Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 5

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 5

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona makes plans to meet with the mystery man who tipped her a lot of money. How will the meeting go?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 5:

February 18th 2024. It is a Sunday. 

The next day goes by and Sotsona prepares to go on the date with the mystery man that tipped her while working.

She looks through her closet to see what she can wear for the date.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ve reread the note he left me in utter awe probably a thousand times by now.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And each time I read it, he only sounds more and more desperate.

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: The fact that he only wrote down an address and not his number speaks volumes.

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He didn’t want me to contact him, he wanted me to meet him in person again.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If that’s the only way to connect with him for now, then I have no choice but to meet up with him. Face-to-face.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just don’t really know the dress-code for whenever this address is.

Line 7) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I tried searching the address up on a maps app, but it only showed a lobby of some sort, there’s no intel to how it actually looks on the inside.

*Flashback to when she went outside to return her tip to the guy (refer back to episode 3).

Line 8) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But when he asked me out, he told me he would take me somewhere fancier than the restaurant I work at.

Line 9) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Therefore, I have to wear something good.

Line 10) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But the thing is, I don’t have anything good enough like that.

Line 11) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And I’m not willing to go out of my way to buy a whole new outfit for a meeting I’m not certain about.

Line 12) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess I’ll just have to wear my interview clothes.

Line 13) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: They’re not fancy, but they are somewhat professional looking.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess I’ll have to save my appearance with some makeup and hair pizazz.

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t own any extravagant cosmetics, so I’ll just have to make do with what I have.

Line 16) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Since my hair is usually pin straight, I could curl it for today for a change.

Line 17) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just hope mom and dad don’t suspect anything because I’m not in the mood to speak with them after what happened last night.

Sotsona gets herself ready for the date.

She gets dressed in her clothes.

Puts on some makeup.

And curls her hair.

Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: As a finishing touch, I’ll apply some perfume.

Line 19) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Just in case I sweat. I’m sure I’ll be nervous as heck. I’ve never done something like this before.

After finishing getting ready, Sotsona grabs her bag and looks at herself in the mirror for some reassurance.

Line 20) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, this is what we’re working with.

Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Ugh, I don’t know what I’m doing with my life.

Line 22) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, I can’t chicken out of this, I’ve already gotten this far.

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If nothing happens after this, at least I’ll know that I tried to do something about the situation I’m in.

Sotsona looks at the time on her phone.

Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s almost 12:00 PM. So, I should get going if I don’t want to be late.

Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I wouldn’t want to keep him waiting. Especially when I don’t know if the bus will come on time based on yesterday’s schedule.

Sotsona heads downstairs and makes her way to her house’s exit door.

Her parents are down there and they notice her walk by.

They stay silent though.

Before Sotsona leaves, she clarifies something with them.


Line 26) I’m headed out for an interview.


Line 27) I’m not sure when I get back, but I promise you that I’m not doing anything behind your backs.

Her parents stay silent and she leaves.

She makes her way to the bus station.

Line 28) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t care if I lied to them. They deserved it.

Line 29) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m a grown adult, capable of making my own decisions.

Line 30) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m not a child anymore that has to wait for their parents’ permission on everything.

Line 31) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: With that kind of mindset. I’ll get nowhere in life.

The bus arrives on time and Sotsona gets in. 

As she arrives at her destination, she listens to music to calm her nerves.

She eventually makes it to the lobby and steps out of the bus.

Line 32) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: We’re finally here.

Sotsona looks around the lobby from outside.

Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, this is a hotel of some sort.

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: From the way it looks on the outside, it’s very fancy.

Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just hope that when I walk in, they won't kick me out because I don't fit in.

Sotsona checks the time on her phone.

Line 36) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It's almost 1:00 PM, just as the invitation indicated.

Sotsona hesitates before entering the hotel.

Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Since I'm a bit early, I don’t think he’ll be here yet.

Line 38) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m not familiar with this area, so I’m not sure how their check-in situation works.

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I'm sure they wouldn’t let just anyone in.

She places her hand on the entrance door handle.

Line 40) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Here goes nothing.

She opens the door and lets herself into the hotel.

She looks around in awe at how the hotel looks on the inside.

The hotel is decked out in rich embellishments from top to bottom.

It looks like a luxury modern lounge area.

Immediately there is a guard nearby. 

The guard approaches Sotsona.


Line 41) Checking in, ma’am?

Sotsona is caught off-guard.


Line 42) U-Ugh, yeah?


Line 43) Right this way.

Sotsona walks after the guard to the main lobby where a receptionist stands.

Line 44) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I thought the guard was going to judge my appearance, but he seemed to associate with me regularly.

Sotsona is led to a line leading to speak with the receptionist.

She waits for her turn.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What a relief. But now, I have an even bigger dilemma to deal with.

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I have to check in with a receptionist.

Line 47) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How am I going to stay in when this place has guards scattered all over the place?

Line 48) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What do I even tell the receptionist? I’m looking for a short man with shades?

Line 49) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He should’ve been more specific in the note. I can’t believe I agreed to this on a whim.

Line 50) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why do I put myself in these stressful situations?

It is Sotsona’s turn to speak with the receptionist.


Line 51) Hello ma’am. How may I assist you today?


Line 52) U-Ugh, h-hello.


Line 53) I’m meeting up with someone here today.


Line 54) Alright, can you please give me their reservation code?


Line 55) U-Um, a reservation code?

Line 56) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is some rich people talk.

The receptionist looks at Sotsona confusingly.


Line 57) If you’re here to meet up with someone as a guest, I need their reservation code.


Line 58) I-I don’t have that, I’m sorry.


Line 59) Alright, can I have a name?


Line 60) U-Uh, about that…


Line 61) You don’t know the name of the person you’re meeting up with?

Sotsona shamefully shakes her head no.

The receptionist looks at Sotsona disappointingly.


Line 62) If you don’t have a name, there’s no further way for me to assist you.

Sotsona glances at the line forming behind her.


Line 63) Can I wait until they show up? I’m a bit early, you see.


Line 64) You can wait outside, but other than that, until we verify a reservation code, you can’t stay inside the hotel.

Sotsona looks upset.


Line 65) Ah. I see. I’m sorry for bothering you.

Sotsona steps out of the line and two security guards escort her out of the building.

Line 66) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m such a fool. Who would ever agree to do something like this with me? What was I thinking?

Line 67) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I shouldn’t have fallen for that stupid note.

Line 68) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I let my emotions get the best of me and made a rash decision.

Line 69) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Why do I keep letting myself waste precious time?

Line 70) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Mom’s right. I AM as useless as ever.

As Sotsona is nearing the exit of the hotel a person calls for her.

Guy 1


Sotsona swiftly turns her head and sees the man calling out for her.

The security guards wait.

The man approaches Sotsona.

He is still wearing shades that cover his eyes.

Sotsona notices him.

Guy 1

Line 72) I didn’t think you would come.

The guards leave Sotsona.

Sotsona blushes out of embarrassment.

Guy 1

Line 73) I thought I recognized you, but I didn’t think it was you until you started leaving.

Guy 1

Line 74) So, I see you got my note.

Guy 1

Line 75) I’m sorry I wasn’t specific, especially with how strict the policies here are.

Guy 1

Line 76) Let’s get checked in.

Sotsona abides and they wait in line for the receptionist again.

Once it’s their turn to speak with her, the guy pulls out his ID.

The receptionist looks at it in shock.

She looks at Sotsona in shock as well.


Line 77) Sorry. I should’ve known this was the guest you were bringing. I apologize.

Sotsona looks confused.

Line 78) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: All he did was show his ID, there was no reservation code.

Line 79) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Is he some sort of well-known guy or something?

After they successfully get checked in, the man leads Sotsona into the VIP lounging area.

Guy 1

Line 80) Follow me.

Sotsona follows the man and they arrive at the lounging area.

The lounging area is located outside and they get seated at a table.

Sotsona looks around the place in shock.

The guy notices.

Guy 1

Line 81) You look like a lost puppy.

Sotsona is caught off-guard from this statement.

Guy 1

Line 82) This place sure is nice, huh?

Sotsona looks at the man shockingly.

Guy 1

Line 83) Are you going to say anything at all? Or shall I do all the talking for today?

Sotsona gets flushed with embarrassment.


Line 84) I-I’m sorry. I’m just still trying to process everything.

Guy 1

Line 85) Don’t be sorry. I’m the one who should be apologizing.

Guy 1

Line 86) I should've been more specific in the note beforehand to avoid you from almost getting kicked out just now.

Guy 1

Line 87) I’m sorry if that embarrassed you. Those weren’t my intentions.

The man blushes.

Guy 1

Line 88) By the way. You look great today.

Sotsona unintentionally blushes from the man’s remark.


Line 89) Oh, thank you. I’m very flattered.

A waiter approaches them and hands each of them a menu for drinks.


Line 90) Can I get you guys anything to drink?

Guy 1

Line 91) Since you chose my drink yesterday, let me choose yours.

Guy 1

Line 92) We’ll have two virgin pina coladas, please.

The waiter leaves and grabs their menus.

Guy 1

Line 93) I hope ordering that for you is okay.

Guy 1

Line 94) I just wanted to return the favor since you gave me such a nice drink yesterday.

Guy 1

Line 95) The pina coladas here are really great.

Sotsona smiles.

Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So far. He’s being quite friendly.

Line 97) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And yet, I still don’t know his name or how he fully looks because of his shades.


Line 98) I should be ashamed asking you this. But, what’s your name?

The guy is caught off-guard.

Guy 1

Line 99) Oh, I thought I already told you.

The guy takes off his glasses and introduces himself.

Guy 1

Line 100) My name is Casimir Adair.

Casimir waits for Sotsona’s reaction to his name.

He doesn’t get any reaction out of her.

He awkwardly responds to her


Line 101) D-Does my name sound familiar to you?

Sotsona thinks to herself, but is left stumped.

She shrugs her shoulders in confusion.


Line 102) Based on the way people were associating with you, I’m assuming you're well-known.


Line 103) I’m sorry to say that I don’t know who you are.

Casimir laughs.


Line 104) That’s fine. You’re not necessarily supposed to recognize me. I just thought maybe my name would ring some bells.


Line 105) I’m just a regular here that’s why everybody knows me.


Line 106) Other than that. My mother is the founder of Adair hair products.


Line 107) Adair hair products you say?

That name sounds familiar to Sotsona.


Line 108) Since you said that outloud, it does sound familiar for some sort of reason.

Sotsona tries to recollect her memory about why the name “Adair” seems familiar to her.

*We get a flashback to when Sotsona was working at a barber shop.

She is organizing at a salon and stocking up on some new products.

In her hand she has an Adair hair product.

Line 109) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Adair? What a strange name.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 18, 2024
Last Updated on June 18, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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