Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 11

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 11

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir takes Sotsona to his place from the blizzard. They talk on the way there.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 11:

February 19th 2024. The day is Monday.

As Casimir is driving the truck back to his place, the traffic is really bad from the blizzard so he strikes a conversation with Sotsona.


Line 1) Just out of curiosity, why are you working today? It’s president's day. 


Line 2) You should have the day off, since it’s a federal holiday.


Line 3) I wish, but with my line of work, they look for people who are willing to work any day of the year. Regardless if that day is a holiday or not.


Line 4) Oh, I see. So, what holidays have you worked?


Line 5) Practically all of them. Some of the big ones like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years.


Line 6) You name it, I most likely have worked on that day.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in a sympathetic way.


Line 7) Even on your birthday?


Line 8) Yeah, I can’t make my birthday an exception.


Line 9) I’m sorry to hear that.


Line 10) It’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m used to this kind of grind.


Line 11) It’s not like there’s anything to celebrate anyways.


Line 12) Why did we as a society collectively decide that during those days we would celebrate something?


Line 13) You shouldn’t have to use a holiday as an excuse to celebrate anything.


Line 14) You should celebrate every day of your life as you wish.


Line 15) You don’t have to wait for a holiday to do that.

Casimir smiles.


Line 16) I see what you mean. And I agree… To an extent.


Line 17) We as a society collectively decided that on certain days there would be holidays TO celebrate something.


Line 18) It gives us something to look forward to.


Line 19) Especially since holidays revolve around breaks.


Line 20) During those times, people can relax, see their family…


Line 21) Just do whatever their heart desires.


Line 22) But, at the same time. I see it from your way too.


Line 23) We really shouldn’t have to wait to look forward to something in our lives.


Line 24) We should just do what we want to do, when we want to do it.


Line 25) It's a shame that only a few of us CAN actually do something like that though.


Line 26) The rest of us have to wait.


Line 27) However, I still feel like YOU should be able to celebrate your birthday, whether or not you deem there to be something to celebrate.


Line 28) It makes me sad to hear that you have to work on your birthday.


Line 29) Everyone deserves the praise of what it feels like to have a day to themselves.


Line 30) I hope that one day you let yourself lay back a bit, just for special occasions like that.

Sotsona smiles. 

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That was a nice way to put it.


Line 32) Sorry. I must’ve talked your ears off just now.


Line 33) I tend to go off on tangents like that. I apologize. It’s a bad habit.

Sotsona smirks.


Line 34) That’s nothing to be sorry about. Why are you apologizing?


Line 35) I just don’t want to bore you to death.


Line 36) I don’t think what you were saying was boring.


Line 37) Really? When I was talking to you yesterday you seemed fed up.

*We get a flashback to when Casimir and Sotsona were talking at the hotel and she looks at him with an annoyed face (refer back to episode, details in between lines 32-37).


Line 38) Sorry about that. I was just… In a bad mood?

Casimir notices Sotsona’s uncertainty in her statement.


Line 39) You sound uncertain saying that. But, it’s fine. We all have our days.


Line 40) So, why the truck today?


Line 41) Oh. It works best in snowy weather.


Line 42) Come to think of it, who was that guy you were with when you came to our restaurant?

*Flashback to when Sotsona spots Casimir and the other guy he was with that day (refer back to episode 2. Sotsona’s talking about Guy 2).


Line 43) Oh, you must be talking about Yuvin. He’s my right hand man.


Line 44) What do you mean by that?


Line 45) He’s my assistant. He helps me with business work.


Line 46) He drives me here and there. He’s even my bodyguard at times.


Line 47) Oh, I see. So, that’s what you meant.


Line 48) He’s like my only best friend, when I really think about it.


Line 49) But, I’m not sure if he would consider ME his best friend.


Line 50) I can tell he hates my guts, but he keeps his dignity because of my status.


Line 51) Do you have a best friend? Or is asking that interfering with the clause about staying out of each other’s personal lives?

Sotsona smirks.


Line 52) It does. But, since it’s such a simple question, I’ll answer you.


Line 53) I don’t have any friends. Period. Not even a best.

Casimir upsettingly looks at Sotsona.

Sotsona notices his gaze and expression.


Line 54) You probably think I’m a loser… I guess you wouldn’t be far off by claiming that.


Line 55) But, like you mentioned. We should be honest with each other. So, that’s my honest answer.


Line 56) Again, I’m sorry to hear that. And no I don’t think you’re a loser.

Casimir hesitates before continuing with his talk.


Line 57) Why don’t we become friends?

Sotsona’s eyes spark.


Line 58) Since you said you have none. I’ll be there for you.

Casimir smiles.


Line 59) How does that sound?

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 60) I feel like that last time someone’s been this direct with me was way back in Elementary school.

Line 61) You know, when kids would come up to you, simply asking if you wanted to be their friend.

Line 62) Why did we overcomplicate socializing so much?

Line 63) When you can easily be friends with someone just by asking?

Line 64) It’s straight to the point, and offers warmth to share.

Line 65) Was it always this simple?

Line 66) In my mind I’ve contemplated it so much.

Line 67) And pulled back because I would make a fool of myself if I tried to make friends.

Line 68) But, here I am, beside a guy saying it straight to my face.

Line 69) There’s no way I could say no to that.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 70) That sounds good.

Casimir beams.


Line 71) Yay! Now we’re officially friends, friend.

Sotsona shields her face away from Casimir’s gaze due to embarrassment.


Line 72) Don’t make it weird.


Line 73) Oh, come on. We’re friends now. Loosen up a bit.

Casimir focuses back on driving.


Line 74) We’re almost there, by the way.

Casimir finally makes it to his place and parks his car.

As he steps out, he helps Sotsona out of the car too.

He then notices the snow on his tires, making them wet and dirty on his garage floors.


Line 75) Dang, the snow got on my tires and it made the pavement of my garage all dirty.

Casimir rubs his car in a pitiful way.


Line 76) My poor car. I didn’t want to take this bad boy out because I knew something exactly like this would happen.

Sotsona judges Casimir from this reaction of his.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He is a little weird. I will admit that. But, aren’t we all?

They head inside his place. And Casimir gets some tea boiling in his kettle.


Line 78) Have a seat. Make yourself at home.

Casimir offers to take Sotsona’s jacket and he hangs it up on his coat rack.

Sotsona sits and Casimir makes some tea for the both of them.


Line 79) What kind of tea would you like?


Line 80) What are my options?

Casimir fiddles through his tea bags and lists out his selections.


Line 81) I have green, earl gray, oolong, white, peach, hibiscus, peppermint, passionfruit, chamomile, and lavender.

Sotsona doesn’t register all that Casimir lists from his options, since there’s so much to choose from.

Casimir looks back at her as she looks confused.


Line 82) You know what? Just surprise me.

Casimir nods his head and picks out his selection for the both of them.

Sotsona looks around his place in awe some more.

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His pent-house is still so astonishing to me.

Casimir brings tea cups to the table they’re sitting at for drinking.

The tea is hot and steam rises from it.

Sotsona starts to drink her tea and keeps looking around Casimir’s place.

Casimir looks at Sotsona while she observes his place.

Line 84) Casimir’s inner thoughts: All of this is so new to her. I wonder how she feels?

Line 85) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Her reaction is so wholesome.

Line 86) Casimir’s inner thoughts: As grateful as I am for my place, I admit I do take it for granted.

Line 87) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Seeing her look at it in awe, humbles me.

Casimir leans his head on his hand and looks at Sotsona.

After drinking her tea and looking around for a bit, she feels his gaze on her.

She’s caught off guard to see him staring at her so intently.

He swiftly looks away from embarrassment and blushes as he sips his tea.

Line 88) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He was REALLY looking at me just then.

Line 89) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: As if he was caught in some sort of trance.

Line 90) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I could be reading into it too much. He could’ve just been zoning out.

Sotsona blushes from embarrassment.

She furrows her eyebrows.

Line 91) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That’s right. Don’t jump to conclusions.


Line 92) How’s the tea?


Line 93) It’s great. Which one did you choose for me?


Line 94) I chose peach for the both of us. It’s one of my favorites.

Casimir panics when he realizes something.


Line 95) Oh my goodness! You’re not allergic are you?!

Casimir rubs his head and scowls his eyebrows in frustration.


Line 96) I should’ve asked before I gave this to you!

Casimir stands up frantically.


Line 97) Don’t worry. I’m sure I have an epi-pen in my first aid kit.

Sotsona grabs Casimr’s hands as he almost walks away.


Line 98) I’m not allergic. Calm down.

Casimir sighs in relief.

He sits himself down.


Line 99) Thank goodness. I felt my heart drop to my stomach just now.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 100) You tend to overreact a lot. Please, calm yourself down.


Line 101) I’m a lot more robust than you think.

Casimir rubs his temples to calm himself down.


Line 102) Yeah. I’m sorry.


Line 103) I just… Want to keep you safe.


Line 104) I want to be as precautious as I can so that I’m able to protect you.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 22, 2024
Last Updated on June 22, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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