In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 6

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 6

A Chapter by Yosh

What are the trio's next steps into helping Marvin get home?


TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading.

In Another Lifetime by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 6:

The day is April 16th, 2023. It's a Sunday afternoon.

Heading back to the apartment after the shocking encounter at the fortune-telling site and being informed of Marvin's duties, Calista and Marvin converse with each other about what their next steps are after somewhat clearing the air between them.

Calista questions Marvin inquisitively. 


Line 1) To give ourselves a sense of direction in figuring out how we can send you home, we have to get to know more about you. Do you have an idea what your unfinished business could be? What comes to mind?

Marvin releases a sigh of uncertainty, feeling stumped and pressured to figure his situation out.


Line 2) I really wish I knew. It's a shame the psychic's contexts were vague. If I'm already dead in this timeline,* how could I possibly know what this "unfinished business" is, with the age I'm at right now? I haven't even lived my life yet.

*Refer back to episode 5, line 83.

Calista thinks to herself, an assumption coming across her mind from Marvin's choice of words.


Line 3) With the age you're at right now, huh? Could that mean this is the age at which you're supposed to complete your unfinished business?

Marvin looks at Calista intriguingly.

She continues elaborating, noticing that she has his full attention.


Line 4) Think about it. Your life has run its course. You could have time traveled at any other age, yet you're here looking to be in your mid-20s. What else would explain that specificity?

Marvin's eyes widen in shock at Calista's plausible conclusion.

He speaks in marvel, continuing with his inquisitions.


Line 5) That would make a lot of sense. Your critical thinking is quite impressive... But what is it that I need to accomplish right now, though? I feel like I've given myself enough of a proper footing with adulthood by now at the age of 28.

Calista responds in pleasant surprise.


Line 6) You're 28? That can't be a coincidence. Talulla and I are also 28. So I wasn't far off thinking you're in your mid-20s. 

Marvin replies in shock.


Line 7) Woah. That receptionist wasn't kidding when she said your affiliation within this was meant to be.* Our similar ages have got to be on purpose. You're right. This specificity can't be a coincidence.

*Refer back to episode 5, lines 75 and 76, etc.

A moment of silence goes on between them as they process this new information.

Marvin questions Calista apprehensively, speaking in a slightly frantic manner.


Line 8) Sorry for my bluntness, but since we're the same age, is there "unfinished business" in your life, by any chance? I'm only asking to see if it'll help me narrow down what could be mine if you possibly have anything. I-I'm not insinuating that you should, though. I promise.

Calista speaks reassuringly, thinking to herself.


Line 9) Relax. It's totally okay for you to ask these questions... Let me dig into it... Well, I have an okay job, I pay my bills with some ease, and I have an amazing friend as my roommate...

Calista stumbles upon what her unfinished business could be, her eyes widening upon realization, confirming her conclusion.


Line 10) Ahh. That's most definitely it. I wouldn't particularly say it's "unfinished business", but I have an older brother who cut ties with me around five years ago, I think.

Marvin's face engulfs an expression of sadness.

Calista elaborates, giving Marvin more context for him to analyze her situation.

She explains to him in remorse, her countenance wistful.


Line 11) Things were severed abruptly, to say the least. I've done all that I could to get in touch with him but have had no luck all these years. Maybe if I had stuck up for him the night he got kicked out of my family's house, things would be different right now.

Calista's face suddenly resembles an expression of shock, regretting her confession upon the realization that she has spilled her guts.

Line 12) Calista's inner thoughts: Sure, Marvin asked, but I didn't anticipate opening up about Raymond so suddenly, but ever so naturally. Especially when we've known each other for less than 24 hours. Without a doubt, my yapping has a mind of its own.

Calista tries to think about her reasons for opening up to Marvin, finding her casual nature about the matter alarming.

Line 13) Calista's inner thoughts: They do say it's easier to open up to strangers. Though Talulla and I have discussed this matter in the past, first, that was a while ago, and second, I wasn't particularly thorough with my explanations. I was too rigid to go into detail.

Calista's eyebrows furrow as she contemplates in worry.

Line 14) Calista's inner thoughts: I wonder why I uncontrollably spoke about this toward Marvin. What about him brings that out of me? Perhaps because everything that we experience together will be reversed, ergo, forgotten, so admitting won't make any impact?*

*Refer back to episode 5, lines 92�"96, etc.

Calista rolls her eyes, dismissing her reasonings.

Line 15) Calista's inner thoughts: Whatever the reasoning may be, I can't retract what I've just admitted to. I can only hope that I don't regret telling him this even more than I already do right now.

Marvin speaks sympathetically, his eyes sentimental upon hearing Calista's information.


Line 16) I'm so sorry to hear about that. I hope that you'll be able to get in touch with him eventually. You deserve it and are worthy of better. Don't blame yourself.

Calista observes Marvin's demeanor, recognizing empathy in his voice and body language.

She questions him curiously, thinking his connection to her confession might lead to more clues about his unfinished business.


Line 17) I'm assuming something similar has happened based on the way you're looking and talking, right?

Marvin nods his head in a melancholic manner.

He speaks in a tone full of sorrow, his eyes gentle in a sad way.


Line 18) I had a younger sister who passed away at a young age...

Calista's eyes widen in shock, not anticipating Marvin's lore to be so unfortunate.

Line 19) Calista's inner thoughts: Wow. Who would've thunk a guy like Marvin went through something like that? How sad...

Calista's eyes slant in heartache.

She speaks dejectedly, heavy sadness apparent in her voice.


Line 20) That's so rough, Marvin. I'm terribly sorry for your loss...

Calista speaks apprehensively.


Line 21) I'm not the best at giving consolation, so I apologize if the words I'm saying right now aren't exactly what you want to hear.

Calista chimes in some more, her tone anxious.


Line 22) Is it too late to give condolences? I j-just... don't know what to say...

Marvin speaks reassuringly, smiling at Calista from her thoughtfulness.


Line 23) It's never too late to give condolences. I appreciate your consideration. Thank you.

Calista shoots Marvin a bittersweet smile, her nervousness shining through adamantly.

Calista maneuvers through their conversation, trying to help Marvin figure out his unfinished business.


Line 24) Sorry to make traction within our discussion after opening up to each other like that, but can you think of any kind of unfinished business correlating to your sister? Maybe something related to her could be our answer. I don't know where else we could go off of, so give it some thought.

Marvin thinks to himself, staring at the girls' living room ceiling contemplatively.

Once he comes to a conclusion, running through his memories, he releases a wholesome chuckle, thinking his assumption is ridiculous.

He rubs his head, speaking playfully.


Line 25) It's silly~

Calista speaks reassuringly.


Line 26) Anything will do. We need some kind of lead to go off of.

Marvin releases an amusing sigh, explaining things to Calista unseriously.


Line 27) My sister utterly adored fairytales. Since things usually end in "happily ever afters" for those kinds of stories, my sister told me to promise her that I'd eventually have my happily ever after, too...

Marvin thinks through his sister's promise, his face engulfing a sentimental expression.

He speaks in a yearnful tone.


Line 28) She was quite aware of the fact that she was terminally ill. This promise was her innocent little way of wishing me well after passing.

Marvin releases a wholesome chuckle.


Line 29) She primarily emphasized finding my "princess", so to speak.

Marvin glances at Calista flusteredly.

She smiles at him gushingly, finding the promise wholesome.

He responds bashfully, averting her flustering gaze.


Line 30) D-don't make things more awkward than they already are.

Calista speaks in a playfully offended manner.


Line 31) Jeez. How am I making things awkward? Your sister's wish is endearing. Can't a girl show some emotion?

Calista releases a sigh to gather herself, keeping them on topic.


Line 32) Okay, let's go off of that. Are you dating anyone right now?

Marvin answers in embarrassment.


Line 33) No...

Calista rephrases her statement.


Line 34) Sorry. I meant to ask if you're in a relationship�"the romantic kind.

Marvin answers Calista in slight frustration this time around.


Line 35) No again...

Calista speaks in an uncertain manner.


Line 36) Okay... Are you crushing on someone? Give me something to work off of.

Marvin speaks ashamedly, his tone slightly abrasive from Calista's nosiness.


Line 37) I'm not. Is that such a big deal? You sound like my father, and that's not a good thing.

Calista furrows her eyebrows angrily at Marvin from his offensive remark, continuing on with her points.


Line 38) Woah, there... Anyway, how exactly is your love life going, then?

Marvin mumbles under his breath, folding his arms and swerving his gaze away from Calista, feeling annoyed.


Line 39) That's not really any of your business, I fear...

Calista squints at Marvin in disbelief at his uncooperative attitude.

Line 40) Calista's inner thoughts: Just when I thought we were turning a new page, he and I. There goes that 360 personality flip again.* How does a guy be vulnerable with you one second and then closed off the next? His sassiness is not helping.

*Refer back to episode 4, line 37.

Calista speaks irritably.


Line 41) Are we seriously doing this again? I'm trying to help you get back home, and you're not complying with my queries. If you stay closed off, we'll get nowhere. For me to help you, I need to get to know you.

She speaks agitatedly, hoping her rude remarks will help Marvin open up about his love life.


Line 42) Trust me, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have to. Why would I willingly want to know about a childish man's love life from the '60s? I've got better things to do, buddy.

Calista speaks distastefully, raising her eyebrows at Marvin judgingly.


Line 43) Does this have something to do with that ego of yours? Why can't people put their pride aside for just one second?

Calista speaks alluringly.


Line 44) As a woman, take this advice of mine. Men who aren't afraid to be sensitive or vulnerable are usually the sexiest. That's a true man, in my opinion. I speak for the greater majority.

Marvin glances at Calista flusteredly, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

He gives in to her pressure, speaking rudely.


Line 45) Okay, fine. If it isn't already obvious, my love life is nonexistent. There. Happy?

Calista speaks in an annoyed but reassuring voice.


Line 46) And there's nothing wrong with that. If it makes you feel any better, loads of people are in the same boat, me included.

Marvin speaks in an arrogant manner, his tone cocky.


Line 47) Let's get one thing straight. I've been with people in the past, even under serious contexts. Things just didn't last. But they will sooner or later.

Calista speaks indifferently.


Line 48) Okay... I don't see why that matters, but I've also been with people in the past under serious contexts, too.


Line 49) There's nothing wrong with things not working out or lasting. This relationship stuff is very much trial and error.

Marvin speaks sassily, his face flustered looking.


Line 50) I don't remember asking you.

Calista gives Marvin the death stare, feeling offended by his attitude.

Line 51) Calista's inner thoughts: Yeah. Who'd want to be in a relationship with him? No wonder he's single.

She takes in a deep breath, trying to be the bigger person by letting go of his sass.

She says what's on her mind.


Line 52) Anyway, we have to find a way to figure out how your "previous" life played out. If you didn't settle down, then that just goes to show that may be your unfinished business. Not that I'm saying it's integral for someone to settle down. I'm just wondering.

Marvin speaks offendedly, looking at Calista disfavorably.


Line 53) Do you really think that I never settled down?

Calista answers him in a petty manner.


Line 54) You never know. And, honestly, from the way you've been towards me, I wouldn't be too surprised.

Marvin rolls his eyes dismissively.

Calista takes a deep breath, trying to get them further along with their plans.


Line 55) Alright, so we've narrowed down the lead we're going to go off of. Just to be sure, we should see if we could connect to some of your "relatives" to get an insight into your life, that is if you have any.


Line 56) If that doesn't work out, we can try calling up some close peers of yours if you remember their numbers, which I'm assuming you do. But getting in touch with them is not a guarantee since we might not know if their numbers after all these years are intact, so don't get your hopes up.

Marvin speaks confusingly.


Line 57) That doesn't sound too bad, but how are we going to execute the first plan? As I mentioned earlier, I haven't lived my life fully yet.* So, how am I supposed to know who my relatives are?

*Refer back to line 2 of this episode.

Calista speaks reassuringly.


Line 58) Leave that up to me. You're unaware of how advanced technology has gotten. I'm sure by conducting research about you, we could find some people.

Marvin looks at Calista with uncertainty.

Calista stands up, swiftly making her way to her room to get her laptop.

She comes back, sitting beside Marvin once again on the living room couch.

Marvin looks at Calista in shock as she opens up her laptop, in awe of what she's holding.


Line 59) Luckily, thanks to Talulla's teachings, I've practically become a professional in tracking people down online.

Calista notices how shocked Marvin is glaring at her, assuming his shock is due to the judgment of her schemes.

She speaks defensively.


Line 60) Listen, I know that may seem alarming, but it's not my fault people make their profiles so public on the internet. It's not considered stalking if it was already there in the first place. I'm just using my resources.

She glances back at her computer, noticing Marvin's piercing gaze continuing to shoot her through her peripheral vision.

She gives him a death stare of annoyance, finding his judgment extremely distracting.


Line 61) Stop judging me. I'm going to these lengths to help YOU.

Marvin responds in an oblivious manner.


Line 62) Huh?

Calista examines Marvin's face, noticing how clueless he looks.

She questions him offendedly.


Line 63) Were you even paying attention to anything I just said?

Marvin speaks disorientedly, his tone captivated and curious.


Line 64) N-no. It honestly went through one ear and out the other. But I promise I was distracted for a valid reason. Just what exactly are you using? That contraption... is it a TV and typewriter mixed into one? What an amazing invention.

Calista's eyes widen in shock, speaking unpreparedly.


Line 65) Oh. My laptop. It slipped my mind to inform you about this.

Calista speaks in an explanatory manner.


Line 66) This device is called a laptop. Are you familiar with what computers are? I'm not well-versed in 1960s history, but it's not that different from a typewriter. It's just more technological, I guess you could say.

Marvin replies in shock, surprised by Calista's information.


Line 67) A computer?! This looks nothing like one, though! It's so small, too! Also, how do you own one so easily?!

Calista speaks reasonably, her tone passive-aggressive.


Line 68) Marvin. Think about it. 1967 was 56 years ago. Things have changed. The world has evolved abundantly. My laptop is a modern-day version of a computer.

Marvin matches Calista's tone, sarcasm apparent in his face.


Line 69) Sorry, Calista. I was practically born yesterday. Do you expect me to suddenly know everything and be up to date? Obviously not.

Calista speaks dismissively, hand-puppeting Marvin's nagging.


Line 70) Blah, blah, blah. We've got priorities.

Marvin questions Calista offendedly.


Line 71) You aren't even going to bother explaining?

Calista speaks indifferently.


Line 72) Later. For now, I need to focus on research.

Marvin clicks his tongue in annoyance, glancing at the touchpad of Calista's laptop.

He places his hand on it, bumping into Calista's typing, eagerly glancing at the laptop screen for something to happen.

Calista looks at Marvin in confusion, questioning his gesture.


Line 73) The heck are you doing? Did I ask you to intervene?

Calista pushes Marvin's hand away in annoyance.

He speaks irritably towards her.


Line 74) I was using the hand scanner. How else will this "laptop" gather research about me? 

Calista releases a sigh of exhaustion.


Line 75) When I said things are advanced, I didn't mean they're THAT advanced. Completely disregard how your era assumed the future would be like because it's completely different. You guys were too ambitious.

Marvin speaks in embarrassment, feeling foolish.


Line 76) Oh... Then, how will you conduct research?


Line 77) Okay, for starters in explaining how this works, think of my laptop as a hunter for archive information. Someone brilliantly found a way to connect knowledge with technology, and that's how people nowadays find anything you could possibly think of.


Line 78) It's like a condensed library easily accessible with just a click. That doesn't mean that people don't use libraries anymore, but research conducted this way is just more efficient and convenient.

Marvin speaks in a petty manner.


Line 79) Now, was that so hard to explain?

Calista rolls her eyes, keeping herself focused.


Line 80) I'm not so confident that searching up who you are will help, but it's worth a shot. What's your full name?

Marvin releases a sigh of regret.


Line 81) Well, I'm not so comfortable disclosing my governmental name with you, but I guess I have no other choice. It's Marvin Emaas Dicon. That's Emaas spelled with two A's and one S. Dicon spelled D I C O N.

Calista looks at Marvin in shock from recognizing his last name.

He furrows his eyebrows offendedly, misinterpreting her shock as judgment.


Line 82) What? I'm from the Philippines, so obviously, I’m going to have a Filipino name. Got a problem with that?

Calista clarifies herself.


Line 83) What? I'm not judging. Just...

Calista logs into her inst@gram on her laptop, searching for her friend, Teresa.*

*Remember that Teresa is the waitress who served Talulla and Calista in the first episode (refer back to episode 1, lines 100�"102).

When she finds her profile, she confirms her last name as "Dicon", just like Marvin's.

Her eyes widen in disbelief.

Line 84) Calista's inner thoughts: This can't be a coincidence. Dicon is not a common last name, not that I know of. Could Teresa and Marvin be related?

Calista speaks in a surreal manner.


Line 85) Wow. Th-that was a lot easier than I expected...

Marvin questions Calista inquisitively, his face desperate for answers.


Line 86) What is it? Don't leave me hanging.

Calista replies in shock.


Line 87) When you mentioned that my affiliation with this has got to be fate, things just continue to prove that further and further.*

*Refer back to line 7 of this episode.

Calista elaborates.


Line 88) Believe it or not, I just so happen to have a friend who shares your last name. Her name is Teresa.

Marvin speaks curiously.


Line 89) Can I see her?

Calista shows Marvin Teresa's inst@gram profile, with him keenly observing it and reading her full name.

His eyes sparkle in relief as he observes her, prompting him to speak smugly.


Line 90) Told you I would've settled down eventually.

Calista speaks in a manner that seeks clarification.


Line 91) Do you have any other siblings besides your sister? What about cousins? There's a chance Teresa could be related to them rather than you, thus the shared surname.

Marvin answers Calista offendedly.


Line 92) Why are you so stubborn I never settled down? It's just me and my sister. Teresa has to be directly related to me. Even if she isn't, my cousins are back in the Philippines. I don't think any of them moved, so there's no way your friend could be their kin.

Marvin observes one of Teresa's inst@gram posts, noticing an old lady and a middle-aged man standing beside Teresa for a photo.

Marvin points at the photo, speaking inquisitively.


Line 93) Can we view this picture?

Calista complies, clicking on the picture to get an expanded view of it.

The two of them read the caption of the post.

Line 94) Teresa's caption on her post: Spent the weekend with the fam. Grams gifted me such a beautiful necklace. I'll cherish it forever! ♡

Marvin makes his conclusions.


Line 95) I'm most likely Teresa's grandfather, which means that old lady is my wife. I most definitely would've been in the picture if I were alive.

Marvin observes the middle-aged man in the photo, looking at him in shock from his familiarity.


Line 96) Wow. Even that man looks a bit like me. He must be Teresa's father.

Calista observes the man, with her eyes widening in surprise.


Line 97) Now that you point it out, he does look a bit like you. So, that's your son. You really did settle down. There's no denying it.

Marvin moves himself closer to Calista's laptop, gazing at the photo yearnfully.


Line 98) My... son...

His lips curve into a proud smile.


Line 99) Is so handsome! He definitely takes after me!

Calista speaks in a precautious manner.


Line 100) Listen, I definitely think you're related to these people, but we shouldn't get too ahead of ourselves until we're able to confirm it for certain.

He speaks dismissively toward Calista, examining the old lady in the photo.


Line 101) Yeah, yeah, whatever. Teresa's grandmother... doesn't look familiar to me. We must've met further into the future.

Marvin speaks analytically.


Line 102) But she most definitely has to be my wife, which means our conclusion about my unfulfilled love life being my unfinished business can't be right since I obviously settled down.

Calista speaks agreeably.


Line 103) I guess you're right. Either way, we should get connected with Teresa. She'll have the answers we're looking for to figure out what your unfinished business is.

Marvin questions Calista curiously.


Line 104) How long have you been friends with Teresa?

Calista calculates the timing, thinking intently.

She speaks informatively once she settles down with an answer.


Line 105) We've been friends with each other for around five years. Talulla and I see her frequently because there's this café near our apartment that she works at. It's her family's business, I believe, though I have yet to ever meet them.

Marvin speaks inquisitively.


Line 106) Family business, you say... Anyway, I'm assuming I passed away somewhat recently. Did Teresa ever mention losing a loved one to you?

Calista ponders in her mind, speaking in confusion.


Line 107) I can't think of a time she did, honestly.

Marvin's eyes widen in disconcertion.


Line 108) Are you guys close enough for her to tell you something like that?

Calista speaks informatively.


Line 109) We're definitely not as close as Talulla and I are, but we're good with each other. We've even hung out a few times. But I think this kind of matter is something she'd keep to herself.

Marvin speaks determinedly.


Line 110) I guess we won't know for certain until we get in touch with her. She's definitely our best bet, though. We've made tons of progress today.

Calista speaks exhaustedly.


Line 111) Yeah. We should definitely call it a day and let Talulla know what we've been up to.

Calista fetches Talulla and explains what she discussed with Marvin to her, allowing her to catch up on everything.

Talulla views Teresa's inst@gram post on Calista's laptop, examining it thoroughly.

Her eyes widen in pleasant surprise.


Line 112) Wow. You guys really got down to business. I'm impressed. 

Calista questions Talulla, seeking her reassurance.


Line 113) What do you think? Teresa's our best bet, right?

Calista awaits Talulla's answer.

To be continued...


Copyright ©2024�"2025 under United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Thank you for reading! ♡


© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

I hope you like what you have read so far. I appreciate each and everyone of you for giving my story a chance.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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