In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 29

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 29

A Chapter by Yosh

All of them go on another adventure for the day with each other.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 29:

April 22 2023. The day is Saturday.

It's nighttime. Everyone's asleep except Marvin. He’s staring at the ceiling reminiscing about his time with the girls today.

He gets reminded of how Calista grabbed his hand.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 1) Her offer was so thoughtful.

Line 2) She’s such a kind soul. 

Line 3) Every moment with her has been such a gift.

Line 4) It's all I can think about, so I can't sleep.

Line 5) There’s no question about it. I definitely like Calista.

Line 6) It’s only been a week though. But I guess I Just can’t help myself.

Line 7) Even my closest friends haven't experienced some of the thrilling things we've experienced.

Line 8) Something about being put in a situation where your adrenaline is pumping.

Back to when Teresa pulled her pepper spray at the group.

Back to when Russell noticed Calista was a fraud.

Back to when he was in Calista’s closet in panic.

Back to when he went on the date and she was close to him with the tie fixing.

Back to when they watched the horror movie twice.

When she held his hand as they went on the roller coaster.

Line 9) You form this bond with anyone who experienced it with you.

Line 10) It’s especially exceptional because they experienced it along with you.

Back in Calista’s room. She also can’t sleep.

Calista’s narration:

Line 11) Was it too much to grab his hand during the ride?

Line 12) What on earth was I thinking in giving Marvin such an offer?

Line 13) We barely know each other and all of a sudden I’m asking him to hold my hand.

Calista flips to her belly on her bed.

Line 14) I’m sure it’s nothing if he let me do it. Right?

Line 15) Yeah, I’m just overthinking. I need to get some sleep.

Next morning they’re eating breakfast together. Both of them didn't get any sleep and are tired looking.

April 23 2023. The day was Sunday.


Line 16) You guys look tired. Did you guys get sleep last night?

Marvin and Calista together

Line 17) Not really.

Marvin and Calista stare at each other caught off guard by how their answers matched and spoke in sync.

Line 18) Talulla: I have a feeling they were thinking of each other.

Line 19) Talulla: I want to tease them.


Line 20) So, what were you guys thinking about?

Marvin and Calista both respond in a “huh”.


Line 21) You know… Since you weren’t able to sleep you must’ve been thinking about something, right.


Line 22) Oh. Um. That’s right…

Marvin blushes but tries to hide his face by eating.


Line 23) So, you guys don’t want to tell me? I see how it is.

Line 24) Calista: Why does she have to be like this?


Line 25) It was nothing special. Just you know. Some late night thoughts.


Line 26) Like what?

Calista is visibly irritated on why Talulla keeps picking on her.


Line 27) You know. Like what the meaning of life is? Stuff like that.

Talulla looks at Calista skeptically being disappointed on a boring answer like that.


Line 28) Alright… What about you, Marvin? What was keeping you up at night?


Line 29) I was thinking about…

Silence goes by a bit.


Line 30) You wanna know something? I actually forgot. All I knew was that my thoughts were running all over the place.

Line 31) Talulla: Why did they both give me such boring answers? I was expecting a funny excuse.


Line 32) Alright then.

Line 33) Marvin: She seems disappointed from that answer. I should just tell her something to amuse her because the conversation is so bland.


Line 34) Um. I-I actually remember now.

Calista and Talulla are confused that he would actually respond to something.


Line 35) I was thinking about how much I miss my dog.


Line 36) You have a dog?!

Talulla and Calista looked excited.


Line 37) Yup. He’s my best friend.


Line 38) Oh he’s a boy! What breed?


Line 39) Doberman Pinscher.


Line 40) What’s his name?


Line 41) Rex. He’s 3 years old.


Line 42) He’s still a baby.


Line 43) Usually I’d say that I look forward to seeing him some day. But I know that’s not possible with our situation.


Line 44) I think you guys would’ve loved him.

Marvin locks eyes with Calista.


Line 45) I bet we would. Besides that, do we have plans for today?


Line 46) Yes. We do actually.

Line 47) Marvin: She didn’t tell me beforehand, but I guess she planned another event for us. 


Line 48) I was thinking that today we walk around Jersey just to explore and show how modern it’s gotten to Marvin.


Line 49) How does that sound to you guys?


Line 50) That sounds perfect.

Marvin nods his head.

They arrive at a downtown plaza where there are stores, cafes, restaurants, the statue of liberty and the ocean off the coast. This is after they did all their exploring around Jersey. They are kind of tired and it’s getting dark out.


Line 51) Hey. I know we did a lot of walking, but at least we got our steps in.


Line 52) That’s true. I’m sure we burned the calories that we had eaten earlier in the day.

They find a spot to sit at a bench near the water where the statue of liberty is showing.


Line 53) You know what sounds so good right now? Some gelato.


Line 54) Didn’t you see that place ahead of us? They sell some. Want me to go get some for all of us?


Line 55) Oh right. I forgot.

Calista gets up.


Line 56) What flavors do you guys want?


Line 57) Hey. I’ll get it. What flavors do you guys want?


Line 58) I’m already up. It’s fine. I got it. My treat.


Line 59) I insist. Sit back down. I’ll get the flavors.

Calista sits back next to Marvin.


Line 60) So, what do you guys want? You HAVE to try it Marvin.


Line 61) Um. Surprise me.


Line 62) Are you allergic to anything?

Marvin shakes his head no.


Line 63) Surprise me too. 

Calista and Marvin

Line 64) Thank you!


Line 65) Of course. Of course.

Talulla winks at Marvin.

Line 66) Marvin: Was that necessary?


Line 67) So, how are you liking modern Jersey?


Line 68) I like it a lot. It’s unbelievable how different everything is though.


Line 69) Yeah. I bet.


Line 70) The meteor shower we saw last night was awesome.


Line 71) Wasn’t it? I’m glad you enjoyed it.


Line 72) It makes me think a bit existentially. You know what I mean?

Marvin looks confused and shakes his head no.


Line 73) It just makes me realize that we live on a floating rock in vast space. Just in the middle of nowhere. You know?


Line 74) Where we have natural things occur because it’s a part of how things function out there.


Line 75) Well when you put it that way. It makes me feel like we’re stranded in the middle of nowhere now.


Line 76) That’s exactly what I mean.


Line 77) At first you feel lonely. But, once you really think about it. Doesn’t it make you wonder if anything REALLY matters?


Line 78) I mean we can get hit by a meteor any second and that would be the end of our existence.


Line 79) It’s scary. But, I’m trying to embrace the uncertainty of life.


Line 80) Just being in the present is what matters.


Line 81) As long as you give it your all. And do your best. If the world ends at any moment. At least you know that you tried.


Line 82) Leo ni leo.

Calista looks confused at Marvin.


Line 83) My friend Cady is from Kenya and the language they speak there is Swahili.


Line 84) Leo ni leo means “Today is today”.


Line 85) Since Cady has been my friend for a while she’s noticed that I struggle to be present at times.


Line 86) She’s told me countless times that I dwell too much upon the past and worry too much about the future.


Line 87) It’s a bad habit of mine. But, I try my best not to get too worked up about it.


Line 88) Everytime I would get anxious that way she’d always remind me of the phrase “Leo ni leo”.


Line 89) It’s helped me a lot. It has this way of setting me back to the present.


Line 90) If I ever get anxious about that stuff I just always remember what she told me.


Line 91) It’s obviously easier said than done. But it’s all about taking it one step at a time.


Line 92) The full proverb is 'leo ni leo, asemaye kesho ni mwongo'. Which means ‘today is today, who says tomorrow is a liar’

Calista smiles.


Line 93) Hmm. What a deep meaning? That’s so sweet.

Marvin blushes.


Line 94) Cady seems like such a nice person.


Line 95) She is. I’m so lucky to have her in my life.


Line 96) It’s quite refreshing to hear that you’re working on yourself.


Line 97) All the other guys I’ve ever dated never really paid attention to their mental health.

Calista gets flustered and blushes.


Line 98) Not that you’re a guy that I’m about to date or something!


Line 99) Sorry. I should’ve phrased that better.


Line 100) I've only ever been associated with men when I tried dating.


Line 101) What I’m trying to say is that most guys I’ve known, don’t care about their mental health.

Line 102) Calista: Why am I nitpicking gender? He might think I’m being a misandrist.


Line 103) I’m not targeting it to one gender. But it’s just something I’ve noticed.


Line 104) You know what? Just forget what I said. I’m obviously sputtering nonsense.


Line 105) Hey, I get what you mean. Don’t worry about it. I agree with you.


Line 106) Oh. Cool.

Calista is obviously embarrassed and is blushing. Marvin notices.

Calista’s narration:

Line 107) He’s just so easy to talk to that I got carried away in what I was saying.

Line 108) Even though we’ve only known each other for a short amount of time. I can’t help but slip up in front of Marvin.

Line 109) Must be me getting comfortable besides him.

Line 110) I hope I’m not making a fool out of myself.

Talulla comes by with the gelato.

They each start eating it and watch the sunrise.


Line 111) Do you guys like your flavors?

They nod their heads.


Line 112) Let me try yours.

They each rotate their cups and try each other's flavors and give input.

Marvin steals a glance at Calista smiling.

Marvins narration:

Line 113) The way the sun hits her face so perfectly.

Line 114) She’s so beautiful.

Line 115) I enjoy hanging out with them.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 29 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
