![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 8A Chapter by Yosh![]() How does Marvin go about finally meeting Teresa? Where does their conversation go? And what does he figure out?![]() TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading. In Another Lifetime by Yosh ____________________________________________________________ Reading key: Anything to the side in bold is narration. Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts. Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions. Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track. Anything () is extra information. ____________________________________________________________ Episode 8: The day is April 16th, 2023. It's a Sunday afternoon, nearing the evening portion of the day. As the trio waits for Teresa to clock out of work to hang out with her so that they can get an insight into Marvin's life, they sip on their matcha lattes, munching on their Caesar salad wraps, seated next to each other as they delve into their meal. Marvin and Talulla eat awkwardly in silence, while Talulla eats casually, unfazed by the trio's fantastical circumstances. Calista questions Marvin curiously, wanting to break the awkward silence they've got going on with each other. Calista Line 1) Not that I care; I just want to stir up some conversation. How do you like the matcha latte, Marvin? I'm only asking because when I first met Talulla, she introduced me to it, and I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was.* Since this is your first time trying, what do you think? *Refer back to episode 1, lines 98"108, etc. Marvin answers Calista in a neutral manner, not too impressed by the beverage. Marvin Line 2) It's alright, I guess... Talulla speaks inquisitively, her demeanor bubbly. Talulla Line 3) Aren't you glad we encouraged you to try it, though?* *Refer back to episode 7, lines 29 and 31. Marvin responds in uncertainty. Marvin Line 4) You know, it's a new experience. At least I gave it a shot, right? Talulla speaks sympathetically, realizing the flaw of her inquisition. Her face engulfs a sentimental expression as she speaks. Talulla Line 5) Sorry. I'm sure asking you these kinds of questions isn't exactly what's flowing through your mind after figuring out you married your best friend's sister. Marvin speaks dejectedly. Marvin Line 6) Yeah. You're not wrong in assuming that. I'm just trying to process what my life's come to be. Things didn't exactly pan out the way I envisioned, that's for sure. I just... don't know how to feel. Calista speaks curiously, trying to lift Marvin's spirits by recognizing the positivity in his situation based on his glum demeanor. Calista Line 7) But why do you seem so bummed out? Isn't it a good thing you married your best friend's sister? That would mean he became your brother-in-law. Sounds like a blast, if you ask me. Marvin speaks apprehensively, glancing at Calista hesitantly. Marvin Line 8) I'm... the kind of guy who thinks of the worst-case scenario in these kinds of situations, though this is especially the first time I've ever been in something like this. I know it's a bad habit, but I just can't help myself. It's just what my mind resorts to. Marvin speaks upsettingly, his body language hopeless-looking. Marvin Line 9) When you and I were talking earlier, Calista, something that rubbed me the wrong way was when you mentioned that Teresa never told you about my death.* *Refer back to episode 6, lines 106"110. Marvin speaks in a hurt manner, with his eyebrows furrowing in betrayment. Marvin Line 10) Not that I expect one to proclaim such hardship, but I feel like if I had truly made any kind of lasting impact on my relatives throughout my life, they'd at least mention me to someone, right? Marvin speaks in a tone of sorrow. Marvin Line 11) And honestly, it's not a good sign that once you touched on that subject while talking to her just now, she mentioned she has issues and is in need of opening up to someone.* *Refer back to episode 7, lines 79 and 80. Marvin questions why he is out of the picture when it comes to Teresa's disclosure regarding their entire family. Marvin Line 12) Also, if she opened up just now about that toward you, it would make sense for her to have opened up about me in the past, yet you guys weren't even aware that I'm related to Teresa because she hasn't mentioned me at all. I just wonder why that is. Marvin speaks in an uneasy manner, feeling excluded. Marvin Line 13) If Teresa's posting her family, I understand I'm not alive, but maybe when I was, shouldn't I have been included, too? Yet, we didn't see anything about me. Something is up, and my gut is telling me I'm involved. I feel like Elouise might be a part of the problem, too. Marvin speaks disconcertedly. Marvin Line 14) As I mentioned earlier, we're not compatible,* so I have no idea why we decided to get married in the first place, especially when I have no interest in her. How could I have developed romantic feelings? Things just aren't adding up. She's the last person I'd ever marry. *Refer back to episode 7, line 117. Marvin explains himself, with his voice slightly defensive. Marvin Line 15) Before you think I'm rude for thinking such a thing, if you all had known Elouise, you'd agree with me. Our interactions always left a bad taste in my mouth. Even Todd is iffy with Elouise, and he's literally her brother. My entire friend group doesn't like her either because she's notorious for her mean attitude. Marvin rubs his head in distress, feeling unlucky. Marvin Line 16) Sure, she might've changed, but I have a bad feeling that things didn't unfold that way. Just my luck, I guess. Plus, she's far too stubborn. Her brother is literally a sweetheart, and he's trying his best to change her, yet she won't even listen to him. There's no saving her. She's a lost cause. Marvin speaks curiously, his voice hopeless yet desperate sounding. Marvin Line 17) You kind of brushed over how you got on the topic of family when speaking to her, Calista. Is there anything Teresa said to you that sounded alarming? Just give it to me straight. I need to know. Calista thinks to herself, pinpointing a red flag in her conversation with Teresa. She furrows her eyebrows in concern, speaking anxiously. Calista Line 18) When I mentioned Elouise, I complimented her, saying something along the lines of her grandfather being lucky to be with her.* I specifically framed my statement in this manner to get her talking about you and to also verify if you are indeed her grandfather.* *Refer back to episode 7, line 58. *Refer back to episode 7, line 60. Calista speaks confusingly, not knowing what to take from Teresa's statement. Calista Line 19) Her response was saying she wished she had known if you felt that way about her grandmother.* I don't know what to take from that, but if she didn't know how you felt about Elouise, what could that possibly mean? *Refer back to episode 7, line 63. Calista Line 20) It doesn't make sense for her to think that way because you guys are "married", from what we're assuming, since you and Elouise are Teresa's grandparents. Calista speaks in a manner of concern. Calista Line 21) People are usually in love when they're married, so why did Teresa say she wished she could have known your feelings? Wouldn't that have been expressed throughout the marriage? Marvin rubs his forehead in distress. He speaks in an overwhelmed voice, notes of sadness apparent. Marvin Line 22) I agree. I definitely would've said something like that to her if we were in love. Therefore, I'm assuming something went wrong in our marriage. Maybe that's why I'm out of the picture, even after passing away. How harsh... A grim thought comes across Mavrin's mind, prompting him to speak in a manner of worry. Marvin Line 23) We're going about this assuming I had passed away recently,* but what if I died sooner than I thought? That would explain my absence from Teresa's post and my overall absence within the family. Of course, Teresa wouldn't know anything about me nor mention me if I died a while back, right? *Refer back to episode 6, line 106. Calista and Talulla look at Marvin plausibly, finding his assumption reasonable, though hard to hear. Calista responds hesitantly, feeling bad for Marvin. Calista Line 24) That would honestly make a lot more sense. We were going about this assuming it was connected to your unfulfilled love life,* but since you settled down, that conclusion seemed to be out of the picture.* However, based on Teresa's recent remarks, it's come back in, but we never stopped to consider the possibility that you may have passed away a lot younger. *Refer back to episode 6, line 52. *Refer back to episode 6, line 102. Calista speaks curiously, her tone sympathetic and gentle as they navigate an adverse possibility to Marvin's business. Calista Line 25) Based on all the details we know at the moment pointing to that, it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume you passed away earlier. Perhaps that has something to do with your unfulfilled duty. You mentioned your sister passed away from an illness.* Could you have contracted the same thing? It could be a genetic issue. *Refer back to episode 6, lines 18 and 28 (remember that Talulla is caught up on this information; details in between lines 111 and 112). Marvin's eyes glisten in shock, feeling devastated by Calista's inferences. Marvin Line 26) I-it's as you say, that wouldn't seem far-fetched. If I did die from the same illness as my sister, that means I really wasn't given the chance to live my life fully;* thus, of course, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish a lot. No wonder I have unfinished business. *Refer back to episode 6, line 2. Marvin sips his latte upsettingly, feeling hopeless. Talulla and Calista observe him sadly. Talulla speaks consolingly, trying to cheer Marvin up. Talulla Line 27) Listen. We can ponder all we want, but we won't know anything for certain unless we speak to Teresa. Try not to let the negativity get to you. Things might have turned out okay. Keep your head up. Marvin nods his head sadly. Calista observes him sympathetically, her eyebrows slanting in sorrow. Line 28) Calista's inner thoughts: Things have fallen into place so easily when it comes to figuring out Marvin's "unfinished business". Though we haven't gotten to the bottom of it, I have a feeling Teresa will give us all the answers we need. Calista's eyebrows suddenly raise in confusion, questioning some things she's thinking. Line 29) Calista's inner thoughts: Why did the psychic struggle so much in figuring this stuff out?* We seem to be figuring things out easily. It makes me wonder, what exactly is so life-changing about this situation?* *Refer back to episode 5, line 88. *Refer back to episode 2, line 56, etc. Line 30) Calista's inner thoughts: The psychic said we'd forget everything. If everything is forgotten, then what's the point in experiencing it? There won't be any impacts with reversal.* I'm struggling to understand just why exactly any of this is happening to begin with. What's the lesson to be taught? The main takeaway? *Refer back to episode 5, lines 92"96. Calista releases a sigh of frustration. Line 31) Calista's inner thoughts: Thing is, it's not like we have the psychics by our side any longer anyway. We have no clue what happened to those ladies;* therefore, we're left to figure this out on our own, solely relying on the cryptic information they told us. How helpful... *Remember that they vanished along with the fortune-telling site (refer back to episode 5, lines 101"104). Calista's eyes wander all over the café, landing on Teresa as she works by the register. Calista notices Teresa wrapping things up. Teresa gives Calista a signal that she'll be over in a bit. Calista gives her a thumbs up back for reassurance. The trio wraps their meal up, waiting for Teresa to be fully finished with work. Teresa clocks out and gathers her belongings, approaching the trio at their table. She speaks welcomingly, her demeanor bubbly. Teresa Line 32) Hey, guys. Thank you so much for being patient with me. I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting for long. Talulla speaks reassuringly, her tone welcoming. Talulla Line 33) Not at all. We just finished wrapping up our meal. Thank you for your service. How have you been? Teresa responds appreciatively. Teresa Line 34) I've been okay. Thank you all for agreeing to hang out with me. Talulla replies in a friendly manner. Talulla Line 35) It's no problem. You know you're always welcome. Teresa glances at Marvin amiably. He becomes tense, feeling nervous about meeting his granddaughter. Teresa initiates conversation with him cordially. Teresa Line 36) It's nice to meet you. Calista introduced me to you as we were chatting earlier at the register. I'm Teresa. Teresa extends her hand out for Marvin to shake it. Marvin speaks anxiously, accepting her hand nervously, his palms sweaty as they shake hands. Marvin Line 37) I'm J-jimmy. It's a pleasure meeting you as well... Marvin looks at Teresa in disbelief, his shades hiding his piercing gaze from her. Line 38) Marvin's inner thoughts: I can't believe she's my granddaughter! This is such a surreal interaction! Marvin's eyebrows slant yearnfully. Line 39) Marvin's inner thoughts: Would she recognize me if I were to reveal myself? The urge to do so is immense, but I must restrain myself. Teresa smiles to lighten up the mood and ease any nervous or awkward tension between her and Marvin. She speaks inquisitively to everyone. Teresa Line 40) I was just hoping to chat with you guys if you don't mind. Do any of you have suggestions for a place where we could do that? They all look at her, feeling stumped and not knowing where they could go. Teresa chimes in, speaking in a charismatic tone. Teresa Line 41) Alright. Well, I have something in mind. Would you guys be okay with walking me home? I would say the walk is around 30 minutes from here. I usually walk myself home after work to clear my head instead of driving. Teresa speaks enthusiastically. Teresa Line 42) I recently stumbled upon this pathway to my place that leads to an artsy tunnel. It's filled with all kinds of graffiti, and I'd love for you guys to see it for yourselves. Does that sound fun? Talulla responds in excitement. Talulla Line 43) That sounds like a great idea, Teresa! We can't wait to see it! Teresa speaks agreeably, her energy hyper as she looks forward to showing the tunnel to the trio. Teresa Line 44) Alright then. Let's get going, shall we? They all start walking together to Teresa's place. As they all walk down the path, Teresa starts conversing with Marvin, eager to get his insight on her familial issue. Teresa Line 45) Calista told me you're a psychologist, Jimmy. That's so admirable. You must be really smart. Marvin flinches at Teresa's unexpected initiation of conversation. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Line 46) Marvin's inner thoughts: Get a grip of yourself, Marvin. She's your granddaughter. Stop being so jittery. For crying out loud, we're family. Marvin clenches his fist in frustration from his attitude. Line 47) Marvin's inner thoughts: If you want to know what happened so badly, talk to her. Don't let Calista and Talulla do all the work. You're being a coward. This entire time-traveling nuisance happened because of your mistakes. Marvin tries to speak in a pleasing manner. Marvin Line 48) Thank you. I wouldn't say that I'm smart, just dedicated, I guess. Anyone could be a psychologist as long as they put in the work. Calista and Talulla told me the café you work at is a family business,* so you would know a thing or two about hard work, am I right? *Refer back to episode 6, line 105. Teresa lets out an amusing chuckle that makes Marvin feel less tense. She speaks appreciatively. Teresa Line 49) Yeah, you hit the nail on that. Thanks for giving me credit! Marvin speaks in a praiseful manner. Marvin Line 50) You deserve the recognition. Running a business is hard. Know that your efforts are appreciated. Teresa responds in a flattered tone. Teresa Line 51) Thank you again. It's always pleasant hearing my efforts being accoladed, especially now, with what I've been going through with my family... Teresa speaks dejectedly, feeling timid about her request. Teresa Line 52) Um. I know that you're not at work right now, but would it be okay if I got your input on something? I'm sure plenty of people have asked you similar requests, and I can't imagine how annoying that must be... Teresa speaks anxiously, feeling bad about imposing such a proposal. Teresa Line 53) So... uh. Let me know if you can hear me out. But if you can't, I totally understand. D-don't feel pressured. I'm sorry for even asking if it seems out of line. Marvin speaks reassuringly, his consoling aura creating a comforting atmosphere for Teresa to feel free to express her feelings. Marvin Line 54) Don't worry. You're more than welcome to speak to me about whatever you wish. I don't get annoyed when people want to confide in me for such reasons, even if I'm not on the clock. Feel free to get anything off your chest. Teresa speaks in a manner of relief. Teresa Line 55) Calista encouraged me to chat with you.* After all, you're her friend and Talulla's cousin. I feel comfortable enough to open up to you, so I can't thank you for your generosity. *Refer back to episode 7, line 97. Marvin speaks welcomingly. Marvin Line 56) Go on. If it pertains to familial issues, as you've mentioned, that's actually my primary specialty when it comes to counseling. All of the clients I usually meet up with let everything out on their first session with me. Just know that this kind of stuff is completely normal. Marvin speaks in a reliable manner. Marvin Line 57) Knowing that I must lend a nonjudgmental ear, I'm bound by work protocols to keep your information confidential. Plus, I'm a very morally driven person. I just want to help anyone who comes to me to the best of my abilities. I believe it's my purpose in life. Teresa speaks in a comfortable tone. Teresa Line 58) Thank you. I trust you, doc. Marvin smiles at Teresa bittersweetly, feeling bad for lying to her but feeling happy about her trust in him. Teresa releases a sigh of exhaustion, preparing herself to delve into her conversation with Marvin. Teresa Line 59) Where do I begin? I guess things started getting rocky with my family around three years ago... Teresa speaks in a manner of confusion, pinpointing the reason for her unease but not the solution. Teresa Line 60) Don't get me wrong, when it comes to me and my grandmother, we're doing great with each other. I just feel like there are deeply rooted issues that we're kind of turning a blind eye to. Marvin speaks curiously, an expression of worry etched onto his face as he questions Teresa, bracing himself for what he thinks she's going to say. Marvin Line 61) Did something happen three years ago that spurred your realization about deeply rooted issues? Teresa speaks in a tone of sorrow. Teresa Line 62) My grandfather passed away... Marvin's eyes widen in shock, recalculating his thoughts upon Teresa's confession. Line 63) Marvin's inner thoughts: So, I did pass away recently. That would mean our assumption about me dying earlier than we thought ended up being untrue.* But then, that means something is wrong for me to not be in the picture. *Refer back to lines 23"26 of this episode. Marvin speaks in an apologetic manner. Marvin Line 64) I'm... so sorry to hear that. Teresa speaks apologetically as well. Teresa Line 65) I'm sorry, too. Marvin looks at Teresa in confusion. Teresa Line 66) His death was devastating. I never had the chance to meet him. Unfortunately, when I found out about his passing away, it was obviously far too late to get to know him. Marvin's eyes bulge in shock, questioning Teresa in disbelief. Marvin Line 67) You... y-you never met him? Teresa speaks informatively, her tone dejected. Teresa Line 68) I hadn't. I didn't even know I had a grandfather. Not until three years ago when he passed away. On my mom's side of the family, both of her parents passed away a long time ago... Teresa Line 69) And, with my dad's side of the family, it's always just been my grandmother. Naturally, I assumed my grandfather passed away, but learning that he was alive this entire time and hadn't passed away until somewhat recently felt so surreal to me. Teresa speaks in a yearnful manner, her eyes slanted sentimentally. Teresa Line 70) I just wonder what my life would've been like if perhaps I had been in contact with him all these lost years, you know? Teresa Line 71) My grandmother, Elouise, has made such a beneficial impact on my life that I feel like I missed out on what my grandfather could have instilled in me. Teresa speaks in a resentful tone. Teresa Line 72) When he passed away three years ago, initially, I wasn't let in on the news. If I hadn't speculated, all of this would have been swept under the rug, and that doesn't sit right with me. Teresa Line 73) I figured things out suddenly one day when my grandmother visited my place, gifting me a bunch of old photo albums a couple weeks after my grandfather passed away. As Teresa continues to elaborate, she makes sure to include all the details of her situation to Marvin so that he knows the full story. Marvin's eyebrows furrow in worry as he intently listens to Teresa's explanations. Teresa Line 74) My grandmother told me to keep the photo albums because she didn't have space to store them, so I obviously complied, thinking her reasoning was valid enough, though definitely out of the blue. Teresa speaks in a reasonable tone, finding her curiosity suitable. Teresa Line 75) I had never seen the albums she gifted me before, so obviously, I was interested in going through them. I don't know what she expected me to do. Teresa speaks in a visual manner. Teresa Line 76) I'm quite close with my extended family, so, with every picture in the album, I could easily point out my relatives. However, there was this one guy I saw who looked extremely unfamiliar to me. He was holding my father as a baby in his arms, looking deeply affectionate. Teresa speaks sadly, feeling excluded by her grandmother's actions. Teresa Line 77) I assumed the man was my grandfather. I had never seen any pictures of him before, but him being so fatherly with my father spoke enough for itself. As I was hanging out with my grandmother one day, I decided to confront her about the photos, to which she abrasively told me not to ask her about the context. Teresa Line 78) I decided to lay off after asking her since she seemed so bitter about my curiosity. But to get answers, I confronted my father about the photos, and he confirmed my assumptions, saying the man was indeed his dad, my grandfather. Teresa explains somberly, feeling upset for her father. Teresa Line 79) He didn't give me many details besides saying that he had gotten in touch with my grandfather when he was nearing his death, but throughout his entire life, he had no presence. Teresa Line 80) I wondered why that was, to which my father clarified that my grandmother cut ties with him. They got a divorce when he was really young, and my grandmother got full custody of my father. Teresa's lips quiver, feeling devastated by her father's sorrow. Teresa Line 81) My father assumes that my grandmother lent me the photo albums because the pictures brought back remorseful memories, especially since my grandfather had just passed away. I felt so upset for my father. He was grieving his loss, and there was nothing I could do to turn back time, just for him to be with this father the way he should've. Teresa speaks in an iffy manner, feeling unsettled. Teresa Line 82) After I figured out the truth, I couldn't quite view the interactions my father and grandmother were having the same way. I hadn't realized the tension between them was so obvious until I had more context. It's taking a toll on our family's harmony. Everything is so awkward, and what's worse is that nobody is doing anything to mend the situation. Teresa speaks in a tone of relief. Teresa Line 83) Fortunately, though my grandmother got a divorce, my father hasn't, and he's in a happy relationship with my mother. One that my grandmother even approves of. Teresa's tone quickly changes into a defeated voice, feeling discouraged by her grandmother. Teresa Line 84) But now that I'm nearing the age of someone starting to settle down, I've been starting to date people, but gaining my grandmother's approval has proven to be difficult, to say the least. Teresa speaks disconcertedly, having trouble understanding her grandmother's perspective. Teresa Line 85) It's like she automatically says no to everyone I try to date. Having her blessing is really important to me, and I don't know why she's acting this way. Even my parents approve and are confused about my grandmother's behavior, but I just took it as her knowing what's best for me, I guess. Teresa speaks informatively. Teresa Line 86) I overheard my father and grandmother speaking privately one day in which they mentioned me in their conversation, so I obviously listened in... Teresa Line 87) My dad was questioning my grandmother in quite a demanding manner, wanting to know why she was so against the dates I made her meet. He even questioned why she was casual with his arrangement with my mom, to which she replied by saying she felt like she owed my dad for cutting ties with his father. Teresa speaks in a glum manner. Teresa Line 88) She said she felt guilty for cutting ties with my grandfather, eventually realizing how much my father needed a figure like him around, so in order to somewhat make up for it, she allowed him to date whoever he wanted. All of this resurfaced because of how my father met my grandfather when he was dying, and they reconciled together again after decades of not seeing each other. Teresa Line 89) Then he questioned why she's against the people I try to date, to which she said that I remind her of her younger self and how she got so swept away with my grandfather but ended up making the wrong choice in marrying him, which ultimately caused their divorce, and for my dad to grow up without his father. Teresa speaks in a bitter tone, feeling upset about her grandmother's indirect concerns that involve her. Teresa Line 90) She stressed that she wanted me to make the right choice and not regret being serious with someone, implying that if I do not eventually choose the right person, I might end up in a similar situation as hers. Teresa furrows her eyebrows in regret. Teresa Line 91) It's just... unfair that she's acting this way, and, on top of that, not letting me in on it. She should just trust my decisions, yet she keeps connecting her mistakes to my life, and it's been hard on me because it's caused past relationships of mine to fall apart. Teresa speaks in a tone of despair. Teresa Line 92) It's led me to take a break from dating, but I'm still quite hung up on my "ex", if you can even call him that. I didn't just end my previous relationships solely because of my grandmother's disapproval but other issues as well. However, this time around, my previous partner was nothing but perfect, and I broke his heart, telling him I couldn't be in a relationship right now. Teresa clenches her fist in heartache. Teresa Line 93) He texted me recently, saying that he's been thinking about me lately. It's been months since we "broke up". He reminded me that he's here for me whenever I'm ready. It's hurting me so much that I'm making him wait. I want nothing more than to be with him freely. Teresa speaks sentimentally, with her facial expression hopeless. Teresa Line 94) I yearn for him immensely. He's all I think about. I even think I might be in love with him. But I know for certain that if I try to bring this topic up with my grandmother, she'll continue to stand her ground of disapproval. Teresa speaks in an overwhelmed manner, not knowing what to do. Teresa Line 95) I don't want my "ex" to be the one who got away, but what about my grandmother? She means so much to me. I wouldn't want to ruin our relationship. Teresa speaks in an eager tone, desperate for "Jimmy's" insight. Teresa Line 96) So, yeah. I think I covered just about everything. What do you think? I'm sorry for rambling on like that, Jimmy. I must've talked your ears off, huh? Marvin looks at Teresa in shock, trying to process everything she has told him. Teresa speaks apologetically, noticing Marvin's disoriented demeanor. Teresa Line 97) Sorry. Perhaps I should've told you things in smaller sections. I'm sorry for unloading all of my baggage onto you like that. Marvin interjects frantically, reassuring Teresa. Marvin Line 98) D-don't worry. That's okay. As I mentioned, I'm used to my clients doing that.* It's actually a good thing. I'm glad you could get everything off of your chest. *Refer back to line 56 of this episode. Marvin takes a deep breath, trying to navigate what he should say to Teresa. Line 99) Marvin's inner thoughts: Put your feelings to the side, for now, Marvin. Yes, your worst fears have come true, but your granddaughter is coming to you for an issue. Dissect that first before you delve into anything further. She's your priority. Marvin questions Teresa in a manner of concern. Marvin Line 100) Just to clarify, you haven't opened up about any of this to your grandmother, right? How you've been feeling specifically? Teresa responds apprehensively. Teresa Line 101) I've been procrastinating bringing this up to her. She's great and all, but boy, does she have an attitude sometimes. It's even worse that this topic is sensitive to her. I don't want to cause drama, but what other choice do I have? Marvin speaks precautiously, looking out for Teresa. Marvin Line 102) You're not causing drama by bringing this up. Biting your tongue won't do you any good, Teresa. You shouldn't be afraid to speak your mind to your grandmother, even if it potentially starts an argument. Marvin speaks reasonably. Marvin Line 103) If you feel so strongly about this matter and want to get back in touch with your previous partner, the least your grandmother can do is support you. Marvin speaks in a truthful manner, wanting Teresa not to bear the weight of being the one at "fault". Marvin Line 104) Not that I'm saying this will happen, but if things happen to go south, that wouldn't be your fault, Teresa. If you're so afraid that the relationship between you and your grandmother can be tarnished by this topic, that just goes to show that your grandmother is the one willing to make that occur, not you. Marvin questions Teresa curiously. Marvin Line 105) What does your father have to say about this? You guys have talked this situation out, right? Teresa speaks informatively. Teresa Line 106) We have, but we didn't find a solution to the issue. He just told me he agrees with what I'm doing and doesn't like that my grandmother is being this disapproving regarding the people I date. He told me to listen to my heart, but I feel like I'm at a crossroads. My mother agrees with my father, too. Marvin speaks suggestingly, his tone encouraging. Marvin Line 107) You really need to have a conversation with your grandmother, Teresa. If she loves you enough, she'll understand. She can't control the things you do just because she's paranoid. That's not fair. Marvin Line 108) I suggest if you're having issues navigating your way through the conversation, you should try to schedule a counseling appointment with her. I would gladly help, but I'm only in town for a short while, so you should look into speaking with someone else. Teresa speaks appreciatively, glancing at Marvin touchingly. Teresa Line 109) I can't thank you enough for listening to my story, Jimmy. I think I really needed someone to just tell me to go for my heart. Thank you for giving me that push. I'll definitely look into scheduling an appointment. Marvin smiles at Teresa bittersweetly, feeling touched by her appreciation. He speaks in a manner that wishes well. Marvin Line 110) I'm glad that I could be of some help. You're going through a rough period, and I want you to know that my heart goes out to you for that. Stay strong. Things are bound to look up one way or another. Teresa smiles at Marvin happily, her body language grateful. They finally reach the artsy tunnel on the walk to Teresa's place, entering it alluringly. Teresa speaks cheerfully, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. Teresa Line 111) This is the tunnel! What do you guys think? Talulla speaks excitedly. Talulla Line 112) Woah! This is SO up my alley! Teresa speaks proudly. Teresa Line 113) I knew you'd love it! I'm so glad I brought you guys here! Calista looks around the tunnel in fascination, observing the graffiti intently. Calista Line 114) It's so beautiful! Teresa speaks in a manner of surprise. Teresa Line 115) Right? I'm surprised it doesn't cost any money to look at all of this! Talulla matches Teresa's energy. Talulla Line 116) Literally. I've paid to see worse. Teresa speaks in a tone of regret. Teresa Line 117) Yeah. I'm bummed I wasted my money on stupid art museums when I could've looked at all of this for free. Talulla questions Teresa curiously, the tunnel prompting her inquisition. Talulla Line 118) Speaking of art, how are your paintings coming along, Teresa? Teresa speaks in a manner of delight, happily explaining her hobby to Talulla. Teresa Line 119) I'm still doing commissions here and there. I recently finished a new painting that I'm in the midst of packaging to ship to my customer. Marvin looks at Teresa in shock, taken aback by Teresa's unexpected hobby. Line 120) Marvin's inner thoughts: My granddaughter does art? Wow! Talulla speaks thrillingly. Talulla Line 121) Ooh~ I'd love to see it! Teresa stops in her tracks, pulling out her phone from her pocket. Teresa Line 122) Here. I'm pretty sure I took a picture of it on my phone. Marvin looks at Teresa's phone in astonishment. Line 123) Marvin's inner thoughts: Phone? That's a phone? Calista did say things evolved over time.* That must be what a phone looks like right now. It's like a portable TV! What the heck?! *Refer back to episode 6, line 68. Teresa struggles to turn on her phone. She gasps as she realizes why her phone isn't working. Teresa Line 124) Oh shoot. It died. Marvin's eyebrows raise in confusion, trying to wrap his brain around Teresa's statement. Line 125) Marvin's inner thoughts: What? How can a phone die? Talulla responds in a bummed-out voice. Talulla Line 126) Ahh man. I really wanted to see your painting. Teresa speaks suggestingly, feeling the need to owe everyone for her babbles. Teresa Line 127) I have an idea. Since we're on the way to my place anyway, why don't you guys come on in and hang out for a bit? I can show you the painting in the meantime, and we can continue chatting. I'm sorry for only talking about my problems so far. I want to socialize with you guys as we regularly do. The trio look at each other for assurance. They nod their heads, agreeing with each other. Calista speaks acceptingly, looking forward to hanging out with Teresa some more. Calista Line 128) We'd love to come. Talulla replies eagerly. Talulla Line 129) Yeah. Plus, I really want to see that painting. Marvin speaks in a hesitant manner. Marvin Line 130) I don't mind coming as long as you're okay with it, Teresa. Teresa speaks welcomingly. Teresa Line 131) Not at all. Let's have some tea. It's the least I could do after you listened to my rambles and offered me advice. Marvin agrees happily. Marvin Line 132) You didn't ramble at all. Let's have some tea! They all continue walking to Teresa's place, exploring the tunnel some more. Marvin pulls Calista to the side, chatting to her in a low voice. He speaks appreciatively, his body language awkward and timid as he thanks Calista. Marvin Line 133) Hey, uh, Calista. I would like to thank you for letting me tag along today... Calista observes Marvin's genuineness, responding accordingly. Calista Line 134) It's no biggie. Marvin speaks sentimentally, feeling deeply grateful for Calista's efforts. Marvin Line 135) I mean it. You've done a lot within less than two days of knowing me. I know we're not particularly on the right foot with each other, but that doesn't mean I can't thank you for all you've done to help me. So, thank you. Thank you so much. Calista speaks consolingly, thinking Marvin could use some nice words based on the unfortunate information they confirmed as they conversed with Teresa. Calista Line 136) I appreciate the appreciation. You're very welcome. To be continued... ____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2024"2025 under United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. Thank you for reading! ♡ ____________________________________________________________ © 2025 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on May 31, 2024 Last Updated on February 25, 2025 Tags: #original story, #romance, #timetravel, #slowburn, #family, #friends, #dedication, #passion, #newjersey, #1967, #2023, #trios, #cafe, #caramelmacchiato, #originalcharacters, #scriptedwriting, #psychic Author