In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 27

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 27

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin talks to his friends about the situation he's in and any advice they offer as he's feeling very doubtful.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 27:

April 21 2023. The day is Friday.

Marvin is at Russells place with Cady. They are talking and Marvin is recapping what happened the other day.


Line 1) You're saying that you dragged her to watch a horror movie with you, so she could use you as emotional support because she can't stand watching them?

Marvin nods his head in shame.


Line 2) That’s a blunt way to put it.


Line 3) But it’s the truth. Is that not what he did?


Line 4) Listen, it wasn't the best idea you’ve ever had. But we can perfect your executions in the future, so that they don’t end up like this ever again.

Russell pats Marvins shoulder.


Line 5) It’s okay to make mistakes. Just make sure you learn from them. And find a way to make it up to her.


Line 6) I owe these girls a lot of money. Do you guys have any idea how I could earn some?


Line 7) Why does it matter? Your main concern should be to fulfill your goal, not to owe back any money. 


Line 8) She’s right. Even though you owe them money now. In the future you won’t because everything will be reversed.


Line 9) Everything that happens will be replenished. Including all they’ve spent on you.


Line 10) You guys say it like it’s so easy. But in reality what I do now matters. 


Line 11) I don’t care if things will be reversed. I owe these people things now. And I’m gonna do something about it.


Line 12) I cannot just sit around and use things and people to my advantage. That doesn’t sit right with me.


Line 13) So, please. Can you guys help me out?


Line 14) A friend of mine works at a library. And he says it's understaffed, so it could use more employees.


Line 15) I could hook you up with them.


Line 16) I would really appreciate that.


Line 17) Besides that. We need to come up with ways in which you can fall in love with Calista, without her knowing.


Line 18) About that. What if I just tell her I like her?


Line 19) I can’t just do things behind her back while leading her along.


Line 20) You said yourself that you didn't want to involve her in this due to the painful experiences she’s had in the past.


Line 21) That’s true. But she should be the one to decide and make her choices. I don’t have the right to exclude her just because I don’t want to hurt her. She deserves to make her own decisions.


Line 22) I don’t know, Marvin. I think it’s best if you don’t tell her.


Line 23) If you eventually love her on your own. She won’t know. But coming clean about your feelings already plants that seed in her head that you like her.


Line 24) After that she might end up falling in love with you. But then, once that happens you have to go back to your time. And the both of you will be separated.


Line 25) Just imagine how painful it will be for the both of you to leave each other.


Line 26) Someone has to suffer. But, do you want her to suffer with you?

Marvin’s narration:

Line 27) Throughout all of these plans. I’ve only ever thought about a one-sided relationship. 

Line 28) But what do I do when Calista ends up feeling the same way?

Line 29) I can’t go into this thinking she won’t when it’s a logical possibility.

Line 30) I didn’t want to involve her at all because of something that would eventually lead to this issue.

Line 31) But knowing that she’s my only lead. I can’t get rid of the feelings I have for her.

Line 32) I don’t want to hurt her. Not after what she’s been through.

Line 33) All of this seems like a lose-lose situation. I have no idea what to do.


Line 34) You’re discouraging him, Cady. Stop that.


Line 35) I’m just trying to be pragmatic.


Line 36) Are you forgetting that no one will remember? So, why does it matter if anyone suffers. It’ll all be forgotten anyway.


Line 37) Either way. It’s dehumanizing to use someone only for their benefit, regardless if they remember it or not. Don’t you think so, Marvin?


Line 38) I agree with Cady.


Line 39) The thing is. There’s no way to accomplish my goal without doing that.


Line 40) I have to fall in love with someone to get home. Therefore, whether I like it or not. Whether it bends my morals or not. That’s the situation I’m in. And that’s something I have to do to fulfill my goal.


Line 41) That’s the truth. There’s no way to do this without using someone to get to my goal.


Line 42) It’s the predicament I’m in.

They all sit in silence for a bit.


Line 43) It’s the worst you know.


Line 44) I’m doing all of this because I couldn’t make the right choice in my previous life. And now, that I have to make that decision. I have to put someone through pain to benefit me.


Line 45) Is it even worth it?


Line 46) Think about it. What if I don’t do anything at all?


Line 47) What if that’s the whole point?


Line 48) What if I’m just stuck here and that’s that.


Line 50) If I have to use someone to get to my goal. That makes me a bad person.


Line 51) So, if I simply do nothing. Then I remain neutral.


Line 52) I-I just don’t know what to do anymore. So, what if I do nothing?

They sit in silence again.


Line 53) You should ask Calista.

Marvin looks confused.


Line 54) The way I see it. I think you should do whatever you can to get back home.


Line 55) Marvin. You don’t belong in this time. You’re not stuck here. You’re meant to go back.


Line 56) Yes. You’ll make some tough choices that’ll hurt your feelings or your friends feelings, but, that’s all for you to get home.


Line 57) It’s all meant to be. And it’s an obstacle you're going to have to overcome.


Line 58) Of course. It’s all easier said than done. But, that’s your purpose for being here.


Line 59) Do what you need to do. The way you want to do it.


Line 60) Follow your heart for what seems right. But trust me. When you ask Calista she’s gonna say the same things we’ve been saying all this time.


Line 61) I think what you need is closure. Someone to tell you that it’s okay to do what you need to do.


Line 62) From there. Go with whatever you think is right. And do it.

Shot pans to Calista and Marvin at their place. They are on the couch talking.


Line 63) You’ve been gloomy ever since you’ve gotten back. Is something wrong?


Line 64) I would be lying if I said nothing’s wrong.


Line 65) Well. If you want to open up to me about it. Feel free to do so.

Marvin hesitates. But assures himself it’s okay to ask.


Line 66) D-Do you think it’s worth going back to my time?

Calista is shocked as to why Marvin is asking that question.


Line 67) Are you having second thoughts?


Line 68) Yes. I am.


Line 69) Why do you suddenly ask?


Line 70) I feel like what I’m doing is wrong.


Line 71) If my unfulfilled duty is to fall in love. I don’t think there's a way for me to do that without putting someone’s feelings in jeopardy.


Line 72) It’s just blatantly wrong to use someone for my personal gain. But, there’s no way for me to go home without doing that.

Calista nods her head.


Line 73) But if I don’t do anything. I’ll be trapped in this timeline.


Line 74) It’s the only way no one gets hurt throughout this process.


Line 75) You’ll be the one getting hurt though, Marvin.


Line 76) You were put in this timeline to fulfill your purpose of falling in love.


Line 77) Yes. You’ll have to use someone for personal gain. But it amounts to you going home and everything being reversed and forgotten.


Line 78) Do you remember what the teller told us?

Marvin shrugs.


Line 79) She said “We have nothing to lose”.


Line 80) That accounts for everyone in this time as well. Especially you.


Line 81) To answer your question. Yes, it’s worth going through all this trouble to go back. Because it’s something you HAVE to do.


Line 82) You’re just too good of a person. You’re finally at a place in your life where you have to put yourself first. But, that makes you feel guilty because it’s something you’ve never done before.


Line 83) It’s time you put yourself first. After all you’ve been through, it’s time for you to get all the great things you deserve.


Line 84) I assure you that what you're doing is completely okay

Marvin’s narration:

Line 85) Russell was right. Calista said what he thought she would.

Line 86) Nobody said this was going to be easy.

Line 87) But it’s something that’s meant to happen.

Line 88) I have to put my foot down and take action.

Line 89) Sure. I must take my morals into account.

Line 90) But I have to do something about this situation in the end.

Line 91) I have to put myself first.

Tallua is overhearing their conversation. 

Marvin sighs.


Line 92) I guess. This is just something I have to overcome.


Line 93) Thanks for talking to me.


Line 94) Anytime. I’m always here to help.

Talulla pulls Marvin aside to chat.


Line 95) Hey, Marvin. Can we talk?


Line 96) Of course.


Line 97) So. I happen to be an expert at noticing these kinds of things. It’s just something I can do, you know?


Line 98) I call it my blessing and curse. As a result, I've noticed some things I can't help but confess to.


Line 99) But, something is telling me that you have feelings for Calista.

Marvin looks flustered.


Line 100) Your reaction just now confirmed it.


Line 101) Listen. Don’t be flustered. It’s totally okay.


Line 102) Truth is. I want to help you. 


Line 103) I had my suspicions about you two from the start. Which is why I put that movie on the other day.


Line 104) I ship you two.


Line 105) Ship?


Line 106) Like I’m the captain. And I’m boarding you guys on a ship to lovey dovey land.

Marvin is confused.


Line 107) It’s a saying everyone says nowadays. I promise I’m not just making things up.


Line 108) Anyways. Let me help you two bond.


Line 109) You seem cautious about confessing your feelings, so that you won't hurt Calista.


Line 110) As a 60s man. I’m quite impressed. I stereotyped you to be rough, but you’re quite soft in reality. 


Line 111) But, I’m on board with your plans.


Line 112) So, what do you say? 


Line 113) I could use all the help I can get.


Line 114) I have one condition though. She can’t feel the same way as me. And she can’t find out about that out too.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 27 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
