In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 9

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 9

A Chapter by Yosh

As the trio has tea with Teresa, what more news do they receive about Marvin's life? What is in store for all of them to do to figure out his "unfinished business"?


TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading.

In Another Lifetime by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 9:

The day is April 16th, 2023. It's a Sunday evening.

The trio arrives at Teresa's place, and she welcomes them in.

As they get situated to have some tea with each other, Teresa fetches the painting she has been packaging for her client out of her working station room and shows it to the trio.

They all look at it impressively, appreciating the floral aesthetic.

Talulla speaks in a stunned manner.


Line 1) Wow! It looks great, Teresa!

Calista matches Talulla's energy, appreciating the marvel of Teresa's painting.


Line 2) Yeah! People should pay to look at this masterpiece!

Teresa replies bashfully, her cheeks blushing into a soft shade of pink.


Line 3) You guys are too sweet! I appreciate the compliments!

Talulla and Calista observe Marvin, wondering what he's so silent for.

Though his glasses hide his eyes, they notice a very apparent speechless expression on his face, with his eyebrows raised in shock.

He looks at the painting in wonderment, not foreseeing Teresa to be such a skillful painter.

Marvin replies in fascination.


Line 4) Teresa... Your painting is utterly breathtaking! My goodness, you're amazing!

Line 5) Marvin's inner thoughts: She's incredible! My granddaughter's a damn prodigy!

Teresa releases a shy giggle, speaking appreciatively.


Line 6) You flatter me too much, Jimmy. Thank you immensely.

Marvin questions Teresa in an alluring tone, curious about how she fostered such an impressive skill.


Line 7) How did this hobby come about? It appears we have an artistic icon in front of us.

Teresa soften in appreciation, feeling touched by Marvin's compliment.


Line 8) You're too kind! Getting good at painting requires a bunch of practice. I've been painting ever since I was a kid. Obviously, my paintings back then weren't as good as the ones I'm doing right now, but that's where my passion stemmed from.

Teresa speaks passionately, a fire lit in her eyes of devotion.


Line 9) I just studied a lot. I would examine all kinds of paintings and replicate them until I understood how to sketch color, shade, highlight, and all that jazz.

Teresa speaks in a grateful manner.


Line 10) I'm relieved to be born in this generation. If it weren't for the internet, I don't know how I could've learned to paint so well. There's an abundance of videos online that taught me so much!

Marvin speaks inquisitively, observing Teresa's painting keenly.


Line 11) What's the message of your painting? There are a bunch of things that I interpret just by looking at it, but what were your intentions, or I guess your client's intentions?

Teresa speaks sentimentally, the expression on her face becoming tender.


Line 12) Ahh. You could tell there's gotta be a memo behind this, huh? Well, to preface, I'm quite the romance nut. Classical novels about such topics have firmly placed themselves in my heart, becoming staples...

Teresa speaks expressively, her voice filled with affection, and her body language moving in gestures of dedication.


Line 13) My client told me to paint whatever I wanted, so I decided to paint out a period piece. I feel like when we envision, for example, regency-era love confessions, we usually picture some kind of floral field in which two lovers look at each other from afar, eagerly wanting to run and be scooped into each other's arms.

Talulla releases a gasp of devotion from Teresa's descriptions.


Line 14) Guh! Teresa! You're a frickin' genius!

Calista matches Talulla's energy, gushing over the painting.


Line 15) You didn't even have to explain the message. It's like the painting evokes that just by looking at it. You did a wonderful job portraying your intentions!

Teresa replies in a sincerely appreciative manner, her voice hyperactive, feeling motivated by the trio's complimentary remarks.


Line 16) You guys get it! Painting this piece was especially therapeutic for me. I feel like a part of me, especially with how I've been feeling lately, is just so prominent in this painting. I like how it's left a signature appeal to it.

Talulla speaks enthusiastically.


Line 17) I sure hope your client is splurging on you!

Teresa replies happily.


Line 18) They are. I'm so grateful for their recognition.

Calista chimes in, speaking dedicatedly.


Line 19) They should pay you millions.

Teresa releases an amusing chuckle.

She gets up to put her painting back in her working station room, coming back and sitting herself down with the rest of them to enjoy some tea and snacks for their evening.

As Marvin sips his tea, he feels tenderly moved by the girls' fervent devotion to romance.

Line 20) Marvin's inner thoughts: They're all such romantics. When was the last time I've ever sat down and talked about things like this? It's been ages. I feel like I'm 15 again, chatting with Luna about fairytales.

Marvin's lips curl in a bittersweet manner as he reminisces about his sister.

Teresa speaks inquisitively, eager for anyone besides herself to talk.


Line 21) Well, enough about me; what have you all been up to? I did a bunch of rambling on my part earlier, so I desperately want to hear from you guys.

The trio glances at each other, feeling stumped and not knowing how to respond to Teresa since they can't let her in on their time-traveling situation.

Talulla speaks, forcing a casual tone that does a bad job of masking her nervousness.


Line 22) U-uh. You know. The usual. Things are just going...

Teresa speaks welcomingly, her eyebrows slanting in a broodful manner.


Line 23) Come on. You guys know you can tell me anything. It's only fair you guys say something after the babble I went on about earlier.

Talulla's words convey that she wishes Teresa well.


Line 24) That wasn't a babble at all. We're glad you had a much-needed conversation with Jimmy.

Teresa speaks in a nosy tone, wanting to hear something juicy from the trio.


Line 25) I'm literally serving you guys tea. Do you have any "tea" to give me?

Teresa speaks in a direct manner.


Line 26) Fine. I'll ask some questions to get the juices flowing. On the topic of romance, are you guys involved in anything with someone? Didn't you mention there was someone you were interested in, Calista?

Calista's eyes widen in shock, not expecting Teresa to ask her such a question.

She answers her anxiously.


Line 27) U-uh. I definitely was interested in someone for a bit, but I'm over it.

Teresa responds sympathetically, feeling bad for Calista's unsuccessfulness.


Line 28) Sorry to hear that. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

Calista reassures Teresa in an unbothered manner.


Line 29) I don't mind you asking at all. We're friends. It's totally okay for us to talk about this kind of stuff...

Calista elaborates exhaustedly.


Line 30) Relationships are just... so complicated, and for what, honestly? I don't get why two people interested in each other and wanting to indulge in romance delve into so much inevitable difficulty. You'd think things would be simple from such simple intentions, but it's quite literally the exact opposite. It's so darn frustrating.

Calista continues explaining dejectedly.


Line 31) I was... already quite hopeless about my love life from the get-go. It was hard enough for me to make friends when I was in school,* so how would making more than that go? Obviously difficult. I'm so incredibly lucky to have met Talulla and you because, other than that, I'm pretty much on my own.

*Refer back to episode 1, line 138.

Calista speaks in a resentful tone, reminiscing at bitter memories.


Line 32) Though I'm no longer close to my family, their teachings about settling down at this age are still having quite an effect on me. I feel pressured, as if I have eyes piercing through the back of my head, with someone out there watching my every move.

Calista speaks in a shocked manner, putting things into perspective for herself.


Line 33) My mother was already way ahead of me at this age, getting married and giving birth to me and my older brother. It's crazy how very different things are for me.


Line 34) Not that I'm trying to compare myself to her, but I just sort of envisioned at least having a long-term partner by now in my life, yet, despite my efforts, no one has stuck around long enough. I'm starting to think that maybe I'm the problem.

Calista speaks in a tone of distress.


Line 35) The issue is, if I am the problem, I'm clearly not self-aware of that. So, how much longer will it take for me to realize my flaws that hinder whether or not I can make a relationship last?


Line 36) But, at the same time, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. The dating world is just so hard nowadays. People have all kinds of preferences, standards, blah blah blah. Everyone out here is struggling, it's not just me.

Talulla chimes in, speaking passionately.


Line 37) I can testify to that as well. As a bisexual woman, through trial and error, I've figured out that dating anyone, period, regardless of their sexual orientation, is just difficult.


Line 38) Before I dabbled into dating women, I assumed that being in a same-sex relationship would be easier since I can empathize with girls. But it's honestly just as hard as dating a man, dare I say harder, because of the smaller pool of queer women in the world.

Calista speaks upsettingly.


Line 39) It's sad to say that falling in love has become a dream. Everyone should be given a fair shot, but it's as if all doors of opportunity are sealed shut.

Calista rubs her head in distress.


Line 40) I remember reading somewhere that around one in four people end up single and alone for the rest of their lives. That statistic makes me depressed enough. It's as if there's no hope. The chances are so high...

Calista speaks in an uplifting manner.


Line 41) Which is why I can't encourage you enough to have a conversation with your grandmother, Teresa. I agree with Jimmy wholeheartedly. It really seems like your previous partner is the one for you.

Teresa releases an agreeable sigh.


Line 42) Yeah. You guys are totally right. I need to make things right with him asap. I just hope he can forgive me for making him wait.*

*Refer back to episode 8, lines 92 and 93.

Calista speaks faithfully.


Line 43) I'm sure he will. He'd wait forever if you asked him to.

Teresa smirks, feeling flustered just by thinking about her "ex".

She releases another sigh, wanting to include "Jimmy" in their conversation.

She speaks inquisitively toward him.


Line 44) Hah~ I know you mentioned your primary specialty is familial issues when it comes to consulting,* Jimmy, but I'm sure you're knowledgeable about romance, right? Like the complications that occur when people are in romantic relationships?

*Refer back to episode 8, line 56.

Marvin tenses up, not expecting Teresa to ask him such a question.

He nervously thinks of something to say, clearing his throat awkwardly before he speaks.


Line 45) U-um. To an extent... I suppose.

Marvin speaks informatively, with his personal opinions prominent in his remarks.


Line 46) Complications in romantic relationships are definitely a more tricky branch of psychology; I'll tell you that, though I think that goes without saying.

Marvin fabricates a lie, pulling it off convincingly, with his sentiments heavily apparent in his statements.


Line 47) Though my education has taught me a lot about relationships, all I can say is that when it comes to such bonds, it's the kind of thing you become knowledgeable about through experience. 

Marvin speaks in a tone of frustration, annoyed at himself knowing that his love life ended up in shambles with Elouise.


Line 48) You can read about it all you want and study it all you want, but nothing will show you the truth more than actually being in a relationship. It's like driving. Yes, you study all the rules of the road, but you have to actually sit in a car and give it a go, which for me was entirely different, and what I had studied wasn't as helpful as I thought it'd be.


Line 49) That can apply to various other things in life, but I especially emphasize it in relationships. I really hate the phrase, "It comes when you least expect it," because that is simply not true, in my opinion. You honestly DO expect it because it wouldn't come to you if you didn't put yourself out there.

Marvin speaks in an overwhelmed manner.


Line 50) There are so many things to take into consideration. Being in the right mentality, accepting yourself, finding a compatible person who knows what you're worth, etc...

Marvin releases a sigh of exhaustion, rubbing his head in distress.


Line 51) Saying relationships are "complicated" is quite literally the understatement of the century.

The girls chuckle at Marvin's remark.


Line 52) As Talulla and Calista have mentioned, I really hope things can work out for you and your grandmother, Teresa. You deserve to be with your partner, and your grandmother shouldn't get in the way of that at all.

Teresa replies appreciatively.


Line 53) Thank you. On that note, you mentioned that you would offer your help, but since you're only in town for a limited amount of time,* would it be okay if you gave my grandmother your number? Obviously, I'm going to bring this matter up to her first, but I feel like some counseling will be necessary regardless. Do you, by any chance, have a business card on you?

*Refer back to episode 8, line 108.

Marvin swallows anxiously, staring at Talulla and Calista for guidance on how to respond to Teresa's request.

He thinks to himself, trying to process Teresa's offer.

Line 54) Marvin's inner thoughts: As our second plan, Calista mentioned contacting my peers. However, since our first plan of getting in touch with any relatives of mine has been working out,* I could directly get more insight about my life through Teresa by getting in touch with Elouise.

*Refer back to episode 6, lines 55 and 56.

Marvin's eyebrows furrow in concern, recognizing an issue in his hypothetical approach.

 Line 55) Marvin's inner thoughts: But I am not sure if Elouise is willing to share the information I seek about my life. Just how am I going to go about that?

Marvin answers Teresa awkwardly, his tone uncertain.


Line 56) Uh. This may seem unprofessional, but I don't have a business card on me right now. I apologize.

Teresa speaks reassuringly, continuing to question Marvin for his help, eager for his assistance.


Line 57) No worries. Would you mind sharing your number so that I'm able to contact you, please?

Marvin tenses up, not knowing how to respond to Teresa's request once again.

Line 58) Marvin's inner thoughts: I can't give her my real number since I'm dead, so my number has most likely been recycled, but I can't just make up a number since Talulla and Calista are in touch with Teresa. Things would get awkward between them and Teresa would probably be offended if she figured out I gave her a fake number. What should I say?

An excuse comes across Marvin's mind, prompting him to answer Teresa with hesitancy, sweat trickling on his forehead from feeling put on the spot by her questions.


Line 59) Um. This may not make any sense, but I'm in the process of getting a new phone, which means a new number as well, so I don't have a phone on me at the moment. It's some kind of work protocol...

Teresa gives Marvin ideas, noticing the puzzled look on his face and asking how they can contact each other.


Line 60) Oh. I see. That's not a problem. In that case, do you have a work phone? Work email? Social media accounts? Just anything for me to get in touch with you?

Marvin freezes, feeling completely clueless about his response to Teresa.

Line 61) Marvin's inner thoughts: What in tarnation is an email? I don't have a work phone or a phone period. If I make something up again, it'll seem like I'm just coming up with excuses for us not to stay in touch, which is rather impolite. Anyone would get a clue about that, and I don't want to seem rude, especially towards my granddaughter.

Talulla and Calista try to come up with things to say, getting ready to speak, but Teresa interjects, speaking in a clarifying manner.


Line 62) Actually, you know what? Why don't I give you her number instead? I feel like if I were to ask my grandmother to call someone, she wouldn't. She'd be more inclined to participate if it were the opposite way around. Get where I'm coming from?

Marvin questions Teresa in a tone that seeks reassurance.


Line 63) O-oh. You're going to give me her number instead? Are you sure that's okay? Do you think your grandmother would be okay with that?

Teresa replies in a welcoming and reassuring way, offering Marvin an appreciative smile.


Line 64) Yeah. I trust you, Jimmy. Grams should trust you, too. I really appreciate you doing this for me. Thank you so much!

Marvin responds reassuringly, notes of unease present in his voice and body language.


Line 65) It's no problem. I'm just glad to be of help.

Teresa stands up, planning to head to her working station room to write her grandmother's number down for "Jimmy".


Line 66) Let me write her digits on a sticky note for you. Be right back.

As Teresa exits the living room, Marvin releases a sigh of exhaustion, trying to calm himself down before she comes back.

Talulla and Calista speak to Marvin in a low voice so that Teresa does not overhear their conversation from her room.

Talulla speaks in a validative manner.


Line 67) You're doing a great job, Marvin. You're really pulling this off. We didn't have much of a plan heading into this,* so kudos to you for thinking on your feet.

*Refer back to episode 7, line 34, etc.

Marvin furrows his eyebrows in guilt, his eyes glistening in remorse as he regrets his actions.

His eye twitches in irritation.


Line 68) I hate lying to her. This sucks so badly.

Calista speaks consolingly.


Line 69) Let's just get to the bottom of your unfinished business first. After that, you're free to reveal the truth to her all you want if that's what you truly wish. But I still think you should hold off on doing anything about that just yet. She'd freak out if we were to just randomly reveal this information to her on a whim.*

*Refer back to episode 7, line 8. 

Talulla responds agreeably, her tone precautious and protective.


Line 70) Calista's right. Let's get you situated first before you decide to do things like that. I know it's hard to ask you to be compliant for now but just try your best.

Marvin releases a sigh of despair, feeling devastated by his immoral steps.


Line 71) Yeah. I also agree it's not the right time to reveal myself to her. But I still feel terrible for deceiving her. I'm taking advantage of her vulnerability.


Line 72) If I wasn't assigned the role of a  "psychologist", how else would we have been let in on her situation? She certainly wouldn't tell a stranger like me, especially since we just met today. I'm such a horrible person.

Marvin buries his face into his hands, letting his guilt engulf him.

Talulla and Calista sit in silence, thinking about Marvin's statement.

Calista speaks in a self-aware manner, acknowledging her flawed approach when it comes to Teresa.

She fidgets with the rings on her fingers anxiously.


Line 73) You bring up a good point, but if it helps, I think the information you provided her was good. I don't think I would have said anything better if she had solely confided in me, which is what she initially wanted to do,* but since she saw that I was hanging out with you guys, she asked to be included. I think she was going to talk about this to us anyway, even if I didn't tell her you were a psychologist.

*Refer back to episode 7, lines 79�"84, etc.

Talulla speaks agreeably, justifying their plan, thinking it's reasonable, though imperfect.


Line 74) I agree, again. You may not be a real psychologist, Marvin, but what you said was something she really needed to hear. If you ask me, I don't even think if she saw a real psychologist they would have told her what you did.

Talulla puts the pieces together, wanting to reassure Marvin of his role in their approach for Teresa.


Line 75) Want to know why? Because you're her family. You're looking out for her like no other person would.

Marvin leans his head to the side reasonably, thoroughly thinking through Talulla's point.


Line 76) She said that if she had known her grandfather was alive all this time, she would've wanted to bond with him,* just like she has with her grandmother so far. This is like your indirect way of doing that.

*Refer back to episode 8, lines 70 and 71.


Line 77) I won't sugar-coat that we're deceiving her, and I'm definitely not in any place to say that it's for her own good, but I do feel like this is something we have to do for the time being. If we have to be the bad guys, so be it.

Talulla speaks in a suggestful manner.


Line 78) As Calista mentioned, when the time's right, you can reveal yourself to whoever you want to. But, honestly, even if the time is right, I'd still think twice before doing so. There's lots of this to consider and various risks.


Line 79) I know, based on what the psychic said, everything will be reversed and restored, so none of our current actions are making any impacts on our timeline, but we don't know for certain when you'll be sent home. You're going to have to live with your confessions for God knows how long. Make sure you're fully confident about whoever you confide in before you decide to do so.

Calista nods her head agreeably.

Teresa makes her way back into the living room, handing over a sticky note for "Jimmy" with her grandmother's phone number written on it. 

Teresa speaks instructively, her tone emitting ease and grace.


Line 80) There you go. Sorry, that took a while. I was trying to find my sticky notes. Anyway, take all the time you need to situate your phone situation. I want to take the initiative about bringing this matter up to her first and then having you step in if that's necessary, which is highly likely, as I mentioned earlier. 

Teresa speaks in a manner of shame, her body language timid as she converses with Marvin.


Line 81) Since you don't have any contact information that I can use to reach out to you at this very moment, I'll reach out to either Talulla or Calista to give you a heads-up sometime soon about my situation, if you don't mind. Does that sound okay? I'm sorry if it seems like I'm asking for too much. I'm completely willing to pay you for your services. How much do you charge?

Marvin looks at Teresa in shock at her request.


Line 82) Wh-what? I'm not going to charge you anything. You don't owe me.

Teresa speaks desperately.


Line 83) Come on, Jimmy. Don't be like that. You were spectacular today. Don't be so lenient on me. Give me your rates straight. Let me show you my support for your kindness.

Marvin speaks insistently.


Line 84) Listen, just make sure you have that conversation with your grandmother for me. That's all I want.

Teresa speaks in a generous manner.


Line 85) That goes without saying. I've got an idea, though. If you're ever in town again, swing by the café, and I'll give you some things on the house. Did you like what you had today?

Marvin speaks appreciatively.


Line 86) Yeah. I'm very grateful for your offer. Keep up the good work.

Marvin fiddles with his thumbs apprehensively, quickly pressing Teresa about one last topic.


Line 87) U-um. So, I know it's weird to bring this up now since we've already delved into it, but if you don't mind, could you clarify some final things for me about your circumstances? I am just trying to get a more well-rounded grasp of your situation with your family.

Teresa speaks welcomingly, her eyes softening as she gazes at Marvin, feeling touched by his consideration.


Line 88) You're such a nice guy, Jimmy. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like. I don't mind at all. What would you like me to clarify?

Marvin speaks curiously.


Line 89) About your grandfather, you said that your grandmother cut ties with him after they divorced.* Is that all you know about him? Did your father happen to tell you more?

*Refer back to episode 8, line 80.

Teresa's eyes widen in shock, feeling oblivious for not going over that information earlier.

She speaks informatively.


Line 90) Oh. No wonder you need clarification. I completely glossed over that part. My apologies. My father told me that his father, my grandfather, Marvin, lived in Jersey for all of his life...

Marvin flinches at Teresa calling his name, his eyes widened in seriousness.


Line 91) He also told me he came from a wealthy family. Something about my great-grandfather owning a company of some sort. I don't know the full details, but it's something along those lines.

Marvin's hands slightly tremble from Teresa's accurate descriptions of him so far.


Line 92) My father told me that the reason his father and mother got a divorce was because they were married solely for business purposes. My grandmother, Elouise's family, actually owns the café I work at. It's our family business, as you already know.*

*Refer back to episode 8, line 48.

Marvin's eyebrows raise in shock, coming to a realization about something.

Line 93) Marvin's inner thoughts: The café! It's Todd and Elouise's family business! But of course! How come I didn't recognize it upon entry?! It's drastically changed after so many years!

Teresa elaborates in a glum manner, feeling sympathetic about her grandfather's hardships.


Line 94) It seems like their marriage wasn't one out of love, though they eventually had my dad. It was a business deal, and nothing more, I guess. I don't know the whole story. If only my grandmother wasn't so closed off.*

*Refer back to episode 8, line 77.


Line 95) But, as for why she decided to cut ties with him, I myself don't know the answer to that. I also don't see my grandmother telling me about that anytime soon either, but as I mentioned before, my father and grandmother seem to have tensions for those very reasons.* Something is off about that.

*Refer back to episode 8, line 82.


Line 96) My dad doesn't know much about how my grandfather lived his life. When he visited him at the hospital as he was dying,* they were just there for each other but not really catching up about anything.

*Refer back to episode 8, line 79.


Line 97) My grandfather could've gotten remarried after the divorce and had other children besides my father. Who knows? I tried reaching out to some of his friends, but I haven't had much luck with that, unfortunately. 


Line 98) Speaking of friends, he was apparently really close to my uncle Todd, my grandmother's older brother. He passed away a long time ago. I was just a little girl. He might have mentioned my grandfather, Marvin, but I was just too young to comprehend.

Marvin's jaw drops sadly from Teresa's revelation.

Line 99) Marvin's inner thoughts: Todd... is dead?!

Teresa notices Marvin's grim expression, questioning him in concern.


Line 100) Does that clarify what you were looking for? Is there anything you need me to add?

Marvin snaps out of his surreal daze, answering Teresa frantically. 

He tries his best to hold back his tears, clenching his jaw upsettingly.


Line 101) U-uh yeah. I just wanted to know what the basis of your grandparents' relationship was set on. Knowing that it was purely business makes a lot of sense. That would explain their tension...

Marvin tries his best to divert his sadness, prioritizing Teresa's necessities.


Line 102) That just further fuels my stance on your confrontation with your grandmother. You mentioned she sees herself in you,* but that doesn't make sense. The relationship you have with your previous partner seems sincere. 

*Refer back to episode 8, line 89, etc.


Line 103) It's not a business deal or anything like that. It's unconditional, so emphasize those points to your grandmother. Perhaps her disapproval can be swayed.

Teresa speaks in a deeply appreciative manner, her eyebrows slanting sentimentally.


Line 104) That's some great advice, Jimmy. Thank you for chiming in with that. I'm very glad we ran into each other. I don't think I would've known my next steps of action had it not been for our discussion.

Teresa speaks in a parental tone, looking out for the trio.


Line 105) Anyway, I don't want to keep you guys by my side for too long. After all, tomorrow commences the weekday. You guys have things to tend to and whatnot.

Teresa speaks in a grateful manner, happily smiling at the trio.


Line 106) I can't thank you all enough for your efforts. Thank you for letting me hang out with your guys today.

Talulla speaks welcomingly.


Line 107) It's no problem, Teresa. We're so glad Marvin was of good help to you.

Teresa, Marvin, and Calista look at Talulla in stunned confusion from her slip-up (she called Marvin Marvin instead of Jimmy).

Her eyes bulge nervously.

She reassures them in a panicky way.


Line 108) U-uh. I meant Jimmy, obviously. Sorry, I'm a bit exhausted. Got my names mixed up. Haha...

Teresa releases an amusing chuckle.


Line 109) You're totally okay. I get that way, too, after a long day. Have a good night, you all. Get some well-needed rest!

Calista speaks appreciatively, still on edge from Talulla's slip-up.


Line 110) Have a good one, Teresa. Thank you for the tea. Plus, the tunnel and painting you showed us were beautiful sights.

Marvin speaks in a bittersweet manner, his eyes softened in distress.


Line 111) Thank you, Teresa. Keep me posted on your plans. I hope everything works out for the best.

Teresa replies in a voice that wishes the trio well.


Line 112) Thank you, guys. Take care, and have a great week!

Marvin clenches his fist, feeling like this interaction with Teresa will be the last time he'll ever see her.

He swallows hard, shutting his eyes tightly and opening them to gather his wits.

Marvin speaks touchingly.


Line 113) T-teresa... I wish you all the best...

Teresa smiles, her gratitude immensely evident in her words and aura.


Line 114) Thanks, Jimmy. I wish you all the best tenfold!

Marvin, Talulla, and Calista exit Teresa's place, making their way back to the café where Talulla's car is parked.

As they head back over to Talulla's car, they walk in silence, letting Marvin process his interaction.

Getting situated in the car, the ride home is utterly quiet, upsetting tension fuming from the unfortunate news they confirmed.

Calista glances at Marvin in the back seat, watching him somberly stare out the window, the street lights illuminating blue and yellow hues on his face.

Her eyebrows slant in heartache, feeling empathetic toward his situation.

Talulla observes Calista's demeanor, noticing her pity.

She releases a sigh of hopelessness, not knowing where to go from here.

To be continued...


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Thank you for reading! ♡


© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

I hope you like what you have read so far. I appreciate each and everyone of you for giving my story a chance.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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