Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 2

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 2

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona heads to work agreeing to a Saturday shift. There, she will meet the man who will change her life forever.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 2:

February 17th 2024. It is a Saturday.

It is the weekend and as Sotsona is in a deep slumber, her alarm goes off again.

She gets out of bed and turns her phone off.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Time to go to work again, even though it’s the weekend.

Sotsona rubs her temples.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so tired though. Why did I agree to do a shift on the weekend?

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I already have 12 hour shifts on a daily basis.

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Time to slave away for 8 more hours.

Sotsona gets ready for work and heads downstairs.

She eats breakfast in silence and zones out frequently from being so tired.

She heads out to work and gets on the bus as usual.

She takes out her phone and earbuds to play some music.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 5) Whenever I’m in a bad mood.

Line 6) I pop in my ear buds and put on my most recent rotation of music.

Line 7) There have been countless times when I have had to play music to ease myself off.

Line 8) I have nothing else to comfort me besides catchy tunes.

Sotsona gives a grave look out the window and leans her head on the bus poles.

Line 9) It’s crazy to think that out of everything around me, a soulless object such as music is the only comfort I have left.

Line 10) It merely shouldn’t be this way for me.

Line 11) In my dreams… Everything is so different.

We are in Sotsona’s dream before she woke up from her alarm this morning.

Line 12) I’m laying on a hammock on a sunny day.

Line 13) Sipping straight from a coconut at a beach.

Line 14) The seagulls above me squawk.

Line 15) And the beach waves keep roaring as the wind passes through.

Line 16) The fresh breeze from the beach, along with the crispy sand…

Line 17) Everything in my dream is utter paradise.

Line 18) I don’t worry about time.

Line 19) Nor what day it is.

Line 20) I’m simply in utter bliss.

Line 21) Then… That gut wrenching sound* comes on. Just like always.

*Sotsona is referring to her alarm.

Line 22) And I’m snapped back into reality.

Line 23) From heaven to hell, within the span of seconds.

Sotsona arrives at work is is doing her job.

She is taking customers orders at the moment.


Line 24) Hello, I’m Sotsona. I’ll be your waitress for the day.


Line 25) What can I get started for you guys?

Sotsona listens and jots down what the customers order.

Line 26) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I put on this mask that I’m doing okay.

Line 27) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, does anyone actually care about what I’m going through?

Sotsona heads into the kitchen and places the note on a headboard for the chefs.


Line 28) I have one order of a filet mignon and lobster ravioli.

After the meal is cooked, Sotsona comes out of the kitchen and serves it to the guests.

One of the hostess’ spots Sotsona and signals she comes to her with a wave.

Sotsona is confused but walks to the hostess.


Line 29) Is there an issue?


Line 30) You see those men over there?

The hostess points to a pair of men that are seated at a table.

They are wearing fashionable clothes, with their eyes covered by shades.


Line 31) Did they just get here?

The hostess nods her head.


Line 32) Thank goodness. I thought you were about to scold me for not serving them.


Line 33) No. You’re always on point with your skills.


Line 34) Then, why did you call me over?


Line 35) Take a look at that man's watch.

Sotsona looks at the watch and isn’t fazed one bit.


Line 36) It’s probably worth around 50K.

Sotsona looks shocked.


Line 37) 50k?! For a watch like that?!


Line 38) Who in their right mind would ever pay that much money for a watch?!

The hostess smirks.


Line 39) Someone who’s rich.


Line 40) If they’re so rich to the point where they have a 50k watch on their wrist, then shouldn’t they be going to some other restaurant?


Line 41) Why would they come here out of every other place?


Line 42) Hey! You place our restaurant on such a low bar. It’s not that bad.


Line 43) Some people would kill to eat at a place like this.


Line 44) Sure. But, someone with a 50K watch? I don’t think so.


Line 45) Anyways, why did you call me over? Just to look at their watches?


Line 46) I’ll get in trouble if I slack off. I need to go back to work.


Line 47) That’s exactly why I called you over.


Line 48) You should serve that table.


Line 49) Since they’re so rich, and you’re the best waitress we have here. 


Line 50) You have to do your best to wow them.


Line 51) But, why? We should treat all our customers the same way.


Line 52) You’re such a goody two shoes all the time.


Line 53) Yes, we should treat all customers the same.


Line 54) But, when it comes to these kinds of people, it’s best we make good impressions on them.


Line 55) They’re the easiest to get through.


Line 56) With some glitz and flair, they can be manipulated into dropping the fattest checks and tips before they leave.


Line 57) We have to take advantage of this situation by giving them our best.


Line 58) The money they give this restaurant will only further make this business prosper.


Line 59) Remember, prospering business is also beneficial for us too.


Line 60) Wouldn’t you like a promotion of some sort?

Sotsona zones out as the hostess explains their scheme.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 61) Remember how I said everything comes down to money?

Line 62) Same rules apply to literally everything.

Line 63) It’s inevitable to escape.

Line 64) The world revolves around money.

Line 65) And since I’m a part of this world.

Line 66) I along with the rest of humanity have become a victim to what money can and can’t do.

Line 67) It’s always a charade about money.

Line 68) Who makes the most, how we can make more…

Line 69) Am I the only one who’s sick of it?

Sotsona quivers her eyebrows out of frustration.

As she zones out and the hostess tries to gain her attention again.


Line 70) Hello? Earth to Sotsona?

Sotsona snaps back into reality.


Line 71) So, are you going to serve them or not?

Sotsona sighs.


Line 72) What other choice do I have?

The hostess pats Sotsona’s shoulder.


Line 73) Heck yeah! Let’s make some money!


Line 74) But, before you go. Put this on.

The hostess shows Sotsona some lipstick.


Line 75) That’s not necessary.


Line 76) Trust me. It is.

The hostess leans into Sotsona and applies some lipstick on her lips.

Sotsona leans back, caught off-guard from this hostess’ sudden actions.

After the hostess finishes applying the lipstick, they tousle Sotsona’s hair a bit.


Line 77) Wow. It’s like the cherry on top.


Line 78) Why did you put this on? It’s not like we’re trying to seduce them.

The hostess looks at Sotsona, confused as to why she didn’t understand that from the start of their tangent.


Line 79) You’re so innocent. That’s exactly what we’re trying to do.

The hostess pushes Sotsona.


Line 80) Break a leg. Don’t let us down.

Sotsona sighs and tries to gather her wits.

She gulps anxiously because what the hostess said is getting to her.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 81) I wished she had grabbed someone else to do this.

Line 82) Although I don’t want to fall into her schemes, I can’t help but be a bit on edge.

Line 83) Suddenly I’m nervous from the amount of pressure that’s just been put on me.

Sotsona walks to the table and gets started serving.


Line 84) Welcome gentlemen. My name’s Sotsona and I’ll be your server for the day.

The men speculate Sotsona up and down.

She senses their gazes piercing through her.

Her eye slightly twitches.

Sotsona nervously responds.


Line 85) C-Can I get you guys started on some drinks?

The men smile at Sotsona.

Sotsona notices the change of their demeanor.

Line 86) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: They were so hostile just a moment ago. What’s with the switch up?

Guy 1

Line 87) What do you recommend we get?


Line 88) Ah. Well one of our house specialties is a mango passion fruit mimosa.


Line 89) People rave about how tasty the drink is. So, would you like to get that? I promise you won’t be disappointed.

The guy smiles.

Guy 1

Line 90) That sounds great. What would you like?

Guy 2

Line 91) I’ll have a virgin mojito. I’m driving anyway so I can't get tipsy.


Line 92) Those are some solid choices for you two.


Line 93) I'll get those for you guys so you can decide what to order as your main courses.

She smiles and makes her way over to the bar.

She sighs slowly and rubs her temples.

She places her notes for the order on the table for the bartender to see.

The bartender notices Sotsona’s stress.


Line 94) She put you on the spot back there, didn’t she?

Sotsona sadly nods her head.

The bartender prepares the drinks the men ordered.


Line 95) Yeah. I didn’t think much of it, until she set out her standards.


Line 96) You’re always the one who does all the heavy lifting. I feel bad.


Line 97) I’m used to it. 


Line 98) You’re a good server so you’ll do fine.

Line 99) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Do these people not notice that praising me on my serving skills is not a complement?


Line 100) But, the floors were freshly polished last night, so try not to slip, especially in front of them.

Sotsona gives the bartender the stink eye.

Line 101) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What a way to make me feel self-conscious.

Sotsona sarcastically responds.


Line 102) You’re so thoughtful. I’ll try really hard not to make a fool out of myself.

The bartender finishes making the drinks.


Line 103) Goodluck!

She takes the drinks and heads over to their table.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on June 17, 2024
Last Updated on June 17, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
