![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 7A Chapter by Yosh![]() Seeking Talulla's validation about the trio's next steps, they make their way over to the café to meet up with Teresa (Marvin's potential granddaughter).![]() TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading. In Another Lifetime by Yosh ____________________________________________________________ Reading key: Anything to the side in bold is narration. Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts. Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions. Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track. Anything () is extra information. ____________________________________________________________ Episode 7: The day is April 16th, 2023. It's a Sunday afternoon. After Marvin and Calista make hefty progress in figuring out his unfinished business, Calista informs Talulla of what they discussed together, revealing that their barista friend, Teresa, is most likely Marvin's granddaughter. Talulla answers Calista confidently about her question regarding Teresa being their best lead, giving her reassurance. Talulla Line 1) Of course Teresa's our best bet. I've never been so certain about something like this in my life. Talulla speaks apologetically, feeling guilty about Calista and Marvin figuring things out without her help. Talulla Line 2) I'm sorry for not contributing as much. You guys have done so much heavy lifting. I promise to get you two back. Calista speaks reassuringly. Calista Line 3) Don't worry, Talulla. You were cleaning your room after the catastrophe that occurred in it yesterday.* That was bound to take up some time. I'm glad you got that out of the way. *Remember that the ceremony caused a whirlwind to spur in Talulla's room and disordered all of her belongings into a mess (refer back to episode 3, details in between lines 32 and 33, etc). Calista speaks suggestingly. Calista Line 4) Anyway, we should call it a day. We've done a lot, and it's quite obvious we all seem pretty exhausted from the amount of things that have happened in the past two days. We should use a breather. Talulla looks at Calista in confusion, questioning her leniency. Talulla Line 5) Call it a day? Sure, we may be tired, but we can't put this on the back burner when we've traced out a clear objective to go down on. The sooner we accomplish stuff, the sooner we'll be able to send Marvin home. Calista questions Talulla, wondering what she's up to. Calista Line 6) Then, what do you suggest we do? Talulla speaks in an instructive manner. Talulla Line 7) We should meet Teresa today. She works on the weekends. You know she's all about that hustle. The timing couldn't be more perfect, and the café's usually never crowded. I'm sure she'll have enough time to chat with us while working. We'll be able to get answers from her that way. Calista speaks precautiously. Calista Line 8) If we go, we can't take Marvin with us. We can't risk her recognizing him. Not unless he wants to reveal himself to her, which is not a good idea because she'll freak out. Talulla speaks agreeably. Talulla Line 9) You're right. It's not a good idea. We should keep this time-traveling situation to ourselves for the time being. I think it's best Marvin stays back as well. Marvin interjects, speaking offendedly. Marvin Line 10) Am I invisible or something? You guys are not going without me. She's my granddaughter. I'm the one who gets to call the shots. Calista speaks sarcastically, finding Marvin's demands ridiculous. Calista Line 11) Oh, yeah. Feel free to reveal yourself to her, Marvin. I'm sure she'll be totally calm when she finds out her grandfather came back from the dead as a young man. Honestly, she won't even bat an eye. Marvin speaks sassily. Marvin Line 12) Who said anything about revealing myself to her? Just give me a disguise. I need to be involved in this, no matter what. Marvin adds to his stance, speaking passionately. Marvin Line 13) Plus, how are you two going to know what information to seek about me when I won't even be there to begin with? This is my business, and I will not tolerate exclusion. I'm either coming or you gals won't go at all. Talulla tilts her head to the side reasonably, finding Marvin's points valid. She speaks agreeably. Talulla Line 14) He brings up a good point, Calista. Let's let him do what he wants. It's not our place to have a say. This is his family, after all. Calista rolls her eyes, speaking in an annoyed manner. Calista Line 15) We haven't verified that for certain yet, though the likeness seems high. But fine. What should we give him to wear? Talulla speaks suggestingly, analyzing Marvin's face. Talulla Line 16) I think sunglasses and a beanie will do. It'll cover up his most recognizable features. They really do say it's all in the eyes. And that cartoonish hair of his seems to be a signature style. Calista questions Talulla's suggestion, speaking in a tone of confusion. Calista Line 17) Shades? Inside? Talulla responds playfully. Talulla Line 18) Yes. Let Marvin channel his inner Mr. 305~ Calista lets out a sigh of exhaustion, abiding by Talulla's suggestions unwillingly. Talulla quickly retreats to her room, digging through her belongings to find a beanie that just so happens to be neon pink and some shades that just so happen to be rectangular. She makes her way back over to the living room, handing the items over to Marvin. He looks at them in disbelief, speaking in a manner of shock. Marvin Line 19) You can't be serious. Could I please get something different? Talulla speaks playfully. Talulla Line 20) You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit~ Plus, real men wear pink. Marvin releases a disfavorable sigh, putting the items on. He makes sure to stuff every strand of his medium-length hair into the beanie, adjusting the shades to cover his eyes fully. He makes his way over to the entryway mirror, looking at his attire and remembering the stuff he has in his pockets. The girls get ready to leave, putting their shoes on near the door before they exit. Marvin digs through his pockets, feeling coins and cash stashed inside. His eyes sparkle in delight. He speaks smugly, feeling boastful about stepping up to pay for the girls. Marvin Line 21) About payment, since we're probably gonna get something at the café, I've got us covered. If anyone is a real man, it's me for being such a gentleman in doing this gesture. Marvin pulls out three one-dollar bills, two quarters, one dime, and one nickel, amounting to $3.65. He speaks proudly. Marvin Line 22) This is more than enough for a bite and some drinks for all of us. Go all out, girls. No need to thank me. Talulla and Calista look at each other apprehensively, feeling bad about Marvin's innocent gesture. Talulla speaks apologetically. Talulla Line 23) Sorry, Marvin. We get where you're coming from, trying to step up, but what you have right now would only cover half the price of a drink. Marvin replies in shock. Marvin Line 24) What?! Talulla speaks hesitantly, with her eyebrows furrowed in concern. Talulla Line 25) A drink at a café nowadays costs around five to seven dollars plus taxes. Lunch is even more expensive. We're sorry for breaking this news to you. You're probably devastated. Marvin's jaw drops speechlessly. He speaks in disbelief, his face anxious. Marvin Line 26) I-I guess I didn't take inflation into account. It has been 56 years,* after all... *Refer back to episode 6, line 68. Calista speaks reassuringly, trying to put Marvin at ease. Calista Line 27) No need to stress about payments. I've got us covered. It's not a problem at all, so relax. Marvin speaks insistently. Marvin Line 28) That's alright. I just won't have anything. Don't waste your money on me. Calista speaks encouragingly. Calista Line 29) Firstly, besides the eggs we ate in the morning,* you need to eat either way. And if we're stopping at the café, we might as well get something to munch on. Plus, there's this amazing drink they serve there that you gotta try. It's a matcha latte.* They didn't have those kinds of things in the '60s, right? *Refer back to episode 4, lines 56"59, etc. *Refer back to episode 1, lines 98"108. Marvin speaks arrogantly, refusing Calista's suggestion. Marvin Line 30) I've never heard of that. Anyway, what's the point of trying something if I'll eventually forget that I even tried it in the first place? Don't bother. It's not worth it. Talulla thinks to herself, providing an encouraging explanation to Marvin. Talulla Line 31) At the end of the day, everything will be reversed; thus, payments will be as well, so technically, Calista's not spending anything on you. Sure, you'll forget, but at least you can enjoy the beverage in the present. That wouldn't amount to a waste, now would it? Plus, it really is worth it. Don't be such a Debby Downer. Calista speaks assertively, making haste in their visit to the café. Calista Line 32) Just take the damn food and drinks, Marvin. Stop wallowing in your hopelessness. It's not that deep to enjoy a beverage. If you're not getting anything, you might as well not come. Marvin agrees sassily, folding his arms at Calista in frustration, giving in to her stern attitude. Marvin Line 33) Fine. Jeez. I'll get something. Let's get going already. Talulla drives all of them to the café. When they arrive, they make their way toward the building, but Marvin stops to question Calista before they head in. He questions her in a tone of worry, with his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Marvin Line 34) We never discussed how to approach Teresa. What are we going to do? We should've planned instead of going in unprepared. Calista speaks reassuringly. Calista Line 35) Just go with the flow. Sit back and relax. At this point in my life, I've become an expert at communicating. After all, it's what I do for a living. Things will be easier since Teresa and I can be casual with each other. She's bound to talk about anything. I'll see where I can get some intel out of her through our chats. Marvin nods his head comprehendingly, feeling reassured by Calista's remarks. He replies to her in a manner of shame, feeling bad that she's tackling things all by herself. Marvin Line 36) I feel bad that you keep taking initiative when I should be the one doing things. If you need any help, let me know. In fact, take a step back. Let me be the one to do things. I completely froze like an idiot earlier today when we went to the fortune-telling site. Allow me to redeem myself. Calista speaks precautiously. Calista Line 37) You don't know Teresa. If you were the one to do the talking, she wouldn't open up about anything to you. Let me get things going first. You can take the wheel later, okay? And about you freezing earlier today, don't be so hard on yourself. You were in a state of shock. Anyone would've acted the way you did. Marvin nods his head sentimentally, feeling seen by Calista's understanding nature. Talulla chimes in, speaking protectively. Talulla Line 38) I didn't think you were going to take the lead in talking with Teresa. Why don't I do it since you've already done so much? It's only fair, especially since I was busy earlier today. Calista speaks reassuringly, feeling determined by her efforts. Calista Line 39) Thank you, Talulla. But I've got this. Just have my back. Sound good? Talulla nods her head supportively. The trio enters the café, getting greeted by Teresa at the register. She speaks welcomingly. Teresa Line 40) Hey guys! How are we doing? Talulla and Marvin wave at Teresa, their body language becoming slightly tense upon seeing her in the flesh. Calista approaches Teresa at the reception station while Marvin and Talulla grab a seat at a table. Calista speaks in a friendly manner toward Teresa. Calista Line 41) Hey there, Teresa! I'm doing well. How are you? Teresa matches Calista's energy. Teresa Line 42) I'm doing great. I've been having a chill weekend. Calista replies to Teresa in a proud, then worried tone. Calista Line 43) That's good to hear. I gotta say, your discipline to work on the weekends is very admirable. Just make sure you're giving yourself a break every now and then. Teresa responds appreciatively. Teresa Line 44) Aw~ Thank you for looking out for me. I'll definitely make sure to keep that in mind. But for now, I'm doing okay. I promise. Teresa questions Calista inquisitively. Teresa Line 45) Anyway, what can I get started for you? Calista speaks informatively. Calista Line 46) Right. Could I please order three matcha lattes and three Caesar salad wraps? Teresa places all of their orders, announcing the price. Teresa Line 47) Of course! That'll be 31 dollars and 78 cents. Calista takes out her wallet, paying for the drinks and meal. As she hands her card over to Teresa, she notices the necklace she's wearing, recognizing it as the same one from the inst@gram post. She lets out a sigh of relief, knowing how to go about their conversation in the hopes that it'll spur some disclosure on Teresa's part. Calista Line 48) Thank you. By the way, I saw your inst@gram post. The necklace your grandmother gave you is so beautiful. You look great with it on! Teresa speaks in a bashful tone. Teresa Line 49) Oh, thank you~ I was so delighted to receive a gift from her. It's not even my birthday. I wonder what I did to deserve it. Calista speaks in a manner that highlights recognition. Calista Line 50) There doesn't always need to be a reason to give a gift. Plus, what you do on a daily basis is worthy enough of a gift all the time. Your grandmother has great taste! Teresa lets out an amusing chuckle. Teresa Line 51) Oh, Calista~ You're too sweet. Thank you for your kind words. I'll make sure to tell my grandmother that you said she has great taste, though I think she already knows that. Teresa releases a happy sigh, wanting to continue chatting with Calista based on how smoothly their conversation is going. She speaks gratefully, replying in a tone of delight. Teresa Line 52) Can you believe she's almost 83? Her birthday's coming up soon. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. Most grandparents don't make it this far. Calista responds in surprise. Calista Line 53) Wow! Almost 83, huh? She looks great for her age. Teresa giggles, speaking agreeably. Teresa Line 54) I'm pretty sure she's well aware of that, too~ Calista speaks in a genuine manner. Calista Line 55) She looks so elegant. I bet her name must be, too. Teresa questions Calista, her tone playful. Teresa Line 56) Does "Elouise" seem elegant to you? Calista speaks thrillingly. Calista Line 57) Of course, it does! It sounds so posh and regal, like she's royalty! Calista carefully constructs her next statement, anticipating Teresa's reaction to confirm whether or not her grandfather (Marvin) is present in her life. Calista speaks wholesomely. Calista Line 58) Your grandfather is a lucky man. He practically won the lottery with her. She seems great. Teresa's giddy energy abruptly stops, her face suddenly engulfing a serious expression. Calista's face etches into an anxious appearance, feeling the tension between her and Teresa. Line 59) Calista's inner thoughts: I had to get to the point one way or another. It's one thing to think something and another to actually execute it. Being with her in real life and saying what I have to say is a lot more nerve-wracking than I imagined. Calista thinks to herself in guilt. Line 60) Calista's inner thoughts: I hope I slide that in smoothly, though; it's pretty insensitive to say what I've just said now since I know that if Teresa's grandfather for certain is Marvin, addressing him in the present tense can seem disrespectful since he's passed away, but she doesn't know that I know he's dead or that I even know him at all. Calista fidgets with her hands nervously, her body language rigid. Line 61) Calista's inner thoughts: I'm supposed to act like this whole time-traveling situation isn't happening, which means concealing the truth for others not to know, which is a soft way of saying I'm deceiving people. It definitely doesn't feel good to do something like this, but what other choice do I have? Line 62) Calista's inner thoughts: Sure, I could call up Marvin's peers, as we went over earlier, as our second plan, but who knows for certain if his friends' numbers will still be intact after 56 years.* It's wishful thinking to assume that we have that kind of luck by our side, which is why taking advantage of Teresa being "related" to Marvin as our only source of hope at the moment is what I have to do. *Refer back to episode 6, line 56. Teresa speaks in a tone of sorrow, with her eyebrows furrowed upsettingly. Teresa Line 63) I... wish I would have known if he felt the same way... Calista swallows hard, feeling guilty for bringing up such a sensitive topic. She speaks in a deeply apologetic manner. Calista Line 64) I'm so sorry for bringing that up. I shouldn't have gone ahead and assumed things. Please disregard my comment. *Shot cuts to Marvin and Talulla observing Calista and Teresa at the table they're seated at in the café. Talulla questions Marvin for reassurance. Talulla Line 65) Things seem to be going well so far. Don't you think so, too? Marvin tries to unnoticeably focus on Teresa but finds his eyes diverted to Calista for some reason. Line 66) Marvin's inner thoughts: Here I am, trying to get a good look at my granddaughter, but then she's in the way. Marvin's eyebrows raise in confusion, wondering why he doesn't seem bothered by Calista's unintentional block of view. Line 67) Marvin's inner thoughts: Why do I kind of not mind her being in the way, though? Marvin thinks to himself, reflecting on his behavior toward Calista and feeling regretful because of his uncooperativeness. Line 68) Marvin's inner thoughts: I... don't know what's gotten into me. This entire time, Calista has been nothing but helpful, while I, on the other hand, have been nothing but a nuisance to her. Marvin's face engulfs an expression of guilt upon thinking further about his demeanor toward Calista. Line 69) Marvin's inner thoughts: She's going to great lengths to help me, yet I can't help but act immaturely around her for some reason that I myself don't know how to explain. But even if I could explain it, there are no reasons to justify my behavior. Marvin thinks to himself, trying to answer the question as to why he's being uncooperative with Calista. Line 70) Marvin's inner thoughts: Could she possibly bring that side out of me? After a rocky start, we somewhat made up. At the same time, I honestly feel some playful resentment lingering between us based on our initial encounter. But am I the only one who feels that way? Marvin continues analyzing his connection with Calista, his eyebrows raising as he focuses on his thoughts. Line 71) Marvin's inner thoughts: To me, our dynamics kind of seem like we're those kinds of friends who are sassy to each other. It's like we've unintentionally made that bond together due to our unexpected circumstances of fantastically crossing paths with each other. Marvin's eyes slant in familiarity as he gazes at Calista from afar. Observing Marvin in his daze, Talulla lets him think through his thoughts, assuming that's what he's doing since he isn't responding to her. Line 72) Marvin's inner thoughts: Because of that, I can't help but feel so tethered to her, though we've known each other for less than two days. If anyone else were in our situation, they'd feel the same way. It's inexplicable until someone can empathize with us due to our unique condition. Marvin's countenance becomes stern, determination adamant in his eyes. Line 73) Marvin's inner thoughts: Either way, this is how I feel. I don't know what Calista may be thinking, though she seems indifferent on the outside. I should, firstly, confront her and apologize for my behavior, and secondly, promise to do better. From the short amount of time we've been with each other, she's already proved how trustful she is to me. I need her by my side if I am to ever get home. Marvin's eyebrow slightly raises in curiosity, processing his inquisition in his head, tracing his next course of action. Line 74) Marvin's inner thoughts: But I truly wonder, why is she doing all of this? Is she that desperate to get me home and out of her life? Or does she truly want to help me? I know she mentioned she feels like she owes me for being a part of the ceremony that brought me here in the first place,* but I have a feeling there may be a deeper reason for her efforts. I hope it's not out of line to ask her. *Refer back to episode 5, line 126. Talulla moves her face into Marvin's gaze, thinking he has thought through his thoughts long enough. He swiftly snaps out of his daze, speaking frantically, thinking he has offended Talulla by ignoring her. Marvin Line 75) I'm sorry. W-were you saying something? Talulla speaks smugly, a playful smile curling her lips as she assumes what things Marvin could be thinking about based on his obvious demeanor. Talulla Line 76) Oh, it's nothing~ *Shot cuts back to Teresa and Calista, speaking with each other at the reception area of the café. Teresa speaks sympathetically, giving Calista the benefit of the doubt. Teresa Line 77) It's okay. How were you supposed to know about my situation with my family? Calista speaks apologetically. Calista Line 78) Either way, I should've been more considerate. I'm sorry for crossing a line. Teresa speaks reassuringly, her tone timid toward Calista as she seeks her consolation. Teresa Line 79) You didn't cross any lines at all. Now that you bring it up, actually, I guess I've been meaning to open up about some family stuff I've been going through to anyone... You could say I'm in need of advice. Teresa's eyebrows furrow in worry. Teresa Line 80) Keeping things bubbled up inside is definitely not good. I've gotten into a bad habit of doing that. Calista's eyes spark from Teresa's lenient need for solace being convenient as she is trying to reel information out of her to help Marvin figure out his unfinished business. She smiles at her welcomingly, offering her the reassurance she needs. Calista Line 81) Don't be so hard on yourself, Teresa. Habits like that are tough to break. If you need a shoulder to lean on, Talulla and I have got your back. Though I can't promise we have the best advice to give, we can always lend you an ear. Teresa speaks in a manner of relief. Teresa Line 82) Really? That would be great! Calista's eyebrows furrow in guilt. Line 83) Calista's inner thoughts: It's unfortunate to say this, but right now is such a perfect chance to have Teresa open up sometime soon. The odds could never be more in our favor. Yes, I'm here for her as a friend, but those are not my only intentions. Forgive me, Teresa. Calista speaks encouragingly. Calista Line 84) It's been a while since we've hung out. We should definitely plan to meet up soon. You can feel free to get anything off your chest then. Teresa speaks timidly, feeling intrusive. Teresa Line 85) Say, would you mind if I tag along with you today? I'm sorry if that request seems very intrusive. Teresa speaks frantically, registering the request she's made and feeling regretful for even asking in the first place. Teresa Line 86) Actually, f-forget what I said. I'm sorry for bombarding you when you're obviously hanging out with other people. Calista speaks insistently, her tone reassuring. Calista Line 87) Hey. It's actually okay. I don't mind, and you're not intruding or bombarding. Don't worry. When will you be taking off of work? Teresa replies in a tone of guilt, with worry painted all over her face. Teresa Line 88) I usually clock out at 4:00 PM during the weekends. Are you really sure it's okay? I feel guilty for asking. Feel free to let me down today. We could always hang out another time. Calista responds in a relaxed manner. Calista Line 89) It's totally okay for us to hang out right now. But do you mind if I string those two along with me? Calista points at Marvin and Talulla. Teresa speaks happily, looking forward to their hang out. Teresa Line 90) Not at all. I should be the one asking if it's okay for me to tag along. Calista speaks enthusiastically, making Teresa feel welcomed. Calista Line 91) Of course, it is. You're more than welcome anytime you want to. You know me. I live for spontaneity. Keep us company. Teresa smiles comfortably, speaking in a curious manner. Teresa Line 92) If you say so. Thank you, Calista. Just wondering, who's the guy in the tux? I don't think I've ever seen him before. Is he a new friend? Calista's eyes widen from the unexpected inquisition. Frantic thoughts race through her mind. Line 93) Calista's inner thoughts: Dang. We really should've planned this out instead of improvising.* How did I not think of Teresa asking me such a question? It's so obvious! What do I say instead? It's not like I can tell her Marvin's real name. *Refer back to line 34 of this episode. Calista looks stumped, glancing at Marvin and Talulla dumbfoundedly as they sit at their table. As she looks at them, she spots a J1mmy H3ndr1x poster decorated on the walls of the café. Calista tries to speak in an unsuspicious tone. Calista Line 94) Sorry. I thought I heard something over there. Th-that's Talulla's cousin. J-jimmy. He's in town for a bit, hanging with us for the time being. Teresa replies in an understanding manner. Teresa Line 95) Oh, gotcha. How nice for Talulla to have family in town. Calista replies reassuringly. Calista Line 96) I know it may seem uncomfortable to open up about whatever you feel like opening up about with him tagging along, but I can assure you he's very understanding. A thought comes across Calista's mind, prompting her to make up a lie. Calista Line 97) In fact, he's a psychologist. If anyone knows how to maneuver your situation, it's him. He's got a whole PhD and everything. The guy's really all set. But if you're reluctant to open up to him, that's totally understandable. No pressure. I just want you to feel comfortable. Calista's eye twitches in regret. She smiles at Teresa to hide her nervousness. Line 98) Calista's inner thoughts: I feel bad for lying to her, but I gotta do what I gotta do. A customer enters the café, waiting in line for Teresa to take their order. Teresa answers thrillingly, feeling excited to meet "Jimmy". Teresa Line 99) That's actually really convenient. I can't wait. Anyway, I should get started on the matcha lattes and salad wraps as well as take this customer's orders. Hang tight for me, would you? I'm sorry for holding you up when you've come here with Talulla and Jimmy. Calista speaks in a tone of ease, helping Teresa feel relaxed. Calista Line 100) Don't worry. It's not a problem, Teresa. Take your time. Thank you for your hard work. Calista parts ways with Teresa, approaching the table Marvin and Talulla are sitting at. Talulla accolades Calista proudly as she observed her from afar the entire time. Talulla Line 101) You handled that so well. Go you! Calista glances at her hands, noticing them twitch from all of her jitters. She speaks in a manner of surprise. Calista Line 102) Ha, thanks~ Something's tingly about today because the odds are wayyyy too much in our favor. Talulla's eyes widen in curiosity, wanting to know what Calista found out. Talulla Line 103) What is it? Calista speaks informatively. Calista Line 104) Teresa was conveniently wearing the necklace her grandmother had gifted her, so I asked her what her grandmother's name was. We delved into that and more about her family, which prompted her to mention that she wanted to talk about familial issues she'd been dealing with to anyone. Calista speaks in a tone that seeks reassurance. Calista Line 105) She then asked if it was okay for all of us to hang out together with her, and I just swiftly said yes because of the efficient timing. I hope that's okay with you guys. Talulla speaks agreeably. Talulla Line 106) It's more than okay. We should seize every opportunity we can get to send Marvin home sooner. Chatting with Teresa and maybe getting her to open up will help us further achieve that goal. Calista continues elaborating. Calista Line 107) That's what I was thinking. Anyway, I slightly introduced you, Marvin, to Teresa, saying your name is Jimmy and that you're Talulla's cousin. Calista speaks in a guilty manner, not proud of her remark. Calista Line 108) I also may have slightly mentioned you're a psychologist. I just wanted to give you a way to take the initiative when speaking with her,* since, after all, she's your granddaughter. I'm letting you take the wheel on that, as promised.* *Refer back to lines 8 and 10 of this episode. *Refer back to line 37 of this episode. Marvin speaks in a melancholic and appreciative tone. Marvin Line 109) So, you're no longer on the fence about us being related, huh? That's... really considerate of you, Calista. Thank you, though I am not the biggest fan of lying to her. I don't know what else we could do to make her talk to me, so this works out. Marvin speaks inquisitively. Marvin Line 110) You mentioned you figured out her grandmother's name. What is it? Calista speaks informatively, her voice seeking clarification. Calista Line 111) It's Elouise.* Does that name ring any bells? Or are we still going off of how you mentioned you don't think you've met her yet?* *Refer back to line 56 of this episode. *Refer back to episode 6, line 101. Marvin's eyes widen in shock. He speaks in a manner of disbelief. Marvin Line 112) E-elouise? I married Elouise? Talulla questions Marvin curiously. Talulla Line 113) Seems like you know her. Who is she? Marvin Line 114) Remember when I called you Todd yesterday, Calista?* *Refer back to episode 4, line 19, etc. Calista nods her head, remembering the encounter. Marvin speaks informatively, a grave expression etching onto his face. Marvin Line 115) Elouise is Todd's sister. Marvin places his hands on his face, feeling immensely taken aback. Marvin Line 116) I... I can't believe I married my best friend's sister. Marvin rubs his head in distress. Marvin Line 117) I mean, yeah. I took her out to dinner once, but we're completely incompatible. I've never seen her like that. How could I not recognize old Elouise from the post? She looks so different now. Calista speaks in a directive manner. Calista Line 118) We're just gonna have to figure out how that happened by chatting with Teresa. To be continued... ____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2024"2025 under United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. Thank you for reading! ♡ ____________________________________________________________ © 2025 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on May 30, 2024 Last Updated on February 23, 2025 Tags: #original story, #romance, #timetravel, #slowburn, #family, #friends, #dedication, #passion, #newjersey, #1967, #2023, #trios, #cafe, #caramelmacchiato, #originalcharacters, #scriptedwriting, #psychic Author