In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 4

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 4

A Chapter by Yosh

With another day rolling by, how do Calista and Talulla go about processing and tracing their next courses of action when it comes to the random man who appeared in their apartment?


TW: This story will address sensitive subjects, including homophobia, abandonment, death, mental health struggles, the implications of suicide, etc. Please be mindful of these topics before you continue reading.

In Another Lifetime by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:" are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 4:

The day is April 16th, 2023. It's an early Sunday morning.

The next day rolls around with Calista getting awoken early in the morning by a loud strike of lightning coming from outside (she's a light sleeper). 

Her entire body jolts awake, remembering that she fell asleep on their apartment's sofa for the night.

Calista's narration:

Line 1) Woah. That was a loud strike. Must be raining outside. That's a bit unusual for Jersey.

Calista looks to her side, where she observes the man who appeared in Talulla's room, still knocked out from his faint, in the same position he was when the two of them laid him on the couch yesterday.

Her eyebrows furrow in concern, questioning his condition.

Line 2) He's still asleep? Is he even alive? His fall yesterday was brutal.

Calista gets up and looms over the man.

She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees his chest rise and fall, indicating that he's still breathing.

Line 3) Good. I'll just let him wake up on his own. Wouldn't want to awaken a beast.

Calista checks her phone for the time, noticing that it's 6:37 AM.

Her eyes widen in shock from how early she's awakened.

Line 4) Woah! I thought it would be at least 10 by now. It certainly doesn't feel THAT early in the morning. I wonder why I'm not tired when, after all, I went to sleep quite late.

Calista gets hit with a wave of curiosity.

Line 5) I'm sure Talulla's still sleeping, but it wouldn't hurt to check on her.

Calista makes her way over to Talulla's room, quietly creaking her door open and spotting her under her sheets, fast asleep.

She gently shuts the door, plotting her next course of action.

Calista glances at the hallway mirror above her drawer near the exit of her apartment, walking over to it.

She stares at her reflection disconcertedly, trying to come to terms with reality.

Line 6) I hoped that by the time I'd awaken, none of this would be true.

Line 7) But I guess this wasn't a strange dream after all...

Calista gets flooded with a bunch of bad thoughts on the things that could go wrong in their situation.

She smacks her face to snap herself out of her stressful daze.

Line 8) Now is not the time to worry about everything that could go wrong. I can only do so much.

Calista lets out a sigh of exhaustion.

Line 9) I wish I was as nonchalant as Talulla.

An idea comes across Calista's mind.

Line 10) I think a steamy shower ought to cool me down. It'll kill plenty of time since there's no way in hell I'm going back to sleep.

Calista takes a shower, wrapping her hair up in a towel and wearing a bathrobe.

She makes her way over to the living room, feeling stumped on what else to do.

Line 11) Maybe I should make breakfast, though it's out of the ordinary for me to tackle such a task. I don't know what else I could do to make myself useful, and I definitely don't want to sit around and do nothing since I'm already up so early in the morning.

Calista glances at the man sleeping on her couch once more.

Line 12) That would include making something for him, too. I wouldn't want him to feel left out since he technically lives with us now, I guess.

Calista makes her way over to the kitchen, opening her fridge to find a carton of eggs and a loaf of bread in a bag.

Line 13) This'll do the trick. Should be easy enough. It'll be embarrassing if I find a way to screw up something so simple, so I've got to give it my all.

Calista successfully manages to cook sunny-side-up eggs with a side of toast for everyone, prepping plates for breakfast.

She sets the finished plates on the dining table, seating herself down on a chair and contemplating what else she can do.

Line 14) I'll wait until everyone wakes up so that we can all eat together.

Calista hears groaning and shuffling coming from the living room.

She assumes the noises are coming from the man and rushes over to him in the living room.

She observes that he's awakened and is trying to stand up but is out of balance from fainting yesterday.

She questions him in worry, approaching him to help him up.


Line 15) Oh my goodness! Are you okay?

Calista grabs the man's hands, pulling him onto his feet.

The man squints at Calista, unable to view her clearly from his restlessness clouding his vision.

Line 16) Guy's inner thoughts: Why's my vision blurry, and who's helping me up?

The man gets hit with an affliction that targets his nose and temples.

He winces in pain, rubbing his nose and head to soothe himself.

The man comes to a conclusion, nodding his head plausibly.

Line 17) Guy's inner thoughts: Todd is probably helping me. Did I crash at his place again? 

The man's eyebrows furrow in distress.

Line 18) Guy's inner thoughts: But why? Did I get that drunk at the dinner party last night? That must explain the pain I'm feeling right now.

The guy remembers what happened yesterday at the girls' place, his face engulfing an expression of shock.

Calista sits the man down on the couch, noticing that he's not fully awake yet as he tries to gather himself.

The man shakes his head no in denial, dismissing what occurred yesterday and anticipating to speak with his friend Todd playfully, though he's actually talking to Calista.


Line 19) Hey Todd! Guess what?

Calista looks at the man in confusion.

He lets out a nervous chuckle.

She tries to interject to clarify his misunderstanding, but he interrupts her.

A tone of mockery accompanies the man as he explains himself, thinking his elaboration is stupid.


Line 20) I had a dream that I traveled to the future and met some witches.

The guy rubs his head and eyes in exhaustion, laughing at his remark in a slightly maniacal manner.

Calista rubs her head in distress, feeling concerned about the man's behavior.

Line 21) Calista's inner thoughts: It's official. We've driven him over the edge.

The guy speaks in a tone of relief, smiling happily.


Line 22) It seemed so real. You have no idea how relieved I am to be at your place.

After finishing rubbing his eyes and gaining back his clear vision, that man looks around his surroundings, getting hit with the realization that he doesn't recognize where he is.

His heart drops to his stomach in panic.

Line 23) Guy's inner thoughts: Th-this isn't Todd's place!

The man glances at who he thinks is his friend Todd but gazes into Calista's eyes instead, his eyebrows slanting in denial.

He questions her in shock, an expression of immense disbelief apparent on his face.


Line 24) N-no... You're that girl from yesterday. It w-wasn't a dream?

Calista shakes her head no hesitantly, feeling upset about breaking the bad news to the man.

The guy stands up frantically, moving away from Calista precautiously.

He speaks at her in fear.


Line 25) Why didn't you say anything to me before?! You got my hopes up!

Calista answers sympathetically, feeling bad for the man.


Line 26) I tried to, but you cut me off. So, I just let you finish speaking. I'm sorry.

The man observes Calista's attire (bathrobe), speaking at her offendedly.


Line 27) How dare you wear that in front of me?! Have you no shame in wearing such inappropriate garments in front of a man?! A stranger at that?!

Calista speaks reassuringly.


Line 28) I'm assuming that wearing something like this back in the '60s must have been viewed as indecent, right? But in modern times, this is very normal. Plus, I'm at home. Can't I wear whatever I want?

The guy scolds Calista frustratingly, distrusting her words.


Line 29) Spare me that modern-day crap! Just confess you've kidnapped me! I don't believe that I've time-traveled to 2023.* Stop making me feel crazy, witch!

*Refer back to episode 3, lines 97�"102, etc.

Calista speaks offendedly.


Line 30) Witch? There's no such thing as witches, and I haven't kidnapped you. Why would you come up with something like that?

Calista approaches the man, with him backing away from her in fear.

She elaborates, clarifying any confusion on his part.


Line 31) Have you forgotten what happened last night? We explained everything to you. You're the one who appeared in this timeline out of thin air. No kidnapping was involved.

The guy replies to Calista suspiciously, his voice abrasive.


Line 32) What makes you think I'm going to trust you?! Appearing out of thin air?! That's impossible! Whichever way I ended up here, it's all your fault!

Calista replies in irritation, unsure of why she is being blamed by the man hostilely.


Line 33) My fault? I'm not to blame. God knows how you miraculously appeared out of the blue in my place. How was I supposed to know that conducting a ceremony would do that?

The guy responds in a manner of annoyance, his tone sharp, his face disdainful.


Line 34) Why would you enact anything with the word "ceremony" in the first place? You knew damn well what you were getting yourself into, witch! And the audacity for you to knock me out afterward is outrageous! Stop sputtering a bunch of nonsense! There's no fooling me!

Calista justifies herself passionately, staring into the man's eyes in a rage from his frustrating accusations.


Line 35) Knock you out?! You did that to yourself, thank you very much, passing out and whatnot! None of that has to do with me! And I'm not sputtering nonsense! What do I have to gain from lying to you?!


Line 36) As for the ceremony, sorry that I didn't take into consideration otherworldly interferences! How was I supposed to know such things were possible?! I'm just as surprised as you! There's no need to point fingers and call me names, jerk!

Calista speaks in a petty manner.


Line 37) If I knew you were going to act this way, I wouldn't have run the extra mile to prepare you breakfast. I don't understand why your personality did a full 360 all of a sudden. You were a lot more manageable yesterday despite your frantic attitude.

Calista speaks sassily, pointing to her apartment's door.


Line 38) If you feel like leaving, be my guest. The door's down there. Talulla was right. We're better off without you.* I was wrong to welcome you with open arms.

*Refer back to episode 3, lines 123 and 124.


Line 39) But don't be so cocky in thinking that someone else would gladly help you. We're the best you've got.

The guy speaks furiously towards Calista.


Line 40) You won't be saying that when I go to the police and have you and your pink-haired buddy arrested!

Calista answers the man sarcastically, raising her eyebrows at him judgingly.


Line 41) Sure. Go ahead and convince the police that you magically time-traveled into my pink-haired buddy's room. I'm sure they'll believe that.

The man speaks disfavorably towards Calista.


Line 42) You leave with no choice but to do things the hard way! I'll just plead until someone helps me! It won't be long now til you get busted!

The man makes his way to the apartment's door, yelling for help, hoping someone will hear his screaming and save him.



Calista yells at the man in shock, not expecting him to go to such lengths.


Line 44) Are you insane?! Keep your voice down! My neighbors will hear, and my roommate's asleep! Shut your trap!

The man speaks scornfully.


Line 45) I couldn't care less! I need help! HELP! HELP!

Calista runs over to the man to shut his mouth, but he runs away from her in fright.

She chases him around the apartment as he continues screaming.

She leads him to a dead end in the kitchen, tripping on a chair's leg.

Calista falls onto the man, with the two of them thudding to the ground together.

The two of them wince in pain from the abrupt affliction.

Calista's hair towel falls off, revealing her brightly-colored blue hair to the man once again.

He shrieks in fear, trying to get her off of him.


Line 46) Indubitably, you're a witch! What kind of normal person has blue hair?! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!

Calista stubbornly keeps herself on the man, attempting to cover his mouth to stop his yelps.

She scolds him frustratingly, her eyes widening sternly from his relentless actions.


Line 47) For crying out loud, stop yelling! I'm not a witch! Normal people nowadays have colored hair like me! Welcome to the modern world! Stop deluding yourself and just accept the fact that you've time-traveled!

The man continues squirming under Calista, yelling at her disdainfully.


Line 48) I don't believe, nor do I trust you! Get off of me, witch!

Calista yells at the man in anger, shaking his shoulders for him to come to his senses.


Line 49) I'll only get off if you shut up! I'm not going to hurt you, so stop yelling! And for the last time, I DIDN'T KIDNAP YOU and I'M NOT A WITCH!

The guy shakes his head no in denial, trying to push Calista off of himself.

Talulla walks into the kitchen, questioning the two of them in frustration from all their screaming.


Line 50) What's with all the commotion?! You guys are being too loud!

They pause their altercation, looking at Talulla in shock as they strangely duel each other on the kitchen floor.

Calista immediately gets off of the man, standing up to be next to Talulla.

Calista points at the man, speaking disfavorably about him to Talulla as if tattle-tailing childishly.


Line 51) This guy is crazy, Talulla! He thinks we kidnapped him. He can't fathom the fact that he time-traveled and is blaming us.

The guy yells at the girls madly, speaking in a privileged manner.


Line 52) Do you guys know who I am? I'm not just some guy! The two of you will be in big trouble once I get justice! I'll make sure of it!

Talulla releases a sigh of exhaustion, speaking sassily as she points at their apartment door.


Line 53) Sir. The door's that way. Get hit with the harsh realization yourself that you're in 2023 because we're done trying to convince you.

Talulla speaks to Calista reassuringly.


Line 54) Seems like he still needs time to process real life. He won't last a second out there. He'll come around on his own when he realizes we're harmless. He just needs space.

Calista speaks in a petty manner, shooting the man a cold gaze of contempt as he sits on the ground helplessly.

He stares at her intimidatingly.


Line 55) I guess so, but we shouldn't be too forgiving when he comes crawling back to us.

Calista changes the topic of their conversation, speaking in a friendly tone toward Talulla.


Line 56) Anyway, I made breakfast. Let's dig in before it gets too cold.

Calista and Talulla sit down at their dining table in the kitchen, casually digging into breakfast and ignoring the man on the floor beside them.

The man looks at them in confusion, feeling offended.

Line 57) Guy's inner thoughts: Are they seriously going to disregard me and eat in front of me like that? They should feel threatened by my presence!

Talulla questions Calista curiously, feeling amused by her unexpected efforts.


Line 58) It's unusual for you to cook. What's the occasion, not that I'm complaining? You did a great job. I'm proud of you.

Calista elaborates, speaking nicely to Talulla as she usually does.


Line 59) Thanks, but it's just eggs, and there's no occasion. I woke up early because of the thunder blowing outside. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I made breakfast to kill time.

Talulla nods her head understandingly, explaining her efforts to Calista informatively.


Line 60) Before I went to sleep, I tried doing some research about what happened to us last night, but, as expected, I was left completely and utterly stumped. Of course, the internet won't give me any answers on something so outlandish.

Talulla speaks hopelessly.


Line 61) So, I delved back into the pamphlet to see if I could get any sort of leads. But the only other things that are on it are more affirmation ceremonies. Unfortunately, there's nothing to reverse anything.

Calista rubs her head in distress, questioning Talulla desperately.


Line 62) What do you think we should do?

Talulla shoots the man a cold gaze filled with annoyance.

The man's eyebrows furrow judgingly, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Talulla speaks with great clarity.


Line 63) Well... I was thinking that if he decides to cooperate, we could do the ceremony again and see if that sends him back. Other than that, our last resort would be to head back to the fortune-telling site and tell them about our situation. But I doubt they'll believe us.

Calista speaks in a surreal voice, trying to process their mythical obligations.


Line 64) What a pickle we have ourselves in, huh? I don't think my younger self envisioned such events to unfold.

Talulla responds in a manner of distress, releasing a sigh of exhaustion.


Line 65) Tell me about it. I just hope we can get this situation settled down so that we don't have to worry about it anymore. It's been such a pain so far.

The man considers the girls' conversation, thinking about his actions in guilt.

Guy's narration:

Line 66) Their conversation seems quite genuine. I feel bad for acting childish earlier. We're all in the same boat when it comes to disconcertion. Might as well work as a team rather than stir up uncooperative drama just because I can't comprehend time traveling.

The man's face morphs into an expression of judgment, feeling misunderstood by the girls.

Line 67) But can they blame me for lashing out?! Don't I have every right to? 

Line 68) But they're quite collected, unlike me. I should be ashamed of myself. Plus, it truly seems like they're trying to find a way to help me. How gracious of them.

The man's stomach growls, leading him to feel embarrassed.

Line 69) Staying silent won't do me any good. The sooner I make amends, the sooner I'll get home. I could use all the help I can get. Figuring this out on my own is less likely to work.

The guy stands up, approaching the girls as they eat timidly.

He looks at them awkwardly.

Talulla speaks in a manner that induces shame.


Line 70) Finally made up your mind? That was quick. Or are you just hungry? We could hear that belly of yours from a mile away.

The man blushes, feeling humiliated by Talulla's remark.


Line 71) I-I�"

Talulla cuts the man off, speaking bluntly.


Line 72) Just sit and eat.

The man sits next to them on a convenient extra chair at the table, with the eggs Calista prepared right in front of him.

Calista rolls her eyes at him.

Line 73) Calista's inner thoughts: He doesn't deserve my eggs, but I wouldn't want to throw them out. He can be my trash.

The man drops his head down dejectedly, hesitant to eat the eggs.

Talulla questions him judgementfully.


Line 74) Do you think it's poisoned or something? Go on and eat already.

The man speaks nervously.


Line 75) N-no! It's just... I'm sorry...

Talulla and Calista look at each other in confusion, not expecting an apology from the man.

He speaks in a deeply apologetic manner, remorse painted all over his face.


Line 76) I shouldn't have overreacted back there like that. I sincerely apologize and understand your ladies' frustrations with me.

He elaborates, taking full accountability for his wrongdoings.


Line 77) I'm sorry for yelling, threatening, and blaming you girls. That was out of line, and I take full responsibility for it.


Line 78) This isn't an excuse, but I'm struggling to process my existence in this timeline. I apologize for projecting my frustrations onto you two when you ladies aren't the ones at fault. I hope you two can forgive my insolence.

Talulla considers the man's apology, finding it sincere.

She speaks in a reassuring manner, unable to restrain herself when it comes to offering consolation.


Line 79) Don't beat yourself up for freaking out. It's quite a valid reaction if I do say so myself. But, if anyone should be sorry, it should be me. I'm the reason you're here. You're not wrong for pointing fingers.

The man speaks insistently, determined for Talulla not to feel guilt.


Line 80) You didn't know something like this was going to happen. You're not at fault. I shouldn't have said that earlier. I didn't mean it.

A moment of silence goes by, with all of them looking at each other awkwardly.

The man questions Talulla and Calista inquisitively, his tone seeking clarification.


Line 81) Do you ladies mind reexplaining the conclusion you all came up with about yesterday's events? My mind is quite fuzzy. I'm assuming it's a side effect of fainting.

Talulla introduces herself, speaking in a friendly manner.


Line 82) Well, for starters, I'm Talulla.

Talulla points to Calista as she explains, with Calista glancing at the man irritatedly.


Line 83) This is my roommate and best friend, Calista. The two of us tried out this affirmation ceremony from a pamphlet that a clerk from this fortune-telling place gave us yesterday. Next thing you know, the room gets engulfed with a whirlwind, and some sort of "glitchy hologramy projector portal thingy" pops you into this time.

The man looks at Talulla in shock as she elaborates.


Line 84) That's pretty much it. Now we're just trying to figure out a way to send you back. So, later on, when you're up for it, let's give something a go, okay?

The man answers Talulla disconcertedly, trying to process her response.


Line 85) Y-yeah. Sounds like a plan...

Talulla questions the man curiously.


Line 86) So, are you gonna tell us your name or what? So far, you're just "man" and "guy".

The man answers Talulla awkwardly.


Line 87) Sorry. My name is Marvin.

Talulla speaks welcomingly.


Line 88) Well, it's nice to meet you, Marvin. Kind of.

Marvin smiles nervously, matching Talulla's energy.


Line 89) It's nice to meet the both of you, too. Kind of.

Talulla speaks in a friendly manner.


Line 90) So, do you trust us enough to eat now? I promise the food's not poisoned.

Marvin nods his head timidly, digging into his breakfast.

Calista observes Marvin with an immense attitude, continuing to hold her grudge against him.

They all finish eating, with Marvin suggesting he do an act of service, feeling obligated from his rude behavior earlier.


Line 91) Thank you both for the food. Mind if I wash the dishes? It's the least I could do after my outburst.

Calista answers Marvin dryly, swiftly standing up to collect all of their plates.


Line 92) I can handle it on my own.

Calista gazes in Marvin's with disdain, making her way over to the kitchen sink.

He replies to her anxiously.


Line 93) Thank you...

Talulla speaks suggestingly.


Line 94) You probably feel icky for not washing up, huh? The restroom's unoccupied. Feel free to use it.

Calista's eyebrows furrow from Talulla's generosity, believing Marvin doesn't deserve it.

Line 95) Calista's inner thoughts: Why is she offering him to wash up? We should just do the dang ceremony and be over with him.

Marvin shyly rejects Talulla's recommendation.


Line 96) I appreciate your offer, but I can't accept it. How can I use a women's bathroom? That's far too intrusive.

Talulla reassures Marvin informatively.


Line 97) It's the 21st century, buddy. A bathroom is just a bathroom. There's nothing invasive about using one. So, please don't worry. I insist.

Talulla directs her question towards Calista, though she's busy washing the dishes.


Line 98) Calista? Do we have things we can lend him to get ready?

Calista whines, not wanting to help Marvin because of his rude behavior towards her earlier.

Line 99) Calista's inner thoughts: Ugh! Why do I have to do everything?!

She responds impatiently, notes of reluctance adamant in her tone.


Line 100) Give me a sec.

She finishes washing the dishes, leading Marvin to the bathroom.

She opens up the cabinet under their sink, getting him a new toothbrush, comb, washcloth, and soap.

She then opens up a narrow closet in their bathroom to lend Marvin fresh towels.

Calista moves the shower curtain out of the way to show Marvin how to operate the lever.

She speaks dryly to him.

He glances at her shyly, feeling like a burden.


Line 101) To shower, just twist this knob from bottom to top and adjust the temperature to your liking.

As she approaches the door, she speaks sternly to him before exiting.


Line 102) Everything else is pretty self-explanatory. Don't make a mess.

Marvin thanks Calista awkwardly, feeling the resentful tension between them make the air in the bathroom feel suffocating.


Line 103) Oh. Um. Thank you very much.

As she sets herself out to exit, he calls for her nervously.


Line 104) Calistra. Wait.

Calista's jaw drops from Marvin's audacity to mispronounce her name.

Line 105) Calista's inner thoughts: What did he just call me?

She corrects him sharply, gazing into his eyes with hostility.


Line 106) It's Calista!

Marvin speaks in a deeply apologetic manner.


Line 107) Oh. I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I sincerely apologize for calling you a witch earlier and blaming you for all sorts of things. I also apologize for yelling. You didn't deserve such behavior.

Calista rolls her eyes, dismissing Marvin's apology, replying indifferently.


Line 108) Whatever.

She abruptly leaves, with the silence in the bathroom ringing loudly.

Marvin stares at himself in the mirror, speaking dejectedly.


Line 109) She's definitely still mad at me.

Marvin finishes showering and exits the bathroom, spotting the girls in the living room, waiting for him.

Talulla speaks suggestingly, standing up, initiating that they all walk to her room.


Line 110) Perfect timing. Let's kick start sending you home. We all should go to my room since that's where all of this happened in the first place.

Calista and Marvin nod their heads compliantly, making their way over to Talulla's room.

Talulla speaks instructively.


Line 111) Alright. So basically, we're gonna do the same affirmation ceremony we did last time and see if that'll send Marvin back.

Marvin speaks insistently, appreciating the girls' efforts sincerely.


Line 112) Before we start, I'd like to say that I appreciate the measures the two of you have taken just for my sake. If this is the last time we ever see each other, I sincerely wish you all the best in your lives.

Calista rolls her eyes in annoyance, not caring about Marvin's message.

Line 113) Calista's inner thoughts: Let's just get this over with. Why did he have to use our bathroom if he'll be leaving anyway? What am I going to do with the new things he used?

Talulla replies in uncertainty.


Line 114) Thank you for that, but let's not get our hopes up. We have to ensure that we can send you home.

Talulla points to the places Marvin and Calista should stand.


Line 115) Anyway, stand here, Marvin. And you sit here, Calista. We have to replicate this ceremony to a tee.

Marvin and Calista move to their spots.

Talulla speaks in an explanatory manner.


Line 116) Okay, Marvin, just stand in your spot and close your eyes. Calista and I will begin the ceremony.

Talulla and Calista hold hands as they sit in front of each other on the floor, just like last time.

Talulla questions Calista, seeking clarification.


Line 117) Do you remember the affirmation? We have to say it five times in a row.

Calista responds assuringly.


Line 118) Yeah. On the count of three, let's begin. One, two, three...

They close their eyes, speaking faithfully as they utter the affirmation.


Line 119) "Let time take its course. Let time take its course... 

Marvin shut his eyes eagerly, hoping that the ceremony will send him home.

He crosses his fingers, his eyebrows furrowing in distress.

Line 120) Marvin's inner thoughts: Please work!


Line 121) ... Let time take its course. Let time take its course. Let time take its course."

After they finish, they open their eyes with Marvin questioning the girls in confusion.


Line 122) Isn't something supposed to happen?

Talulla speaks reassuringly.


Line 123) Give it a sec. It didn't work automatically last time either.

A couple of seconds go by with nothing happening.

Calista speaks determinedly.


Line 124) Let's just try again. On the count of three. One, two, three...

Marvin shuts his eyes again, his face even more desperate than before, fervently wishing for the ceremony to work.

Line 125) Marvin's inner thoughts: Come on! Work d****t!

Calista and Talulla affirm the ceremony again, their faces engulfing an expression of worry.


Line 126) "Let time take its course. Let time take its course. Let time take its course. Let time take its course. Let time take its course."

They all open their eyes again, observing that nothing happened.

Without question, they all wait a bit in awkward silence to see if anything will ensue, but things stay the same.

Talulla speaks assertively, not wanting to give up.


Line 127) Alright, so that didn't work. But don't lose hope just yet. We still have plenty of other affirmations to try from the pamphlet.

Talulla fetches the pamphlet, going over the multitude of instructions for the different ceremonies.

After attempting every single affirmation, nothing works whatsoever.

Talulla speaks apprehensively, shutting the pamphlet crushingly.


Line 128) So... that was the last affirmation in the pamphlet...

Marvin's face engulfs immense defeat, rubbing his head in distress as he sits on Talulla's bed.

Calista speaks reasonably.


Line 129) It's useless, Talulla. We just have to go to the fortune-telling site and explain everything to them. If they're the ones who gave us the pamphlet in the first place, they must know what kind of power it holds.

Talulla replies reluctantly, not wanting to look foolish in front of the workers.


Line 130) Ugh! They're not going to believe us, Calista.

Calista speaks encouragingly.


Line 131) It's the only other option left. We have to at least give it a try.

Talulla speaks in an unwilling manner.


Line 132) We're going to humiliate ourselves.

Calista speaks reassuringly.


Line 133) It'll be fine. I'll do all the talking. 

Marvin pleads to Talulla desperately.


Line 134) I'm begging you, Talulla. Let's go. It's all I have left to count on.

Talulla agrees to the coercion.


Line 135) Okay, okay!

To be continued...


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Thank you for reading! ♡


© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

I hope you like what you have read so far. I appreciate each and everyone of you for giving my story a chance.

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Lover for some writing~ more..
