In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 10

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 10

A Chapter by Yosh

Calista feels the need to comfort Marvin after visiting Teresa's place and getting struck with the news that his family cut ties with him.


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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 10:

April 16 2023. The day is Sunday. It is nighttime.


The trio gets home and unwinds, and has dinner. Everyone keeps their distance knowing that Marvin is feeling down. After all, they know nothing about him. How would they go on to help him? This struck Calista. She was stumped. 

Line 1) Calista: I should maintain my distance from Marvin. He needs some time alone.

Calista unwinds and does her nightly routine, in the bathroom.

Line 2) Calista: But we need to plan on what else we can do to help him.

Line 3) Calista: At the moment I can’t think of much besides calling people he knows.

Line 4) Calista: I should talk to Talulla. She always knows what to say.

Calista leads herself into Talulla’s room to chat. Talulla always knew the right thing to say. She knocks on her door and peers her head in.


Line 5) Hey! Can we talk?


Line 6) Come on in.

Calista came into the room and sat on Talullas rug beside her bed where she layed.


Line 7) What’s up with you?


Line 8) Just a bit clueless on how we go about Marvins situation.

Talulla sighed. It wasn’t something she wanted to get into at the moment.

Line 9) Talulla: I’m exhausted from today. I don't want to get into this right now.

They’ve had a long few days and she could use a break. Besides, she had work tomorrow.

Line 10) Talulla: We should take a break from this. Besides, I have work to deal with tomorrow.


Line 11) Listen, I think it’s best we put a pause to the situation for the time being.


Line 12) I just can’t seem to think of anything else.


Line 13) Have you spoken to him ever since we got home?


Line 14) I’ve just left him alone, since he seemed pretty bummed after we left Teresa’s.


Line 15) He asked me for a paper and pen but I didn’t speak to him. I just gave him what he needed.


Line 16) Give him some time. It’s keen we maintain our boundaries with him.


Line 17) Yeah, I know.


Line 18) You heading to work tomorrow?


Line 19) Oh my Gosh! I completely forgot.

Calista started to look panicky and uncertain of going to work. 


Line 20) Easy, easy.

Talulla pats Calista’s head.


Line 21) Just call in sick. Besides, someone should keep an eye on Marvin while I’m gone.


Line 22) One day won’t kill you. Just take your time and sort things out with him.


Line 23) Should we call Teresa’s grandma tomorrow? We plan on calling his other friends if she declines us.


Line 24) Of course. Give her a call. She’s our primary target through all of this.


Line 25) What should I say?


Line 26) I don’t know. But I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually.


Line 27) What if she wants to meet in person?


Line 28) Don't focus on the possible outcomes from this situation, because there are countless. Just focus on one task at a time. This task is to simply get her to listen to you.


Line 29) Alright then.

Calista glances at Talulla’s desk. She forgot that she stole the pictures from Teresa’s.

Line 30) Calista: I completely forgot Talulla stole those photos.


Line 31) Hey, did you ever look through those pictures?

Talulla glanced at her desk and looked back at Calista in an oblivious way.


Line 32) Oh! I forgot I set them there.

Line 33) Calista: How could she forget? That’s important evidence!


Line 34) You should give the photos to Marvin and strike a conversation with him.


Line 35) But you said to give him time.


Line 36) I’m pretty sure by now he’s done sulking. So, give it a shot.


Line 37) I don’t even know what I should say.


Line 38) Just get to know him a bit more. After all, he's a complete stranger.


Line 39) That kind of talk isn't my thing. Why don’t you do it instead?


Line 40) I disagree. You have a good way with words. Afterall you eventually made me comfortable enough to open up to you.

They both smile at each other in caring ways.


Line 41) Besides, we both know you’re a better fit for this.


Line 42) What’s that supposed to mean?

Line 43) Talulla: She knows what that means.

Talulla gives a suspicious smirk.

Line 44) Calista: Just get to know Marvin?

Line 45) Calista: I guess I should give it a go. What could go wrong?

Line 46) Calista: If I ease into the conversation, I think he’ll open up.


Line 47) Fine. I’ll do it.


Line 48) Break a leg.

Calista looked at Talulla weirdly as she grabbed the deck of pictures from her desk and headed out her room door to try to talk with Marvin.

 She walked into the living room where she saw him. She took a deep breath and smiled. 

Marvin is sitting by the window sill with a pen and paper on his lap with a whole family tree on it.

He looks devastated. He stares out into the window just doing nothing. 

He fiddles with the necklace ring in his hands. The living room had no lights. 

The blue hue shone from the window to the area. It was a full moon night.

 Calista walked over to turn on a lamp there. Marvin notices her footsteps.


Line 49) Could you set them next to me?

Calista was shocked he noticed her.

Line 50) Calista: What?! How did he notice me? I was as quiet as a mouse walking in.

She was as quiet as a mouse, but then again the whole apartment was quiet. She stood there still for a moment. Wondering if he had heard her conversation with Talulla.

Line 51) Calista: These walls are thin. Did he hear the conversation I had with Talulla?


Line 52) You have pictures to show me, right?

Calista sighed. Marvin didn’t look at her. He kept staring at the window.

Line 53) Calista: Just spit it out Calista!


Line 54) Uh. Yeah. I do.


Line 55) Did you perhaps overhear anything?


Line 56) You mean your talk with Talulla?

Line 57) Calista: So he did over hear it. 


Line 58) I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I just couldn’t help but listen in.


Line 59) Sorry for my bad manners. It’s not polite to talk about someone behind their back.


Line 60) Don’t worry about it. You didn’t say anything bad. Besides, it's okay to debrief, especially regarding my situation.

Calista had a relieved expression on her face. She sat next to him. He still didn’t look at her.

 He had his eyes fixed outside. She held out her hands to give him the stack of photos.

 He still didn’t look, must’ve been his peripheral vision that guessed she held out her hands. 

He glanced at the photos. Then at her hands. He noticed the light blue nail polish she had been wearing with sparkles.


Line 61) Nice dew.


Line 62) Oh. Thanks.

He finally glanced at her. Their eyes locked together. He gazed at them and how beautiful they appeared through the dark blue haze creaking from the window sill. 

Line 63) Marvin: She has such kind eyes.

A few moments go by and they’re still staring at each other. 

Line 64) Calista: He’s been staring at me for quite a while. I wonder what it is.

Line 65) Marvin: I should stop staring at her. She’ll think I’m being weird.


Line 66) You should take a look through them. 


Line 67) R-Right. Emm.

Marvin smacks his head.


Line 68) Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare at you for that long.


Line 69) T-That’s fine.

To make the moments less awkward he decided to take her word for it, and look through the pictures.

Automatically he knew who was in the first picture. It looked exactly like that old man he saw earlier. It was him.

Line 70) Marvin: It’s me again.

Without looking at the back of the photos he quickly skimmed through all of them and knew he was in each one of them. 

Line 71) Marvin: I’m in each one of these photos.

He was old in a couple, and middle aged in some. This sent a shiver down his spine. He was hit with the news that during this time, the majority of his family cut ties with him.

Line 72) Marvin: I can’t believe that my family cut ties with me.

Line 73) Marvin: How could this be? It’s not like I’m some bad person.

Line 74) Marvin: I’m very much a family guy. Just what went wrong with this?

He sighed and put the photos briskly on his lap, making a thwack slap sound on his platform.

Calista noticed, but she just didn’t know what to say. 


Line 75) Calista: Looks like he’s frustrated again.

Line 76) Calista: I should say something.

Line 77) Calista: But, I’m so bad at comforting people.


Line 78) Um. Mh. So-

Then Marvin cut in, facing Calista and maintaining eye contact.


Line 79) I’m in all of these.


Line 80) What?! Really?! Guess we got the good pile then. Must be Talulla’s magic touch.

She could tell that her joking manner was not working on Marvin.


Line 81) Look, this is a good thing.

Marvin signed. He had no clue if it was indeed a good thing. 


Line 82) What do you think this means?

Line 83) Calista: Uh. I don’t know. Let me come up with something.

Calista says uncertainly.


Line 84) Perhaps that your family, although they cut ties with you, still relished your legacy?


Line 85) Does it make sense for them to relish my legacy if none of them kept contact with me while I was alive?

Line 86) Calista: Yeah. That doesn’t really make sense now that I said it outloud.


Line 87) Yeah, I guess that doesn’t add up. But some people reminisce about others even if they aren’t a part of their lives anymore.

Calista’s narration:

Line 88) Like me reminiscing about Raymond (Calista’s brother)


Line 89) The way I see it. I’m assuming that Teresa’s grandmother gave her all of these photos so that she could get rid of them. But if she didn’t throw them away or burn them, that accounts to something. Right?


Line 90) At this point, I don’t know what any of this accounts to.


Line 91) Yeah. This situation is quite a pickle.


Line 92) Is there something you want me to say to you?

Marvin looked confused.


Line 93) What do you mean?


Line 94) Like do you want me to comfort you?


Line 95) Not trying to be rude, but you usually don’t announce you’re going to comfort someone. You just comfort them.


Line 96) Oh. Uh. Sorry. As you can see this kind of thing is not really my forte.


Line 97) If it’s not your forte. Then don’t do it. You don’t owe it to me.


Line 98) I just feel like I have to say something. Give me a sec to think.

A couple seconds go by for Calista to process what she’s going to say.


Line 99) Alright, I’ve got it.

Calista clears her throat.


Line 100) I understand that this information must be a lot for you to take in. And I can’t imagine how hard it is to endure all of this.


Line 101) But just remember that it’s completely valid to be upset and let your emotions get the better of you.


Line 102) For me on the other hand. I don’t think that the whole experience is mere coincidence or a mistake. 


Line 103) I think that it might have been destiny?

Line 104) Calista: I’m cringing just from saying that.


Line 105) You don’t sound so certain saying that.


Line 106) Well that’s the thing I’m not certain.


Line 107) But I’m learning to embrace this newfound uncertainty. Although I’m uncertain. It doesn’t take away from the fact that what’s happening to us is our reality.


Line 108) I mean. Don’t you think it’s a bit strange that out of all the decks of photos, the one Talulla picked just happened to have your face all over it?


Line 109) I guess you have a point.


Line 110) Exactly. I think that all of this was meant to happen.


Line 111) Our paths were meant to be crossed. Which is why it’s my duty to help you out with your situation. 


Line 112) Consider it my contribution to the timeline.


Line 113) Together we’ll figure out what your unfulfilled duty is so that you can go back to your time.


Line 114) It’ll be over before you know it.


Line 115) Hmm.


Line 116) That actually comforted me.


Line 117) Thank you for saying that.

Calista was a bit flustered at Marvins admiration.


Line 117) O-Of course.


Line 118) I’m glad that you feel that way..

They both smiled back to each other.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 10 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
