In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 8

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 8

A Chapter by Yosh

What happens when Teresa catches onto what the group is planning? How will they be able to worm themselves out of that situation?


Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 8:

April 16 2023. The day is Sunday.

Back in the tunnel Teresa is pointing her pepper spray at the group. 


Line 1) This is all a misunderstanding. Just hear us out and please don’t hurt us.


Line 2) What do you guys want from me?!


Line 3) Nothing! You don’t have to be alarmed!


Line 4) We’re not trying to harm you in any way!


Line 5) Like I would believe you! You’ve been acting the weirdest out of the bunch!


Line 6) I told you she would catch on.


Line 7) I can’t control my nerves!


Line 8) Catch on to what?! What are you guys planning?!


Line 9) Listen, Teresa. I know this whole situation looks bad, but we were all just nervous. 


Line 10) Nervous of what? You guys know me. I’m not buying that excuse. 

The trio looked helpless. They didn’t know what to do, and Teresa obviously didn’t trust them.

Line 11) Calista: I don’t know what to say. She’s not gonna believe us regardless.

Line 12) Talulla: What do we do now? Do we tell her the truth?

Line 13) Marvin: I need to swoop in and cover for everyone.


Line 14) What are you guys planning?! Tell me now!

The girls look at Marvin. The girls gave him reassurance to say something.


Line 15) I know you don’t trust me but hear me out. We don’t wish harm on you in any way, so please put down whatever that is.

Marvin points to the pepper spray.


Line 16) I’m not putting it down! I’ve seen some pretty gnarly things on the news lately!


Line 17) We’re not affiliated with whatever you’ve seen on the news! We’re just-


Line 18) Listen, I’m looking for my family… Talulla and Calista have been helping me to track down anyone that might have connections.


Line 19) And what does that have to do with me?!


Line 20) After we did some debriefing together, we’ve come to the conclusion that I’m related to you.


Line 21) That sounds like something you came up with just now! If that were really the reason you could’ve just blatantly told me.


Line 22) Yeah, I know that doesn’t look so good. 


Line 23) We didn’t approach you the right way. We’ll take responsibility for that. But when you mentioned how your grandma cut off your grandpa I told them about it and it seemed to add up.


Line 24) We think Jimmy is related through your cut-off family. I thought it would be viable information in getting us one step closer to finding his family, so that’s why I told him.


Line 25) I’m sorry for telling them so swiftly and not asking for your permission. It’s not my place to be sharing things about your family with them. 


Line 26) In any case, I told them so that they would be comfortable talking since the subject seemed uneasy for you. I wanted them to ease into the conversation so that you would be more comfortable.


Line 27) So, you guys knew all along?


Line 28) We initially came into the cafe to reach out to you. We saw a post of your socials of you and your grandma. Jimmy seemed to recognize her and thought it would be important to know more about her so that he would get in touch somehow.

*Talulla is lying Marvin didn’t recognize Teresa’s grandma (Elouise)


Line 29) And then when Calista told us about your family it seemed to add up to Jimmy’s situation. And then when you decided to hang out with us, we thought it would be a perfect way to seize that opportunity. 


Line 30) But I wasn’t planning on inviting you guys into my house, so how else were you gonna get to the bottom of the situation?


Line 31) We didn’t intend for you to invite us. But when you brought it up, we all seemed to agree and thought it would be another way for us to get more information.


Line 32) You have every right not to trust us. But we just didn’t want to explain anything to you until we confirmed that you were actually related to Jimmy.

*Calista is lying. Marvin knows he’s related to Teresa through Elouise.


Line 33) Sorry that we gave you the wrong idea.

Teresa lowered the pepper spray. 

She could tell by the looks on their faces that they were being genuine. 

She just knew deep down inside she didn’t want to talk to anyone about her family because she was having problems of her own.

Line 34) Teresa: They look genuine for once. And a bit desperate. The situation must be serious then.

Line 35) Teresa: They were quite considerate not to press further for information regarding my family. I should try to help them for that.


Line 36) I guess that sounds reasonable.


Line 37) But I would’ve been fine if you guys just asked me. You didn’t have to put on this show.

They all duck their heads to the ground in shame.


Line 38) We’re very sorry. We didn’t intend to make you feel unsafe.


Line 39) We were just trying to help out Jimmy.


Line 40) It’s our fault for approaching you the wrong way.


Line 41) We completely understand if you want us to leave.


Line 42) We’re sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. Just give us your word and we’ll be out of here. We won’t bother you ever again.


Line 43) Well, since you’ve come all this way.


Line 44) Since all you guys want to know is for a good cause, I don't want to disappoint you all for coming this far.


Line 45) If it helps, I was actually interested in seeing your art.


Line 46) And bringing us to this tunnel was fun.

Line 47) Talulla: I think saying that might convince her to let us into her home.


Line 48) Hmm. I guess I can invite you guys in after all.

Line 49) Talulla: I knew that would work!


Line 50) I don’t know if I’d be much of help though since I’m not that close with my cut off family.


Line 51) Any ideas on how I can help you guys?


Line 52) You can just tell us what you know. Perhaps you have some old photos that can help Jimmy spot things out?

Teresa starts to think. 


Line 53) Now that you mention it, I think my grandma might have given me an album or stacks of photos. I have no idea where it is though. It might take me a while to find it. 


Line 54) We don’t mind the wait. 


Line 55) We appreciate your offer.


Line 56) I’ll lead the way then. Follow me.

Line 57) Teresa: I guess I was being dramatic. I should just help them out in return so that things are fair.

The group huffs out sighs in relief. Talulla whips her head in relief and walks beside Teresa. They all smile and walk by next to Teresa.

Line 58) Marvin: That was a close one. I’m glad we were eventually able to convince her.

Line 59) Marvin: I need to apologize to Talulla and Calista for dragging them into my problems. I feel ashamed.

They keep walking until they make it to Teresa’s place.


Line 60) You guys can head to the living room.

The trio sits on Teresa's couch and waits patiently for her return as she hangs her jacket and puts her bag away.


Line 61) Would you guys like some water?


Line 62) Sure, that would be nice.

Calista and Marvin nod.


Line 63) Alright, give me a sec.

Teresa reached into her fridge and pulled out 3 water bottles. She throws them to the trio and everyone catches except Marvin. The bottle smacks his nose. He wasn’t expecting her to throw the bottle.

Line 64) Marvin: Ouch! Who throws a water bottle?


Line 65) Guess you need to work on your reflex skills.

They all pretended to laugh, but Calista looked at Marvin for reassurance to show that she didn’t find Teresa’s commentary funny. Talulla opens her bottle as a pro, but Calista has trouble.

Line 66) Calista: Agh! So tight!

Marvin notices and takes Calista's water bottle and opens it for her. She stares at him since it was so unexpected.


Line 67) Thanks for that.


Line 68) It’s no problem.


Line 69) Alright, I’m gonna search for some photos. I think I might have that album I mentioned earlier lying around somewhere.

Teresa got up and faded into her room.

Talulla starts speaking quietly.


Line 70) I thought we were toast back there.


Line 71) So did I. I’m glad everyone played along though.


Line 72) You covered well for us back there Marv.

Marvin smiles.


Line 73) It’s the least I could do.


Line 74) I’m sorry for putting you guys in this position.


Line 75) It’s fine. Everything fell into place eventually. So don’t beat yourself up for it. 

Marvin stares at Calista. Calista notices.


Line 76) What? Something on my face?


Line 77) No I’m sorry-


Line 78) He’s obviously looking at you because he’s waiting for you to say something.

Line 79) Calista: There’s something I have to say?


Line 80) No it’s nothing-


Line 81) Congrats for making it this far? I guess?


Line 82) Oh. Um. Thanks.

Talulla looked at Calista in a questionable way.

Line 83) Talulla: That’s not what you were supposed to say!

The trio sits in an awkward silence

Shot cuts to Teresa finding some photos together on a paper clip and a photo album.


Line 84) Hah, I found it.

Teresa walked out from the unknown room and back to the living room where the trio was. She presented an album and smiled looking proud of herself for finding it. 


Line 85) Sorry for the dustiness.


Line 86) Don’t worry about it.

Teresa grabbed the photo album and looked through it to find anything.


Line 87) Ah ha.

She flipped the huge photo album to them so they could see.

It’s a picture of Teresa’s dad in his hometown New Jersey.


Line 88) This is my dad. The only child my grandma and grandpa had.

*Douglas from Marvin. Same one from the instagram post.


Line 89) Do you recognize him maybe?


Line 90) Not really.


Line 91) Hmm, maybe I should find a picture of my grandparents.


Line 92) It’ll be a bit harder, but I think I’ll manage. 

Teresa continues to rummage through the pages. After many minutes go by.


Line 93) I looked through all the pages. Still found nothing. 

Teresa got up and went back to the room to pull out all her family photos. She quickly came back and set the arrangements on the table in front of them. As she went back to get more she said…


Line 94) Don’t be afraid to rummage through them. It’ll help get the job done faster.

Teresa exited. They all looked at each other and shrugged, picking up a stack of photos each and skimming through them.


Line 95) I’ll be in the room just to tidy up the mess I made digging through the photos. Take this time to look through everything.

Teresa exited. As they were all looking through the photos they tossed them on the table into neat stacks when they were done examining them carefully. Looking at the subtle features and checking the back to see if there was a note on it. Some time passes by.


Line 96) Have you guys found anything yet?


Line 97) If we found something we would have said so.

Marvin took a break and set all the photos down, leaning his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes. Calista was quick to note.


Line 98) Hey, you alright?


Line 99) Yeah, I just need a second.


Line 100) You get defeated easily, huh?


Line 101) I guess you could say that.


Line 102) We won’t find all the answers so easily. So, cheer up.

Talulla pats his shoulder and continues to look through the stuff. 


Line 103) Talulla’s right. Nobody said this was gonna be easy. Let’s just try to keep our heads high.

Marvin didn’t say anything, he just looked at Calista on his side observing her sympathetic eyes. He knew she was being genuine. He propped himself back up and continued looking. 


Line 104) I had no idea you two were motivational speakers.

Talulla looked at him strangely.


Line 105) I-I was trying to make a joke.


Line 106) Oh! I see! Hehe.

Calista looked at the both of them in a judging funny face. Marvin picks up another stack of photos and rummages through them a bit. He lands on a picture that catches his eye. 

Line 107) Marvin: It’s Todd (back from 3rd episode Marvin’s friend, Elouises brother), Elouise, and everyone (Russell, Cady, Jax)!

It’s a picture of him and his friends making a toast (they all look uncomfortable). His eyes sparked up and he quickly flipped it over.

Note on back reads: April 15th, 1967 Jersey City, New Jersey “To my dearest Marvin I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m so happy you decided to marry me”.

Line 108) Marvin: This must be when we got married! It was during the dinner party? This was the day I ended up here! 

Line 109) Marvin: How did I get myself in that mess? Elouise and I were never a couple!

Line 110) Marvin: What demon possessed me to marry her so out of the blue?!


Line 111) Hey guys! I found something!

End of scene.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors. If you'd like to view the updated version, please feel free to check my story out of Wattpad, titled, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)." Thank you all so much for reading!

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
