In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 9

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 9

A Chapter by Yosh

Once he finds a picture of himself after he proposed to Elouise, Marvin and the rest of the girls try to connect the dots about his relationship to Teresa. They question Teresa to get more intel.


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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 9:

April 16 2023. The day is Sunday.

Marvin finds a picture of himself. The picture is set at a dinner party. The occasion is that Marvin proposed to Elouise (Teresa’s grandma). It’s all his friends congratulating him and a note in the back. He passes the note to the girls. Talulla takes a look in shock.


Line 1) No way! It’s actually you Marvin!


Line 2) Keep your voice down. We don’t want Teresa hearing any of this.

Talulla flipped to the back of the picture reading aloud what was stated.


Line 3) “To my dearest Marvin I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m so happy you decided to marry me”.


Line 4) This must be when you got engaged.


Line 5) Who wrote that?


Line 6) I think that’s Elouise’s handwriting.

The girls looked confused.


Line 7) April 15, 1967. That means this was exactly 56 years ago.


Line 8) If you traveled to this time yesterday. And it was also April 15 in 1967. That means you must’ve gotten engaged to her on that day. 


Line 9) It doesn’t make sense though.


Line 10) Why would I propose to her yesterday at the dinner party?


Line 11) She’s even wearing my great grandma Chesa’s ring.


Line 12) But I would never propose out of the blue. There was absolutely nothing between us.


Line 13) We should ask Teresa. Maybe she can give us an insight about your life.


Line 14) Let’s just keep this picture hidden for now.

Talulla puts the picture inside her bra.

Marvin looks at her confused.


Line 15) You don’t need to hide it like that.


Line 16) Just lay it out normally.


Line 17) It’s safer this way. We can’t have Teresa catching a glimpse of the photo because it’ll blow our cover.


Line 18) If she sees Marvins face in this picture she'll freak out for sure.


Line 19) It doesn’t need to be inside your bra. Just lay it faced down on your lap.


Line 20) I just did that out of panic. I thought I heard Teresa’s footsteps.

She takes the photo out and lays it on her lap.


Line 21) Besides that we still have another stack of photos to rummage through. So, let’s see if we can find any more pictures of Marvin.

They each grabbed more stacks. Marvin continued from his stack where he found his photos. 

The photos were unordered so each one was in a different time and place. 

There were also many people that he had not known. As Calista grabbed her pile she began upsettingly rummaging through her stack. 

She stumbled upon a photo of this very old guy. She peered at the back and read the note saying, “Rest in Peace Grandfather Marvin”. 

Calista looked shocked. She then glanced back at the photo to further examine the old guy's face. She looked back and forth to Marvin and the guy. 

Line 22) Calista: It’s Marvin again. The features are identical.

Their features looked practically the same. She pokes Marvins shoulder.


Line 23) Take a look at this.

Marvin grabbed the photo, and in seconds before flipping to the back realized it was him. A grim look started to engulf his face. It was a face of pure horror. The face realizing how you’d look when you got older and the face knowing that already in this timeline you’re dead.

Line 24) Marvin: It’s not pleasant seeing how you’ll look when you're older.

Line 25) Marvin: It’s hard for me to accept the fact that I’m already dead.


Line 26) I can’t believe that this is me.


Line 27) Lemme take a look.

Talulla grabbed the photo from Marvins hands. She looked at it and raised her eyebrows. This was for sure him.

Line 28) Talulla: That’s Marv alright.

 She looked concerned. The photo was taken in a hospital. This must have been the place where Marvin passed.

Line 29) Talulla: Is this where Marvin passed away?

Line 30) Talulla: This hospital doesn’t look familiar, so I don’t think we can get any leads from it.

 The hospital didn’t look familiar. It seemed like they would get leads then lose them immediately. 


Line 31) Keep looking through the other photos. 

They all continued to look, with only a bit of photos left but only on Talullas part. They peered through her shoulder to look at the photos all together. Teresa's footsteps become louder. 


Line 32) Hurry, she’s coming.

Talulla tried to look through each and every photo precisely. 

Line 33) Talulla: Ahhh! Not enough time!

Line 34) Talulla: Lemme just-

Out of impulsiveness she sticks ¼ of the stack inside her shirt bra again.

She whispers.


Line 35) We’ll look at the rest when we get home. 

Calista and Marvin look at Talulla in shock. They whisper at her.


Line 36) We can’t just steal them.


Line 37) We’re just borrowing. We’ll get these back to her in no time.

Teresa comes back to the living room.


Line 38) Sorry. I just really needed to organize that mess or else it was going to bug me. So, did you guys find anything?

Talulla was about to say something but Marvin cut her off.


Line 39) Nope.

Line 40) Talulla: It’s best we tell her that we found nothing.

Line 41) Calista: She’ll freak if she finds Marvin’s in those photos.


Line 42) What!? Those were all the photos I have though. I guess the rest may be at my parents’ place. Sorry about that.


Line 43) You have nothing to apologize for.


Line 44) You’ve helped us enough. We appreciate your efforts.

Marvin nods and smiles.


Line 45) Calista you did mention though that my grandma was what led to Jimmy thinking he was related to me, right?


Line 46) Yes, that was our main lead.

Teresa grabs her phone and looks for something. She shows them a picture of her young grandmother. Marvins eyes shot up.


Line 47) This is a picture of my grandmother when she was young.

Marvins eyes looked shocked; they just sat there in silence.

Line 48) Marvin: This further verifies that Teresa is in fact my granddaughter.

Line 49) Marvin: But seeing this picture of Elouise young, leaves me completely speechless.


Line 50) Is everything okay? Why did you guys go silent all of a sudden?

Talulla elbows Marvin in a way that Teresa doesn’t notice.


Line 51) Everythings fine. This just further verifies my relations to your cut-off family.


Line 52) Huh. Really?

Line 53) Teresa: I wonder why he recognizes her only when she’s young?


Line 54) If you can recognize her young, does that mean you’re related through my grandfather perhaps?

Marvin looks shocked.


Line 55) I-I can’t say for certain.

Line 56) Marvin: I’m struggling to come up with excuses.

Calista notices.

Line 57) Calista: He looks like he’s having trouble. I should step in to help him.


Line 58) A few family ties have also been severed for Jimmy as well. This whole situation started when he got intel about your grandmother.

Marvin peered at Calista in thanks.


Line 59) After doing some digging about  the origin of her last name it led us to you.

Teresa intently listens to them explain.


Line 60) Hmm. Well that clarifies a lot.


Line 61) Well there's no reason to dwell on that guy anyways since he’s dead.

Marvin had a haunting expression on his face.


Line 62) However, I think my grandmother will be more helpful in getting information for you guys.


Line 63) Can you tell us more about your grandfather?


Line 64) My grandpa Marvin lived in Jersey all his life. He came from a wealthy family so finances weren’t a hassle for him to deal with.

Line 65) Marvin: So far, that’s spot on.


Line 66) Grandma tells me that he eventually takes over his family business, which I don’t know much about. And then makes a partnership with her in marriage for personal and business reasons.

Line 67) Marvin: Is that how we got married? But still doesn’t give me an explanation to why I proposed that night.


Line 68) She said they had quite a rocky relationship which ultimately led to their divorce. 


Line 69) After the divorce my Grandma had full custody over her son AKA my dad.

Marvin frowned at this and looked severely upset. 

Line 70) Marvin: I wasn’t in love with Elouise so it makes sense why our relationship didn’t work out in the long run, especially if it was purely for business.

Line 71) Marvin: But why wasn’t I able to save the relationship?

Line 72) Marvin: I’ve always envisioned a happy marriage in my future.

Line 73) Marvin: It’s a shame that's not what actually happened.

He always envisioned a happy, successful marriage, and it was hard to take in the fact that it didn’t end that way.


Line 74) My grandma always talked bitterly about him. From my take it seemed like they never really loved each other. But since she still keeps his last name, some things don’t add up.


Line 75) After their divorce the whole family was ripped apart. They strayed away from him and practically never visited. 

Line 76) Marvin: It’s devastating that after our divorce she completely cut me off. What did I do to deserve that?


Line 77) When he was alive, no one from my family ever kept in touch with him.


Line 78) The only person who knows more about him is my grandma and perhaps some of her friends.


Line 79) I wish I could tell you more but that’s everything I know. I don’t know how he lived the rest of his life. He probably remarried, and started a new family. I never asked my grandma.

The group just sat there not knowing what to say.


Line 80) Do you have any suggestions on what else we can do?


Line 81) I guess you guys could contact my grandma.


Line 82) However, the topic is quite sensitizing to her, so I can’t promise she’ll open up so easily.


Line 83) Could you please give us her phone number?

Teresa writes her number on a sticky note.


Line 84) I’ll also call and tell her about you guys so that she has a heads up.


Line 85) Thank you so much.


Line 86) Anyways we appreciate all your efforts. It’s quite dark outside. So, it’s time we take off.


Line 87) This is so off topic. But would you guys still like to see my art?


Line 88) Oh. Well sure.

Teresa shows some to Calista, Marvin, and Talulla. Then Talulla asks to see more from her canvas room.


Line 89) I think we should call it a night.


Line 90) I think so too.


Line 91) This must be a lot to take in.

Marvin nods.


Line 92) Just try keeping your head up. We’ll sort things further out tomorrow.

Marvin glances at Calista in a sympathetic way. Teresa and Talulla finish and they all head out and say their goodbyes.

The trio is in the car riding their way back home. Marvin looks visually upset. Calista and Talulla take notice.


Line 93) I’m really sorry Marvin. Today must’ve been rough on you.

Line 94) Marvin: I need to gather enough energy to say something back.


Line 95) It’s fine. I just need time to absorb this information. I appreciate you guys helping me though.


Line 96) Take all the time you need. We completely understand.


Line 97) If you need to get anything off your chest. Don’t hesitate.

Marvin knew the girls were being sympathetic, but he couldn’t help himself. He was very irritated.

Line 98) Marvin: I know they’re telling me to open up. But how can I when I barely know them?

Line 99) Marvin: It’s not like we’re friends. We just met yesterday.


Line 100) Thanks for letting me know.


Line 101) I know we’ve only known each other for a day. But you have nothing to lose opening up to us.


Line 102) I’ll try to find purpose in doing that.

Line 103) Calista: I should stop pushing him to do something he’s clearly uncomfortable about.

Line 104) Calista: But I can’t help but get interested in him after all that was said about his life.

Line 105) Calista: I want to know more about him.

Line 106) Calista: I hope he’ll eventually open up to me.

Calista’s narration:

Line 107) It’s true that I don’t know much about him.

Line 108) But I have this feeling in my gut that I should connect with him.

Line 109) I fell a good outcome coming from my help in all of this.

Line 110) I want to be as welcoming to him as possible.

Line 111) This whole situation is random. But that’s what makes it so thrilling.

Line 112) I’ve never been through anything like this.

Line 113) Which is why I have to get down to business to make my vital contribution.

Line 114) It’ll feel good to help someone out, especially when the stakes are this dire.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Then they got home.

End of scene.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello everyone, please ignore any grammatical errors, this was written quite a while ago and has not been updated. However, if you guys would like to read the updated and current version of this chapter, feel free to read it on Wattpad. To find it look up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)". Let me know if you guys would rather have me update the current version on here instead. Thank you all so much for reading.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
