Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 8

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 8

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona agrees to the most life-changing proposal of her life. How will dynamics be for her, and what does she need to settle with Casimir to get what she wants?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 8:

February 18th 2024. It is a Sunday.

Casimir handles the check for what they ordered at the hotel after they agree on their deal.

They get up to leave the hotel.

Sotsona contemplates the decision she just made.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s too late.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I already shook hands with him.

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s no backing out now.

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I have to abide by these policies.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just hope I’m not putting myself in a bad situation.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I want to trust that I’m doing the right thing.


Line 7) Alright, I paid our bill. Would you like to go somewhere more private? To discuss the rules of our contract, of course.

Sotsona looks shocked.

Line 8) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: All we did was make a deal.

Line 9) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And now, suddenly he wants to make a contract?


Line 10) Why do you look so shocked?


Line 11) It’s just… Isn’t a deal enough? Why do we have to make a contract?


Line 12) Well maybe I’m just saying this because I’m a businessman, but, every deal requires a contract.


Line 13) It’ll be a good way for us to deck out our boundaries and agreements to solidify our deal.


Line 14) It may sound serious and scary, but it’ll just lay out the ground rules.

Casimir smiles to lighten up the mood.


Line 15) Just to clarify. What are you getting out of this deal?


Line 16) Since you proposed the idea out of the blue, I had no choice but to agree.


Line 17) You know what I want. But, what do you want?


Line 18) It can’t just be to settle down with someone while you’re young just because your family runs a well-grounded business.


Line 19) You wouldn’t chase after someone like me if that were the case.


Line 20) I’m sure someone like you could get any kind of girl they want.


Line 21) So, what’s the catch? Because it can’t be something that unreasonable.

Casimir is caught off-guard by Sotsona’s sudden questioning.

He looks around his surroundings to make sure nobody overhears what she just said.

He becomes on edge and responds to her.


Line 22) Please. Let’s discuss this somewhere more secluded.

Sotsona senses Casimir’s tone and abides by his request.


Line 23) Alright then… At least tell me how much I owe you.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion.


Line 24) What? Nothing. I’m the one who asked you out.


Line 25) What kind of logic is that? And I’m the one who agreed to come on this date. So, let me pay for what I ordered.


Line 26) If you insist then. You owe me 80 bucks.

Sotsona’s jaw drops.

Line 27) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What’s with these ridiculous prices?!


Line 28) That can’t be right. All I ordered was a drink.


Line 29) Yeah, but this is a luxurious hotel. They only serve expensive things like this.

Sotsona looks through her wallet and hands Casimir a $20 dollar bill.

He looks at it confusingly.


Line 30) I’ll pay you back the rest day-by-day since I can’t afford to give all of it back to you at once.

Casimir grabs Sotsona’s hands and forcefully places the money back into them.

Sotsona looks confused.


Line 31) Hey, why won’t you accept this?

Casimir walks ahead of Sotsona to the hotel exit.


Line 32) Same reason you couldn’t accept my tip yesterday.


Line 33) I just wouldn’t feel good taking that from you, plus I don’t need it.

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Show off. There’s no need to brag that you don’t need it since you’re rich.


Line 35) Do me a favor by picking up the pace so we can get out of here.

Sotsona agrees.

Casimir makes his way to the valet parking assistance.

Casimir shows his parking receipt to the receptionist.


Line 36) I’m here to pick up my car.

The workers get his car and pulls it over to the hotel.

They bring his car over and step out.

They give Casimir his keys.

Sotsona looks shocked.

Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ve never seen this sort of mechanism before. It must be a rich people thing.

Sotsona looks at Casimir’s car in shock.

Line 38) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is a different vehicle from yesterday. Are you telling me he has more than one?

Casimir opens his car door and leaves it open for Sotsona to step in.

He smiles at her.


Line 39) Are you just going to leave me hanging here all day like this?

Sotsona gathers her wits and steps into the car.

As she is in the car she looks around it in shock.

She touches all parts of the car to feel the genuine quality.

Casimir steps into the driver's seat and starts up the engine.


Line 40) S-So, where are we headed?


Line 41) My place.

Casimir drives to his place, but the whole ride is silent on the way there.

When they arrive Casimir parks his car in his garage, and opens the door for Sotsona.

He leads his hand out for her to use as she steps out of the car.

She takes his hand and steps out of the vehicle.


Line 42) Where exactly do you live?


Line 43) A pent-house.

They walk out over to Casimir's house entrance.

Sotsona looks around in shock at Casimir's garage to see all the cars he has decked out.

She tries to spot which one he took out yesterday.

She finally spots the car and points it out.


Line 44) That’s the car you took out yesterday, isn’t it?


Line 45) Oh yeah. You’ve got a good eye.


Line 46) So, do you own all of these?


Line 47) I wish, but my mom won’t let me.


Line 48) It’s not smart to own things, unless they bring you some sort of revenue.


Line 49) Renting things allows you to upgrade them when new editions come out.


Line 50) Then why do you have so many? Is one not enough?


Line 51) It makes me happy to see all my favorite cars on display like this.

Sotsona rolls her eyes.

Line 52) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is overkill, what a waste of money.

Line 53) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But I guess if it makes him happy, he can unfortunately do whatever he wants.

They make their way to the entrance of his pent-house.

Casimir unlocks the door with a digital key.

He opens the door for Sotsona to go inside.

She heads in and is dumbfounded by the way his pent-house looks.

Her jaw drops as she looks around Casimir’s place.

Casimir notices her reaction.

Line 54) Casimir’s inner thoughts: This reaction is priceless. It’s always so adorable to see someone’s raw reaction to my place.


Line 55) Do you want me to take you around?

Sotsona beams in excitement.


Line 56) Please show me around! I would love a tour!

Casimir gives Sotsona a tour around his place.

Each room they enter she beams in excitement and gasps from being so shocked.

After they go around each room they end up in the living room.


Line 57) Have a seat.

Sotsona sits and is a lot more laid back after Casimir gave her a tour of his place.

Line 58) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She seems a lot happier after I showed her around.

Line 59) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I think we can start bonding with each other now.

Casimir pulls out a piece of paper and pen.

He writes “Contract for marriage” as the header for the paper.


Line 60) What did you want to ask me before we left the hotel?


Line 61) About your motives for going through with this deal.


Line 62) Will you finally tell me now?


Line 63) I told you that if I don’t settle down now, I’ll regret it in the future.


Line 64) That’s only because someone with my type of background has to figure this out now since my mother is constantly breathing down my neck.


Line 65) Being the heir and eventual successor of my mother's business, I need to find someone as soon as possible to avoid straining the company's reputation.


Line 66) Saying that out loud probably doesn’t make any sense to you, but for people involved in business, it’s something they all understand.


Line 67) As I mentioned, my mother wants me to start dating people to find a partner.


Line 68) This has caused her during these past few years to set me up on many blind-dates.


Line 69) That’s why I mentioned I dated multiple people before. It was all the blind-dates I had been on.


Line 70) However, those blind-dates weren’t just random people my mom found for me…


Line 71) I was set up with high-classed people my mother’s connected to.


Line 72) And that caused me to go on date after date, after date.


Line 73) I was tired after going on all these dates, which caused me to reject people left and right.


Line 74) But, now that I’ve become curious, it has made me want to handle things my own way.


Line 75) Rather than going on blind-dates, which didn’t work out with me, I’ve decided to search for someone naturally on my own.


Line 76) Since you were the first person, I decided to go with you.


Line 77) It may not sound serious when I try to explain it, but who I chose is very important and can tarnish my family's reputation.


Line 78) Which is why my mother carefully selected people to allow me to date.


Line 79) However, I feel that because she did all of that, I wasn't allowed to keep my options open, which is why things didn't work out in the end.


Line 80) But, since you agreed to marry me. I don’t have to go through all the trouble of finding someone because I have you.

Sotsona blushes.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How can he say something like that so nonchalantly?

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He needs to tone it down a bit, I know I agreed to marry him…

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, why is he already planning our whole lives ahead of us.

Line 84) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We JUST got to know each other, and now he’s going off the grid.

Line 85) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We need to take things one step at a time.


Line 86) That sounds like a valid reason for me to go through with our deal, right?


Line 87) I guess in its own way, sure.


Line 88) But, I still feel like you’re being slightly unreasonable.

Casimir laughs.


Line 89) I knew you wouldn’t understand.


Line 90) I guess you’ll have to see for yourself how things go down when you meet my mom.

Sotsona looks at Casimir nervously.


Line 91) Don’t make me scared. I can’t promise I’ll be able to back our relationship up.


Line 92) We can plan out later how to approach her.


Line 93) Is that necessary? Why do we have to strategically plan out what we say to her?


Line 94) Like I said, you haven’t met my mom. You’ll understand when you get to and see what she’s all about.

Line 95) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What a way to put a brick load of pressure on me.

Sotsona sighs in distress.


Line 96) Let’s go over what we want in our contract.


Line 97) Right. I’ll just say the things I want and you write them down, please.


Line 98) For starters, don’t bring up my past, nor try to dig into it.


Line 99) Don’t put me in stressful situations where I have to speak out for our relationship.


Line 100) Well, you’ll eventually have to do that when we meet my mom.


Line 101) Let’s just have that one as an exception. As for other potential circumstances, you’re on your own.


Line 102) Fine. Whatever you wish.

They continue to talk about the things they want to include in their contract.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 19, 2024
Last Updated on June 19, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
