In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 5

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 5

A Chapter by Yosh

Heading to the fortune-telling site, how do Calista and Talulla get answers about sending Marvin home? What will come of him?


TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading.

In Another Lifetime by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 5:

The day is April 16th, 2023. It's a Sunday.

After they all come to a mutual agreement about heading back to the fortune-telling site to explain their situation to the workers, Talulla swiftly grabs her car keys as everyone exits the apartment.

Outside, Talulla unlocks her car and casually gets in the driver's seat, ready to drive everyone to the destination.

Calista reaches for the passenger's seat door, noticing Marvin's awe as he observes Talulla's vehicle.

Calista speaks to Marvin sternly, continuing her resentful demeanor towards him from the altercation the two of them had earlier.


Line 1) You're sitting in the back. Got it?

Marvin snaps out of his daze, gazing at Calista nervously.

He answers her anxiously.


Line 2) Y-yes. Whatever you say...

Talulla rolls down her car window, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

She questions the two of them for their hesitancy.


Line 3) Are you guys getting in or what? What's with the slowdown when you guys are the ones who want to go back to the fortune-telling site so badly?*

*Refer back to episode 4, lines 129�"135.

Marvin responds tensely.


Line 4) S-sorry. We'll make haste.

Talulla rolls her window back up, with Marvin reaching for the passenger's seat car door.

Calista furrows her eyebrows, feeling offended by Marvin's failure to comply with her order.

Line 5) Calista's inner thoughts: Didn't I just say he's sitting in the back? What does he think he's doing?

Marvin opens the passenger's car door, moving out of the way for Calista to get in.

Calista looks at Marvin in confusion, tilting her head to the side from his puzzling gesture.

He moves his arms in a welcoming manner, signaling for Calista to get inside the car.

He speaks politely, never wanting to take her seat but rather wanting to open it up for her like a gentleman.


Line 6) After you.

Calista hesitantly gets herself seated in the car, with Marvin opening up the back door to get himself situated as well.

Calista tries to process Marvin's gesture, feeling slightly flustered by his courtesy.

She glances to her side, noticing the smug look Talulla is shooting her after observing the entire situation.

Calista rolls her eyes, gazing out her side's car window the entire ride to the fortune-telling site.

Marvin intently observes Talulla's car in delight, finding the interior design alluring from its futuristic ambiance.

He suddenly gets hit with another harsh realization that he is indeed in the future, slouching his shoulders dejectedly after being so cheerful.

The entire car ride stays silent, with the gloomy and uncertain tension between all of them gurgling.

They eventually arrive at the plaza,* exiting Talulla's car to search for the fortune-telling site.

*Remember that the girls encountered the fortune-telling site in a plaza (refer back to episode 2, details before line 1, etc).

Once they locate the building, they make their way towards it.

Marvin observes the plaza in astonishment, continuing to process his existence in the future in disbelief.

He speaks in a surreal voice, his eyes widened in shock.


Line 7) I-I really am in the future.

Talulla questions Marvin curiously, finding his exposure intriguing.


Line 8) What do you think? Disappointing, huh?

Marvin answers Talulla in an uneasy voice.


Line 9) I guess I was expecting a bit more, but I can't pinpoint how I particularly feel other than a mixture of surprise and iffiness.

Marvin glances at Calista, noticing her indifference towards the conversation he is having with Talulla.

He shrugs her averted attention off, understanding that she's upset with him and that there's nothing he can do to make things up with her even though he apologized.*

*Refer back to episode 4, lines 107�"109.

Upon reaching the fortune-telling building site, they immediately enter the place, heading toward the reception desk in the hopes that they encounter the front desk lady once again.

Marvin continues observing his surroundings in surprise, getting accustomed to futuristic atmospheres.

As Calista and Talulla notice the front desk lady's absence, they stare at each other in confusion.

They look around the building, observing its emptiness with no one in sight besides the three of them.

Calista speaks inquisitively, her tone displaying notes of worry.


Line 10) Where is she? 

Talulla answers cluelessly, shrugging her shoulders in confusion.


Line 11) No clue. What should we do?

Calista observes a bell on the reception desk, deciding to ring it in the hopes of someone coming to offer their assistance.

A couple of seconds go by with nothing happening.

Calista decides to ring the bell again, her gesture containing more urgency than before.

They get no response again, leading Calista to spam the bell impatiently.

Her eyebrows furrow in concern.

Line 12) Calista's inner thoughts: Why is no one coming?

Talulla grabs Calista's hand to stop her, speaking cautiously.


Line 13) Enough ringing. I'm sure someone has heard you by now.

Calista questions Talulla in confusion.


Line 14) If someone heard me, then they would've come out already to help us.

Calista calls out to the workers loudly, hoping someone will hear her.


Line 15) Hello? Is anyone there? The door was open.

No answers again, with Calista continuing to ring the bell until she gets someone's attention.

Marvin and Talulla glance at each other, disapproving of Calista's actions but knowing there's nothing they can do to stop her determination.

The front desk lady comes out of the beaded room where Calista and Talulla had their initial fortune-telling session, glancing at the trio in frustration from their annoyance.

Calista stops her ringing, observing the front desk lady's appearance in relief.

The front desk lady walks over to the reception desk, recognizing Talulla and Calista.

She shoots Calista an irritable expression, speaking sassily from her impatience.


Line 16) I heard you from the first ring. You didn't have to spam it.

Calista defends herself.


Line 17) You should've said something so that I knew I got your attention. What else was I supposed to do when no one was coming to my avail?

The lady releases a sigh of exhaustion.


Line 18) Ever heard of the phrase "Patience is a virtue"?

Calista's eyebrows furrow in anger.

Line 19) Calista's inner thoughts: Is she being serious right now?

The lady gets to the point, making haste for Talulla and Calista to leave as soon as possible.


Line 20) Anyhow, I see that you ladies are back with a new face tagging along...

The lady gazes into Marvin's eyes curiously.

He looks back at her, feeling intimidated.

The lady folds her arms, delving into the daunting task of helping Calista.


Line 21) How can I be of assistance?

Calista gets to the point as well, speaking in slight apprehension.


Line 22) We've got ourselves in quite a situation. Could we please speak with the psychic?

The lady's eye twitches irritably from Calista's bossy tone.

Line 23) Lady's inner thoughts: Who does she think she is ordering me around like this?

The lady responds indifferently.


Line 24) I'm afraid she cannot help you.

Calista questions the lady in worry.


Line 25) Why not? Can you please explain to her that our situation is urgent?

The lady releases a scornful sigh, pressing her tongue against the inside of her cheek frustratedly.


Line 26) If I say that she can't help, then she can't. There's no room for negotiations, and I don't owe you an explanation.

Calista's face engulfs a frantic expression, not knowing what to do.

She glances at Talulla and Marvin for assurance.

They gaze back at her with hopeless looks on their faces, making her pity Marvin.

Looking back at the lady, she understands that she must negotiate some more, feeling the need to owe Marvin.

Calista speaks desperately.


Line 27) Excuse my demeanor, but the pamphlet you gave us yesterday has created a problem. So, I'd be grateful if you could find any way in which you could help us.

The lady responds informatively.


Line 28) The only thing I can do is pass on a message to our psychic. I won't do it right this second because she is very busy. I cannot interrupt her.


Line 29) You've come at the wrong time. Schedule an appointment if you'd like to see her soon. Other than that, she's not available.

Calista glances back at Talulla again, not knowing what else they can do.

Talulla glances at Calista with uncertainty, feeling stumped as well.

Line 30) Calista's inner thoughts: "Schedule an appointment"? We don't have time for that.

Line 31) Calista's inner thoughts: But I can't keep pushing this lady. I can tell she doesn't like me, so continuing to haggle won't do us any good.

Calista glances at Marvin, observing the anguishing expression on his face.

Line 32) Calista's inner thoughts: But I can't just yield so easily. Sending Marvin home is our top priority right now.

Line 33) Calista's inner thoughts: Sure, he was a jerk to me, but at the end of the day, I participated in the ceremony that brought him here; therefore, I'm at fault, even if all of this was unintentional.

Calista weighs her next best course of action, thinking through their responsibilities.

Line 34) Calista's inner thoughts: We can't wait any longer to deal with this situation. I have work tomorrow. What will we do with him then?

Line 35) Calista's inner thoughts: As frustrated as I am with Marvin's behavior, I owe him. I have to do something about this pronto.

Calista stares into the lady's eyes with determination.

She speaks relentlessly.


Line 36) When we visited yesterday, you mentioned that the appointment information was outdated; therefore, we didn't need to schedule a session...*

*Refer back to episode 2, lines 9 and 10.

Calista questions the lady curiously.


Line 37) Have things changed? Do you need money? If that's the case, how much?

Calista speaks in a pressing manner.


Line 38) Heck. I'll even pay for the last session. Just please tell me what I need to do to get help. I can't stress enough how urgent this situation is.

The lady clicks her tongue in annoyance.

Line 39) Lady's inner thoughts: I'm growing impatient. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I'm sounding like a broken record.

The lady speaks assertively, an irritable expression on her face from Calista's persistence.


Line 40) I already told you what you need to do and I don't need your money. I didn't make the appointment an obligation last time because we were in need of customers. I lied about it being outdated to lure you ladies in.


Line 41) Sorry for the confusion, but I had to do something to get you two to stay. There's nothing I can do to help you. You're just going to have to come back another time when our psychic isn't busy.

Calista releases a sigh of distress.

Line 42) Calista's inner thoughts: I can't tiptoe around our reasoning for coming here any longer. I'm just going to have to tell her the whole truth. Whether she believes me or not is out of my control.

Calista points at Marvin, speaking in an explanatory manner.


Line 43) That man appeared in my roommate's bedroom after we did an affirmation ceremony from the pamphlet you handed us.

Calista speaks in a surreal tone, with the front desk lady looking at her in confusion as she explains.


Line 44) The situation was utterly fantastical, with objects floating in the air, a powerful whirlwind raging, and a portal appearing with that man coming out of it.


Line 45) As we debriefed in disbelief, he revealed that he's from 1967, which means that the ceremony must have magically caused him to time travel to this time.

The lady looks at Calista in shock, trying to process the words coming out of her mouth.

Calista speaks in an accusatory manner.


Line 46) This happened from the pamphlet YOU handed us. Therefore, this is your responsibility.


Line 47) Instead of pushing us away, figure out a way we can send this man back to his time. Take accountability for your role in this dilemma.

The lady covers her mouth speechlessly.

She speaks in shock.


Line 48) N-no... This can't be...

A couple of moments of silence go by.

Calista clenches her fists impatiently, thinking impulsively.

Line 49) Calista's inner thoughts: She leads me with no choice.

Calista glances at the private room with the beaded entrance that the lady came out of.

She turns around, getting ready to walk over to it.

She speaks apologetically before going against the lady's orders.


Line 50) I'm sorry, but I can't spare any more time.

Calista swiftly walks over to the private room, curiously entering it.

Her eyes bulge in shock from the fiasco occurring in the room.

Similar to what ensued in Talulla's room the night before, the private room rages with a whirlwind that spirals floating objects around the psychic as she sits at her station.

Calista looks at the psychic in concern, noticing her closed eyes and her indifferent behavior from the turmoil surging in the room.

The wind sharply blows onto Calista's face, leading her to cover herself protectively.

She questions the psychic in shock, wondering why she seems so unfazed.

Line 51) Calista's inner thoughts: What's wrong with her? Does she need help?

Calista approaches the psychic, holding her ground against the powerful wind.

She calls out to her in worry.


Line 52) Hello?! Ma'am?! 

Calista observes the psychic not reacting to her words.

Line 53) Calista's inner thoughts: Can she hear me?

Calista reaches the psychic, poking her to get her attention.

The psychic continues ignoring Calista as if she doesn't feel her touch.

Line 54) Calista's inner thoughts: She seems to be in a daze. Could she be having one of those visions again?*

*Refer back to episode 2, details in between lines 60 and 61.

Line 55) Calista's inner thoughts: At the time, I didn't believe her "charade",* but now I know that these things are possible; what else would explain her state right now?

*Refer back to episode 2, line 39, etc.

The front desk lady, Marvin, and Talulla walk into the private room after Calista.

Marvin and Talulla observe the catastrophe occurring in the room in shock, not expecting to see such a thing.

The lady calls for Calista loudly enough through the powerful wind.


Line 56) She can't hear you! 

Calista walks back over to them, with the front desk lady folding her arms in a snarky way.


Line 57) Now, do you understand why I told you she's busy?

Calista nods her head in confusion.


Line 58) What's wrong with her?

The lady speaks informatively.


Line 59) She's having a vision. It's never been like this before, and I can't get any answers since she's been in this unreactive state for hours, so I don't know the full story.

Calista mumbles a question curiously.


Line 60) Could this vision have something to do with us?

The lady overhears Calista, putting her on the spot for her uncooperative behavior.


Line 61) Seems fitting. Either way, how could you blatantly disobey my orders? I told you that she couldn't help. You should've dropped your efforts at that.

Calista explains herself, believing that her actions are reasonable.


Line 62) I've already told you that this situation is urgent. I need to find a solution as soon as possible because I don't have any time to spare.

The lady speaks in a manner of disapproval.


Line 63) I don't care how urgent things are for you. That's not an excuse to barge into places.

Calista speaks in an accountable tone.


Line 64) That's a fair point, but I've already apologized to you earlier.* I couldn't wait any longer, so my impulses got the best of me.

*Refer back to line 50 of this episode.

The lady speaks sassily.


Line 65) Okay, fine. You see the situation. There's nothing we can do. Happy?

Calista speaks determinedly.


Line 66) There has to be a way we can snap her out of her daze.

The lady releases a sigh of frustration, speaking irritably toward Calista.


Line 67) I'm starting to get really impatient with having to repeat myself to you. How many more times do I have to tell you no?

Calista speaks vexingly, pointing at Marvin once again.


Line 68) Listen, you handed us that cursed pamphlet that caused that guy to travel to this time. And now we don't know what to do to send him back. If it weren't for you, none of this would be happening.


Line 69) Take some initiative, and do something to help us.

Marvin interjects, speaking desperately toward the lady, feeling bad for Calista doing all the work.


Line 70) Ma'am, if I may speak. On behalf of all of us, I'm sorry for going against your orders. Although I'm not aware of what your psychic may be going through, I know that I'm in urgent need of her help.

Marvin speaks in a sincere manner, trying to convince the lady to help him.


Line 71) Please give me a chance. I want to go home more than anything. Surely, there has to be a way to undo this. I would appreciate it if you could offer us your understanding.

Talulla nudges Marvin's shoulder smugly, feeling proud of him for sticking up for himself.


Line 72) Atta boy! Look at you standing up for yourself!

Marvin looks at Talulla bashfully, not expecting her validation.

The lady takes in a deep breath, speaking toward Calista sternly.


Line 73) You didn't give me a chance to explain myself earlier. This intrusion could've been avoided had you allowed me to elaborate. I know that you all may be on a time crunch, but reacting in shock is completely valid on my part. Why wasn't I given time to process?

Calista looks at the lady speechlessly, not knowing how to respond.

The lady speaks hesitantly, releasing a sigh of distress.


Line 74) We're... how do I say this without directly saying it? Gifted? Anyway, I'm sure by now you know we have some sort of otherworldly powers that I won't bother explaining right this second...

The lady speaks confusingly.


Line 75) The pamphlet I gave you that started this... has a mind of its own. I can't explain, nor do I understand why it does the things it does, but it just does. If it chose to bring this man into this time and you ladies are the ones to deal with him, then that's fate. It's not my place to object to what's meant to be.

The lady speaks apologetically.


Line 76) I apologize that you folks are the ones going through this, but there's nothing I can do to reverse what's been done. You, ladies, have been chosen, and that's that. Handing you the pamphlet was mandatory on my part. I couldn't have a say in going against such orders.

After they debrief, the whirlwind suddenly dissipates, with every object that was floating falling to the ground.

They all huddle up protectively so as not to get hurt by the falling items.

The psychic releases a sigh of exhaustion, slouching her shoulders restlessly and coming back to reality.

They all observe her apprehensively, not knowing how to approach her.

She pierces her gaze through them, speaking sternly.


Line 77) You three. Take a seat. We have some things to talk about.

Three chairs poke out from underneath the psychic's desk.

Marvin, Talulla, and Calista approach the desk, hesitantly taking a seat.

The psychic speaks instructively.


Line 78) Please stack your hands on top of one another, then close your eyes.

Marvin, Talulla, and Calista stack their hands on top of one another, glancing at each other for reassurance.

They close their eyes, mutually agreeing on the psychic's instructions.

The psychic places her cold hands on top of theirs, closing her eyes, and taking in a deep breath.

She gets transported into her visionary state, concentrating on the visuals she is seeing, with sweat starting to accumulate on her forehead.

She furrows her eyebrows, an expression of concern etched all over her face.

The vision she has been seeking hits her like a boulder, abruptly stopping their session.

She withholds her grasp from the trio's, taken aback by the message's aggressive delivery.

Marvin, Talulla, and Calista peer their eyes open, wondering why the psychic removed her grasp from theirs.

The psychic speaks in a disheveled manner, trying to regain her wits after the harsh vision she just had.


Line 79) My visions say you have unfinished business, Marvin.

Marvin looks at the psychic in confusion.

Line 80) Marvin's inner thoughts: "Unfinished business"? What was I supposed to do?

Marvin questions the psychic inquisitively, his face apprehensive to hear her answer.


Line 81) Could you please... elaborate?

Following the vision, the psychic's eyes feel heavy, and a faint sensation engulfs her chest, along with her face becoming pale.

She powers through with her explanation, feeling the need to owe Marvin.


Line 82) The thing you were supposed to do was left incomplete, and you eventually passed away without having the chance to fulfill it, though you were destined to.

The psychic stops to catch her breath, feeling all her strength sucked out of her.

Marvin's eyes widen in shock, his mind comprehending new information he didn't even stop to think of.

Line 83) Marvin's inner thoughts: If I eventually passed away without having the chance to complete my unfinished business, then that means I'm no longer alive in this timeline. My life has run its course...

Talulla questions the psychic in concern, noticing her weariness.


Line 84) Are you alright?

The psychic speaks reassuringly, challenging herself to power through despite her frail state.


Line 85) I'm fine. My powers just take a lot of my energy, but I can get through this.

The psychic continues explaining, with Marvin gazing at her intently, defeat heavily prominent in his demeanor.


Line 86) This thing that you were supposed to fulfill was something written in the stars for you to accomplish, yet you couldn't in your previous life due to unforeseen circumstances. Your transportation into this timeline is a chance for you to figure that out.

Marvin speaks curiously, a hopeless voice accompanying his question.


Line 87) Do you know what this "thing" is?

The psychic speaks hesitantly, feeling bad for breaking the bad news to Marvin.


Line 88) I've been trying to get to the bottom of what it could be all day, but I believe that I'm not notified on purpose. I've reached my limits and am not getting any more clues. I apologize for this unfortunate news, but I've truly done all that I possibly could have to guide you.

Marvin's eyes slant crushingly.

Line 89) Marvin's inner thoughts: My life was so unfulfilling that the entire point of my existence in this timeline is to figure out why that is. How could I mess up so badly?

The psychic speaks informatively.


Line 90) Until you figure out what your unfinished business is, you won't be sent back to 1967.

Marvin's face engulfs an expression of panic, negative thoughts flooding his mind.

Line 91) Marvin's inner thoughts: How long will it take me to get to the bottom of this? What if it takes years, decades...? Will I ever go back?

The psychic continues elaborating.


Line 92) Once you figure it out, you must all do the affirmation ceremony again, and Marvin will be sent back, redeemed with his completed obligation in his previous life. It would be as if he never time traveled, to begin with, and lived his life the way he should've all along if that makes sense.


Line 93) When this occurs, you, Marvin, will be sent back to the exact time the girls summoned you, which I believe was yesterday, Saturday, April 15th. Except for you, it'll be the year 1967, while for the girls, it will be 2023. Things will be reversed to how they initially started. No time is being lost in the process.


Line 94) All that which you experience in this lifetime will be forgotten. The same goes for the girls. I truly mean what I say when it would be as if you never time traveled, to begin with. Life will continue the way it should have, without any of you crossing paths with one another.

The psychic speaks in a precautious tone, gazing into the trio's eyes in a serious manner.


Line 95) After completing his business, Marvin has 336 hours, which is roughly two weeks, to be sent back to 1967. If he does not leave within that time frame, a disturbance in the space-time continuum has the possibility to occur since he, by nature, does not belong to this time. This could cause the future as we know it to cease to exist. So, please, all of you, keep that in mind.

The psychic speaks suggestingly.


Line 96) If I were you, Marvin, I'd take all the time I can get to figure out what my unfulfilled detail is, whether that takes years or decades... At the end of the day, you'll be sent back to 1967 regardless, and everything will be reversed and restored.

Marvin looks at the psychic with a sense of intimidation, in denial of her revelation.

The psychic speaks in an uplifting manner, trying to reassure Marvin.


Line 97) So, try to keep your head up. You've got nothing to lose. Even time is by your side. The universe chose you to have a second chance at life.

Marvin speaks in a glum but appreciative tone, deeply grateful for the psychic's efforts.


Line 98) I guess you're right. Thank you for explaining and trying to help me as much as you could have.

The psychic nods her head assuringly.

The front desk lady approaches the trio, wanting them to leave.


Line 99) You all should get going. There's plenty of work cut out for all of you. We've done all that we could to assist.

Marvin, Talulla, and Calista all hesitantly exit the fortune-telling site.

Talulla glances back at the building, feeling the need to peer back in.

She looks at the building in confusion when she realizes it has changed.

She stops in her tracks, gazing at it in disbelief.


Line 100) Guys... look...

Calista and Marvin turn around, observing the building with Talulla.

Calista's face resembles shock when she notices how empty the inside suddenly looks.

She walks over to the entrance, placing her hand on the door handle to let herself in.

As she walks into the building, it's as if everything has disappeared, looking abandoned within a split second, with the workers nowhere to be found.

Marvin and Talulla follow Calista, looking around the place disconcertedly. 


Line 101) Everything... vanished...!

Calista speaks in a surreal voice, fear etched on her face.


Line 102) It's as if nothing was even here to begin with...

Marvin speaks in a panicky tone.


Line 103) How will we ever get in touch with those ladies again?

Talulla responds in a crushed manner.


Line 104) We can't. They're gone. Seems they served their part. We're on our own now.

They all exit the building speechlessly, making their way over to Talulla's car.

As they silently drive home, trying to process everything that has occurred to them, Marvin contemplates, trying to wrap his mind around their circumstances.

He takes into consideration the revelations the psychic had broken to him, rubbing his head in distress.

Line 105) Marvin's inner thoughts: This is all so unbelievable. Wake up, Marvin! This can't be real life...! But... it is.

Line 106) Marvin's inner thoughts: I'm all alone in this. How have I ruined my life to this point? It's like I can't do anything right.

Marvin clenches his fists in frustration.

Line 107) Marvin's inner thoughts: Just where the heck did I go wrong? How am I supposed to figure out the impossible?

Marvin's eyebrows slant upsettingly, feeling lonely.

Line 108) Marvin's inner thoughts: Calista and Talulla said they want this to be over with.* I'm nothing but a burden to them. I'm being an inconvenience.

*Refer back to episode 4, lines 65, 95, and 113.

Line 109) Marvin's inner thoughts: I wish they would stay by my side, though. I don't want to fight this battle on my own.

They arrive at the apartment, entering disconcertedly.

Marvin sits on the living room couch, trying to gather himself.

Talulla pulls Calista aside to chat, speaking to her in a low voice.


Line 110) We should give him space. He needs time to process everything on his own.

Calista speaks agreeably, chiming in with new details.


Line 111) You're right. I'm going to hang back to provide him with some company, but I'm not going to press him with my reassurance. I just don't think leaving him completely alone is the best thing to do right now.

Talulla nods her head, making her way over to her room to tidy things up from the mess the whirlwind caused.

Calista stiffly sits beside Marvin, awkwardly glancing at him.

He speaks frantically.


Line 112) I'm sorry, but would you be so kind as to lend your place to me for just a moment longer? I'll be out of your hair then. You won't ever have to see me again.

Calista replies in confusion, with her eyebrows raised puzzlingly.


Line 113) What? I couldn't possibly kick you out, knowing you have nowhere else to go. That's just cruel. What kind of person do you take me for?

Marvin replies dejectedly.


Line 114) But you said you wanted this to be over with. Now that I know what I have to do, I don't have to stick around you two any longer. I'd only be a nuisance.

Calista speaks her mind, providing Marvin with slight reassurance.


Line 115) I mean, I won't lie when I say that I definitely DID want this to be over with, but now that I know that's something that can't be easily done, I'm willing to grant you some leniency, even if you are a bit of a nuisance.

Marvin slightly chuckles at Calista's bold explanation, speaking amusingly.


Line 116) There's no sugarcoating coming from you, huh? You're not even trying to pretend to like me.

Calista responds playfully.


Line 117) Why should I? We didn't particularly start off on the right foot now, did we? I wonder whose fault that is...

Marvin speaks in a tone of embarrassment.


Line 118) You're right. If I were you, I'd interact the same, even though I apologized. My bratty behavior earlier was pretty immature, to say the least.

Calista speaks in a validative manner, shooting Marvin a smug look.


Line 119) At least it no longer seems like you're in denial. Kudos to you for becoming self-aware, especially when it comes to taking accountability for your behavior.

Marvin questions Calista alluringly, with her having his full attention.


Line 120) I understand you're still holding your grudge against me, but it doesn't necessarily seem like you completely despise me. Could I be right about that?

Calista speaks affirmingly, elaborating on her demeanor towards Marvin.


Line 121) You are. How could I be mad at you right now when you've just been let in on some difficult news? The humane thing to do is not to lash out at someone when they're going through a hard time, no matter how angry you are at them.

Calista speaks consolingly.


Line 122) Today has been rough, but on the bright side, when all of this gets sorted out, you'll be sent home as if nothing happened, so technically, there really isn't anything to worry about in regards to time.

Marvin replies hopelessly.


Line 123) As right as you are, you heard the psychic. Figuring out my purpose in this lifetime could take years or decades,* so I definitely do have to worry about that. I don't want to be stuck here forever.

*Refer back to line 96 of this episode.


Line 124) I'm already feeling so homesick. I've left everything at home, and I don't know when I'll ever be back.

Marvin rubs his head to ease himself, feeling overwhelmed.


Line 125) Things suck, and it's all my fault.

Calista releases a sigh of exhaustion, speaking in an accountable manner.


Line 126) Yeah, well, I'm also at play here, too, so...

Marvin stares at Calista in confusion, wondering why she feels at fault.


Line 127) You may have contributed to my existence here, but the root of the issue falls into my hands.

Calista glances at Marvin sympathetically, feeling bad for him.


Line 128) The psychic said something was missing in my life. And I died before whatever I needed to do was fulfilled. Therefore, it's my fault for being so unaware.

Calista speaks in an uplifting manner.


Line 129) But don't you see this second chance as a blessing in disguise? I would do anything to fix something I couldn't do. This is your "redemption arc", so to say.

Marvin releases another chuckle from Calista's amusing responses.

Calista speaks in a playfully concerned voice.


Line 130) Hey, don't go crazy on us with those maniacal giggles of yours. You're not alone in this, okay?

Calista speaks in a faithful manner.


Line 131) Think about it. Such fantastical circumstances just so happen to come my way. If that's not fate, I don't know what is. Out of 8 billion people in the world, why me?


Line 132) Before you got here, me and Talulla got our fortune told at the now abandoned fortune-telling site. The psychic told us that we would endure a life-changing moment with someone we never met, specifically a man.*

*Refer back to episode 2, lines 56, 102, etc.


Line 133) Then, you appear. If I were to walk away from this situation, I wouldn't be playing my part. That's why I'm willing to help you, Marvin.

Calista speaks upsettingly, reminiscing on her trauma.


Line 134) Plus, "kicking people out stuff" brings back bad memories. I don't want you to go through something like that, which says a lot since we're simply acquaintances.

Marvin smirks at Calista in relief, speaking in a deeply appreciative voice.


Line 135) Thank you.

Calista speaks bashfully.


Line 136) Don't get all sappy on me. Anyway, we should come up with our next best course of action while the day is still young.

The two of them brainstorm their next steps, feeling determined.

To be continued...


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Thank you for reading! ♡


© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

I hope you like what you have read so far. I appreciate each and everyone of you for giving my story a chance.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Lover for some writing~ more..
