In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 7

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 7

A Chapter by Yosh

As the trio waits for Teresa to signal she's free to hang out after her shift, they see what talking to her leads to in helping Marvin get home.


Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 7: 

April 16 2023. The day is Sunday. 


Line 1) By the way, did you like the macchiato?


Line 2) Um, it’s alright

Calista looked shocked.


Line 3) Just alright?


Line 4) It’s a bit sweet for my taste.


Line 5) What? My favorite thing about it is that it isn't too sweet. What about the fluffy foam and caramel drizzle?


Line 6) It’s just not my thing. Maybe my taste buds aren’t accustomed to the time.

They chat and the shot pans to them talking.

Calista’s narration:

Line 7) It’s not so bad having him around.

Line 8) He’s quite cooperative, and knows when to keep quiet.

Line 9) Who knows? When all of this is over, I might miss having him around.

Line 10) But then again, the psychic said we would forget our experience once he gets sent back.

Line 11) I just keep wondering what's so life changing about this whole entire situation, if in the end I won’t remember anything.

Teresa signals to Calista that she’ll be over in a bit. Calista gives a thumbs up.

Teresa walks over to their table.


Line 12) Hey guys.

Everyone greets her with a warm welcome. But Marvin looks a bit nervous. Teresa talks to Marvin.


Line 13) I believe we’ve never met. I’m Teresa Douglas.

She takes out her hand for a shake, and Marvin hesitantly accepts. His hands are sweaty.


Line 14) I’m J-Jimmy Faletulu. Nice to meet you.

Line 15) Marvin: I can’t believe she’s my granddaughter. I’m quite nervous.

Line 16) Teresa: His hands are quite clammy, but maybe he’s just startled since I joined in unexpectedly.

Line 17) Talulla: Watching this is making me anxious.

Line 18) Calista: He should dial it down a bit. This isn't his first time meeting someone.

Line 19) Marvin: I need to control my nerves. I’m just so worried I’ll screw this up. I want to make a good impression on her.

Teresa smiles to lighten up the mood.


Line 20) Nice to meet you too. Anyways I’m sorry for tagging along unnoticed. I hope that’s okay with you guys.


Line 21) Don’t worry about it. You’re always welcome to hang out with us.

Marvin nods his head.


Line 22) Thanks. Anyways, I walk through this cool tunnel on my way home. Maybe we can walk there and then you guys can drop me off?


Line 24) Sounds good.


Line 25) No problem.

They continue to chat and Marvin thinks to himself.

Line 26) Marvin: A tunnel that leads down her house? 

Line 27) Marvin: That seems a bit ominous.

Marvin glances at Calista and notices that she seems fine with it.

Line 28) Marvin: But then again, this is their friend of 5 years. I should trust I’m in good hands.

Teresa involves Marvin in the conversation.


Line 29) The tunnel is filled with graffiti and artsy stuff. I think you’ll like it since you’re a designer.

Marvin looked a bit confused but remembered what Calista said about him to Teresa.


Line 30) Uh. Yeah. That sounds cool.

Marvin tried to sound certain, but it was painfully obvious he wasn’t.

Line 31) Marvin: I hope I sound convincing enough.

Line 32) Teresa: He sounds a bit confused.

Line 33) Talulla: It’s so painfully obvious that he’s lying about this.

Calista offered the whole group a smile to lighten the confused mood. Marvin swiftly tries to make progress.


Line 34) Are we ready to go?

Shot cuts to group heading into the tunnel.


Line 35) You guys are gonna love it.

They all walk in and observe how cool the tunnel looks.


Line 36) Woah! This is SO up my alley.

Talulla goes in for a high five to Teresa.


Line 37) See? I knew you’d love it.


Line 38) It’s so beautiful!


Line 39) Right! I’m still surprised it doesn’t cost money to look at all of this.

Talulla gasps.


Line 40) Literally, I’ve paid to see worse.


Line 41) Yeah, I’m bummed I wasted my money on stupid art museums when I could’ve just looked at all of this for free.

Shot cuts to Marvin looking around the tunnel.

Line 42) Marvin: It’s quite fascinating in here.

Line 43) Marvin: Although this is graffiti, there’s more dedication and craftsmanship to it.

Marvin glances at Calista observing the art.

Line 44) Marvin: She seems like she’s enjoying it too.

Marvin swerves his head away from her.

Line 45) Marvin: But why do I always find myself looking at her?

Line 46) Marvin: I need to stay focused. We are here to gather information.

Calista walks up to Marvin.


Line 47) So? What do you think?

Marvin was surprised to find Calista next to him and flinches slightly.


Line 48) Oh! It’s beautiful. I’m enjoying the sight. You can tell the artists put a lot of passion into their work. 

Line 49) Hmm. What a nice way to put it.

Calista continues to observe the art. Marvin watches her. Then notices that he’s still watching and moves his head away.

Line 50) Marvin: I’m looking at her again. Gosh, I need to stop that before I get caught.

Line 51) Marvin: But there’s just something so radiant about her. I can’t keep my eyes off of her.

Calista notices that Marvin looked away.


Line 52) Hey, are you okay?


Line 53) Uh. Yeah. Why do you ask?


Line 54) You seem on edge. Try to tone it down. We wouldn’t want her to get suspicious of us.

Line 55) Marvin: I can't tell her that I looked away from her. But I’m also nervous because of Teresa. So I’ll just say that.


Line 56) Oh. Well. I guess I’m a bit nervous because of Teresa.


Line 57) Oh. I see.


Line 58) Well. I just want you to know that you don’t have to worry about that because she’s completely chill.


Line 59) I’ll try not to. Thanks.


Line 60) You’ve got this.

Line 61) Marvin: That was considerate of her.


Line 62) Anyways, let's catch up with them.

They walk over to Talulla and Teresa. Teresa checks her phone and sees her phone battery is dead.


Line 63) Crap my phone is dead.


Line 64) Jimmy, do you mind taking a picture of me with your phone and then sending it to me later?

Line 65) Marvin: What does phone dying even mean? I’ll just go along with it.


Line 66) Oh! Uh! I-I just realized my phone died too.


Line 67) We can just use my phone.

Talulla nervously smirks at all of them.

Line 68) Teresa: That whole interaction seemed odd to me.

Talulla takes some pics. Talulla shows them to her


Line 69) Ooh. I like them. Let’s take a group one.

Line 70) Teresa: Maybe I’m making them uncomfortable. I hope that involving the whole group will ease some tension.

Marvin looks confused. Calista whispers in Marvin's ear.


Line 71) She wants us to gather around to take a group photo.

Line 72) Teresa: What did she tell him just now? Did he not understand what I meant by a group photo?

Marvin nods his head. They gather around and take the group photo while Marvin nervously and awkwardly smiles.

Line 73) Teresa: Jimmy seems a bit nervous and confused. I should try talking to him so that he’s more comfortable.


Line 74) So what do you think about the tunnel Jimmy? I want to hear your input since you work for a designing company.

Talulla nudges Marvin as a confirmation for him to speak. Teresa notices and is a bit confused.


Line 75) Um. This tunnel is very abstract. I could definitely see this stuff in a museum.

Line 76) Teresa: Why does everything he say, sound so forced? And why did Talulla nudge him to talk?


Line 77) Yeah… I agree.


Line 78) Anyways, let's pick up the pace.

Line 79) Teresa: She changed the topic quickly.

Talulla whispers at Marvin.


Line 80) Try to talk calmly. I think she’s starting to suspect something.


Line 81) I’m trying my best.


Line 82) Well try harder.

Talulla makes her way next to Teresa and sparks conversation with her to ease her discomfort.

Line 83) Talulla: I should talk with her so she doesn’t seem skeptical.


Line 84) So… I’m assuming you’re into art since you brought us here, right?


Line 85) You’ve got that right!


Line 86) I actually do commissions here and there.


Line 87) Oh, do you? You should show us your art sometime.


Line 88) Why don’t I show you at my house since we’re already going down that path? Plus, my phone’s dead so I wouldn’t be able to show you on there anyways. 

Marvin and Calista overhear this.


Line 89) Would you guys like to come in and see my stuff?


Line 90) Uh. Sure!

Marvin looked at Calista until she said it was okay and he agreed as well. Teresa noticed how he would wait until she would give him confirmation.

Line 91) Teresa: Why does he always wait until someone approves something to answer? It’s like he waits for reassurance. That's weird, right? Or am I looking into it too much?


Line 92) We’d love to go see your art.

Teresa leads the way and they follow behind her but clump beside each other to talk. Talulla whispers.


Line 93) Marvin you’re acting really suspicious.


Line 94) Go easy on him Tal. He’s trying his best.


Line 95) He’s gonna get us busted.


Line 96) We’ll be alright.


Line 97) Anyways, I wasn’t expecting her to invite us into her house, but now that we have the chance we have a greater opportunity to ask her about her cut-off family.


Line 98) So, how should we plan things out?


Line 99) I think that if I bring up her grandma and more about her personal life we can connect the dots from there.


Line 100) That’s smart.

Marvin finds himself staring at Calista again.

Line 101) Marvin: Now would be a good time to thank her.


Line 102) Listen Calista, I want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts. You too Talulla.


Line 103) It’s no biggie.


Line 104) Well, I’m very thankful for the both of you in this matter.


Line 105) Being an accountant makes me look into things out of habit. So, this is no problem.


Line 106) How long have you been an accountant?


Line 107) Hmm, let me think. Around 5 or 6 years.


Line 108) There seems to be a recurring pattern with the number of 5 years.


Line 109) That’s around the time I got my life together and settled down. You know?


Line 110) I guess I understand where you’re coming from.

Calista smirked at Marvin. 

Shot goes back to Teresa and she overhears bits and pieces of their conversation.

Teresa’s narration:

Line 111) I know this whole hanging out thing was my idea, but I can’t help but feel left out. They keep talking about things behind me and I can only hear snippets of it. 

Line 112) Someone mentioned something about a plan in my house. What are they talking about?

Line 113) Come to think of it. They all agreed to hang out pretty easily. 

Line 114) But then again, I’ve known them for 5 years, so I should trust them. Except for Jimmy.

Line 115) Not trying to be rude, but Jimmy’s quite suspicious.

Line 116) He seems so uncertain when he talks.

Line 117) But then again he’s family to Talulla. So I should try to trust him.

Line 118) Now that I think about it, they look nothing alike…

Line 119)  I mean, yeah. Not all cousins look alike, but I’m not buying the fact that they’re related at all.

Line 120) I can’t put my finger on it, but they all kind of seem on edge. When they talk it doesn’t seem authentic. 

Line 121) And now they’re chatting behind my back. Something seems fishy. It’s like they’re plotting something.

Teresa looks at them to make sure they’re following her. She gives them an insincere smile and keeps heading straight.

Line 122) The way they looked at me just then, seemed so ingenuine. 

Line 123) If they have a plan that has something to do with my house. Are they just using me?

Line 124) There’s been some pretty nerve wracking stuff on the news about people getting scammed. Could that be what they’re doing to me?

Get snippets of news for scammers.

Line 125) Nahhh. What am I thinking? These people are my friends. They wouldn’t do such a thing to me. 

Line 126) But if we’ve been friends for so long, why haven’t we hung out sooner?

Line 127) And why when I brought up the idea, they all agreed so quickly?

Line 128) Could they be planning to jump me at my house?

Line 129) Now that I think about it. I don’t know much about their personal lives.

Line 130) They could be criminals for all I know. And I just invited them to my house.

Line 131) My gut is telling me something’s wrong. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Teresa rummages through her pocket. She comes to a halt and the group wonders why.


Line 132) Are you okay Teresa? Why are we coming to a stop?

Teresa faces them forward and points her pepper spray at the group. They all raise their hands.


Line 133) I overheard you guys were planning something in my house. 


Line 134) Woah! Teresa, you've got the wrong idea!


Line 135) You know what? It’s partially my fault for being so nonchalant in hanging out with you guys.


Line 136) At the end of the day, I know nothing about you all. And considering the fact that you guys have been acting so weird around me. It’s not looking good.


Line 137) Are you guys trying to kidnap me? Rob me? Hurt me?

They shake their heads no.


Line 138) To think I so thoughtlessly agreed to invite you all into my home.


Line 139) If you guys walk away now, I won’t spray nor call the police.


Line 140) But make any sudden movement and I won't hesitate to strike.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical issues. I have an updated version posted on Wattpad, if you guys would like to view it there, please search up, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (wattpad formatted version)". Thank you very much for reading. Please let me know if you'd rather have the updated version posted on here. This version is a bit outdated.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
