In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 13

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 13

A Chapter by Yosh

After talking to each other for a while, Calista helps Marvin get situated for the night.


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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 13: 

April 16 2023. The day is Sunday. It's still nighttime.

They are still talking by the window sill.


Line 1) We have a lot more in common then I thought we would.

Calista peers her head down and fiddles with her hands.


Line 2) How many years has it been?


Line 3) 5 years.


Line 4) Makes sense why that number keeps coming up.


Line 5) I’m sorry about how rough it’s been for you.


Line 6) Likewise. But you know what? It’s better this way.


 Line 7) My parents wanted me to pursue a career in the medical field, which would’ve been such a pain.


 Line 8) I have zero regrets about leaving them.


Line 9) You should be proud of how far you’ve come.

Calista looked at a loss of words.


Line 10) Oh! You should be too.


Line 11) I bet Talulla’s proud of you too.

Calista smiled then peered at her phone and realized the time was 11:47PM.


Line 12) So, how should we go about tomorrow?


Line 13) Um. Isn’t it a Monday tomorrow? Do you have to go to work?


Line 14) I won’t be going because Talulla suggested I watch over you.


Line 15) That won’t be necessary. I would hate to interrupt your work flow. 


Line 16) I’ll be completely fine on my own.


Line 17) Don’t worry about it. I don’t feel like going to work anyways. You’ll be doing me a huge favor.


Line 18)  Besides, I would be heavily distracted from work because of our… You know… Our situation.


Line 19) Well it’s your call. 


Line 20) Now that I think about it. I should call in for my vacation leave so that we’ll have enough time to sort things out.


Line 21) Don’t you think that’s a bit much? 


Line 22) Will you at least be getting paid?

Line 23) Calista: He seems riled up that I’m taking days off. So I’ll just say that I’m getting paid even though I’m not so that he doesn’t have to worry.


Line 24) Uh. Of course. I’m like a star employee there.

*She’s not


Line 25) Anyways you’ll be the one doing the speaking when we call, right?


Line 26) Well I’m assuming your friends would recognize your voice. So it’s safer that I do it.


Line 27) What if Elouise wants to meet up?


Line 28) Then I’ll meet up with her.


Line 29) Besides, Teresa told me that she’s in her mid 80s. If you come with me, you’ll probably startle her to death.


Line 30) Good point.


Line 31) Let’s just plan out what we’re going to say tomorrow and we’ll give it a go. If that doesn’t work we’ll call your friends.


Line 32) Alright sounds solid.


Line 33) Is Talulla going to work?


Line 34) Yeah.

Marvin looks stunned.


Line 35) She’s nonchalant like that.


Line 36) This situation to her is just like any other day.

Marvin laughs.


Line 37) Sorry I don’t know why I’m laughing. It’s not even that funny.


Line 38) Don’t worry.


Line 39) Anyways you probably want to tidy up, right?


Line 40) Well, if that’s alright with you?


Line 41) Of course. I’ll set out some towels.

Marvin is now in the bathroom just now realizing he forgot how to operate the shower.

Line 42) Marvin: Crap! I’ve already undressed. I can’t ask for help.

Marvin tries to examine how to operate the shower knobs. He turns it and feels the water. He flinches on how cold the water is.


Line 43) Szzz.

Line 44) Marvin: So cold! What if I turn it right?

Marvin turns it right, but the water is still cold. He waits a couple of seconds but the water is still cold.

Line 45) Marvin: At this point, I’m just wasting water.

Line 46) Marvin: Come on!  Why can’t I remember the way she did it?

Marvin grabs his towels to cover up. He exits the bathroom and sees Calista washing some dishes.


Line 47) Uh. Hey! Calista!

Calista’s wearing headphones and too focused at washing dishes to notice Marvin.

Line 48) Marvin: She can’t hear me. She’s wearing something that looks like headphones?

Marvin walks over to Calista and taps her shoulder. Calista notices and looks shocked seeing Marvin. She takes off her headphones.


Line 49) Sorry to disturb. But can you show me how to turn on the shower again?


Line 50) Oh! That’s on me for not reminding you before you got in.


Line 51) Sorry about that. Let’s get to it.

They are back in the bathroom and Calista is by the tub.


Line 52) So basically the way you keep hot water coming out is by keeping the knob in the center.


Line 53) Took me a while to get used to it. I was on the same boat as you when I first moved here.


Line 54) It’s just weird there's no labels.


Line 55) For sure. It’s just a design goof. But you’re all set.


Line 56) I’m sorry. It didn’t cross my mind before I entered.


Line 57) It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.

Calista squeezes through to exit the bathroom.

Marvin finishes tidying up, and walks by to Calista's room, since it’s a bit open, he can’t help but overhear her conversation on the phone.


Line 58) Hey boss, this is Calista Turner from agency 12. I’m sorry to tell you on such short notice but something came up as an emergency and I have to take my vacation leave.


Line 59) For now I’ll be taking a week off, however, if things change I’ll let you know immediately.

Shot pans to Marvin listening in.


Line 60) If you have any further questions please let me know. Besides that I hope you had a great weekend and I’ll see you sometime soon. Take care!

Line 61) Marvin: She’s so thoughtful for going through all these lengths to help me.

Calista sighs, Marvin knocks on the door.


Line 62) Hey, Calista can I come in?


Line 63) Oh sure. Yeah. Of course.


Line 64) I just wanted to say goodnight.


Line 65) You could use something else to wear.


Line 66) Oh-


Line 67) Come to my room. I’ll give you more clothes.

They’re at Calista’s room and she is getting clothes for him.


Line 68) Would you like to choose the clothes you want to wear?


Line 69) Don’t worry. I’m fine with whatever you pick.

Marvin glances around Calista’s room and sees the picture of her and her brother.

Line 70) Marvin: Wait! These are her brother's clothes, right?


Line 71) Well if you insist.


Line 72) Um. I know it’s none of my business, but just to ask. By any chance, are these your brother’s clothes?


Line 73) Don’t worry, it’s completely fine to ask. And yes, these are.

Line 74) Marvin: Isn’t it completely out of line that I’m wearing her brother's clothes.


Line 75) Calista, I can’t wear these.


Line 76) Is it not your style? I’m sorry, I wish I had more options.


Line 77) No. It’s just. These are your brother's clothes. It’s not right for me to wear them.


Line 78) I was a bit hesitant at first lending you these, but then I realized that it would be a waste not using them. 


Line 79) So don’t worry. It’s completely fine for you to wear them.


Line 80) Sorry, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. But this is an urgent situation and these clothes will manage for the time being.

Calista hands him a stack of clothes.


Line 81) Yes. You’re right. Thank you for- 


Line 82) Everything. I know this whole situation must be such a hassle. But I’m glad that at least the home I landed on is welcoming. I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality.


Line 83) It’s my pleasure.


Line 84) Oh. Um.

Line 85) Calista: It’s been a full day since he’s been here. He probably could use some clean clothes.


Line 86) Are you situated all right? Would you like me to wash your old clothes?

Line 87) Marvin: That slipped my mind.


Line 88) It won’t be a hassle for me.

Calista throws Marvins clothes into her washer and Marvin changes into the clothes Calista gave him.


Line 89) It’ll be done around the morning.


Line 90) I really appreciate that.


Line 91) By the way, are you okay on the couch? I know it’s a bit janky. So if you’d like you could use my bed.


Line 92) What! No! I couldn’t do that to you.


Line 93) The couch is fine. This is your bed, so you should be the one sleeping on it.

Line 94) Calista: It would be weird to suggest we sleep on the same bed, right?

Line 95) Calista: He looked uncomfortable when he realized that the clothes I gave him were Raymonds, so it would be weird to suggest that.


Line 96) I’ll get you a proper bed some time, alright?


Line 97) Don’t worry about it. The couch will do just fine.


Line 98) I want to get you something proper though. It won’t be a big deal.


Line 99) You really don’t have to.


Line 100) No, I do. Anyways, since we don’t have anywhere to rush off to, sleep all you want, okay?


Line 101) Alright. I will. Thank you again.


Line 102) Of course. Goodnight.


Line 103) Goodnight to you too.

Marvin sets out for the exit of her door, but Calista holds him up.


Line 104) Marvin?

He peers back in to hear what she has to say.


Line 105) I really appreciate that you opened up to me. Thank you.


Line 106) I should be the one thanking you for opening up to me.

Calista smiles.


Line 107) If you have anything else to say. Please do. 


Line 108) Likewise.

Marvin sets off and they wave each other goodbye.

Calista walks over to Talullas room.

Calista’s narration:

Line 109) For the longest time, it was just me and Talulla.

Line 110) She filled me with great memories and I’m forever grateful to have her by my side.

Line 111) But this situation is so different for us.

Line 112) However, I’m quite relieved.

Talulla is fast asleep and Calista gets into her room bed.

Line 113) Since we were fated to meet up ever since, I’m glad Marvin turned out to be a great guy.

Line 114) I’m glad he trusted me enough to tell me a bit more about himself.

Line 115) I'm glad to help him since I know it's for a good cause.

Line 116) I can feel the beginning of a friendship occurring.

Line 117) I hope he feels the same way.

Shot pans to Marvin sleeping.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 13 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
