![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 15A Chapter by Yosh![]() Elouise picks up the call from Calista and Marvin. They get ready to talk to her and hope she can help them.![]()
Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.
Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. April 17 2023. The day is Monday. It's morning. Episode 15: Elouise picks up the phone and Calista starts talking to her. The phone is on speaker for Marvin to hear. Calista Line 1) Hello, am I speaking to Elouise Douglas? Elouise Line 2) How do you know my name? Are you a scam caller? Calista Line 3) No. This is Calista Turner speaking to you. I’m a friend of Teresa’s. Elouise Line 4) What are you calling for? Calista Line 5) I’m calling to get intel about some information relating to you. Did Teresa let you know I would be calling? Elouise Line 6) Oh. You’re one of her friends that asked to know about my cut-off family? Correct? Calista Line 7) Yes I am. Would you mind giving me more context on what she said? Line 8) Calista: If I ask her for context about what Teresa told Elouise. I’ll be able to decide which circumstance to go through with. We get a flashback of yesterday when the trio left and Teresa is on her own. Teresa picks up her phone and calls Elouise. The phone rings and Elouise picks up. Teresa Line 9) Hi grams, this is Teresa calling. Elouise Line 10) Hello Teresa. What are you calling for? Teresa Line 11) I was wondering if you could do me a favor for my friends. Elouise Line 12) What favor? Teresa Line 13) If I tell you, will you promise to do it? Elouise Line 14) I’m not promising you anything without knowing. Teresa Line 15) Come on grams. Can you quit being so stubborn and just do something for me? Elouise Line 16) Just tell me what you want and I’ll think about it. Teresa explains everything to Elouise. Teresa Line 17) So can you promise me you’ll do it? Elouise Line 18) Listen Teresa. I simply don’t like talking about my past. Teresa Line 19) But grandma this could really help my friend Jimmy. *Remember that Jimmy is Marvins fake name Elouise Line 20) It’s just something I don’t like bringing up. I know it’ll benefit him but I don’t feel comfortable doing it. Teresa Line 21) Just out of the goodness of your heart, could you pretty please do it? Shot pans to Elouise talking to Teresa on the phone. Line 22) Elouise: Maybe I should reconsider? It seems harmless to tell Jimmy anything. Elouise Line 23) I’ll think about it. Teresa Line 24) Yay! Thank you so much grams! Elouise Line 25) Don’t get your hopes up. I still haven’t agreed to anything. Teresa Line 26) You thinking about it is enough. Anyways, tell me about it if you eventually agree. I’ll talk to you later. Bye! Teresa ends the call. We get back to Calista talking to Elouise on the phone. Shot is on Elouise. Line 27) Elouise: Is it okay for me to tell her? I don’t like how nosey this situation is. Elouise Line 28) Why should I tell you about that? Calista Line 29) It would help me to get a clear consensus on what you’ve heard. So, I'm not repeating anything you know already. Elouise Line 30) My conversation with Teresa is none of your business. Line 31) Calista: Crap! How am I supposed to know which circumstance to go with now? Calista looks at Marvin for assurance. He whispers. Marvin Line 32) Try negotiating with her. Calista Line 33) Right. So by now I think you know that we are trying to get in touch with you to get information about your cut-off family? Calista Line 34) Do you think you can tell- Elouise Line 35) Who gave you the right? Calista was shocked by what Elouise said. Calista Line 36) I-I’m sorry. What do you mean- Elouise Line 37) You think you can just ask me about something like that? Calista looked at Marvin not knowing what to say. Calista Line 38) So, you won’t tell me? Elouise Line 39) You’re damn right I won’t tell you. Calista is annoyed by Elouise’s tone. Calista Line 40) If you won’t tell me. Can you refer me to someone else who has relations with your cut- off family who can? Elouise Line 41) No! You figure that out yourself! Calista looks at Marvin and he whispers. Marvin Line 42) End the call. Calista Line 43) I’ll be ending the call now ma’am. Elouise starts to shout through the phone. Elouise Line 44) No! You’re staying on the line! I’m not finished talking to you *****! While Elouise rants Calista moves her head away from the cell phone waiting for her to stop blabbering. Elouise Line 45) Who do you think you are to be asking me about that?! Marvin Line 46) End the call, Calista. Elouise hears Marvins voice and gets a bit startled. Elouise Line 47) Are you with someone else while calling me?! Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is?! Marvin snags Calista’s phone from her hands and ends the call. Shot pans to Elouise on her phone. Elouise Line 48) Who does she think she is declining my call?! Line 49) Elouise: That other voice sounded so familiar. Elouise calls Calista back. Shot pans back to them. Calista Line 50) She’s calling me back. What should I do? Marvin Line 51) Decline. If she continues to call, just keep declining. We don’t need her help if she’s gonna continue being incompetent. Line 52) Calista: He seems so agitated from her. Calista Line 53) Alright. Understood. They sat there in silence for a bit. Calista Line 54) So, since that didn’t work out. Do you have anyone else we could call? Marvin Line 55) I do. We better hope they’re still alive though. Calista sets out to call Marvins friends. *Calling Todd Hall (Elouise’s brother, and Marvin's friend) Person on the line (1) Line 56) You’ve got the wrong number sorry. *Calling Cady Woods (Marvins childhood friend) Person on the line (2) Line 57) I don’t know anyone by that name. I think you’ve got the wrong number. *Calling Jax Guo (Marvins childhood friend) Person on the line (3) Line 58) What are you talking about? You’ve most certainly got the wrong number! Never call me again! Calista continues to call more people Marvin knows and keeps hitting decline since none of them have an answer. They take a break 20 minutes later. Marvin Line 59) We’ve been calling people for 20 minutes straight. Why does no one have an answer?! Marvin Line 60) Why do they keep saying we have the wrong number?! Calista Line 61) They must have gotten their numbers changed. Marvin Line 62) Are they all dead?! Is that why their numbers are switched?! Calista Line 63) I’m really sorry, but that seems to be the case. Marvin looked visually upset, hopeless, and shocked. Marvin Line 64) Please excuse me. Marvin gets up and goes to the bathroom. Calista lets him have his space. Line 65) Calista: He needs time on his own. All of this must be hard for him to hear. Calista gets a ring from Teresa. Line 66) Calista: I’m not comfortable answering her right now. Marvin is in the bathroom with his hands on his head, holding tears in. Marvin Line 67) I can’t believe all my friends are dead. He puts his hands on his face and lets himself cry for a bit. A couple minutes go by. Line 68) Marvin: I need to pull myself together. I need to find out who can help me so that I can get back to my time as soon as possible. He washes his face. Shot pans to Calista. Line 69) Calista: I hope he’s okay in there. It’s been a couple minutes. Should I check in on him? She hears the door clack and him walking back to the living room. She greets him with a smile. Line 70) Calista: I should try to cheer him up. Calista Line 71) Welcome back. Calista notices that Marvin looks upset. She senses the mood. Calista Line 72) Are you doing okay? Marvin Line 73) I’m fine. Calista Line 74) Do you need me to get you anything? Would you like some water? Marvin Line 75) It’s fine. They sit there for a couple seconds in silence. Calista Line 76) Is there anyone else we can call? Marvin thinks to himself and starts counting down all the people he’s called. Line 77) Marvin: I just now realized that we haven’t called Russell! They call Russell and the person on the line picks up. Calista Line 78) Hello? Is this Russell Jimenez by any chance? Person on the line (4) Line 79) Grandpa. Someone’s calling you? Marvins eyes light up. Shot pans to Russell getting the phone from his grandchild. Russell Line 80) Hello. Calista Line 81) Hello sir. Am I speaking to Russell Jimenez? Russell Line 82) Yes you are ma’am. May I ask who you are? Calista and Marvin look at each other in excitement. He whispers to Calista and points on the paper. Marvin Line 83) Go for circumstance 1. Calista Line 84) Yes sir, my name is Calista Turner. I’m calling you to get intel on some information associating an old friend of yours. Russell Line 85) Which old friend are you referring to? Calista Line 86) I’m referring to Marvin Douglas. Shot pans to Russell and his eyes are sparked. Russell Line 87) Oh boy. May I ask what your relation to him is, dear? Line 88) Calista: He sounds so friendly compared to the others we’ve called. Marvin whispers to Calista. Marvin Line 89) Say that you’re my granddaughter. Calista Line 90) I’m his granddaughter. Russell Line 91) Are you from Elouise? Marvin whispers to Calista again. Marvin Line 92) Say yes. Calista Line 93) Yes, I am. She’s my grandmother. Shot pans to Russell and he looks weary about Calista calling. Russell Line 94) Are you calling because you want information about him, since your grandma cut ties? Calista Line 95) Yes sir. Russell Line 96) You’re calling me because your grandma won’t tell you? Calista Line 97) Yeah she won’t. Shot pans to Russell. Russell Line 98) Typical. Line 99) Russell: Wait. Did I say that outloud? Russell Line 100) Oh, I didn’t mean to say that outloud. Sorry. Calista can’t help but laugh. Calista Line 101) Don’t worry. You’re not wrong. Russell Line 102) Well what do you want to know about him, dear? Calista Line 103) Well can you tell me everything? Russell Line 104) Oof. Well. I can. But that would be quite lengthy and I’m a bit busy at the moment. Calista Line 105) Oh, I didn’t mean to disturb you. You can call me back another time. I’m available all day. Russell Line 106) I think it’s best we talk in person. Is that okay with you, dear? Calista looked at Marvin for confirmation and he nodded his head rapidly. Calista Line 107) Yeah, that’s completely fine. What time is suitable for you? Russell Line 108) Are you free around 3:00 PM? Calista Line 109) Yeah, that works. Russell Line 110) Alright, I’ll message you the address of where to meet up. I’ll see you then, okay? Calista Line 111) Yes, sir. Thank you so much! They end the call. And happy Calista and Marvin high five each other. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on June 11, 2024 Last Updated on June 13, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author