![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 1A Chapter by Yosh![]() See what Sotsona has been dealing with for a while.![]() Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. Hopelessly Yours story by Yosh Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 1: A blaring alarm wakes up Sotsona, signaling she needs to wake up for work. Sotsona’s narration: Line 1) My name’s Sotsona Begay. Sotsona grabs a pillow and screams into it. Line 2) And I live my life on default. She forces herself out of bed and goes to the bathroom. Line 3) Everyday’s the same. She starts getting ready for the day by brushing her teeth and washing her face. Line 4) I get no sleep the night before. Line 5) And wake up early like some sort of robot. After getting ready and putting on her work uniform, she heads into the dining room to eat breakfast. Line 6) But, this is the American dream, isn’t it? Her parents don’t bat an eye at her and all of them eat in silence. Line 7) To work you to the point of exhaustion. After she’s finished with her food, she heads out the door to work. She takes the bus to work. She makes her way into the restaurant she works at (she’s a waitress). Line 8) And plaster a smile on your face to the customers you serve. Line 9) Then after laboring all day only for minimum wage. Sotsona gets home and it’s dark outside, she throws herself on her bed face down. Line 10) You get home, and the cycle repeats. The next day comes around and her blaring alarm goes off again and she does the same routine. Line 11) You may be wondering, how did I end up like this? Line 12) I simply had no choice. That’s why. *We get a flashback of Sotsona at her graduation ceremony for school. Line 13) After 4 years of hell, I graduated high school. Line 14) I was thrilled to know what else life had in store for me. Line 15) However, my dreams got crushed in the span of a blink of an eye. Sotsona’s parents gather at a table to break bad news to her. Sotsona Line 16) What’s going on? Why are you guys here sitting in silence? Mom Line 17) Sit, we need to have a serious conversation. Sotsona hesitantly sits and senses the mood. She looks at her dad who has a serious grim expression on his face. Sotsona Line 18) What is it? You guys are freaking me out. Dad Line 19) Truth is, Sotsona. We can’t send you to the school you want to go to. Sotsona feels her heart fall to her stomach. She looks at her dad with glistening eyes in shock. Sotsona Line 20) W-What? I-I don’t get what you mean? Mom Line 21) We know you got accepted into a good one. But, it’s way too expensive for us to afford. Sotsona’s face goes blank. Sotsona Line 22) What about all the scholarships I got? And the financial aid that is being provided for us? Dad Line 23) We got money from them, however, it’s still not enough. Mom Line 24) We thought that they would’ve given us more, but the amount they granted us will make it tough to make ends meet for a long time. Sotsona tries to frustratingly understand the situation, but can’t help but get emotional. Sotsona Line 25) S-So, why don’t we take out a loan? Sotsona Line 26) Can we talk with a financial advisor to see what our other choices are? *Flashback to them meeting up with an advisor and them disappointingly hearing the other steps they offer knowing they can’t afford any of that. Dad Line 27) Your mother and I have already seen one and they couldn’t give us any other options that could work for us. Sotsona stares at the ground in disbelief. Sotsona Line 28) S-So, there’s nothing else we can do? Her parents shake their heads no. Sotsona covers her face and cries. Mom Line 29) We’re really sorry, honey. We thought that if they had given us a better opportunity we could work something out. Dad Line 30) There really is nothing we can do to send you to this school. Dad Dad Line 32) Therefore, the debt accumulated will only gain more interest, causing it to loom over our heads for a while. Mom Line 33) Do you understand where we’re coming from? Dad Line 34) I’m sorry we had to break the news to you like this. Dad Line 35) But we can’t deny that sending you to that school will be a heavy burden on us. Sotsona continues to cry on the table. Mom Line 36) We can try to work out some other things. But, for now we’ll just give you time to process the news. Sotsona’s mom stands up and pats her head. She leaves and so does Sotsona’s dad. Sotsona is left all alone crying on her dinner table. Sotsona’s narration: Line 37) The school I had worked so hard to get into, was simply out of reach. Line 38) Just because of MONEY. Line 39) Everything comes down to money. Sotsona and her parents talking about their next steps. Line 40) If I wasn’t going to go to the school of my dreams… Line 41) Then I wasn’t going to go to school at all. Line 42) I didn’t have the motivation to attend any school. Not even community college. Line 43) So, my next steps in life were to start from scratch. Line 44) But, to survive in this kind of economy, there’s no way I could sit home and do nothing all day. Line 45) The only thing left for me was work. Line 46) Essentially you could say that I put myself in this position. Sotsona tries to imagine going to a nearby affordable college from her imagination. Line 47) Sure, I could’ve gone to community college… Line 48) But, I felt like my life fell apart the moment my parents told me I couldn’t go to my dream school. Line 49) All the visions I had built for myself… Line 50) Became shattered within an instant. A mirror shatters, showing that Sotsona’s dreams were crushed. Line 51) All of this happened around 6 years ago. *When Sotsona was 17, she is 23 now. Line 52) After I finished school, I spent months on end searching for a job. Sotsona hopelessly scrolling on her phone to apply for any job listings. Line 53) It was a lot harder than I expected to finally land on something. Line 54) I revised my resume and cover letter countless times to make sure they were perfect. Line 55) But, regardless, I was rejected left and right anyways. Line 56) As someone who had no experience, I don’t know what I was expecting. Line 57) Although I felt completely drained from the one thing that kept me going in life. Line 58) There was still this stupid hope left within me that was waiting for a miracle. Line 59) So, I thought that trying to be positive was better than being utterly hopeless. Line 60) Which is why I still tried and tried, until I finally got any responses back. A random day, Sotsona gets a message back from her phone of a popular retail store wanting to hire her. Message reads: Hello Sotsona, we are reaching out to tell you that we would like to schedule an interview with you for the sales associate position at our company. Take a look below to fill out a time that works best for you. Sotsona beams and immediately responds by filling out a time slot. Line 61) I thought I was special by getting this opportunity to work. Sotsona gets the okay that she can work for this job. Line 62) However, I quickly realized that I was 1/75 other people who got accepted in this job. Line 63) It was all for some stupid black friday event and they were lacking employees. Sotsona working at her job for black friday. Line 64) After working a couple of times. I never got scheduled for any other slots. Line 65) Which means I was back to square one. She continues to scroll on her phone to find another job. Line 66) This shameless and brutal cycle continued several more times. Line 67) Until I was finally able to land a job as a waitress. Line 68) Not the most ideal job, since it comes with a rigorous schedule. Line 69) But, the pay wasn’t so bad, so I had to take it. Line 70) And that’s how I ended up in this state. Line 71) Throughout these years, my parents and I had been on bad terms. Sotsona and her parents arguing. Line 72) I blamed them for my failed dreams, and they blamed me for not finding something else suitable for myself. Line 73) It’s as if they didn’t care about me. Line 74) All they cared about was what I offered to the table. Line 75) As if they didn’t see me as their daughter. Line 76) Just someone who lives in the same place as them. Line 77) But, other than that, we interacted as strangers with each other. Sotsona and her parents not talking to each other on a day-to-day basis. Line 78) You may be wondering about my friends. Line 79) About that… Sotsona and her friends talking about their lives during highschool when they go to college. Line 80) We were planning our college lives since we realized we would be attending the same one. Line 81) And when I told them I couldn’t go. Sotsona’s friends distancing themselves from her. Line 82) They cut me out of their lives. And didn’t have any time to spare for me. Line 83) I can’t blame them since things change so much once you go to college. Line 84) However, a part of me thought that these people were my real friends. Line 85) And that no matter what. They would stay by my side. Line 86) I was very disappointed when I realized that wasn’t true. Sotsona is on her bed staring at the ceiling. Line 87) It’s like I said. Everything in my life fell apart. Line 88) I was supposed to go to my dream school. Line 89) And be surrounded by my friends. Line 90) Major in something I’m passionate about. Line 91) And eventually graduate with that degree and find a good job. Line 92) But, I was gravely mistaken on what my reality had offered me. Line 93) I keep wondering how things went south. Line 94) What I possibly did to deserve this outcome. Line 95) But, all of those questions led me to a dead end. Line 96) And I came to the conclusion that life is unfair. Line 97) That life sucks and there’s nothing we can do about it. Line 98) It is what it is, unfortunately. Line 99) However, still deep inside of me. Line 100) There’s this panging ray of hope. Line 101) That’s telling me to keep going. Line 102) That this suffering can’t last forever. Line 103) And that something greater in my future is in store. Line 104) But, at the moment… Line 105) I’ve lost all my patience. Line 106) How much longer can I wait for a miracle? Line 107) Has it already been 6 years? Line 108) When did all this time pass by? Line 109) And why do I feel like I haven’t lived any of it? Line 110) If something doesn’t happen any time soon. Line 111) I won’t be able to contain myself any longer. Line 112) I’ll go off the deep end. Sotsona covers herself with her bed sheets and goes to sleep. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 16, 2024 Last Updated on December 13, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author