Fallen From Grace

Fallen From Grace

A Story by yoshua171

An angel, a fallen one has escaped from the judgement of heaven and hell. He is stuck on earth and on the run. A boy helps the wounded being...what will become of them against the ancient forces.

Intro: Angels Descent
Falling, tumbling through the cold night air. Light, Sound, and feeling; all things that this now tainted soul had never known suddenly became normal as if they had always been. For his soul had been tainted by lust, rage, and negativity all of which were deadly, unforgivable sins. These sins made him feel liberated just as the cold night air and falling sensations made him fearful.

Chapter 1: A Strange Being

Below in a dark abandoned apartment building jack stared at the ceiling. He could not sleep it was simply imposible. After a long while jack sat up and swung his feet over the side of his bed, he paused for a moment and then rose from his bed. He walked to his window and shoke his head at an attempt to banish the exhaustion from the fringes of his mind. His feet rose and fell as his legs carried his sleepless tired body to the window. Jack moved his eyes to look at the window that seemed so far but was so close, he strained to reach it but it felt like an eternity till he was able to sit himself on the window sill and look out the broken window onto the vast sleeping city.

Jack sighed as he looked upon the streets lit only by the lamps that rested lazily on poles of silver metal. The light they shined was electric and felt fake so he turned his eyes away from the light and looked to the sky. Here he found real light, natural light. This light was alive it shined and blinked as things slowely orbited and moved through space. As he scanned the lofty heavens he came upon the white round full moon in all its cragy, cratered glory. The moon shone down on the city like an all seeing eye. Jack smiled at this but only for a moment for he saw a flicker and at this flicker he frowned for it appeared to be a falling star, but no it was far to small and yet.... Jack saw that the star zoomed down towards the earth he leaped up from the window sill just as he heard an impact. He ran to the door of his room and threw it open, he raced down the stairs and into the night.

A couple blocks away a crumpled broken body lay in the alley. It was motionless but not devoid of life for it breathed and something about it seemed to thrive and to live. After several minutes it moved as if to confirm its persistance to stay living in this strange new world. It moved to get up but fell back for the pain was to great. The being looked around and felt the overwhelming pain in its neck and shoulders as it did so. It was still able to decern that it was on a hard surface surrounded by what looked like structures of some sort,"Wha-what are these?" the being asked with a weak questioning voice. Though the voice was weak it sounded like thunder in the silent night air and traveled to the near wall and bounced back only to wash back over its source unanswered.

Jack ran despretely for a reason even he did not know, as he ran he looked around at the buildings and wondered franticly "how did no one else feel that" for there had been a shockwave that he was sure was city wide. He ran and rounded a corner trying franticly to reach the destination of the falling star he had seen. Finally after 5 minutes of running he slowed down as he felt the air around him change. He looked around trying to figure out what was so different from this air to the air he breathed beforehand, and finally he noticed it. It was not the taste or feel of it but how bright it was, for it was truly brighter then it should have been. It was night so how could something so bright exist? The first thought that ran through his head was that some artificial light had fallen but as he walked closer to the source of the light he found that the light was indeed natural. The light was like nothing he had ever seen or felt in his 17 years of life. He had walked only seven feet when he noticed that the light shined profusely from a nearby alley, he started in the alley's direction.

The being heard foot steps quiet, soft, and far to near for his liking. He looked up and saw that who ever the steps belonged to had not rounded the corner just yet. This gave him a small bit of time and hope that he would not be seen. He turned his eyes from the alleys entrance to look around for somewhere he could hide himself, his eyes struck gold as he found a place where he could easily climb onto the roof. He gathered all of his remaining strength and rose to his feet, wobly he staggered to the wall and pulled down the metal fire escape.

Three feet, two feet, 1 foot away from the alleys entrance and then finally he put his hand on the wall and turned the corner to find....nothing but a strange crater in the alleys center. His eyes fell on empty ground and the light had gotten farther away and had seemed to move upwards as if to flee his curious eyes. "Damn" he swore under his breath at his slow cautious approach "why couldn't I just have ran here"? He put his hand on his face in an expression of annoyance. He then shook his head to clear it and walked deeper into the alley, he looked to any hiding place and then saw something out of place. "An open fire escape?" he looked at it, confused beyond belief "it can't be....". He walked over the 3 feet to the escape and tentatively climbed onto it and then up the zigzagging staircase.

"Im safe" thought the being but then he heard the most unwelcome sound possible, the sound of creaking metal and once again footsteps. "Ugh" he once again raised his eyes in an attempt to find any escape but this time none emerged to his pain wracked, desperate mind. At discovering the lack of escape his shoulders slumped and he let himself fall to the ground where he assumed a sitting position with his back to the fire escape. There he sat enduring the pain and readying some type of explanation to the person who so seeked him.

As Jack ascended the fire escape he heard a soft thump as if someone or something had fallen. This sound made him pause for a moment and then shake off the small, unwelcome feeling that had crept into the crevices of his mind. "Its nothing" he told himself as if to reassure that all was well. He then composed himself and once again continued his ascent up the stairs. After what seemed far to long he reached the final flight and turned to go up it, before he set his foot on the step he once again took a moment to gather his courage. To assist the gathering of courage he took in a deep breath as if he could steal some from the air, he then let his foot fall down on the creaky, metal step and carry him up the rest of the way towards his destination and the light that seemed to becon him.

As he went up he felt the air thin slightly with the hieght and he drew in breaths more often, however he knew that his increased heart rate had nothing to do with the pressure but with the apprehension of what awaited him on the roof. Soon he found out for he reached the top of the building and saw..someones back? and two huge wings. Black wings dark as the night yet they let off a glow of calming, welcoming light that yanked his soul towards it. Jack found himself drawn to the light and his feet moved him closer to the strange being.

As jack approached the strange person he felt the lights glow increase drasticly with every inch, he also felt a profound almost euphoric happines wash over him. Finally he was only a foot away from the thing, he circled around it and saw an essentially human figure. This made him recoil and step back a couple feet for he had not thought to find something human. Although he himself did not truly know what he had expected. "Wha-what are you?" he asked the person curiously. As he watched the person it finally lifted its head to reveal an unnaturally beautiful being. "I am an angel" the being said feeling at a loss for it had found no other explanation but the truth. 

Jack's eyes widened and he fell down backwards on his rump "thats impossible" he said with complete honest disbelief. The angels eyes locked with his and he saw that its eyes and face showed an expression of deep honesty and also pain. Jacks face changed as he saw that the angel had blood all over its back and speckled between the beautiful black feathered wings. Jack shook his head and let himself stand and approach the angel where he tentatively put his hand on the angels face and then its black wings. The angel flinched slightly at his cold touch and then painfully as Jack touched his sore wing "ow". Jack moved his hand away from the wing and looked back at the angels face "your badly injured" jack said in a worried matter of fact tone, the angel replied by noding his head. At this jack extended a hand down to the angel and said "get up I can get you help", however the angel only looked up at his hand with a hesitant almost fearful look in his eyes. Jack smiled in an amused way "im not going to hurt you, now c'mon". Apparently the angel felt reassured so it reached up and grabed jacks hand and so was helped up onto his feet.

Now jack took a step back and looked at the angel in an almost reverent way, although he was not a very religious boy he still had to pay some respect to such a magnificent creature. For the angel was in fact beautiful even to the eyes of a man. Its black glistening wings and gray eyes that were so lightly tinted that they were almost white, its skin which was pleasantly pale and of course the sinuous muscles that allowed the great being to move. As Jack noticed that he was staring he looked away and to the fire escape "c'mon I'll help you down", Jack began to walk towards the fire escape and the angel obediently followed.

Chapter 2: Healing

Jack slithered through the back alleys like a snake with his strange new aquiantance in tow. Even though the angels hand was within jacks tight grip he seemed to be lagging behind as the boy quickly weaved through the alleys. After 2 minutes of this Jack noticed the angels lagging and slowed his pace as to accomodate the injured being. As a downfall it took them longer to get to Jacks house but still they succesfully reached the safe haven. As jack locked the door behind them he sighed in relief and slumped down on his bed "well at least no one saw us" jack said with a blank tired face.

The angel was looking around the room bewildered of the situation he was in and the strange place that the boy had taken him. "where am I?" the angel was obviously still dazed from the fall and had seemed to have lost a measure of his memories of observing earth. Jack frowned and then sat up "in my room" the boy replied in a tone that made it blatantly obvious how foolish the angel sounded. The angel shook his head in bewilderment "no I mean which plane of being....like heaven, hell you know" jack replied with a blank stare that said "are you kidding me?". The angel looked away from the boy slightly embaressed by his inability to get his bearings. Jack let out an exasperated sigh and let himself fall out of a siting position and back to a slumped spread out lying down postion "your on earth" he said after getting settled only to remember he had to help heal the angels wounds.

Jack rose from his bed and onto his feet and as he did so he felt the weight of sleep try to pull him back down like heavy chains but he resisted them and succesfully got to his feet. The angel watched as the boy walked around the room gathering different objects "what are you doing?" the angel asked curiously. At that moment jack was rummaging through a desk drawer and so he did not turn to speak but instead kept rummaging while he explained. "Im getting medical supplies to patch you up" the boy said cheerily as he straigtened up with a roll of gauze in his hand. He made his way over to the angel and then walked behind him. 

1st He applied salve to the wounds on the wings and the other small scrapes and bruises. 2nd he took the gauze and carefully applied it to the wing in such a way that the wounds would be closed up to stop the bleeding and to possibly set the bones that might have been broken. Afterwards he stepped back and surveyed his work, he smiled "well that should do for a while". The angel moved his wings a bit to test the feeling of the bandages, he winced as he moved his injured wing but found that the gauze did do its job well "thank you" the angel said now looking down at Jack. Jack smiled and then walked to his bed "now im going to get some sleep" at this he crawled into bed, and beneath his covers, there he closed his eyes and finally let his tired mind wander into the world of dreams where he let his mind play around with the seemingly random assortion of events from his day.

The angel gazed for a moment at the sleeping boy and then turned his eyes to the sky and out the window and wondered how in gods name he had managed to escape the fires of hell. The angels thoughts were filled with confusion and worry for the boy who now housed him and had assisted him. "maybe they'll leave me be" the angel thought hopefully as he looked at the sky. With this he calmed his tumultuous thoughts and went into a trance as he gazed out at the serene blackness that was the night sky.

Chapter 3: Paranoia

As jack and the angel slept a strange air of corruption came upon the house creeping in from the dark shadows and crevices of the room the corruption spread. Like a plague it spread throughout the room and then it reached the angel. The angel awoke with a start and quickly looked around the room in fear, and then he heard it the sound of a Clar. "No no no" the angel said in fear and distress, he turned to jack who was still fast asleep and was about to wake him when he heard a sound. The angel turned to the origin but before he was able to look he felt a pressence and a pressure within his mind.

The pressure was oppressing and evil but the angel fought it for control and finally reached jacks bed. The angels legs failed him and he colapsed, the only thing holding him up was his arms which he had managed to grab on to the bed with. He pulled himself up further and then used one arm to touch jacks arm as he slept.

Silence, a comfortable silence and a swirling mind of imagination and adventure is what the angel found as he probed the boy's sleeping mind. Jack felt a small tickle in his head and suddenly he saw the angel in his dream "wait im dreaming aren't I?" jack said looking at the angel. The angel looked pale and seemed barely able to stand its mouth did not move but he heard its words in his mind "wake up jack...please". Jack flew up in his bed and the angels grip failed him and he crumpled to the floor only just holding himself up with his arms. Jack was breathing heavily and was in a daze from the dream. The angel wished desperately that jack would see him.

Jacks mind was racing between all kinds of possiblities and he wondered why his gauze and salve were out like they had been used for he himself had no injuries. Then his memory was jogged and he remembered the events from the previous night "no thats not real, it must have been a dream.." jack began to relax until he looked down and saw the very angel from his dream proped up with its arms and looking very afraid. Jack shook his head and then snaped out of his daze "whats going on? what the hell was that!?" jack said a bit angry at the angel. The angel didn't react but its voice again sounded in jack's mind "im being chased we need to get outta here...now!" its mental voice was filled with panic and fear. Jack again shook his head and instead of talking he thought "chased! no but he's an angel" jack thought to himself only for the angels voice to reply as if he heard his thoughts "I am an angel a fallen one, I was framed" the panic was still apparent and seemed to grow by the second. The angel was now looking nervously around the room as if something was going to suddenly attack him.

Jack couldn't get his mind around it, was this a fallen angel perhaps? was he harboring a fugitive of sorts? "no matter" jack said as he got out of bed and then helped the angel up "im going to trust you now". The angel smiled slightly at jacks couragous gesture and then pointed at the door "we need to get out" jack nodded and they walked to the door. The angel felt his strength return as they opened the door and stepped out of the boy's room. "Now what?" Jack asked as he looked at the angel expectantly. The angel replied by running towards the stairs, the boy rolled his eyes and ran after him.

Chapter 4: The Clar

The boy and the angel fled with the angel leading the boy noticed that the angels wing was already fully healed. Jack shook his head and ran faster wanting to catch up to the angel. By now the two were outside in broad daylight in a bustling city full of people who would see the angel. Then as jack watched the angels wings folded into its back disappearing completely as if they were never there. Jack blinked twice and almost tripped from the sight but just regained his balance before falling. After the two had gone at least 3 blocks away from the building they slowed their pace and then abruptly stopped. The angel turned around and its grey eyes were alert and filled with fear as it looked back at the house. Jack followed his gaze but saw nothing out of the ordinary until another shockwave like the one from the previous night pushed him back and down onto the ground.

The angels eyes widened and panic began to seep into his body"no please no" it said in a quiet whisper. Jack got back up and noticed they were drawing attention, uneeded attention. So Jack dragged the angel into a nearby alley and they peeked around the corner to see that a huge black creature had stuck its nose straight through the side of jacks apartment window. Jack couldnt make out any details because of the distance they were from his home but he could tell that it was much bigger then it appeared. Jack felt a shiver go down his spine and he turned around and looked at the angel who was now in a panic but too afraid to move. Jack walked over to the angel and shook its arm and thus wrenching it from its paniced daze. Jack looked at it with questioning eyes and then his expression became all business.

Jack straightened up and began talk "okay first what is your name?" Jack said athoritatively. The angel didnt answer for a moment but then said the word"Mian, Relioce...". Jack noded to show he had acknowledged the angel"now exactly why are you being cha". Jack was abruptly cut off by a howling roar that tore at his eardrums and his soul. The sound felt utterly wrong as if it shouldnt have existed and it threatened to drive him mad. Mian knelt next to Jack and pressed his hands on jacks head, the pain ceased and Jack regained control.

Mian was now calm and began to speak"that is a Clar, something sent straight from hell to capture me"he paused for a second and a trace of anger came upon him. Mian shooke it off and continued"I was framed by another angel and condemned to hell but somehow I escaped and ended up here instead...". Jack nodded in consent and rose to his feet"ok well Is there somewhere we can go to get away from it?" Jack asked again hearing the unearthly roar.

Mian thought for a moment and then nodded"yes I remember a place they cannot go" at this Mian took off running and the boy followed. The two left just in time because not a minute later they heard a crash as the Clar ripped through the alley they had just been in. Mian and Jack picked up the pace knowing getting caught would probably mean death. Jack foolishly took the time to look back"I think we lost him!" jack yelled to Mian only for the creature to burst round the corner already gaining on them.

The Clar was a scaled black creature like a lizard or a monster from one of those corny movies but this was all too real. The Clar's gnashing teeth could be heard and its smooth skull curved back and appeared to have no eyes at all. It ran on all fours and each finger ended in a black glistening claw. It had a long tail coming from behind its legs that trailed behind it and knocked things and people over as it ran. Its back was lined with huge spikes and chains seemed to be dragging on the ground that were fastened tightly around its neck, ankles, and wrists. Jack turned his look away from the demon and back to Mian the angel who ran infront of him. Jack wondered where they could possibly escape such a huge dangerous creature. He wondered until they turned a corner and a huge cathedral came into sight, Jack smiled "of course! a demon couldn't enter a holy place!".

Time seemed to slow and their approach to the cathedral seemed to be forever as if it was miles away. Mian felt the pull of the Clar's will but resisted and pulled the boy along with him. Jack woke up suddenly and continued running now knowing that the Clar had tried to slow them with its powerful will. The clar was almost upon them but they had just reached the church door. Main threw the door open and both the angel and the boy lunged into its sanctuary and closed the door just before the clar was able to find its way in. The two were breathing very hard and both collapsed on the ground from fatigue but both were also smiling. Jack was the first to talk "were...alive" Mian nodded and a smile played across his face "and safe aswell".

Chapter 5: 

It had been several minutes since the pair's narrow escape from the clar and nothing had changed; Jack and Mian were still in the church and the Clar outside.
Mian could feel the creature, its breathing, its foot steps, and most of all the darkness that seeped off of it. Mian knew that with the clar outside they would never be able to escape and he had not yet thought of a plan to do so. Meanwhile Jack was curiously exploring the cathedral seeming preoccupied, however in reality he was trying to find holywater or a cross thinking it might help them some how.

Mian however was reviewing the situation and saw almost no way to preoccupy the clar other then to give himself up to let Jack escape. Mian on 2nd observation of this plan knew that Jack would not let it happen so he continued to think until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Mian turned his head to see Jack smiling and holding a cup engraved with the cross and holding holy water. Mian had to smile as well for Jack didn't even realize how much he had just helped. He took the cup from Jacks hand and he drank the holy water but jacks eyes widened"what are yo-"Mian silences him with a gesture and the boy looks on confused.

As Jack watched the angel down the holy water he felt confusion and a bit of annoyance that the angel had simply drank something so precious and hard to find even in a church. However after the angel finished and set the goblet down he began to smile for the angels skin brightened and his eyes seemed to shine with power. Jack then knew that the water had done something for Mian and that it probably meant a successful escape.

After several minutes Mian stands up and looks around the room and finally looks at Jack. Mian had noted that the cathedral was huge and that almost no one was present within the building. As he turns to jack he whispers"okay this is the plan we will sneak to the back of this place and break out running...the clar will probably be waiting nearby but thats okay"Mian smiles. Jack nods but seems a tad worried about the plan"are you sure?" he asks a bit hesitantly but Mian just gives him a confident smile and he nods. The two head towards the otherside of the cathedral at a leisurely walk conserving their energy for the possible long run.

They finally reach the other end of the cathedral and they stop at the huge doors and Mian turns to Jack"okay listen you just run to safety or at least hide nearby..im going to deal with the clar" Jacks nods deciding to trust Mian and then the two turn to the doors and take a deep breath readying themselves for the ordeal ahead.

Chapter 6: 
Fight or Flight?

The two exhale, look at each other and then in unison push the doors open and take off running. As expected a roar is heard and after they get 6 yards from the door the Clar jumps from the building's roof and onto the ground begining its persuit anew. However this time it was different for Jack swerves off of Mian's path and keeps running to a suposed safe place while Mian turns to face the huge black beast.

Jack ran ahead of Mian and quickly darted into a nearby alley and up a fire escape to the roof. He smiled at the irony for only a couple hours hence he had run up a fire escape to find something while now he did so to get away. Once he reached the roof he turned towards the square where he had last seen the beast and he watched intently to see what would happen.

- - - - - - - - -

When Mian had stopped running so had the Clar and both the angel and the demon circled each other looking for a weakness, an opening to strike at each other. Then the Clar lunged with sudden speed and ferocity that almost took Mian by surprise, however Mian had dealt with Clars twice before and managed to jump and roll to the side dodging the Clar. Then he seemed to disappear hiding his presence from all mortals but Jack and allowing him to un furl his wings and flap once blasting himself into the air and over the Clar's slashing claw.

The Clar stumbled a bit but then spun and reered up snapping at Mian's feet and getting hold of a foot. Mian winced in pain as one of the pitch black teeth lodged itself just above his ankle. He let his wings stop flapping and he landed on the Clars maw and put his hand to its snout and called out"Enlighten!!". BOOM an explosion of light occured blinding the beast and searing its flesh making it let go its hold of Mian's ankle. Mian flapped his wings and soared into the air but soon after angled off and then plunged down towards the writhing beast which now clawed at its own snout as if to remove the light.

The Clar seemed to sense the angels descent and its head whips up to see the angel soaring down towards itself. Its mouth opened and as it roared a black viscous liquid like substance spewed upwards from its mouths black depths. Mian's eyes widened in fear for he knew he could not swerve off at this speed. So instead he narrowed his eyes and spoke out"Eradicate!!" the words resounded a moment and Mian thought that it had not worked. However the moment that Mian came into contact with the Liquid a bright white flame burst around him and then forwards dissolving the liquid, or at least most of it for some hit Mian and he yelped as skin sizzled away.

The Clar took advantage of the hesitation and used the back of its huge hand to slap aside Mian towards a building. Mian goes flying, hitting the building and then slumping against it. The Clar seems to almost laugh as it turns and begins slowly walking towards the downed angel.

- - - - - - - - -

Jack's eyes widen as he see's Mian slamed towards the building and out of his sight. He see's the Clar begin to approach the building and begins to call out in distress"Mi-"his is cut off as a bright light blasts from the base of the building and htis the clar square in the chest knocking it over onto its back. Jack begins to smile again and then He see's Mian zoom forwards, land on the Clar's stomach put his hand to the center of its bottom jaw and call out"Incinerate Darkness!!". Flame and light burst from the angels hand and then condenses into the clars body turning the thing into dust. 

After seeing Mian finish off the beast jack climbs down the fire escape and runs out to meet Mian. However upon leaving the alley and coming into view he see's Mian collapsed on the ground and the angels wings gone again having folded into its back. Jack gasps and dashes over to the fallen angel and looks down at him to see that he was unconscious. He looks around a bit paniced but finally drapes Mian over his shoulder and drag and carries him back into the church to rest. There he waits for his friend to wake up while he stands guard just in case another clar decided to show up.

© 2011 yoshua171

My Review

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Alright im reviewing as i read each paragraph.
I like how you start out, it captures the readers attention and adds a air of mystery. How ever, right awy with the second paragraph, I'm caught off guard by the few grammar mistakes and repitition with some words.

EX: Below in a dark abandoned apartment building jack stared at the ceiling. He could not sleep it was simply imposible. After a long while jack sat up and swung his feet over the side of his bed, he paused for a moment and then rose from his bed. He walked to his window and shoke his head at an attempt to banish the exhaustion from the fringes of his mind. His feet rose and fell as his legs carried his sleepless tired body to the window. Jack moved his eyes to look at the window that seemed so far but was so close, he strained to reach it but it felt like an eternity till he was able to sit himself on the window sill and look out the broken window onto the vast sleeping city.

Your grammar needs some work, and you should definitly read over what you have written. My suggestion, read it out loud. See where you would want to stop, or pause, and put the correct punctuation mark where needed.
Heres a quickly edited verison of that paragraph....

Below in a dark abandoned apartment building, Jack stared at the ceiling. He could not sleep; it was simply imposible. After a long while he sat up and swung his feet over the side of his bed. He paused a moment and then rose.He shook his head in an attempt to banish the exhaustion from the fringes of his mind, as he walked towards the window. His feet rose and fell as his legs carried his sleepless tired body to the window. Jack moved his eyes to look at the window that seemed so far, but so close. He strained to reach it but it felt like an eternity till he was able to sit himself on the window sill and look out of its broken panes onto the vast sleeping city.

For the sake of easier reading, when a person speaks you should start a new paragraph. So it would be...

"Hello how are you?" she asked.
"Im fine." he replied.

"Hello how are you?" she asked. "I am fine" he replied.

To me, it seems as thoug you have a hard time getting your ideas clearly onto paper, or w.e this is. lol. Your detail is great, but that choppy-ness makes it hard to understand. But, nothing practice can fix
I have to say, i love your vocabulary and the plot to this is /great/. I would read more, so much more!

Anywho, this was a good peice and has s**t loads of potential. C: I hope you take my review constructivly. Good luck with this Yosh!~ *hugs*


Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


I can see you hv a creative mind. I would build more back story and let us see more of the feelings and mindset. Also would like something to better connect the Jack and Mian. Good for scratching out the basic structure of a story, but felt like Cliff Notes a bit.
Keep writing!!! You are creative.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Alright im reviewing as i read each paragraph.
I like how you start out, it captures the readers attention and adds a air of mystery. How ever, right awy with the second paragraph, I'm caught off guard by the few grammar mistakes and repitition with some words.

EX: Below in a dark abandoned apartment building jack stared at the ceiling. He could not sleep it was simply imposible. After a long while jack sat up and swung his feet over the side of his bed, he paused for a moment and then rose from his bed. He walked to his window and shoke his head at an attempt to banish the exhaustion from the fringes of his mind. His feet rose and fell as his legs carried his sleepless tired body to the window. Jack moved his eyes to look at the window that seemed so far but was so close, he strained to reach it but it felt like an eternity till he was able to sit himself on the window sill and look out the broken window onto the vast sleeping city.

Your grammar needs some work, and you should definitly read over what you have written. My suggestion, read it out loud. See where you would want to stop, or pause, and put the correct punctuation mark where needed.
Heres a quickly edited verison of that paragraph....

Below in a dark abandoned apartment building, Jack stared at the ceiling. He could not sleep; it was simply imposible. After a long while he sat up and swung his feet over the side of his bed. He paused a moment and then rose.He shook his head in an attempt to banish the exhaustion from the fringes of his mind, as he walked towards the window. His feet rose and fell as his legs carried his sleepless tired body to the window. Jack moved his eyes to look at the window that seemed so far, but so close. He strained to reach it but it felt like an eternity till he was able to sit himself on the window sill and look out of its broken panes onto the vast sleeping city.

For the sake of easier reading, when a person speaks you should start a new paragraph. So it would be...

"Hello how are you?" she asked.
"Im fine." he replied.

"Hello how are you?" she asked. "I am fine" he replied.

To me, it seems as thoug you have a hard time getting your ideas clearly onto paper, or w.e this is. lol. Your detail is great, but that choppy-ness makes it hard to understand. But, nothing practice can fix
I have to say, i love your vocabulary and the plot to this is /great/. I would read more, so much more!

Anywho, this was a good peice and has s**t loads of potential. C: I hope you take my review constructivly. Good luck with this Yosh!~ *hugs*


Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

nicely written. a lot of the writing i see you usually can't develop a mental picture due to the lack of description. you have a way with your words. the characters swam in my head in a vivid light when i read this. nice job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It has been updated

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 5, 2011
Last Updated on March 11, 2011
Tags: Angels, fantasy, fiction.



Asheville, NC

I prefer to read and write high fantasy in particular, especially if it has Dragons in it...I love dragons. Also it should be noted that I am an aspiring writer, though I'd not yet call myself an a.. more..

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A Chapter by yoshua171