Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 9

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 9

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona and Casimir go over their contract rules for the marriage deal.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 9:

February 18th 2024. It is a Sunday.

After they sort out what they want to include in their contract, they go over the rules and have them sign their names.


Line 1) Alright, to summarize…

Casimir says all the things that are in their contract.

Contract for marriage:

  1. Don’t bring up Sotsona’s past, nor try to dig into it.

  2. Don’t put her in situations where she has to back our relationship up.

  3. If there is a problem, both parties discuss a solution they agree upon to compromise.

  4. No physical intimacy whatsoever (unless we have to convince people we’re a regular couple). IE: hugging, holding hands, arm over shoulder (other than that everything else is not allowed).

  5. Lay off of each other’s personal lives.

  6. Support each other for things we need help with.

  7. Can add or remove any clauses for the future.


Line 2) Do you agree to all these things?

Sotsona rereads the contract and assures herself they have a secure deal.


Line 3) I do, but if I’m still uncertain. That’s okay because we can add more things when necessary.


Line 4) What about you? Are you okay with it?

Casimir nods his head and smiles.


Line 5) I think we’ve got ourselves a solid contract.


Line 6) But, if I’m being honest, it sounds like we’re doing this only for temporary reasons.


Line 7) To clarify, is this only for a certain amount of time?

Sotsona becomes nervous. 

Line 8) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: For me this IS temporary.

Line 9) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t plan to stay by this guy's side forever.

Line 10) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I've simply agreed to marry him to start my life over.

Line 11) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: More than that, it’s not like we’re a real couple.

Line 12) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We’re just playing the part for the time being to help ourselves.

Line 13) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This will eventually fizzle out in the future, I’m sure of it.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Because of that, I won’t mention my true intentions now, because I’m afraid he’ll just back out.

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I need to use him to my advantage.

Line 16) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That’s all he is to me at the moment.

Line 17) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And maybe we’ll become friends in the future.

Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, I don’t envision us ACTUALLY dating each other.


Line 19) No, but this is a contractual marriage, so it’s not like we’re ACTUALLY dating.


Line 20) That’s our deal for the moment, but are you planning for us to get married right away?

Casimir looks confused.


Line 21) That’s what I thought we were agreeing on.

Sotsona is shocked.


Line 22) What? Are you crazy?! There’s no way I would agree for us to get married so soon!


Line 23) Why not? I already told you. The sooner the better.


Line 24) No! Let’s just be each other’s fiance’s for the time being.


Line 25) This is my first time doing anything like this. I need to test the waters.


Line 26) If you’re not okay with that. We might as well call everything off this instant.

Casimir gets worried.


Line 27) N-No. I’m okay with it! 


Line 28) … I just didn’t know that’s how you viewed this deal.


Line 29) In that case, let’s add one more clause to our contract.


Line 30) Number 8: “Communicate thoroughly with each other about any details regarding our relationship”.


Line 31) Alright, I’m fine with that.


Line 32) So… Is this your first time ever being in a relationship?

Sotsona is caught off-guard with that question.

Casimir notices her uncomfortable energy.


Line 33) I know I asked you that earlier today, but it’s important you answer me. 8th clause of our contract, “Communicate thoroughly with each other about any details regarding our relationship”.

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow. He’s already using the contract against me.


Line 35) Fine, I’ll answer you.


Line 36) This isn’t my first time being in a relationship.

Casimir looks shocked.


Line 37) So, you also have experience?


Line 38) No. I just don’t consider this my first time, since this isn’t a real relationship. It’s just for show.


Line 39) Why do you keep saying that?


Line 40) Sure, this may be a contractual marriage, but who said this would be a fake relationship?

Line 41) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I thought we already went over all of this.


Line 42) I didn’t think I needed to spell it out for you. But, I’m not actually going to date you.


Line 43) So, that’s how it’s going to be?


Line 44) Well duh. I already told you that I want to start things over with my life and I can only do that by being with you.


Line 45) Did you really think I was actually considering dating you?


Line 46) I don’t know what I thought. But, I am butthurt hearing you say that outloud.


Line 47) But, if that’s how you feel, it’s not like I can’t let you do what you want to do. The relationship can be one-sided.

Sotsona is caught off-guard again.


Line 48) What do you mean by that?


Line 49) I mentioned before that I initially asked you out on this date because you made a good impression on me.


Line 50) I intend to go further with my interest by pursuing you.


Line 51) I’ve already mentioned that to you.

Sotsona gets hit with realization.


Line 52) I mean you did. But, I thought the circumstances have changed since we have a contract.


Line 53) Why would the circumstances change? Those are my motives towards you.


Line 54) Along with you helping me out, I like you and I am going to do something about that.

Sotsona blushes from embarrassment.


Line 55) How can you like someone you’ve only just met?


Line 56) It’s possible. You’re overthinking how simple it is to like someone.


Line 57) It’s not like I can help it. It’s just the way I feel.


Line 58) If you like people this easily, that makes me skeptical of your life choices.


Line 59) You’re being quite foolish if you ask me.

Casimir laughs.


Line 60) It doesn’t take much to please me.


Line 61) That’s concerning.


Line 62) Were you this much of a fool on all those blind-dates you went on?


Line 63) Surprisingly no. I just so happen to be this way because of you.


Line 64) Perhaps it’s because I took matters into my own hands, and I am satisfied with my results.


Line 65) When you put it like that, you make it sound like you’re not dealing with a person.

Casimir realizes Sotsona’s point and starts panicking while trying to come up with something to say to clarify everything, so that she doesn’t misunderstand his point.


Line 66) Oh! That sounds terrible! I’m sorry.


Line 67) I should’ve phrased that better. It sounds so dehumanizing!


Line 68) Especially when I mentioned it doesn’t take much to please me!

Casimir rubs his temples trying to come up with a way to rephrase his point.


Line 69) What I was trying to say is that you are enough. And that’s why I like you!


Line 70) There’s more to you, but I’m impressed with what you’ve shown me thus far, and that’s why I’d like to get to know you some more!


Line 71) Since I already told you that my mom forcing me to go on blind dates didn’t work out in the past…


Line 72) When I decided to go with a different route in approaching this dating scheme, I was happy with my results since I was able to meet you!

Casimir looks at Sotsona for reassurance.


Line 73) I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have phrased what I said earlier that way.

Sotsona is flabbergasted by the way Casimir reacted to her simple comment.


Line 74) Calm down. I didn’t see it that way from my point of view.


Line 75) There’s no need to apologize. But, I will say I comprehend what you mean better now.

Casimir beams in relief.


Line 76) Thank goodness. I wouldn’t want you to see me so negatively.


Line 77) I’ll promise to work on the way I phrase things.


Line 78) You’re overreacting. That’s not necessary.


Line 79) What? It is necessary. I need to work on the way I address things with you to avoid these misunderstandings in the future.

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He wasn’t joking when he said he was going to pursue me.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His efforts are unmatched. You can see his determination painted all over his face.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t help but be impressed. Nobody has ever gone to these lengths for me.


Line 83) So, you’re saying that along with this contractual marriage, you’re going to pursue me because you like me?


Line 84) Yes, I would like to shoot my shot while I can.


Line 85) Goodluck with that. It’s not like I’d fall for something so easily.


Line 86) Then I’ll just have to string you along till you become convinced.


Line 87) I don’t think I’ll ever be convinced.


Line 88) Never say never.

Line 89) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What a cliche phrase? People only say those kinds of things in movies.

Sotsona looks at her phone and notices two hours have gone by.

It is now 3:00 PM.

Line 90) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If I stay out any longer my parents will become suspicious.

Line 91) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s time we wrap things up. I think we got everything off of our chests for the day.

Line 92) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Something this spontaneous has never happened to me.

Line 93) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s a shame I have to go to work tomorrow after something so out of my daily regime.


Line 94) Sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to head home.


Line 95) Right, you must have other plans.


Line 96) I don’t. It’s just…

Line 97) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wait. I don’t have to tell him about my parents.


Line 97) Clause 5 of our contract: Lay off each other's personal lives.

Casimir puts his hands up in a sparing way.


Line 98) I didn’t say anything. I just assumed you have other things going on, so be on your merry way, as you wish.


Line 99) At least let me take you home.


Line 100) No, my parents will-

Line 101) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: … Get suspicious of me if they see Casimir’s car pull over in their driveway.


Line 102) Again, clauses of our contract. Don’t ask to do things because they interfere with my personal shenanigans.


Line 103) Fine then. But, before you go.

Casimir pulls out some cash from his wallet.


Line 104) Take this and don’t argue with me about accepting it.


Line 105) I wasn’t able to tip you regularly yesterday. So, here’s the tip.


Line 106) Fine, I’ll take it.

Sotsona takes the cash out of Casimir's hands.

She counts how much he gave her.

She counts out five, ten dollar bills.

Line 107) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow! He gave me the exact amount I gave up yesterday. How convenient!


Line 108) I split them up like that so you could use the money sparingly for your convenience.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 109) Thank you very much for the tip. I appreciate it.

Sotsona turns away but realizes something.


Line 110) Wait. If you need me again. How will you contact me? We have to exchange phone numbers.

Casimir realizes Sotsona’s point.


Line 111) Oh, right. I can’t believe I forgot something that important.

They exchange phone numbers.


Line 112) Alright, I’ll get going.


Line 113) Get home safe.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 114) Thanks. Have a good rest of your day.

Sotsona leaves and walks herself to the nearest bus station.

She waits for the next bus and processes her situation with Casimir.

The bus comes and she gets on it.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 20, 2024
Last Updated on June 20, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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