In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 22

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 22

A Chapter by Yosh

As Calista sets up Marvin's dating profile, an unexpected visitor knocks on their door.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

April 19 2023. The day is Wednesday.

Episode 22:

The night has gone by and the next day approaches. Talulla goes to work like usual and Calista and Marvin have done their routines and eaten like usual. 

Calista is taking a picture of Marvin to add to his online dating profile.

She takes some pictures with her phone and shows them to Marvin.


Line 1) How does this look?


Line 2) I should be asking you that. Do you think these pictures are good enough?

Line 3) Calista: Oh boy! What a tough question.

Line 4) Calista: I’m not the judgmental type. I don’t know what to say.


Line 5) I’m not really familiar with online dating schemes.


Line 6) But I don’t think seeking to be good enough is that main target.


Line 7) I think you just have to put yourself out there and see if anyone takes an interest in who you truly are.

Line 8) Marvin: She explained it so nicely. I feel a bit more confident now.


Line 9) What made you get the idea that you weren’t good at comforting people?

Line 10) Calista: Huh? Why’s he asking me this out of the blue?


Line 11) U-Um. I can’t directly recall why I’ve always felt this way. I just kind of have.


Line 12) Well then I hope it makes you feel better knowing that you’re comforting me pretty well.


Line 13) What you said just now, made me feel more comfortable with my dating profile.


Line 14) Thank you for your thoughtful words.


Line 15) O-Oh. Of course.

Calista gives a nervous smile.

Line 16) Calista: I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone in my life talk to me like that, just now.

Line 17) Calista: It caught me off-guard. I feel a bit flustered.

Calista clears her throat.


Line 18) Anyways, you should write a bit about yourself in your profile description.

Calista passes her phone to Marvin. He gets to typing.

Scene changes to Teresa checking her bag at home the other night.

Line 19) Teresa: Why can’t I find my ear-buds?

Line 20) Teresa: Ugh. I guess I have to dump everything out of my bag.

Teresa dumps everything out of her bag on her table and sees the stack of photos Talulla slipped in that one time.

Reminder montage of Talulla sneaking the photos back into Teresa bag.

Line 21) Teresa: Wait. These are the photos.

Line 22) Teresa: Oh gosh! I feel like an idiot for interrogating Calista that one time.

Reminder montage of when Teresa interrogated Calista.

Teresa looks embarrassed.

Line 23) Teresa: I need to call her right now and apologize.

As Teresa dials to call Calista she gets a knock on her door.

Line 24) Teresa: Huh? Who could that be?

Teresa gets up and looks through the hole of her door. She notices that her grandma is on her apartment porch.

Line 25) Teresa: What? Grams is here?

Teresa opens the door for her Grandma.


Line 26) Hey grams. What brings you here?

Teresa’s grandma is holding a bowl of soup.


Line 27) You told me you were feeling under the weather the other day. So, I’ve brought you some soup.


Line 28) Oh. Thank you.


Line 29) Let me come in for a cup of tea. Let’s chat for a bit.


Line 30) Sure. Come on in.

Teresa heats up a bowl of soup for herself and tea for her and her grandma at her lounging table


Line 31) Let me just put everything back in my bag.


Line 32) Sheesh. All of that stuff came out of your bag?


Line 33) Yeah. I dumped all of it out because I couldn't find my ear-buds.


Line 34) Well of course you couldn’t. It’s a mess in there. You should sort it out some time.


Line 35) I will, I will.

Elouise notices the stacks of photos.


Line 36) What are those photos?

Teresa replies awkwardly.


Line 37) Oh. Well. They’re the ones you gave me a while ago. Remember?


Line 38) Oh… Why are they in your bag?


Line 39) I’m not sure. I must’ve misplaced them when I was sorting them out with my friends.


Line 40) Let me take a look at them.


Line 41) Huh? Are you sure?


Line 42) Yeah sure why not.

Teresa passes the photos to Elouise. Teresa puts everything else in her bag.


Line 43) Did you do something to these photos?


Line 44) Huh? No. Why do you ask?


Line 45) Maybe it’s all in my head, but something looks different about them.

Line 46) Elouise: I clearly remember Marvin not looking like that when we took these photos.

Line 47) Elouise: Something looks so unnatural about it.


Line 48) Maybe it’s just you.

As Elouise flips through the photos she notices one part that doesn’t look glued down properly.

Line 49) Elouise: What the heck is wrong with this photo?

Line 50) Elouise: Could it be the film wearing off since the picture is so old?


Line 51) Look at this photo, Teresa.

Teresa looks at it.


Line 52) Doesn’t it look weird?


Line 53) Now that you bring it up. It does look weird.

Elouise looks at it more and makes the decision to peel it.

Line 54) Elouise: Forget it. Let me just peel off this and glue it back on.


Line 55) Grandma? What are you doing? That’ll ruin the picture.


Line 56) I’ll glue it back on don’t worry. I just need to check something.

Elouise peels it off and is confused.

Line 57) Elouise: What the heck! Why does it seem like someone tried to cover something up on purpose?

Line 58) Elouise: It ruined the picture underneath. Who would do such a thing?

Elouise peels off the rest of the picture with all ruined images.

Line 59) Elouise: They’re all ruined. It seems like someone tried to cover up Marvin’s face. I don’t understand.


Line 60) Teresa don’t lie to me. Did you do something to these photos?


Line 61) Grandma I swear I didn’t.


Line 62) Then what’s wrong with these photos? Why are they all like this?


Line 63) They’re completely ruined!

Line 64) Elouise: I wonder why it’s only like that for Marvin’s face?


Line 65) Do you think someone else might’ve done this?


Line 66) I just think the pictures are old and wearing off.


Line 67) That can’t be. If that were the case the whole picture would peel off but it’s only for one person.


Line 68) Hmm. Good observation. I don’t know why it’s like that then.


Line 69) You said you misplaced the photos in your bag, right?


Line 70) Yeah. It must’ve been after my friends left and I was organizing them.


Line 71) Doesn't it seem strange that only this stack of photos was involved?

Teresa is confused.


Line 72) What are you trying to get at?


Line 73) I think someone may have done this on purpose.

Teresa is shocked.


Line 74) In fact. I know who did this.


Line 75) Grams what are you-


Line 76) It’s that friend of yours who called me.


Line 77) Think about it. It’s the only logical explanation. 


Line 78) You haven’t shown these photos to anyone else except your friends, right?

Teresa nods.


Line 79) Then that settles it. They must’ve taken a stack and attempted to cover someone up on it.


Line 80) But why? Why would they do something like that?


Line 81) They’re the ones that asked about our cut-off family.


Line 82) It can’t be a coincidence that they covered the face of our cut-off family member.

Teresa looks concerned.


Line 83) I’ll get to the bottom of it.


Line 84) Give me your friends location.


Line 85) But I can’t just give that to you. It’s confidential information.


Line 86) Oh come on. It’s fine to tell me. I just want to get to the bottom of why they did this.


Line 87) I’ll just ask about it then. There’s no need to stop by peoples houses unattended.


Line 88) She’ll most likely deny it if you ask. If you really want her to fess up. We need to talk with her face-to-face


Line 89) Which is why I should do it. They’re familiar with me.


Line 90) I have to be the one to do it, since it’s my business.


Line 91) Grams quit being stubborn. Let me do it for a change.


Line 92) Teresa this is my business. They ruined a personal belonging that is very dear to me. They need to suffer the proper consequences. 


Line 93) We don’t even know if they’re the reason the photos are ruined. That’s just something you guessed.


Line 94) You’re right, but they’re the prime suspects for it.


Line 95) I won’t interrogate them. Just give me the location.


Line 96) Promise you’ll ask nicely?


Line 97) I promise I’ll be nice to them.

Shot cuts back to Marvin and Calista setting up Marvin’s dating profile.

They hear a knock on the door.


Line 98) I don’t know who that could be. Let me check it out.

Calista peers out and sees Elouise. 

She gets a reminder of the social media post from Teresa and recognizes that it’s Elouise.

Calista quietly walks over to Marvin and whispers.


Line 99) Marvin you need to hide.


Line 100) What? Why?

Elouise knocks again. Calista talks to her but quietly to Marvin.


Line 101) Just a minute!


Line 102) I don’t know why but Elouise is at our front-door.


Line 103) What? Why’s she here?


Line 104) I don’t know. Hide in my closet or something. She can’t see you at all. Take my phone to keep you company if she doesn’t leave for a while.


Line 105) Um. Okay. Thanks.


Line 106) I’ll try and keep the conversation short so that she leaves quickly.

Marvin nods and heads to Calista’s room and hides in her closet.

Calista heads for the apartment door.

Line 107) Calista: It’ll be fine. I just need to keep things short and sweet so she’ll leave quicker.

Line 108) Calista: There’s no reason for me to be nervous. I’ll be fine.

Calista opens the door.

Line 109) Calista: Just act oblivious to everything.


Line 110) Hello ma’am. How can I help you?


Line 111) I was wondering how long it was going to take you to open the door.

Line 112) Calista: The audacity of this woman. How can she speak to me like this?


Line 113) My hands were busy so I couldn’t answer right on time.

Calista gives Elouise a passive smile.


Line 114) So, what is it you need?


Line 115) I’m Elouise. We talked over the phone. Your name’s Calista.

Line 116) Calista: It’s gonna be hard acting oblivious when she knows about our conversation on the phone.


Line 117) May I come in? I’d like to talk to you about some things.

Line 118) Calista: It would be impolite to decline. I guess I have to invite her in.


Line 119) Sure. Come on in.

Elouise walks in and Calista closes the door.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 22 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
