Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 7

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 7

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona continue to talk in the lounging area of the hotel to get to know more about each other.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 7:

February 18th 2024. It is a Sunday.

Casimir just admits that Sotsona read his mind for proposing to her.

Sotsona’s jaw drops.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: W-What did he just say?

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I must be interpreting that wrong.


Line 3) Again don’t feel pressured. I’m only saying things here and there just because they’re coming to mind.


Line 4) But, if you decide to date me officially, I would like to keep marriage in mind.


Line 5) Just so that we take things seriously and aren’t just fooling around.

Sotsona sighs in relief.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, that’s what he meant. I knew I was reading the situation wrongly.


Line 7) So, why are you in such a rush to take things seriously?


Line 8) Well, because I see no use in being in a relationship if things won’t prosper in the future.


Line 9) Especially since I’m the heir to a successful business, time is precious for me.


Line 10) I need to take advantage of my younger years so that I can settle down without any regrets in the future.


Line 11) Do you get what I’m saying?

Sotsona realizes something.

Line 12) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: From the way he’s speaking. He sounds older than me. I’m starting to get concerned.

She hesitantly asks Casimir.


Line 13) So… Exactly how old are you?


Line 14) I’m 25, how old are you?

Sotsona looks shocked.

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s only 25? But, why is he talking about settling down at this age? He’s still so young. 


Line 16) I’m… 23.

Casimir looks shocked.


Line 17) Wow. You’re still so young.

Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What? How is he shocked about that?


Line 19) You’re the one who’s still young. 


Line 20) Why are you thinking about marriage at this age? You still have your whole life ahead of you.


Line 21) I already told you. I come from a business bound family.


Line 22) Getting married at this age is integral for my business’ future.


Line 23) But, why? Shouldn’t you have the final say on what you want to do?


Line 24) Sounds to me like you’re being forced to do this.

Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I thought being rich meant you had freedom.


Line 26) At first, when my mother brought it up, I was flustered and completely against the idea.


Line 27) But as time progressed, I realized I also wanted to try dating someone and eventually settle down with them.


Line 28) My younger self would be disappointed seeing me fawning over the idea of being in a relationship.


Line 29) For as long as I could remember, I never thought about anything relating to that.


Line 30) Then, all of a sudden, I eventually became curious and that’s why I’m here.


Line 31) I know, it sounds ridiculous.


Line 32) But, people underestimate the amount of power a planted seed can have on someone.

Casimir notices Sotsona doesn’t look thrilled from the conversation.

Line 33) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Uh, oh. She doesn’t look entertained. 

Line 34) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t get it. What am I saying wrong?

Line 35) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It’s starting to frustrate me. Why can’t we see eye-to-eye?

Line 36) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, at the same time, it’s lighting a fire inside of me.

Line 37) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I love a good challenge. It spices things up.

Casimir smiles.


Line 38) So, have you been in a relationship with other people?

Casimir is caught off-guard with that question.

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s time to really see if this guy has experience.


Line 40) Tons, actually.

Sotsona is shocked by his answer looks disappointed.

Line 41) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: D****t! Now I’m the only one who looks like a rookie.


Line 42) It’s truly nothing to boast about though.


Line 43) I’m actually quite ashamed of it.


Line 44) The way I see it, I’m disappointed that after all the people I’ve seen, nobody has stuck around.


Line 45) It’s starting to make me feel like I’m the problem.


Line 46) But, it’s not a competition. 


Line 47) I’m just trying to see what’s right for me.


Line 48) That will take some trial and error.

Sotsona takes in what Casimir says intently.

Line 49) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He is right. It’s not a competition.

Line 50) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Only someone with experience would say something like that.

Sotsona’s eye twitches from frustration.

Line 51) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I need to fizzle down. I don’t know why I’m getting so riled up from finding this out.


Line 52) I hope that opening up to you about that, isn’t rubbing you the wrong way.


Line 53) I just want to be as truthful as possible. I can’t start on the wrong foot by lying to you.


Line 54) I’ve been talking way too much about myself.


Line 55) Do you mind if I ask you some questions?


Line 56) I don’t. Ask whatever you want.


Line 57) Have YOU ever been in a relationship?

A blank expression engulfs Sotsona’s face.

Casimir notices her demeanor.


Line 58) You don’t have to answer that. I’m sorry for asking.


Line 59) Just tell me about yourself.

Sotsona is left speechless.

Line 60) Casimir’s inner thoughts: What? She doesn’t want to open up about that either?


Line 61) Scratch that. Umm… What’s…?

Casimir is trying to come up with a question.


Line 62) Um. What’s your favorite color?


Line 63) You looked good with that red lipstick yesterday.

Casimir realizes what he just said.

Line 64) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I shouldn’t have said that outloud.

Line 65) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’ll think that I’m only after her based on her looks.


Line 66) S-Sorry. I-I shouldn’t have said that.

Casimir rubs his head from distress.

Line 67) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Dang. I’m stumped.

Line 68) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t know what to ask her.

Line 69) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, especially since this is our first date.

Line 70) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But, how can I get her to talk to me freely?

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 71) It’s just… Since this is the first time I’ve met up with someone in a while.

Line 72) I want to forget about my past.

Line 73) Start fresh, so that he doesn’t know anything about me.

Line 74) He doesn’t remind me of anyone.

Line 75) And I want to be a new person for a change.

Line 76) I want to finally be the idealist version of myself.

Line 77) To do that, my truest self can’t be held back by my past.

Line 78) I have to make my own world filled with my innermost desires.


Line 79) I should be the one who’s sorry.


Line 80) You’re trying to get to know me. But, I’m not giving you the right signals.

Casimir is relieved Sotsona noticed that.


Line 81) Since you’re being honest with me. Let me be honest with you.


Line 82) I don’t come from the best family.


Line 83) Since I work as a waitress, I think you can put the pieces together on getting a consensus of my background.


Line 84) Truth is, right now I have no one in my life to support me.


Line 85) What I need is a friend, and you were the first person to reach out, so…


Line 86) And I don’t want to let you down, since you come from a prestigious family.


Line 87) It would be great if you’d respect my wishes. And some of those wishes include for you not to dig into my past.


Line 88) Give me a chance to paint this new image for myself.


Line 89) Because I want to be the person I’ve always wanted to be.


Line 90) And I finally see that opportunity blossoming if I’m with you.


Line 91) My only request is that you respect my wishes.


Line 92) So, let’s come up with a compromise.


Line 93) if you give me a chance to deal with what I envision for myself…


Line 94) I’ll go out with you, with marriage in mind.


Line 95) How does that sound?

Casimir’s narration:

Line 96) But, I want to get to know more about Sotsona.

Line 97) At the same time, I want her to feel free and comfortable around me.

Line 98) If her past is holding her down, I have to abide to make her happy.

Line 99) But, how can I be with someone, without knowing who they truly are?

Line 100) If I want to get to know her, especially with the idea of marriage in mind…

Line 101) I have to know everything about her.

Line 102) But, there’s no way she would let that happen.

Line 103) And I don’t want to push her into letting it happen either.

Line 104) So, what else can I say so that the both of us get what we want?

Casimir thinks of something.

Line 105) I mean we touched on the subject earlier, but would she really go through with something that serious?


Line 106) I’ll agree with your terms, under one condition.


Line 107) I see where you’re coming from by saying you don’t want me to know about your past…


Line 108) But, an order for me to go further with our “relationship”, I’ll eventually want to know all about you.


Line 109) The good, the bad, the ugly.


Line 110) However, all of that can be avoided if you agree right here, right now, to simply marry me.

Sotsona’s face engulfs a blank expression from shock.


Line 111) If I can’t get to know everything about you as we “try” to date, which may or may not work out…


Line 112) Then, let’s just save the trouble by getting straight to the point with you agreeing to marry me right here, right now.


Line 113) I know I said I didn’t want to pressure you.


Line 114) But, if these are your conditions, I’ll have to set something out for myself too.


Line 115) So, what do you think? You can take as long as you need to think about my proposal.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 116) Casimir is my only option in escaping a life that no longer serves me.

Line 117) If I refuse his offer, there’s no way something like this will ever happen to me again.

Line 118) Which is why, I have no choice but to agree.

Line 119) But, MARRIAGE?!

Line 120) Why does it have to be something that serious?

Line 121) But, I have nothing else to lean on.

Line 122) I don’t want to go back to my old life.

Line 123) I want to start over.

Line 124) Which is why… We’ll have to get married?!

Sotsona rubs her temples in distress.

Line 125) I need to cool down. 

Line 126) It’s not like we’re getting married for reasons like love.

Line 127) It’s just for us to get our end of the bargain.

Line 128) I’m sure that if I agree now, we’ll be able to negotiate things in the future.

Line 129) I’m sure he’ll grant me some sort of leniency.

Sotsona nervously gulps.


Line 130) It’s a deal.

Casimir looks shocked that Sotsona made up her mind quickly.


Line 131) Are you sure you don’t need more time?


Line 132) I-I… I’m sure.

Casimir smiles and extends his hand out for them to shake on it.

Sotsona hesitantly takes her hand out and shakes his to seal the deal.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 19, 2024
Last Updated on June 19, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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