Addiction takes us to these depths of deception in our souls that no one could ever understand..that hasn't experienced it..
As I read this all I could think of is the power that this poem gives that bottle.. as it invites and taunts..and yet the feeling of walking away gives us that same power in threefold..
I will gamble to say...that you are not as alone as you think and...this moment is just that and will pass.. xo
Addiction came as a well wisher but soon it was felt it was a demon. It knew the wish of one to be happy and trapped him into an illusion of happiness taking away pain but his life, hope you get what I say.
When I felt alone a month ago I wasn't great I turned to drinking and aggression, but I went and got help and now the only time I'll drink is when I get permission
The ending produced a cold and numb feeling like the edge of a knife....sad.. profoundly sad. Addiction is a demon that kills slowly....... sucking the lives from it's victims without mercy.
I can sense the loneliness in this write, This is well expressed. Addictions, well I think everyone has one of some sort and they are hard to break.... Very well written write here
Beautifully put and well described. Your usage of words is amazing and allowed me to use my imagination and even think. Think about being in these very same situations, my feelings etc. Again, I commend and respect you for this wonderful piece! One of my best reads of the week
Oh my......this is raw and powerful. Having been married to an alchoholic for years (he is dry now) I know the powerful pull of the bottle. I like how you also used the word "gamble" to describe drinking again, for that too, can be a powerful addiction.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for visiting my place of work, I hope you enjoy what you read. I do try my best to entertain.
My imagination runs wild at times, but I love the freedom.
And to all those who have read.. more..