![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 26A Chapter by Yosh![]() Marvin plans to execute things for his goal that he intends to accomplish with Calista to get him back to his lifetime.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 26: April 29 2023. Day is a Saturday. 2 weeks go by from when Marvin landed on this time. He recaps all he has done to fall in love with Calista. Marvin’s narration: Line 1) I landed in year 2023 the night of Saturday April 15th. Line 2) It has been 2 weeks since I’ve time traveled from 1967 to 2023. Line 3) Today is April 29. The second to last day of the month. Calista is crossing off the day on her calendar while Marvin hovers over her. Line 4) Slowly but steadily I have made progress. We go back to Thursday April 20th 2023. The day after Marvin went on his date. Calista is washing dishes and Marvin is sitting on the couch. Marvin Line 5) May I please borrow your phone, Calista? Calista nods her head. Line 6) Marvin: I have to get rid of the dating profile, so that I no longer get set up with people. Marvin leads himself to the settings of the dating profile and sees that there is a deactivate button option. Line 7) Marvin: Deactivate? That would stop my account, right? Marvin presses to deactivate his account and a warning comes up. Warning reads: Deactivating your account will temporarily remove your account from the public eye. You will get no notifications and other users won’t be able to match with you. If you deactivate your account for more than 30 days. It will permanently be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed? Yes or No. Marvin presses the “yes” button. Line 8) Marvin: This is a good option. As long as the app remains on her home screen, it will seem as though I'm still active. Line 9) Marvin: But then again she won’t receive notifications so how will she know anyone wants to go on a date with me? Line 10) Marvin: I'll ask if I can check my account on her laptop and confirm my notifications there. It’ll be a bonus for me if she decides to delete the app from her phone and have me monitor my account. Line 11) Marvin: I just hope she doesn’t snoop through it. If she does she might notice I deactivated my account. Marvin Line 12) Hey Calista? Calista Line 13) What’s up? Marvin Line 14) Do you mind if I use your laptop to check in on my dating account? I hate hogging your phone all the time. Line 15) Calista: I think he’s just saying that because he wants to monitor his account without me having the app on my phone. I’m sure it makes him uncomfortable. Calista Line 16) Of course. I didn’t even think of that. I’m sorry. Log into your account on my laptop and bookmark it. Remember how I showed you how to do that? Marvin Line 17) Oh. I forgot. Calista Line 18) I’ll come by to show you in a sec. Calista finishes washing the dishes and walks over to Marvin. She bookmarks the app again with their hands bumping in while she moves her hand on the mouse pad. Marvin slightly blushes. Marvin’s narration: Line 19) Last night keeps replaying in my head. Line 20) I keep thinking back to when she clinged onto me. It made me flustered. Line 21) But definitely in a good way. He gets a reminder of when she tied his tie the other day. Line 22) Back then I also felt a bit flustered too. Another reminder of when she said he looked good. Line 23) On top of that she proceeded to compliment me. Calista Line 24) That’s how you do it. Marvin Line 25) T-Thank you for showing me. Calista Line 26) Would you like me to delete the app from my phone since you’re monitoring it on the laptop now? Marvin Line 27) You don’t have to if you don’t want to. After all, it’s your phone. You decide what you want to do. Calista Line 28) It’s okay. I’ll do it. I feel like it’s a bit of an invasion of privacy. I don’t want you to think I’m lurking on it when you’re not around. Calista gets quiet all of a sudden. Line 29) Calista: Wait, that made it sound like I WAS lurking on it when he’s not around. Calista Line 30) U-Um. D-Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not like I AM doing that. I was just giving an example. B-But I promise I would never cross that line. Marvin Line 31) U-Uh. Don’t worry. I didn’t think of it that way. I perceived it as you giving me an example. Just like you said. Line 32) Calista: Oh… So, I was the one who got the wrong idea. Calista Line 33) I’m sorry. I’ll delete the app right away. Marvin Line 34) Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I’m grateful that you’re being considerate and taking my privacy into account. Marvin Line 35) It makes me feel recognized. Thanks. Calista blushes. Calista Line 36) Of course. I’ll be back. Please excuse me. Calista exits and goes to her room. She shuts the door and slides down it. Calista’s narration: Line 37) What the heck was that? Why was I stuttering back there? That’s so unlike me. Line 38) Why is it that Marvin’s making me feel flustered all of a sudden? Calista sighs. Line 39) Let me just gain my composure and head back. Line 40) I’m an accountant for crying out loud. Talking is one of my specialties. She goes back to Marvin. Marvin Line 41) Hey Calista. I got someone asking me to go on a date from my profile. Calista Line 42) Oh really. That’s great. Line 43) Calista: I won’t ask who it is. I don’t want to meddle into his stuff. He needs his privacy. Calista Line 44) Did she want to go today? Marvin Line 45) Yeah. Would today be okay? Calista Line 46) Of course. Where is the date located? Marvin Line 47) It’s at the cinema. She wants to watch this movie. Marvin points to a movie poster and it’s some horror movie. Calista Line 48) Another horror movie I see. I guess Talulla made quite the impression. Marvin smiles. Calista Line 49) We should buy the tickets. Here. I’ll even buy hers as well. She takes over the laptop and purchases the tickets. Calista Line 50) What time would you like to go? Marvin Line 51) Maybe around the afternoon again. So, like 3 or 4. Whatever is suitable for you. Calista nods her head and makes the purchase. Marvin is at the cinema since Calista already dropped him off. Marvin’s narration: Line 52) I feel a bit bad using Calista to get transportation and money for these kinds of things since I’m not doing what she intends for me to do. Line 53) I have a feeling I’ll be in this time for a while so maybe I should get some job? Or do a side hustle, so that I can pay her back and handle these dates on my own time, transportation, and money. Line 54) I’ll obviously owe everything back to Calista. She’s already spent so much on me. Line 55) I should update Russell and Cady about my situation and ask if they can give me a job of some sort. Line 56) I’m glad that you’re still allowed to exchange your tickets for another time in the cinema still. Line 57) That means I can plan out my date with Calista without her getting suspicious. *Marvin faked going on a date with some other girl so that he could make Calista watch the movie with him. Some time goes by and Marvin calls Calista. Marvin Line 58) Hey Calista are you at your place? Calista Line 59) I got here around 20 minutes ago. Why? Did something go wrong? *Reminder scene of Calista telling Marvin about the date yesterday that if anything went wrong he doesn’t have to hesitate to tell her. Line 60) Marvin: I feel bad for making her come all sorts of ways for me, but I’ll make it up to her. Marvin Line 61) Uh. Yeah. Turns out my date is a no show. Calista Line 62) Oh no! How come? Marvin Line 63) She called to let me know she canceled last minute because she had an emergency. Calista Line 64) Is she okay? Marvin Line 65) She said it was nothing serious. Calista Line 66) Are you guys going to reschedule? Marvin Line 67) I can’t say for certain now. But hopefully. Calista Line 68) Alright I’ll come pick you up. We can refund the tickets. Don’t worry. Marvin Line 69) Alright see you soon. They hang up the call. Line 70) Marvin: How do I convince someone that hates watching horror movies to watch one with me? Line 71) Marvin: I don’t want her to refund the tickets. My whole intention by going through with this fake date was for Calista and I to watch the movie together. Some time goes by and Calista makes her way to the movies. She meets up with Marvin. Calista Line 72) Hop in Marvin. *Hey that rhymed. Marvin Line 73) I’m sorry for making you come after me back and forth. Calista Line 74) Don’t worry about it. I’m getting my steps in, so it’s worth it. Calista Line 75) They most likely need my card to refund the transaction. Calista Line 76) I’m really sorry your date got canceled. Marvin Line 77) There’s no need to be sorry. I’m alright. Don’t worry. Calista Line 78) You probably really wanted to watch the movie, right? Line 79) Marvin: If I say yes. Will she watch it with me? Marvin Line 80) I did. But it’s fine. I’ll catch it some other time. Calista hesitates. Calista Line 81) Are you thinking it won’t matter since you’ll forget it once you go back to your time? Line 82) Marvin: I’m just going to go along with whatever she’s leading. I think she’s trying to get to a point. Marvin sighs. Marvin Line 83) Yeah. Calista Line 84) I told you not to think that way. What matters now. Matters now. Calista Line 85) Like when you tried the macchiato at the cafe. Calista Line 86) You have the right to experience things even if you’ll forget them. Calista Line 87) I want you to watch the movie just to experience it. So, since we’ve come all this way. You should watch it. Marvin smiles. Marvin’s narration: Line 88) She’s too kind. Too good for me. Line 89) I feel like an idiot lying to her. Line 90) I need to sort this out with Russell and Cady STAT. Line 91) Calista deserves better than this. Line 92) I'm just the selfish b*****d using her for my own benefit. Marvin frowns and Calista notices. Calista Line 93) What’s wrong Marvin? Are you okay? Calista Line 94) I’ll refund one ticket and have your ticket rescheduled to another suitable time. Marvin Line 95) It’s not that- Calista Line 96) Let’s go. It’s no big deal. Don’t feel guilty. Calista grabs Marvins hand and leads him into the theaters. Marvin blushes and smiles. Marvin’s narration: Line 97) I think coming clear to her about my feelings is something I should do. Line 98) How can I use someone just so I can have a one-sided love without her consent? Line 99) I’m such a b*****d. No wonder my life was a wreck last time, if I make reckless decisions like this that strong people along. They get into the theater and do the transaction. Theater worker Line 100) You said you want to refund one ticket and schedule one for another time? Calista Line 101) Yes. Is that a possibility? Theater worker Line 102) The ticket machine is jammed at the moment. But I can easily have one ticket refunded. For rescheduling, I’ll just tell the usher to let the person through to watch the movie since we can’t change the ticket physically. Theater worker Line 103) But regardless if I refund the ticket. The ticket will still be here physically. So, you could still use it if you want to. Calista is confused. Calista Line 104) What do you mean? Theater worker Line 105) Well since the machine is jammed I can only refund transactions. But I can’t do anything with the tickets, so you’ll still have 2 tickets you can use to watch movies. Line 106) Calista: Should I just join Marvin and watch the movie, since we can’t get our tickets physically changed? Theater worker Line 107) All I’m saying is that you’ll have a free ticket regardless. It would be a waste not to use it. Consider it on the house for the ticket machine being jammed. Calista Line 108) On second thought. You don’t have to give a refund. Can you just please tell the usher to let us in now for the next screening of the movie? Theater worker Line 109) That can be easily arranged. I’ll lead the way. They follow the worker. Marvin’s a bit confused. Marvin Line 110) Calista, why are you forcing yourself to watch the movie? Calista Line 111) It was a hassle with the ticket jammy thingy, so I think it’s best I just use the ticket instead of wasting it. Marvin Line 112) Will you be able to get through this movie? Calista Line 113) Probably not. But I’ll try my best. Marvin Line 114) Let’s just go back. This is all for me to watch the movie, right? Calista Line 115) Yeah, but it’s fine. Let’s just watch the movie together. Don’t feel bad. Line 116) Marvin: I thought I would be happy since things are going in my favor. But I can’t help but feel bad. I put her in a position where she couldn’t back out. I’m no different from Elouise. Marvin Line 117) You can cling on me if you’re scared. Just like last time. Calista gets flustered. Marvin Line 118) Oh. I didn’t mean to bring it up. I’m sorry. Calista Line 119) No it’s not that. I’m just embarrassed that I did that without noticing. Line 120) Marvin: I’m an idiot for bringing it back up. Marvin Line 121) I’m sorry for making you feel that way. But don’t be embarrassed. I’m completely okay with it. Line 122) Marvin: In fact, I liked it so much that it made me realize I have a thing for you. They walk into the movie and start watching. Marvin is fascinated by the special effects. He is holding Calista in his arms while she covers her ears and keeps her eyes closed. Marvin is blushing but feels very ashamed. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 19, 2024 Last Updated on June 20, 2024 Tags: #1960s, #mentalhealth, #romance, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author