In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 10

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 10

A Chapter by Yosh

Heading home after a long day, Talulla and Calista feel bad for Marvin. What are their next steps? Will Calista and Marvin converse?


TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading.

In Another Lifetime by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 10:

The day is April 16th, 2023. It's Sunday night time.

The trio arrive home after their long day and unwind for the night.

Talulla and Calista maintain their distance from Marvin, giving him the space he needs.

He sits himself on their living room window sill, gazing out the window sadly.

Calista exits the bathroom after doing her nightly routine, noticing Marvin continuing to sit on the window sill.

The amber hue of the city lights reflects onto him through the window, highlighting the look of devastation on his face and his wet eyes.

Calista observes the notepad on Marvin's lap that she gave him earlier, filled with all kinds of notes.

She releases a sigh of pity, unable to imagine how Marvin could be feeling right now.

She clenches her fist, trying to restrain herself from approaching him.

Line 1) Calista's inner thoughts: I know I shouldn't bug him right now, but that sad look on his face is killing me.

Calista contemplates, taking a deep breath as she gathers herself before doing something she shouldn't.

Line 2) Calista's inner thoughts: He needs time alone. I shouldn't intrude, and if I were to, what would I say to him? Nothing I say or do will put him at ease.

Calista rubs her head in exhaustion, feeling tired.

Line 3) Calista's inner thoughts: Today has been such a long day. I'm sure the last thing he wants to do right now is talk to me. We can put that off for now.

She taps her foot in a fidgety manner, in need of some kind of reassurance.

Line 4) Calista's inner thoughts: I gotta talk with Talulla. She always knows just the right thing to say.

Calista leads herself into Talulla's room, noticing that her door is slightly creaked open.

She gently knocks on the door, speaking suggestingly.


Line 5) Talulla? Is it okay if I come in? 

Talulla speaks welcomingly, loud enough for Calista to hear on the other side of the door.


Line 6) Of course. You don't even have to ask. Just come on in.

Calista enters Talulla's room, observing her lying on her bed and scrolling through her phone in her pajamas.

Talulla examines Calista, wondering what she's up to.


Line 7) You okay? Getting ready to head to bed?

Calista walks over to Talulla's bed, planting a seat for herself on Talulla's rug beside her bed.

Calista leans her head on the bottom of Talulla's bed frame, answering her in uncertainty.


Line 8) Yeah, I'm gonna hit the hay soon. Just wanted to check in on you. I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking... How are you?

Talulla replies casually, trying to create a relaxing atmosphere in her room, noticing Calista's worried demeanor.


Line 9) I'm doing okay, too. Just chilling before I catch some z's.

Calista nods her head comprehendingly, her demeanor still stressed out, eyebrows furrowed, hands jittery.

Talulla speaks consolingly, observing Calista's need for solace.


Line 10) We've been through a lot today. Put a pause on things and rest.

Calista lets out a restless sigh, speaking agreeably.


Line 11) Yeah. You're right. I just... can't seem to think of anything else.

Talulla speaks in a manner that supplements validation.


Line 12) Of course, you can't think of anything else. Anyone in our situation would say the same thing.

Talulla speaks in a caring tone.


Line 13) Listen. I suggest you get yourself tucked into bed and just close your eyes and see what happens. I'm sure you'll eventually drift off to sleep. You could really use a breather.

Calista answers Talulla disorientedly.


Line 14) I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm way too on edge. 

Talulla speaks in a manner of worry.


Line 15) You have to sleep to power through work tomorrow, though, and so do I. Just try your best to fall asleep. If you're having a lot of trouble, I'd recommend taking some melatonin. Don't you remember the vegan gummies we have in our pantry?

Calista's eyes bulge in shock, forgetting the fact that she has work to tend to the next day.

She responds to Talulla in distress, her tone frantic.


Line 16) I-I can't go to work tomorrow. Why would I leave Marvin on his own? Also, I forgot about those melatonin gummies, but I can't have them. I slept through my alarm the last time I gave them a shot.

Talulla replies reassuringly.


Line 17) Then you're just gonna have to figure out a different way to head to sleep. Perhaps try listening to white noise through your headphones. Also, Marvin's harmless, Calista. What could he possibly do while we're gone? He's a grown man and can take care of himself without any supervision. He doesn't need a babysitter.

Calista speaks in a precautious manner.


Line 18) I wouldn't be surprised if he tried doing something to us. After the things we were able to confirm today, if there's anyone to point fingers at, it's us. We're the ones who brought him into this timeline in the first place. I'd blame us if I were him, projecting all kinds of anger.


Line 19) Sure, we figured out a lot about him today, but he's still a stranger to us. I'm not leaving a stranger in my place without my supervision. He can't be trusted when we've only known him for a day.

Talulla speaks suggestingly.


Line 20) In that case, take time off of work. You haven't used your PTO. Might as well put it to good use. It would be a waste to continue going to work without using it at all when you are literally allowed to.

Talulla continues explaining in a tone of concern.


Line 21) Take a week off not only to help Marvin out but to give yourself time to rest. You deserve it. You seem burnt out. I know one week won't change everything, but something is better than nothing, right?

Calista tilts her head to the side, processing Talulla's suggestion.

She replies reasonably.


Line 22) Yeah. I think that's exactly what I'll do. I'm in no shape to work right now with my mind wandering elsewhere, and I really could use a week off, though as you've said, it's not enough to rejuvenate me, but at least it's something.

Calista speaks in an uncertain manner, feeling pressured.


Line 23) But also, I'm just... not sure if one week is enough for us to figure things out with Marvin. I don't know what I'll do if we can't send him home by the end of the week.

Talulla speaks in a justifiable tone.


Line 24) Relax, Calista. Of course, one week won't be enough to send him back. Just do what you can with your time off. After that, we'll only be able to help him when we're free. That's out of our control.

Calista speaks in a foreseeable manner.


Line 25) Yeah. You're right. I guess our next steps are to get in touch with Teresa's grandmother once she talks things out with her. I don't exactly know how we're going to plan out calling her, but certainly, Marvin can't be the one doing the talking. I'm sure Elouise would recognize his voice.

Calista speaks hopelessly, her eyes slanted upsettingly.


Line 26) As we wait for that, we're going to try to get in touch with his peers. But I'm not sure that'll work because even Teresa mentioned she had no luck trying to contact them.* I'm sure the same will happen to us.

*Refer back to episode 9, line 97.


Line 27) We really are in such a pickle. For a second, I thought that things were falling into place since the odds kept landing in our favor,* but that definitely backfired. We have a lot on our plate to deal with.

*Refer back to episode 8, line 29, etc.


Line 28) Not to make assumptions, but Teresa's grandmother, Elouise, seems a bit like a handful. I'm not sure if she'd be willing to give us any insight about Marvin's life from what we've heard about her thus far.

Calista speaks disconcertedly.


Line 29) What if we pursue what we think his unfinished business is, but it ends up being something else entirely? I wish there was some kind of confirmation that we're headed in the right direction, but we're just going to have to take risks. Just how the heck are we going to send him home? And why are we tasked with such a difficult obligation?

Calista questions Talulla, seeking her reassurance desperately.


Line 30) Remember how the psychic said this would be our life-changing moment? How exactly is any of this life-changing? Especially when we're going to "forget things" eventually?* Things aren't making sense.

*Refer back to episode 8, line 30.

Talulla releases an overwhelmed sigh.


Line 31) You're being overly cautious, Calista. The guy just arrived here yesterday. Stop trying to figure everything out when it's literally been less than a day. You're stressing yourself out for no reason.

Talulla speaks advisingly.


Line 32) Just do what you can and take things easy, but don't overload like you are right now. Our situation is best approached if we do things in moderation and make small progress every day.

Calista speaks in an understanding manner, rubbing her temples to gather herself.


Line 33) You're right. I need to calm down. I keep trying to tackle everything all at once. Thanks for reminding me to stay grounded, especially when we've already done so much today.

Talulla speaks curiously.


Line 34) Of course. If I'm not going to keep you in check, who will? Anyway, how's Marvin holding up? Is he still sitting by the window sill?

Calista nods her head, speaking sympathetically.


Line 35) He asked if I could lend him something to write, so I gave him a notepad and pen. I caught a glimpse of what he was writing, and it just seemed like a bunch of notes. Seems like he's trying to get his thoughts in order.

Talulla nods her head comprehendingly, speaking instructively.


Line 36) Tell him to call it a night. Give him some fresh towels and whatnot to wash up and head to bed. You know where the bedsheets are located. Could you please situate him on the couch?

Calista speaks agreeably.


Line 37) You got it. That sounds like a good idea.

Calista speaks in a tone that seeks clarification.


Line 38) So... he's going to be living with us?

Talulla speaks confirmingly, her voice protective.


Line 39) For the time being. He doesn't have anywhere else to go. The least we could do is offer him a place to stay, especially since you mentioned you feel like we owe him for bringing him into this timeline.

Calista speaks understandingly.


Line 40) Yeah, okay. I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page. I'll give him a nudge to wrap things up. Have a good night and a good day at work tomorrow.

Talulla smiles at Calista, speaking in a comforting manner.


Line 41) Thanks, Calista. Have a good night as well. Remember to keep in mind that you shouldn't tackle too many things at once. Have a good day tomorrow, too.

Calista nods her head determinedly, standing up from the rug she was sitting on to exit Talulla's room.

She gently shuts her door, making her way over to the living room to talk to Marvin.

She spots him continuing to gaze out of their living room apartment window as he sits on the window sill.

The upsetting expression on his face lingers, with the area in the living room dim, adding to the sad atmosphere.

Calista notices Marvin gazing at the full moon shining brightly outside, its yellowy-grey color prominent as he fiddles with a necklace she didn't know he was wearing all this time.

She takes in a deep breath, approaches Marvin, and turns on a lamp beside him to light up the living room area (situated on a nightstand by the living room).

Marvin swerves his gaze toward Calista, looking at her hopelessly.

Calista's eyebrows furrow in pity, awkwardly standing beside Marvin.

She tries to start a conversation with him, speaking tensely.


Line 42) Hey, uh... full moon out, huh?

Calista gets closer to Marvin, wanting to get a better look at the full moon through the living room window as he sits on its sill.

She smiles as she gazes at the moon, finding it beautiful in the dark blue night sky.

Calista looks back at Marvin, offering him a smile to lift his spirits.

She speaks in a tone of ease, trying to provide Marvin solace.


Line 43) It looks pretty, doesn't it?

Marvin's eyebrows furrow in remorse as he gazes at the moon.

His reaction makes Calista feel worried.

He speaks in a sentimental tone, his voice reminiscent.


Line 44) It does look pretty. The moon reminds me of my sister...

Calista tilts her head to the side, wondering why that is.

She speaks curiously.


Line 45) If you don't mind me asking, why?

Marvin gazes into Calista's eyes, noticing the sincerity in her question through her eagerness.

His lips slightly curl into a bitter-sweet smile, speaking in a melancholic manner.


Line 46) Because my sister's name was Luna.*

*Refer back to episode 9, line 20.

Calista's eyes widen from the clarification, smiling wholesomely from the news.


Line 47) Yeah. No wonder the moon reminds you of her. That's literally her name.

Marvin speaks ashamedly, his demeanor dejected.


Line 48) With the moon being out and whatnot, it's as if she's watching me. I've always felt this way when I see the full moon, but with what's going on in my life lately, I'd rather have her not look over me.

Marvin releases a sigh of distress, rubbing his temples in despair.


Line 49) I can't imagine how disappointed she must be in me.

Calista speaks in a defensive manner, her tone protective.


Line 50) What? Don't say that. You're being too hard on yourself.

Marvin gazes into Calista's eyes upsettingly, his shoulders dropping in defeat, his eyes glistening as slight tears accumulate in them.

He clenches his jaw and fist in frustration, taking in a deep breath before he speaks in anguish.


Line 51) Calista. I wasn't able to fulfill her death wish. Remember how I told you she wanted me to find my happily ever after?*

*Refer back to episode 6, lines 27�"29.

Calista nods her head in heartache, being reminded of Luna's bittersweet promise.


Line 52) My family cutting ties with me is not exactly me having my happily ever after, now is it? Things are in a state of disaster.

Calista droops her head dejectedly.

She plants a seat for herself on the opposite side of the window sill, facing Marvin.

Calista looks into Marvin's eyes in sympathy.

Marvin swerves his gaze away from Calista, feeling like he might burst into tears if he looks directly at her for any other second longer.

Calista speaks optimistically, with her eyes fired up with determination.


Line 53) But Marvin, this is your second chance to fulfill her death wish, not only for your sister's sake but for yours, too. Your presence in this timeline is a chance for you to make things right. We've been over this. Don't lose sight of what we talked about.*

*Refer back to episode 5, line 129, etc.

Calista speaks in a deeply apologetic manner, drooping her head in sorrow.


Line 54) I'm sorry this is happening to you. With all your family and friends back in 1967, I can't imagine how hard it must be, especially when we don't know for certain when you'll be sent back. That must be a lot to bear.


Line 55) I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.* My condolences. You two seemed very close...

*Calista is referring to Todd since Teresa mentioned he passed away (refer back to episode 9, lines 98 and 99).

Calista speaks in a tone of consolation.


Line 56) I'm here for you, Marvin. I want you to go back home just as much as you want to go back, too.

Calista speaks suggestingly.


Line 57) In fact, I've planned to take a week off from work to help you out. It's good that we at least have next steps to go off of. Hopefully, we'll be able to make more progress.

Marvin questions Calista in shock, notes of disapproval prominent in his voice.


Line 58) You're taking a week off to help me? Don't do that.

Calista speaks reassuringly.


Line 59) It's not only for you but for me, too. I'm taking a break from work using my paid time off. Was PTO a thing in the '60s?

Marvin nods his head, his eyebrows furrowed in objection.

Calista elaborates to provide further clarification.


Line 60) I don't plan on going on a trip this year, and I haven't called in sick whatsoever, so taking time off won't do any harm on my part. I talked things over with Talulla, and she also thinks I could use a break.


Line 61) We have a whole week ahead of us to figure things out. I know it's hard to ask you this, but try to keep your head up. You have me and Talulla by your side.

Marvin speaks in a tone of surprise, his eyebrows slanted in disconcertion, and his hands moving expressively.


Line 62) I-I don't understand why you're so nice to me. 

Calista responds in a manner of solace.


Line 63) Again, we've been over this. I'm the kind of girl that reads the room. We're not friends, but I feel for you with what you're going through, and I'm going to offer my consolation because I deem it suitable for me to do so, given our current circumstances.*

*Refer back to episode 5, line 121.

Marvin speaks apologetically, drooping his head down in shame.


Line 64) I'm sorry, Calista...

Calista tilts her head to the side in confusion.

She questions Marvin inquisitively.


Line 65) You're sorry? For what, though?

Marvin replies in a tone of guilt, gazing into Calista's eyes with regret.


Line 66) What do you mean "for what"? I've been so mean to you.

Marvin speaks in an accountable manner, his voice filled with remorse.


Line 67) There's lingering resentment on my part towards you from our first encounter, and it's been leading me to act pathetically rude towards you.*

*Refer back to episode 7, line 70.

Marvin speaks in an overstimulated tone, rubbing his head in distress.


Line 68) I know we're kind of over it,* but I was really taken aback yesterday, thinking you kidnapped me and whatnot, and then I was blaming you for my existence here because I thought you were a witch, blah blah blah...*

*Refer back to episode 6, line 41.

*Refer back to episode 4, line 29, etc.


Line 69) Crossing paths with each other has fallen into the otherworldly category, and I guess I feel tethered to you because of that.* I mean, who else could I relate to besides you and Talulla with what's happened to us?

*Refer back to episode 7, lines 71 and 72.

Marvin speaks in a tone of regret.


Line 70) It's brought out this cranky side of me. I'm projecting my frustrations onto you, and that's not fair. I apologize for my ridiculousness.


Line 71) I'm blabbering nothing but excuses. Just know that I'm genuinely so sorry for my behavior. I'll promise to do better. Let me know how I can make things up to you, though I fear it's too late for me to make amends.

Marvin's eyebrows slant in guilt.


Line 72) You've done so much for me already. I'm ashamed of myself for acting this way when you've been nothing but helpful.

Calista speaks acceptingly, speaking in a relaxed manner to put Marvin at ease.


Line 73) Thank you, Marvin. I accept your apology and forgive you. I appreciate you taking accountability. I don't know what you can do to make amends, but it's certainly not too late. And honestly, not that serious, if you ask me. Your apology is enough.

Marvin speaks sternly, his demeanor assertive.


Line 74) It's serious to me. If you ever come up with something, let me know. 

Marvin speaks timidly toward Calista, remembering something he wanted to ask her earlier in the day.


Line 75) Um. So I know you mentioned you're helping me because you feel like you owe me and this contributes to the life-changing prophecy that the psychic told you about, but even for those reasons,* I can't seem to wrap my head around your dedication.*

*Refer back to episode 5, lines 131�"134.

*Refer back to episode 7, line 74.

 Marvin questions Calista apprehensively.


Line 76) Is it wrong for me to assume that there has to be more to your intentions? I mean, why would you do so much for me when I've been rude to you? Is it okay for me to ask you that? I'm just curious, but feel free to let me down if it's out of line for me to question your choices.

Calista lets out a chuckle of amusement from Marvin's gentle cautiousness.

She speaks reassuringly.


Line 77) It's okay to ask. Nothing is out of line, don't worry. You're quite observant for noticing, Marvin. There actually is a deeper reason behind why I'm doing this, other than playing my part and whatnot.

Calista speaks informatively.


Line 78) Remember how you asked me about my "unfinished business" and I told you about my brother being kicked out of my house?*

*Refer back to episode 6, lines 8�"16.

Marvin nods his head upsettingly, being reminded of the unfortunate news.

Calista speaks with motivation.


Line 79) Since we're under the impression that your unfinished business correlates to your sister's wish of wanting you to fall in love essentially, I want to help you make her wish come true.


Line 80) I may not be able to mend things with my brother, but I'm hoping there's a way for me to perhaps mend things with your sister.

Calista offers Marvin a gentle smile.


Line 81) I guess you could say that I have a soft spot for you in that regard.


Line 82) Th-that's very sweet of you... Thank you immensely for your kindness.

Calista speaks sympathetically, feeling bad for Marvin.


Line 83) You're welcome. Knowing what we know about you thus far, too, adds to my motivation. Things didn't work out between you and Elouise, which caused you to be separated from your family. Nobody deserves to go through something like that.


Line 84) As I mentioned, this whole time-traveling situation just so happened to fall into my hands out of everyone else out there in the world. I feel I play a vital part in helping you get home, so I'm going to give it my all.*

*Refer back to episode 5, lines 131 and 133.


Line 85) Know that it's completely valid for you to be upset and let your emotions get the best of you because what you've been informed about is rough. Allow yourself to feel. It's better than keeping everything bubbled up inside.

Marvin speaks in a deeply appreciative manner, smiling at Calista wholesomely.


Line 86) Thank you, Calista. Words can express how much I appreciate your efforts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Calista replies casually.


Line 87) I'm just glad to be of help in any way possible.

Calista speaks curiously, glancing at the notepad on Marvin's lap, filled with all kinds of notes she's unable to decipher.


Line 88) Anyway, what do you have written on your notepad?

Marvin's eyes sparkle from Calista's interest, prompting him to speak informatively.


Line 89) Oh. It's some notes I've been jotting down about the things we've been informed about. I just needed to dump everything out of my brain to clear my head.

Calista nods her head, speaking understandingly.


Line 90) That's a good way to alleviate stress. Based on your notes, are there any leads concluded that we should pursue?

Marvin speaks in an explanatory manner.


Line 91) I definitely think my sister's death wish is our best bet. We should still keep an open mind once we hear back from Teresa about Elouise. Also, if we can get in touch with any of my peers, though correct me if I'm wrong, Teresa mentioned she hasn't had any luck with that.*

*Refer back to line 26 of this episode.

Calista speaks in a relentless tone.


Line 92) That's right. Still worth a shot, though.

Marvin speaks instructively.


Line 93) Yeah. After all, we don't know much about me, so it's best we gather as much information and figure out what to do from there.

Marvin speaks in a manner of concern, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.


Line 94) Seems like I'm going to be stuck here for a while. I'm sorry if that seems burdensome for you and Talulla.

Calista speaks reassuringly.


Line 95) Don't worry. Talulla and I are more than happy to offer you a stay here until you're ready to go back home.


Line 96) I know that seems a bit contradictory since we offered you to leave earlier,* but things have changed, and we're here for you now if you feel like staying.

*Refer back to episode 4, lines 38 and 53.

Marvin releases a chuckle of amusement.

He speaks in a grateful manner, his eyes gazing into Calista's tenderly.


Line 97) I don't blame you guys for suggesting that. Thank you for offering me a stay here. I really appreciate it.

Marvin speaks sarcastically.


Line 98) I would offer you some money to show you my thanks, but I'm not sure if what I have on me is enough.*

*Remember that Marvin found $3.65 in his pockets (refer back to episode 7, lines 21�"26, etc).

Calista laughs, remembering the spare money Marvin has on himself.

She speaks enthusiastically.


Line 99) Keep that to yourself. Thank you, though. But know that what you have on you is not entirely useless. 

Calista speaks suggestingly.


Line 100) If you ever feel like getting a treat, I'm sure you could buy yourself a slice of pizza with that money.

Marvin leans his head against the window sill's plank, speaking in a manner of defeat.


Line 101) I still can't believe things are so expensive nowadays.* Just where the heck did things go wrong?

Calista winces, getting hit with a deep realization of Marvin's obliviousness.


Line 102) Lots of things went wrong these past few decades. I'm no historian, but I have a bit of general knowledge. Things have been rough.

Marvin's eyes spark in allure.

He questions Calista intriguingly.


Line 103) I know it's very late, but do you mind giving me a bit of a history lesson about what happened? It'd be great if I were caught up.

To be continued...


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Thank you for reading! ♡


© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

I hope you like what you have read so far. I appreciate each and everyone of you for giving my story a chance.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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