53) Thank you. You also have a good night. Marvin is now tucked into bed. Marvin's narration: Line 54) Even though Calista meant nothing by what she said earlier. *Refer to when she talked about mental health and men. Line 55) I keep thinking that if that’s the first thing that popped into her mind, she must be thinking some way about me. Right? Shot cuts to Calista blushing beside her shut room door. April 24 2023. The day is Monday. It is the start of the weekday. Calista and Talulla are headed off to work and Marvin is at the library for an interview to get the job. Marvins narration: Line 56) As usual the girls went to work. Shot cuts to Calista thinking about Marvin while she does her job. Shot cuts to Talulla doing her job. Line 57) Russell dropped me off at the library for my job interview. Line 58) Although I’ve only mentioned it to Talulla. I’m sure Calista will find out eventually. Interviewer asking questions to Marvin about himself and him explaining. Line 59) And with that. I got the job. Him wearing the uniform and working. Line 60) It’s quite nonchalant and I like that it’s quiet there. Line 61) The payment isn’t the best. But it’s enough for me to pay the girls back and chip in on other things. Line 62) I’m just glad I found something to occupy myself with. Marvin taking the bus home after work. He arrives home and knocks on the door. Calista opens it and looks at Marvin in frustration. Calista Line 63) Marvin! Where were you?! Marvin Line 64) Oh… About that. Line 65) Marvin: I knew I’d have to mention it to her sooner or later. Marvin Line 66) I got a job. Scene cuts to them eating dinner. Marvin explained everything to Calista. Calista Line 67) If it makes you feel better. Do what you want. I’m not holding you back. I was just worried where you went off to. Calista LIne 68) Either way, I most likely won’t accept the money you think you owe us. Just keep saving up for yourself. Marvin Line 69) You WILL accept it. Calista Line 70) Mm. I don’t know about that. Marvin Line 71) I owe you back. It’s fair and square. Calista LIne 72) I was just helping you as a friend. Marvin Line 73) Well as your friend. Let me help you by giving you back your money. Marvin Line 74) You said it yourself that if it makes me feel better you wouldn’t stand in the way. Calista Line 75) But that’s different. Marvin Line 76) It’s not different. Same rules apply. Marvin Line 77) Let me do this for you guys. Calista Line 78) Fine. If you insist so much. Shot cuts to them playing slap jack on the table. Calista and Marvin Line 79) Slap- Calista’s hand slaps on top of Marvins while they try to slap the table for slapjack. Marvin slightly winces. Calista Line 80) Oh my gosh! Marvin! You okay?! Marvin smiles. Marvin Line 81) My hands all good. Don’t worry. Calista Line 82) I’m so sorry. Did I get you good? Calista reaches for Marvins hand and sees that her hand left an imprint on his. Calista Line 83) I don’t think I’ve ever slapped anybody before. She slowly starts to rub his hand. Marvin starts blushing. Calista Line 84) Should I get you some ice? Marvin Line 85) It’s not that severe. Don’t worry. It’ll dial down in a minute. Calista is still holding Marvins hand. Calista Line 86) That’s crazy. I’m really sorry. Marvin Line 87) It was just an accident. Don’t worry. Talulla removes the card they both slapped. Talulla Line 88) Do you guys want to play Un@ instead? They start playing Un@ and Marvin gets down to his last card. Marvin Line 89) Un@! Talulla Line 90) Are you sure you didn’t shove cards up your butt? Marvin Line 91) Huh. I didn’t even think of that. I’ll keep that in mind next time. Marvin Line 92) But no. I would never cheat. Calista Line 93) Beginners luck I suppose. Marvin Line 94) So, what does the winner win? Talulla Line 95) 5 seconds of glory. This isn’t the lottery. Line 96) Calista: Wait this is perfect! I can give it to him now. *Calista goes into her room and grabs what she found earlier while cleaning up her room. (It’s an old phone that may or may not work), we get a flashback on this. Calista hands the phone over to Marvin. Marvin is shocked. Marvin Line 97) Did you buy this? You shouldn’t have. Calista Line 98) Don’t worry I just remembered I found it earlier in the day and forgot to give it to you. Calista Line 99) I’m pretty sure it’s my old burner phone. Calista Line 100) I don’t know if it works, but I’ll try to get it set up for you, so you can use it. Marvin Line 101) You don’t have to. Calista Line 102) Oh, come on. This is nothing. Besides, everyone should have their own phone. You seem to make lots of calls, so this will be useful to you. Marvin Line 103) Thank you so much. Calista Line 104) You earned it. You won Un@. Calista Line 105) But I still think it was beginner's luck. They smirk at each other and get the phone working. Marvin’s narration: Line 106) She seems to keep surprising me with gifts. Line 107) I’m grateful that she finds ways to include me. It’s so thoughtful. Line 108) I want to give her something back in return. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 22, 2024 Last Updated on June 22, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author