Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 4

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 4

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona pays the waitress that sold her out 50 bucks and sadly goes home. Hoping to be left alone after a rough day, he parents stir up trouble.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 4:

February 17th 2024. It is a Saturday.

Sotsona pays the waitress that sold her out.

She upsettingly makes her way to the bus station.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) Not only did I get robbed of all my hard work.

Line 2) I didn’t get A tip from the guys anyhow.

Line 3) I just returned the money, and forgot to mention a regular tip.

Sotsona smacks her head.

Line 4) I was way too caught up in my own situation that I forgot that they still needed to tip me normally.

Line 5) Now, all that I have made for the day is just my regular salary.

Line 6) Tips are the star of what I make, so I always look forward to them.

Line 7) Bus money might be tight for next week.

After some walking, Sotsona makes it to the bus station and waits for the next bus to come.

Other people are gathered at the stop too.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 8) I just wonder what that guy saw in me.

Line 9) I’m no catch.

Line 10) I’m just a simple girl, and I’m sure some makeup and zhuzhed up hair didn’t change anything.

Line 11) The real question I should be asking myself is why I care so much?

Line 12) Is this really what I’m getting caught up thinking about?

Line 13) I get attention from a guy for the first time in my life and all of a sudden I don’t know how to feel?

Line 14) This is ridiculous.

Line 15) Not trying to be nitpicky, but a short guy?

Line 16) And I couldn’t even get a full glimpse of his face because of his sunglasses.

Line 17) There’s nothing that caught my eye, that’s for sure.

Line 18) Ugh. I shouldn’t be so harsh. Why am I mad at him?

Line 19) He’s the one that offered me a hefty tip. I should be grateful.

Line 20) I’m just moody that I had to pay up that waitress.

Line 21) I hope some bad karma will get to her sometime.

Sotsona looks at her phone and realizes that the bus should’ve come by now.

Line 22) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: The bus should’ve arrived 15 minutes ago. It’s never late like this.

Sotsona looks to the side and sees a homeless person next to her.

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Poor guy looks roughed up. 

Sotsona looks at her phone again.

Line 24) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: You know what? I should just walk home.

Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s probably like an hour and a half away.

Line 26) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t mind walking. At this rate, who knows when the bus will come.

Sotsona pulls some cash out of her wallet (she was going to use this money for the bus).

She gives the homeless man the money and walks away.

The homeless man graciously accepts it.

Seeing the man happy, cheers Sotsona up.

She pops in her earbuds and starts walking the streets of Chicago.

She’s all wrapped in a thick coat and exhales cold air.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 27) To whoever is out there that witnesses everything from above…

Line 28) Please help us.

Line 29) Everywhere I look, there’s always somebody struggling.

Line 30) Including me.

Line 31) Please, change our lives for the better.

Line 32) When will we get our happily ever after?

After walking for two hours in the cold, Sotsona makes it home.

She takes out her phone to see the time and wraps up her earbuds.

Line 33) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Dang! It’s been two hours?!

Line 34) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I mean I knew it would take long to get here.

Line 35) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, I didn’t think I would get home this late.

Sotsona sighs.

Line 36) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Transportation is so important.

Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It irritates me that I have to rely on it so much, it’s not like I can afford to get a car. I don’t even know how to drive.

Line 38) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s freezing out here! I can’t wait to get inside to take a warm bath.

Sotsona opens the door with her key and enters her house.

She notices her parents sitting at the dinner table.

As usual she doesn’t speak to them.

This time around they strike a conversation with her.


Line 39) Where were you?

Sotsona looks at them in confusion.


Line 40) What do you mean? I was at work.

Her parents speak to her in a blunt tone.


Line 41) Don’t lie to us. You never work on the weekends.


Line 42) I already told you guys, my boss changed my schedule this week to make me work on a Saturday.


Line 43) Pft! Like we’ll believe something like that.


Line 44) Where were you? Actually.


Line 45) Like I said. I was at work. Do you want me to call my boss as proof?


Line 46) Where else would I be?


Line 47) Who knows. Maybe you’re stashing money privately and spending it on your weekend endeavors.


Line 48) If you’re doing something like that. Save up your money for school and not something this worthless.

Sotsona frustratingly looks at her parents. 


Line 49) You made that up. I’m not doing anything like that.


Line 50) Then why the hell did you come home so late?!


Line 51) I walked home.


Line 52) You walked home?! Why would you walk home in this kind of weather?!


Line 53) Why does it matter what I do or don't do? It’s not like you guys care anyways.

Sotsona’s mother stands up and slaps her in the face while yelling at her.



Sotsona fearfully backs away from her parents and puts her hand on her wincing cheek.





Sotsona’s mom tries to calm herself down.


Line 57) I don’t know what the hell you’re up to, but I’m not liking it.


Line 58) If you had gone to college, you would have already graduated and started an ACTUAL career.


Line 59) You’re being as useless as ever.


Line 60) Go to your room. I don’t want to see your face.

Sotsona upsettingly goes to her room and slams the door shut.

Her back faces her door and she slides down it.

She starts to get emotional and frustrated from her parents.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 61) What the hell did I do to deserve that slap?!

Line 62) I only said the truth, but was punished for speaking up for myself.

Line 63) Sure, my mom’s right. If I had gone to school I probably would have been done and gotten a stable job by now.

Line 64) But, that wouldn’t have been me. I want to find my own way in this life.

Line 65) Am I not allowed to do the things I want to do?

Line 66) If I was making enough money, they wouldn’t have reacted like this.

Line 67) They see me as a burden since all I do is work and not make enough.

Sotsona cries on her knees.

Line 68) They don’t understand me.

Line 69) Parents are supposed to be your number 1 supporters.

Line 70) My parents don’t care about how I’m doing.

Line 71) Why is there no one around me that cares?

Line 72) I can’t take this anymore.

Line 73) I’m not happy.

Line 74) Everyday I wake up, and I hate that I’m awakened from my dreams.

Line 75) I hate my life! I truly hate it!

Line 76) There’s nothing around me that sparks joy.

Line 77) It’s like I have no purpose in life.

Line 78) I'm just a waste of space.

After crying for some time, Sotsona wipes her tears and gets ready to unwind for the day.

Line 79) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so tired from all this crying.

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Good thing I have tomorrow off. I’m going to stay in bed all day.

As she takes off her waitress uniform, the note the guy gave her earlier falls out.

Sotsona is confused as to what this paper is.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I didn’t store any trash in my pockets, what the heck is this?

As Sotsona goes to pick it up and put it in the trash, she notices there’s something written on it.

She reads the note before throwing it away.

Note reads:

In case you changed your mind, come to address xxxxxxx at 1:00 PM tomorrow.

I hope to see you there.

X.O: Cool guy who tipped you 1K ♡

Sotsona looks surprised after reading the letter.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: When did he put this in my pocket? 

*Flashback to the scene of while she explains why she can’t accept the tip he writes something down quickly and puts it in her pocket (refer back to episode 3, this wasn’t blatantly written, it is an extra detail).

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I did notice him writing a note down for a brief moment, could it be him writing this?

Sotsona is taken aback from the situation.

Line 84) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: A guy really went out of his way to go to these lengths to land a date with me?

Line 85) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe it! It’s not everyday something like this happens to someone.

Line 86) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, why is he so desperate for me?

Line 87) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t wrap my brain around that.

Sotsona realizes something.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 88) I was talking about how I was waiting for a miracle to happen.

Line 89) What if this is the miracle in disguise?

Line 90) I mean he’s rich, so the opportunities he offers are endless.

Line 91) But, why should I approach him with that motive? That’s unlike me.

Line 92) Other than that, he’s the only person in my life who’s shed some light on me.

Line 93) I can’t really think of any other support other than him at the moment.

Line 94) Since I’m doing so miserably, what’s the harm in accepting his request to go on a date?

Line 95) We don’t have to go on this date with a romantic mindset. People go on dates with their friends too.

Line 96) So why don’t we become friends?

Line 97) I’m definitely in need of anyone out there right now.

Line 98) Maybe he can help me with my situation.

Line 99) I may be jumping to conclusions, but I truly have nothing else to resort to,  except this.

Line 100) My plans of staying home all day tomorrow are scratched.

Line 101) I’ll meet up with this guy and see what he’s all about.

Line 102) I should seize every opportunity given to me.

Line 103) I’ve been hoping for something good to happen to me.

Line 104) I can’t turn a blind eye to this situation.

Line 105) Something like this will probably never ever happen to me ever again.

Line 106) I just hope he doesn’t have any sort of ulterior motives.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 18, 2024
Last Updated on June 18, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
