In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 14

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 14

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista and Marvin get themselves situated through the new day and get ready to call Elouise to seek more information out of her.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

April 17 2023. The day is Monday. It's morning.

Episode 14:

Marvin woke up and observed the time from the stand-by clock besides the couch.

Line 1) Marvin: It’s only 7:37 AM. That’s quite early.

*Gets a flashback of Calista telling him he can sleep in this morning.

Line 2) Marvin: I should try heading back to sleep. I’m not in any sort of rush to be up right now.

He ponders trying to go back to sleep, but ends up staring at the ceiling.

Line 3) Marvin: Ugh, I can’t. Once I’m up. I’m up.

Marvin gets himself up and rubs his face a bit.

Line 4) Marvin: Calista is most likely asleep. I don’t want to bug her.

Line 5) Marvin: What am I going to do?

Line 6) Marvin: I guess I could get ready.

Marvin looks over at the bathroom door which had its light off.

Line 7) Marvin: Alright, the bathroom looks unoccupied. I should head in.

Marvin tidies up in the bathroom, while he does he notices a straightener in the bathroom unplugged on the counter. He picks it up and examines it.

Line 8) Marvin: Huh? What could this be?

Line 9) Marvin: I was the last person in there yesterday. Could this be Talulla’s? She probably used it before she went to work.

Line 10) Marvin: I’m sure it’s nothing. But I’m so confused as to what this contraption is.

He sets it down and continues to get ready.

Shot pans to Calista getting awakened by her alarm for 8:00 AM.

She turns off her alarm and stretches and gets up.

Line 11) Calista: I have a feeling that Marvin would get up early. So, I did too because I wouldn’t want to keep him waiting.

Line 12) Calista: I should go check if he’s awake. If he’s still asleep I’ll head back to bed.

Calista goes to the living room to see that the couch Marvin was sleeping on was tidied up with all the sheets. She looked at the bathroom and saw that the lights were on.

Line 13) Calista: What an early bird.

Calista heads back to her room and does her bed. Then she goes to the kitchen with the thought of making breakfast.

Line 14) Calista: To make use of my time while he’s getting ready. I should make breakfast again like last time.

She opens her fridge and peers in to see what she could make.

Line 15) Calista: Making eggs two days in a row is quite repetitive. What else could I make?

She opens her freezer and sees frozen fruit. She grabs a package and looks at the expiration date.

Line 16) Calista: What a relief. Smoothie bowls it is.

As Calista assembles breakfast for the both of them, Marvin peers into the kitchen. All clean and refreshed while Calista stands next to him with her pajamas and messy bun. They smile at each other.


Line 17) Good morning.


Line 18) Good morning. Breakfast is almost done.


Line 19) Glad to hear it.

As Calista finishes up, she sets the bowls in front of each other signifying they would be facing each other while they ate breakfast. They begin to eat.


Line 20) This is quite pretty. What is it?


Line 21) Oh. It’s a smoothie bowl.


Line 22) Huh? But aren’t smoothies considered drinks?


Line 23) Smoothies still are. But a smoothie bowl has a thicker consistency, therefore it’s classified as a meal? I think?

Line 24) Calista: What was I thinking serving a guy from the 60s a smoothie bowl?

Line 25) Calista: This must be a huge shock for him.


Line 26) I’m so sorry. Would you like me to make you something else instead?


Line 27) Oh. No. That’s not what I meant. This is alright.


Line 28) It’s just a bit surprising. But I’m sure it’ll fill me up though. So, don’t worry.

Calista nods her head and they continue to eat.


Line 29) So why are you up so early? I thought you said it was okay for us to sleep in?


Line 30) Oh. Well. I just thought I should wake up a bit earlier than usual, just in case you would as well.


Line 31) I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting. Especially since you’d have nothing to do.


Line 32) I appreciate it. But you don’t have to keep adjusting your schedule just because of me.


Line 33) It’s alright. I really don’t mind at all.


Line 34) Talulla probably went to work, right?


Line 35) Yes, her shifts usually start at 7:00 AM.


Line 36) What does she do?


Line 37) She works at a pet shop.


Line 38) Oh. That sounds nice.


Line 39) Yeah she loves her job.


Line 40) I’m sorry for bugging you with so many questions. But there was this clampy thingy with a plug on the counter bathroom. Could you explain what that could be?


Line 41) Huh? Clampy thingy?


Line 42) Ohh. You must be talking about the flat-iron. It straightens your hair.


Line 43) Huh, so that’s how they look nowadays. 


Line 44) Sorry. I’m just still adjusting.


Line 45) Don’t apologize. I don’t want to keep you wondering. So ask as many questions as you want.

They finish eating breakfast, and Calista washes the dishes. She notices Marvin sitting around not doing much.


Line 46) So, what do you usually do in your free time?


Line 47) Many things like: listening to the radio, cooking food, doing chores, watching TV, reading, sending mail, talking on the telephone, hanging out with friends. You know stuff like that.

Calista gets shocked from the detail of his response.

Line 48) Calista: That was more than I expected.


Line 49) Don’t you ever get bored sometimes?


Line 50) Well of course, but I try to get involved in tasks to keep myself occupied.


Line 51) Hmm. Okay gotcha.


Line 52) What about you?


Line 53) Well it’s not as recreational as your tasks, but I just go on my phone.


Line 54) I bet you have many friends to call.


Line 55) Well, nowadays you can do anything on your phone.


Line 56) Being completely honest. I barely use my phone for calling people.


Line 57) Wow. So by anything, what do you mean?


Line 58) Think of a modern phone as a compact TV.


Line 59) You can watch all sorts of things. Play games. Order food. You can even use it as a GPS.


Line 60) Huh? A GPS? You mean the satellite navigation?


Line 61) Yes, but nowadays we use it to navigate locations. Was that not a thing back in the 60s?


Line 62) I really don’t know what you could be talking about.


Line 63) GPS stands for: global positioning system. So it’s like a map or an atlas.


Line 64) However, you can just search up a destination and easily have the directions pinpointed for you. All you have to do is follow where it leads to. So, it’s less complex than reading a full on map.


Line 65) Wow. So you don’t have to memorize where places are?


Line 66) You still can. But innovations like these help you out.


Line 67) Think of modern inventions as ways to make your life easier.

She finishes washing the dishes.


Line 68) Anyways, I think your clothes should be dry by now.

Calista checks and pulls out his stuff. She notices that his blouse is a bit wrinkly.


Line 69) I’ll get this steamed for you when I get changed.


Line 70) Can you occupy yourself with something while I get ready?

Line 71) Calista: It’s a bit childish to say that out loud, but it’s an important question.

Marvin looked confused; he didn't know what to say.


Line 72) Here. Take my phone. You can explore how to use it. 

She writes down her password on a sticky note. Then shows him how to maneuver her phone.


Line 73) Just swipe your finger up like that. And type the password from the sticky note in.


Line 74) This is crazy.


Line 75) Yeah, I can’t imagine how shocked you must be.


Line 76) Anyways, I’ll be quick.


Line 77) Take your time.

Calista gets ready and finishes steaming Marvins shirt.


Line 78) Alright, I’m back. Here’s your shirt.

She hands it to him on a hanger.


Line 79) Oh. Thank you so much.

She glances at her phone and sees Marvin on the home screen.


Line 80) So, did you do much exploring?

He hands over her phone.


Line 81) I’ve been stuck on whatever this is for the past 20 minutes.

Calista laughs.


Line 82) Someday I'll show you how to use a phone properly.


Line 83) That would be very helpful because I had no idea what I was doing.

Marvin puts on his clothes and heads into the living room to see Calista writing on a piece of paper.


Line 84) Are you planning on what you should say?


Line 85) Yeah. I want to avoid sounding awkward or suspicious when I say things to her.


Line 86) What have you written so far?

Calista hands over her paper to marvin.

What the paper reads:

Hello Ma’am my name is Calista Turner.

I’m calling you on behalf of your granddaughter Teresa Douglas. 

She’s a close friend of mine, and gave me your mobile so that I could connect to you to ask you some questions.

I have a friend of mine who is searching for his cut-off family.

He found some things around his house in relation to you. I eventually spoke to Teresa upon those things, and she was able to verify them.

I was wondering if you could tell me a bit of information about your cut-off family, if you're okay with opening up about that. 

It could really benefit my friend in the long run, so I appreciate all you can tell me.

Marvin reads through the paper.


Line 87) So far, it sounds good.


Line 88) Based on what you know of her communication style, do you think this will be okay enough to get through to her?

Marvin sat silent a bit, trying to relate what Calista wrote to the way Elousie talks.


Line 89) Based on what I can gather, she's blunt, so she might talk in an unwelcoming tone, especially since you're a complete stranger asking about her family.


Line 90) On the other hand, she might speak differently now that she's older.


Line 91) All in all. I can’t give you a straightforward answer because I don’t know her current circumstances well.


Line 92) But, it might be weird that you’re calling instead of me. So, maybe come up with an excuse for why you’re calling on my behalf.


Line 93) Oh! Good point. What do you think I should say?


Line 94) Maybe instead you can say that you're the one calling to know more instead?


Line 95) Instead of saying that you’re calling for a friend, just make yourself the friend and ask to know more about your cut-off family because you think you have relations to them.


Line 96) If you’re calling for a friend, I don’t think she’ll be comfortable enough to open up to you about it since she’s not directly speaking to the person who wants to know.


Line 97) If you say that the person is busy or some excuse to why he can’t talk on the phone directly to her at the moment. She’ll probably reschedule to talk another time when they’re available to speak to her one on one.


Line 98) Yeah, that makes sense.

Calista gets a flashback to Teresa saying she would give her grandma a heads up about the conversation.


Line 99) Wait, but don’t you remember what Teresa said?


Line 100) She said many things. What are you referring to?


Line 101) She said before we decide to call Elouise she would call first to give her a heads up.


Line 102) So, she probably already told her everything by now. Which means we can’t say what you just had in mind.

Marvins face changes to realization.


Line 103) Right. That completely slipped my mind.


Line 104) At this point there are several possibilities to what she might say.

They write down each circumstance.

Circumstance 1: Elouise didn’t get intel from Teresas. So, Calista can just say she needs the information for a friend of hers.

Circumstance 2: Elouise knows about the ENTIRE situation from Teresa and would like to talk to Jimmy (Marvin) personally rather than Calista calling in for him. If this happens and she agrees to meet up, Marvin will go talk to her in disguise and hopefully she doesn’t notice him.


Line 105) Well here goes nothing.

Calista dials the phone number on the sticky note that Teresa gave her and calls Elouise.


Line 106) Maybe it’s a bit early to call her?


Line 107) Old people are up early anyways so it should be fine.

Calista is obviously nervous.


Line 108) Calista.

Calista faces Marvin.


Line 109) It’ll be fine. If she rejects us, we have other things we can resort to.


Line 110) Yeah, you're right.

Line 111) Calista: There’s no need for me to be so nervous. Everything will be okay.

Elouise picks up.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 14 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
