In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 23

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 23

A Chapter by Yosh

How will Calista manage Elouise who infiltrated their place so abruptly?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

April 19 2023. It is a Wednesday.

Episode 23:

Elouise is in Calista’s apartment after asking to come in.

Line 1) Elouise: I should try and be as friendly as possible so she opens up to me.


Line 2) What a nice place you have.


Line 3) Oh. Thank you.


Line 4) Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Water?


Line 5) Tea would be nice.

Line 6) Elouise: I want to keep the conversation flowing for as long as possible. She seems eager to get me out of here.


Line 7) You can have a seat by our dining table.

Line 8) Calista: Why did I ask her if she wanted to drink something. There’s no way she’ll leave quickly now.

Calista prepares the tea and brings it to the dining table. She sits in front of Elouise.

Elouise has a sip.

Line 9) Elouise: I wanted to complain about something. But unfortunately, this tea is quite nice.

Reminder montage of Teresa telling Elouise to be nice to Calista.

Line 10) Elouise: Ugh. I should try and be nice. If I’m mean she’ll consider me “Unapproachable”.

Elouise looks around the apartment some more and sees another bed.

Line 11) Elouise: Huh. I wonder why there’s a bed there of all places. But then again. It’s none of my business to know.

Line 12) Calista: Why isn’t she saying anything? She’s the one who wanted to talk. What’s with this silence?

Elouise looks at Calista and sees that she looks uncomfortable around Elouise.

Line 13) Elouise: Oh. I should say something.

Elouise says her next statement in complete monotone.


Line 14) This. Tea. Is. Nice.

Line 15) Calista: A bit of enthusiasm would convince me she was actually telling the truth.


Line 16) I’m glad you think so.

Line 17) Elouise: I want to get straight to the point, but I feel like if I do, it’ll make her feel uneasy. She’ll probably just kick me out.

Line 18) Elouise: I should actually applaud her for being bold and letting me in her place. She could’ve just pretended she wasn’t there and I would’ve left.

Shot pans to Marvin crammed in Calista’s closet on her phone.

Line 19) Marvin: It sucks I can’t hear anything from here. 

Line 20) Marvin: I hope Calista will be able to manage Elouise

Shot pans back to Calista and Elouise.

Line 21) Elouise: Well this is awkward. I don’t know what to say. Should I ask about her personal life?


Line 22) So, Calista. What do you do for a living?

Line 23) Calista: If she’s gonna ask me a question like that. There’s no way she’s leaving anytime soon. I feel bad for Marvin. He’s probably gonna be all sore from being crammed in my closet.


Line 24) I’m an accountant.


Line 25) Oh, nice.

Line 26) Elouise: She’s actually got a pristine profession. That infuriates me.


Line 27) But why are you off on a week-day. Shouldn’t you be at work?

Line 28) Calista: That is NONE OF YOUR  DAMN BUSINESS! But I’m  way too nice to say that.


Line 29) With the kind of job I have. It’s easy to get a burn-out. So, I’ve decided to take a break for one week just to rest.


Line 30) Understandable.

Line 31) Elouise: It infuriates me even more that she prioritizes her well-being.


Line 32) You have a roommate, right?


Line 33) Yes I do. Her name is Talulla. She’s also a friend of your granddaughters.


Line 34) Is she?

Calista nods.

Line 35) Calista: Ugh. I already regret telling her that.


Line 36) Was she there when you were hanging out with my daughter that one time?


Line 37) She was.

Line 38) Calista: Why did I just throw Talulla under the bus in this situation? I suck.


Line 39) May I ask who that friend of yours was? The one who wanted to know about my cut-off family. I believe his name is Jimmy, from what my granddaughter said.


Line 40) He’s a cousin of Talulla’s. He asked Talulla and I if we could help him find leads so that he could know more about his cut-off family.


Line 41) As we helped him find some things. One thing led to another and it caused us to pursue Teresa and ask her about it.


Line 42) But since she mentioned you didn’t feel comfortable talking about that. She decided to still give us your contact information just in case you ever decided to change your mind.

Line 43) Elouise: So, far all of this sounds reasonable. I hate it. I want to put her on the spot.

Elouise sips her tea.


Line 44) On behalf of Jimmy, he asked me if I could call you and see if you’d agree to tell me some information.


Line 45) Teresa mentioned she’d give you a heads up about my call, so that you wouldn’t be surprised when I contacted you. That’s why I asked about what she  told you, so that I’d have more context on what I could say to you. That’s all.

Line 46) Calista: I have to step up and be the bigger person by apologizing for doing that.


Line 47) Looking back. I apologize for asking about such a sensitive topic. It was out of line on my part.

Line 48) Elouise: Her apology seems sincere. I guess I have to accept it, since I am trying to be nice today.


Line 49) I accept your apology.

Calista is shocked.

Line 50) Calista: I didn’t think she’d forgive me so easily. But yay! I guess…


Line 51) I appreciate the acceptance. I hope we can overlook this situation and start fresh.

Calista smiles.

Line 52) Calista: I hope she leaves now and never comes back.


Line 53) Before we do that. I need to ask you a question.

Line 54) Calista: Hopefully it’s nothing serious.


Line 55) Ask away. I’ll answer it to the best of my abilities.

Line 56) Elouise: This will put her on the spot for sure.

Elouise gives a devious grin that Calista doesn’t notice. Elouise reaches into her bag and pulls out the stack of photos. She sets them in front of Calista.


Line 57) Do you recognize these photos?

Line 58) Calista: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Line 59) Calista: I hope my facial expression don’t expose me! Remember to act oblivious!


Line 60) Hmm. I really don’t. 

Line 61) Elouise: She’s lying. She won’t get away with this so easily.


Line 62) What do you mean you don’t recognize them? I’m sure Teresa showed these to you.


Line 63) No. I would've remembered if she showed me something like this. I’m an accountant after all. I have to keep my memory sharp.

Line 64) Elouise: Why is she still lying to me? She obviously knows something.

Line 65) Elouise: I want to threaten her, but I’m trying to ease into the conversation.


Line 66) Calista. I’ve forgiven you. There’s no need to lie to me. Simply tell me the truth about whether you recognize these photos or not.


Line 67) I’m telling the truth. I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize them.

Line 68) Calista: I hope she’ll realize I’m completely oblivious and give up.

Line 69) Elouise: I won’t stop targeting her.


Line 70) Alright. Well whether you recognize these photos or not there’s something that happened to them, that I think involves you.

Elouise points on Marvin’s faded face.


Line 71) Take a look at this.

Calista looks and pretends to be oblivious.


Line 72) Alright. What exactly am I looking at?

Line 73) Elouise: She’s pretending not to know why the picture looks the way it does. She’s such a liar.


Line 74) As you can see. The picture underneath the film has been ripped off.


Line 75) That’s unfortunate.


Line 76) When I found this photo, I noticed that the image that was ripped off did not resemble the original person in the picture.


Line 77) As if someone tried to cover it up.


Line 78) The person that was covered up, also happens to be the cut-off family member that you were trying to get in contact with by me.

Line 79) Calista: I can’t believe she’s caught on! I hope that acting clueless will still convince her.


Line 80) I don’t know for certain. But you seem to be the prime suspect for doing this.


Line 81) Especially since you and your friends were the only ones claimed by Teresa who have seen these pictures.


Line 82) See where I’m getting at?


Line 83) I think so. You’re claiming that I’m the one who tried to cover up this person’s face, and this person so happens to be the cut-off family member that my friend was trying to seek information about?


Line 84) Precisely. So, what do you have to say for yourself?


Line 85) All I have to say is that I didn’t do it.

Elouise gives Calista the death stare. 

Line 86) Elouise: She’s got some nerve to continue lying. I have to threaten her. Being nice is not working.


Line 87) I don’t believe you! All of this leads up to you! Why won’t you admit you’ve done this!


Line 88) I won’t admit to doing something I clearly haven’t done.


Line 89) Alright then. So, you won’t be opposed if I take this to the police, right?

Line 90) Calista: Good thing that Talulla and I cleaned off the pictures before she gave them back to Teresa. Our fingerprints won’t be on the pictures, therefore we won’t be suspected.

Flashback to them cleaning the photos off with gloves and Talulla giving Teresa the photo back using her sweatshirt when she visited her at the coffee shop.


Line 91) If you deem it necessary to resort to the police. I’m not holding you back. But don’t be confused when they get mad at you for bugging them for no reason.


Line 92) The police have to deal with actual problems like kidnappers and murders, not whatever you have come to them for.


Line 93) Who the hell do you think you are?!


Line 94) Ma’am there’s no need to get angry. I’m simply telling you that I’m not affiliated with this problem.


Line 95) You’re a liar! I’ll have you know that I can easily take your job away within an instant! 


Line 96) You ruined my pictures! The only ones I have left of this person!


Line 97) Ma’am I’m sorry to hear that. But I’m telling you again, that it has nothing to do with me.


Line 98) Other reasons don’t make sense. The only thing that adds up is you being the prime suspect for this.


Line 99) I am going to the police! And I will have you arrested for this!

Elouise stands up and heads for the door.


Line 100) Before you leave. May I ask you a question?


Line 101) I’m not obligated to answer anything from you!


Line 102) That’s true, but I’ll ask you anyway.


Line 103) How did you get my address?

Elouise comes to a halt and turns to Calista.


Line 104) What are you talking about?


Line 105) I’m assuming you asked Teresa for my address, correct?


Line 106) What are you getting at?


Line 107) Well, you do realize that disclosing information about a person like that is considered illegal?


Line 108) It is not!


Line 109) Well obviously I didn’t disclose that information with my consent. So, it was against my will. 

Calista sips her tea.


Line 110) I’m sure you know that’s illegal.


Line 111) Are you threatening me?


Line 112) You’re the one who started it.


Line 113) What you’ve done just now, is an even bigger issue than what you accuse me of doing.


Line 114) Therefore, I don’t think the police will take it lightly.


Line 115) In fact, they may ask me if I’d like to press charges.


Line 116) Based on how you’ve acted towards me. I don’t think I’ll hesitate in doing just that.

Elouise is shocked.


Line 117) So, you’re so casually going to press charges on your friend?


Line 118) Sure, Teresa told you my address, but you’re the one who actually showed up to my place.


Line 119) The police won’t tell me who I get to press charges on. I’m the one that decides that.


Line 120) So, I’ll press charges on you.


Line 121) Are you that desperate for money?!


Line 122) I’ll have you know that my son is the heir to my family business and has a lot of power over you.

Calista’s narration:

Line 123) Marvin was right about Elouise.

Line 124) She’s a rich snob who uses her wealth to overpower people that get in her way.

Line 125) After Marvin explained to me how much of a destructive impact she’s made on his life.

Line 126) I want to seek vengeance for him.

Line 127) I want her to suffer like he did.

Line 128) But, I know revenge is not the answer to something like this.

Line 129) Therefore, I decided to say…


Line 130) Well since your son is the successor for your family business. I’m sure he has lots of work he has to deal with.


Line 131) I’ll tell you what. If you don’t go to the police for what you claim I did. I won’t go to the police about my address fiasco.


Line 132) Not only will it bring ease to the police, since they won’t have to deal with small unnecessary issues like this, it’ll help your ever so busy son who probably doesn’t want to deal with a problem like this on top of all the work he has to do.


Line 133) So, what do you say? Let’s make this deal.

Line 134) Elouise: She has a point with the whole bothering people thing.

Line 135) Elouise: But I don’t want to let her off the hook. I’m so close to getting her busted.

Line 136) Elouise: But I don’t have the upper hand if she decides to go to the police about me being here.

Line 137) Elouise: I guess I have to agree.


Line 138) We have a deal.

Line 139) Calista: Thank Goodness she finally agreed. I was running out of things that could back me up.

Elouise starts for the door and sets out to exit. But before she does Calista has one more thing to say.


Line 140) But before you go. Can I suggest one more request?

Elouise whines.


Line 141) Can you promise that this is the last time we’ll see each other?


Line 142) Don’t take this the wrong way. But you’ve only caused me difficulty with your presence. So, I’d like this to be our last affiliation.


Line 143) Fine. Whatever.


Line 144) Alright then. You can go now.

Elouise leaves. Shot pans to her outside.

Line 145) Elouise: That ^^*&#$#%#$%&^^*!

Line 146) Elouise: I’ll get her next time.

Shot pans back to Calista.

She lets out a sigh and lays her head on the dining room table.


Line 147) Good grief. That lady is such a nuisance.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 23 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
