![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 17A Chapter by Yosh![]() How will Russell react when Marvin reveals his true identity to him?![]() Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. April 17 2023. The day is Monday. It’s the afternoon. Episode 17: Marvin had just revealed his true identity to his old friend Russell. Russell looks at Marvin in shock, not believing his eyes. Russell Line 1) Marv- Marvin? Marvin leans in a bit closer to Russell. Marvin Line 2) It’s me Russ. Calista looked panicky. Line 3) Calista: What if Russell passes out right now because of his old age? What will we do then? Russell Line 4) I-I don’t understand! Russell Line 5) How can you be here right now? Marvin Line 6) It’s a long story. But it really is me buddy. Marvin Line 7) You’re not seeing things. I’m really here right now. Russell pokes Marvins face. Russell Line 8) I don’t believe it! How is this possible?! Russell looks at Calista. Russell Line 9) Is this some prank? Is this guy a look alike? Russell starts to get mad. Russell Line 10) Why would you pull such a sick prank like this on me?! Marvin interjects. Marvin Line 11) That temper of yours never dialed down over the years, has it? Russell looks at Marvin in shock. Line 12) Russell: How is his voice the same? Russell Line 13) I b-beg your pardon-? Marvin Line 14) Sophomore year of highschool, you pretended to have a girlfriend name Sandy Steinfield for 5 months. Russell looked shocked. Line 15) Russell: Only the real Marvin would know something like that! Marvin Line 16) Still don’t believe me? Marvin Line 17) Let me dig deeper. Line 18) Marvin: I need to think of something that only him and I know. Like a secret of some sort. Marvin Line 19) You were such a germaphobe in 5th grade that you wouldn’t use the bathrooms. But you couldn’t hold it anymore and accidently peed your pants and a bit of it got on me. Russell was shocked. Russell Line 20) You swore you wouldn’t tell anyone! Line 21) Russell: It’s really him! It’s really Marvin! Marvin Line 22) Give me a hug, you grouchy old man! They both hug each other tightly and Russell gets a bit emotional. Calista smiles at their reconciliation. Line 23) Calista: I thought that it would be a bad idea to reveal himself to someone. But this ended up turning out nicely. Calista notices how happy Marvins looks. Line 24) Calista: He looks so happy. I’m glad he stood his ground and made a bold choice. A couple seconds go by as they continue to hug each other. Russell cries a bit. They finally pull back still holding each other's arms. Marvin notices Russells tears. Marvin Line 25) Are you crying, you old man? He wipes them off his face. Calista looks through her bag and gives a pack of tissues to Marvin. Marvin takes one and dries Russell's tears. Russell Line 26) Of course I am. I’m not completely cold hearted. Marvin Line 27) Obviously not since someone decided to marry you. Russell flicks Marvins forehead. Calista laughs a bit and they turn their attention to her. Calista Line 28) Oh. Sorry for laughing. Line 29) Calista: I should probably leave. It feels like I’m intruding. They should have time to themselves. Calista Line 30) I think it’s best I take off. Just so you guys have time to be with each other. Calista takes her phone out of her pocket. Calista Line 31) Marvin, take my phone and when you're done give me a call and I’ll come pick you up. Calista Line 32) Alright then, I’ll get going. Marvin mouths thank you to Calista. Calista gives him a thumbs up and heads to the metro station. Line 33) Calista: I’m glad Marvin is having his rendezvous with Russell. She gets on her bus and heads home. Line 34) Calista: I hope Russell will help us get him home soon. Calista’s narration occurs while she is on the metro. Calista’s narration: Line 35) Although I’ve only known Marvin for a short period of time. Line 36) I can’t help but long for his company a bit, even though it’s only been 2 days. Line 37) Perhaps it's because I haven't experienced anything like this before with anyone. Line 38) Knowing that he relies on me makes me feel closer to him. 13 minutes go by and Calista heads off the bus. She walks and Teresa notices Calista walking. She approaches her. Teresa Line 39) Calista! Hey! Calista flinches a bit, being surprised that Teresa was following her. Calista Line 40) Hey Teresa… How. Are. You? Teresa Line 41) I’m good. You didn’t call me back. Are you okay? Line 42) Calista: I declined the call, and was planning to avoid Teresa for the time being. She can't know the truth. Calista Line 43) Sorry. I’ve just been so busy helping Jimmy, that I haven’t had much time to be on my phone lately. Line 44) Calista: I feel bad that I have to keep lying to her. But just because Russell knows about Marvins true identity, doesn’t mean that Teresa should know too. That’s Marvin’s choice to make. Teresa Line 45) Oh. I get it. Don’t worry. Calista Line 46) What did you want to talk to me about? Teresa Line 47) I just wanted to apologize on behalf of my grandma for refusing to help you. Calista Line 48) That’s alright. She’s not obligated to help us if she doesn’t want to. Teresa Line 49) I just feel really bad. She can be so stubborn sometimes. Calista Line 50) Don’t take it hard. It’s really all good. Teresa Line 51) She did tell me though, that you wanted to know what I told her before you called her. Calista Line 52) I asked that because I wanted to have some context to the conversation before asking her any questions. Teresa Line 53) Oh. I see. She must’ve thought you had ulterior motives. Calista Line 54) I don’t think I came across that way, but I guess that must’ve been the way she perceived it. Teresa Line 55) Well I’m sorry that my family couldn’t be of much help. Calista Line 56) There’s no need to apologize. You’ve helped us enough. We really appreciate all that you could do. Teresa Line 57) I do need to ask you something though. Calista Line 58) Sure. Anything. Line 59) Calista: Her tone seems skeptical. I hope it’s nothing bad. Teresa Line 60) After you guys left yesterday. I happened to notice that a stack of my photos seemed less bulky than before. Line 61) Calista: Crap! Teresa Line 62) It could just be my imagination playing tricks on me. But did you perhaps take anything last night? Teresa Line 63) Don’t get me wrong. I’m not accusing you of theft. I wouldn't mind if you took anything. You just need to tell me before you do it, though. Line 64) Calista: I can’t tell her that we took anything. If we give her those photos back she’ll notice Marvin’s face. Calista Line 65) I would’ve asked for your permission if I wanted to take anything. But I truly didn’t take anything. Line 66) Calista: I’m not necessarily lying to her because Talulla was the one who stole the photos, but I feel so guilty. Hopefully she doesn’t notice it through my face. Teresa Line 67) Um. Okay. So, maybe it was just my imagination after all. But can you tell Jimmy and Talulla about this too? Just in case. Calista Line 68) Of course. But they wouldn’t do anything like that. Teresa Line 69) Thanks I appreciate it. That's all for me today. Calista Line 70) Alright, well get home safe. Teresa Line 71) You too. Calista starts walking home but seems tense from Teresa. Line 72) Calista: I can’t blame her for being so passive, but I really felt put on the spot right then and there. Line 73) Calista: Hopefully, I won’t see her anytime soon, so I can continue avoiding confrontations like that. Line 74) Calista: She’s so observant. I didn’t think it would be this hard to leave her out of our business. Calista finally gets home and unlocks her door. She sees Talulla on the dining table sipping on some tea. Talulla Line 75) Welcome home. Calista Line 76) Hey. How’ve you been? Talulla stares at Calista in shock. Talulla Line 77) Where’s Marvin? Calista Line 78) Oh I forgot to tell you. You got my message though, right? Calista explains what happened while Talulla was gone at work. Talulla Line 79) We should give Teresa her photos back. Calista Line 80) Are you nuts?! She’ll see Marvins face! Talulla Line 81) Dude. I’m not an idiot. Talulla Line 82) We’ll give it back to her, but the tampered version of it. Talulla Line 83) From here on out, it should be Marvin’s call to reveal himself to people. Teresa and her family are not the people he would do that for. Talulla Line 84) But. If we change the way he looks in the photos, I don’t think she’ll be on edge about us anymore. Calista Line 85) So, are you going to tell her you took the photos? Talulla Line 86) What? No! That would be so embarrassing. And it would only arouse more suspicion about us. Calista Line 87) So, then how else will you give her the photos? Talulla Line 88) I notice that Teresa brings a bag with her to work, so when I get coffee sometime soon. I’ll sneakily put the tampered photos in her bag, so she won’t notice. Calista gasps from amazement. Calista Line 89) I don’t know if I should be concerned about your abilities. But at least you're using them smartly. They get to tampering the photos. All the photos are in front of them at their table. Calista Line 90) So, how are we gonna do this? Talulla Line 91) We’re going to cut off the glossy film on the pictures only on Marvin’s face and replace them with random ones from the internet. They start getting Marvin's face off. Calista and Talulla start cutting. Calista Line 92) This feels so wrong. Talulla Line 93) Remember that the psychic said all the days will be reversed and all our memories will be forgotten. Talulla Line 94) So, you have nothing to feel bad about. Calista Line 95) It still feels wrong. Talulla Line 96) Get over it. They finish cutting and Talulla prints the random pictures. All the supplies are scattered on the table. Talulla Line 97) Make sure to glue the cut-out pictures down nicely and tape over them for extra protection. They finish tampering with the photos. Talulla Line 98) So, what do you think? Looks normal, right? Calista Line 99) Yeah, I don’t think she’ll be able to tell the difference. Shot cuts to Marvin and Russell talking on the bench. Russell Line 100) That’s why Cady changed her phone number. Marvin Line 101) That makes sense why her old number said we had the wrong contact. Russell pats Marvin’s back. Russell Line 102) I’m glad your back buddy. Marvin Line 103) I’m relieved to see you here too. Russell Line 104) I'm sorry I've been talking so much about what life's been like without you that I haven't questioned exactly why you're here. Marvin Line 105) We can talk about that another time. Today is just us catching up on each other's lives. Russell Line 106) You should reveal yourself to Cady. Marvin Line 107) Yeah, I will. I’d be nice to see her too. Marvin Line 108) Anyways we’ll have some other time to hang out. Let me walk you home. Russell Line 109) I’m not some date of yours, I can walk myself back home perfectly fine. Marvin Line 110) Whatever, old man. They hug each other and Russell walks off. Marvin calls Calista. She picks up and he lets her know he’s done talking. They hang up. Calista Line 111) I’m going to pick Marvin up. Talulla Line 112) You’ll get there faster if you take my car. Calista Line 113) You’re letting me use your car? Talulla looks confused and nods. Calista Line 114) Wow, this is a monumental moment. You’ve changed, Talulla. Talulla Line 115) Just get the heck out of here. They smirk at each other and Calista heads out. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 13, 2024 Last Updated on June 15, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author