In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 12

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 12

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin tells Calista more about himself.


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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 12:

April 16 2023. The day is Sunday. It’s still nighttime.

We get a flashback of Marvin's entire life leading up to the moment he ended up at their place.

Start with him young and his father looking down at him.

Marvins narration:

Line 1) Growing up with a stern father was never easy to deal with.

Marvin listening in to his father talking about business stuff in the next room.

Line 2) It seemed like he only focused on work.

Someone opens the door and Marvin falls in, revealing that he was listening in to his fathers conversation. 

Line 3) Although I know we had just gone through a World War, and he was trying to get our family's business back on its feet.

His father gives him an angry look.

Line 4) He never gave me his attention.

Marvin in his room looking all sad. He hears a knock come from his door and it is being pushed open. It’s his caretaker Ameiia. 

Characters start speaking in flashbacks.


Line 5) Mr. Marvin. Are you ready to take a bath? 

Amelia notices how sad Marvin looks. She comes over to face him and kneels to get a good look at his face.


Line 6) What’s gotten you this upset?

Marvin pouts and crosses his arms.


Line 7) Come on. You know you can tell me.

Marvin looks at Amelia and can’t help but smile. She squishes his cheeks.


Line 8) So? What is it?

Marvins narration:

Line 9) Although I lacked any recognition from my father. My caretaker always looked out for me.

5 years pass by and Ameilia is helping Marvin get ready.

Line 10) She was the one who raised me. All on her own.

Marvin looks at himself in the mirror as Ameilia ties his tie. She finishes and gets a good glance at him.


Line 11) Look at you all grown up. 


Line 12) I’m far from grown.


Line 13) It feels like it was just yesterday when I was changing your diapers.

Ameilia turns Marvins face to look at her.


Line 14) And now you’re turning 15.

Ameilia’s eyes start to water. Marvin gets nervous.


Line 15) I mean just look at you. You’re already taller than me.

Tears stream down Ameilia’s face. Marvin gets nervous and wipes the tears from her eyes.


Line 16) Please don’t cry Mama Milly.


Line 17) Don’t worry. I’m crying cause I’m happy.


Line 18) Give me a hug.

They both hug each other tightly.

Marvins narration:

Line 19) Not a day has gone by where I haven’t felt loved by her.

Banging on the doors is heard from outside. Marvins sister shouts for him.


Line 20) Hurry up Marvin! Your friends are already here!


Line 21) Ms. Luna! Use your inside voices!

Luna barges into Marvins room and rolls over to him.


Line 22) What’s taking you so long?


Line 23) Missy! What have I told you about barging into other people's rooms?


Line 24) Mmm. I forgot.


Line 25) Well let me remind you not to do it again.


Line 26) This was an emergency though! There's people waiting!

Luna grabs for Marvins hand, and starts dragging him to the exit of his room.


Line 27) Why are you such a slow poke?

Marvin laughs and follows his sister.


Line 28) What am I going to do with that girl?

Scene goes to Marvin walking with his sister.

Marvins narration:

Line 29) Not long ago. My baby sister, Luna, was born.

Line 30) I always wanted a sibling. And her company never failed to entertain me.

Marvin is downstairs with his friends all waiting for him with presents.


Line 31) See?! Everyone has been waiting forever for you!


Line 32) Oh. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Shot pans to his friend Jax.

Name: Jax Guo

Age: 16

Relationship: Been friends with Marvin ever since Kindergarten.


Line 33) Dude. Even Cady gets ready faster.

Shot pans to Cady.

Name: Cady Woods

Age: 15

Relationship: Been friends with Marvin ever since middle school.


Line 34) I don’t see what’s wrong with taking your time.

Shot pans to Russell.

Name: Russell Jimenez

Age: 15

Relationship: Been friends with Marvin ever since 5th grade.


Line 35) If you ask me. When someone gets ready quickly. That’s even more suspicious.


Line 36) Eww! I bet Jax doesn’t even wash his hands properly.


Line 37) What’s with all this slander? I’ll have you know that I sing my ABC’s twice while I scrub my hands.


Line 38) Still singing that baby crap?


Line 39) Hey! It’s a very educational song! Right Luna?!


Line 40) As educational as it is. You're an old man singing some nursery rhyme for babies.


Line 41) Even I’ve grown out of that phase.


Line 42) Hey! I’m not old! I’m only 16!

Marvins narration:

Line 43) Being surrounded by my loved ones had a way of brightening my life.

Marvin blows out his candles and unwraps some gifts.

Marvin is now in his room and Luna comes in.


Line 44) So, how does it feel to be 15!


Line 45) Didn’t Mama Milly tell you not to barge into people’s rooms?


Line 46) Ugh! Why does that matter? You’re my brother.

Marvin smirks at her.


Line 47) So? Answer the question?

Luna pretends to have a microphone and shoves it into Marvins face.


Line 48) Being completely honest. It feels the same.

Luna flicks his forehead. Marvin flinches then rubs it softly.


Line 49) Ouch! What was that for?


Line 50) You’re not supposed to give me a boring answer like that!


Line 51) Sorry, but would you rather have me lie to you instead?


Line 52) Don’t you feel a lot wiser?! A lot more experienced?! Aren’t you ready to take on life?!


Line 53) As you grow older, you'll realize that although you've matured, mentally you still feel like a kid.

Luna looked confused.


Line 54) But aren’t you happy that you're growing up? I want to be grown up too!

Marvins narration:

Line 55) Since I was exposed to so many business antics growing up because of my father.

Line 56) I’ve never looked forward to growing up, since that meant that I would have to be involved in work, just like him.


Line 57) Trust me when I say that being younger is much better.


Line 58) But I’m gonna be a princess when I’m older. And I’m going to fall in love with my prince charming and live happily ever after!


Line 59) Of course you will. Enjoy your youth, just remember to appreciate it as well. Because before you know it, you’ll be all grown up.

Marvin pats Luna on the head.


Line 60) You don’t sound so happy.

Marvin sighs.


Line 61) It’s complicated.


Line 62) I know what’ll cheer you up!


Line 63) What is it?


Line 64) You should get a girlfriend!

Marvins face looked shocked.


Line 65) Where’s this coming from?


Line 66) Russell told me that he has one, and she makes him happy!


Line 67) Pft! In his dreams. He wishes.


Line 68) But he sounded so thrilled when he told me. Which is why I thought you should get one too!


Line 69) I’m still way too young for all of that.


Line 70) But don’t you want to fall in love! Like in the fairytales!


Line 71) Sure I do. But life’s not a fairy tale.


Line 72) You take that back! 

Luna smacks Marvins chest.


Line 73) Okay, I take it back.


Line 74) People say that when you're in love, you bring out your best.


Line 75) You can rely on that person. Tell them all your secrets. Give them warm hugs.


Line 76) It’s like you connect your mind with them, so that they fully understand you. And accept you for who you are.

Marvins narration:

Line 77) Back then I was quite naive.

Line 78) So the words that my sister told me didn’t resonate.

Line 79) I thought they were fabrications of all the tales she’s been told.

Line 80) But after she got sick.

Line 81) Her words echoed in my mind like a raging whirlwind.

A year goes by and Luna is in her bed looking sick with a rag on her head. Marvin is next to her. Ameilia walks in.


Line 82) When did you get here Marvin?


Line 83) I came as soon as I heard. What’s wrong with her?

Ameilia seems to choke on her words.


Line 84) It’s bad Marvin. Really really bad.

Ameilia starts crying. Marvin walks over to her and gives her a hug.

Marvins narration:

Line 85) She didn’t have to explain any further.

Line 86) I knew my sister wasn’t going to be here, much longer.

Days go by and Marvin is reading a bedtime story to Luna.


Line 87) Princess Yvitte knew from that moment on, that she would have her happily ever after with Prince Lawrence. The end.

He closes the book.


Line 88) So what’d you think of that story?


Line 89) How come you keep asking me that question after we finish each book?


Line 90) I just want to know your thoughts.


Line 91) Well obviously I liked it because they lived happily ever after in the end.

Marvin smiled and kisses her forehead and sets the book away.


Line 92) You sure like fairy tales, huh?


Line 93) They’re the best kind of stories.

Marvin grabs Luna's hand and looks at her fingers.


Line 94) Do you like the ring I gave you?


Line 95) Yes! I love the moon on it.


Line 96) That makes me happy.


Line 97) Can I ask you a question, Marvin?


Line 98) You don't have to ask me permission for things like that. Go on.


Line 99) Can you promise me that you’ll be happy?


Line 100) I am happy though. Since I’m with you.


Line 101) I can tell you’re lying through your teeth.


Line 102) But I’m telling the truth. It makes me happy hanging out with you.


Line 103) There’s something different about your face. It’s filled with saddness.

Marvin starts getting emotional.


Line 104) Well, that's because I’m going to really miss you.


Line 105) So, then promise me that you’ll be happy. 


Line 106) I want you to meet someone else that you’ll truly love.


Line 107) Someone that even if you’re seconds away from them. You’ll still miss them.


Line 108) Someone you can make happy memories with.


Line 109) You can lean on their shoulder to cry. They’ll provide you with all the comfort in the world.


Line 110) When you're with them all your troubles melt away. They’ll always be by your side. And give you all the support you need.


Line 111) When you’re with them, you look at them with loving eyes.


Line 112) I want you to promise me that you’ll have someone to love you when I’m gone.

Shot pans to Marvin and he’s crying.


Line 113) I want you to experience a love that consumes you and changes you into a better person.

Luna pulls out her hand and shows Marvin her pinky. Marvin pinky promises her and kisses her finger.

Luna gets up from her bed and wipes the tears from Marvins eyes.


Line 114) You’re gonna be okay.

Marvins hugs Luna tightly and runs his fingers through her hair.


Line 115) You sure have a way with words, Luna.

Luna pulls back and pokes Marvins cheek.


Line 116) What do you expect from someone who can only read all day?

Marvins narration:

Line 115) Ever since then, I’ve made it my biggest goal in life that I would accomplish Luna’s promise.

Marvin is at Luna's funeral holding an umbrella since it’s raining. His caretaker Ameilia is beside him with her head on his shoulder.

Line 116) But knowing how things ended up my whole life. It hurts me knowing that I’ve failed my sister's dying wish.

Shot cuts to nowadays and Marvin is holding his necklace with Luna’s ring on it.

Calista reaches for Marvins hand and squeezes it.


Line 117) I’m so sorry, Marvin. I had no idea.

Marvin squeezes back Calista’s hand.


Line 118) I promise you that this time around, you’ll be able to make her wish come true.

Line 119) Marvin: There’s so much empathy in her eyes.

Line 120) Marvin: She’s gone through this. Hasn’t she?


Line 121) And you said you weren’t good at comforting people.


Line 122) If you ask me. I’d say that you’re very good at it.

Calista smiles.


Line 123) Has something similar happen to you?


Line 124) I wouldn’t necessarily compare it to your situation, but it has its comparisons, I supposed.


Line 125) Well, I’m all ears.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 12 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
