I was outside this morning admiring the colors of autumn. This poem just came to mind, as I tried to write it as a song, a song for autumn :)
But I hope you enjoyed it as I tried to describe from my eyes and soul.
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They mirror the seasons of life that we all live by.it is kind of strange spring of life summer of life fall of life I feel Im in the fall of life now
Posted 13 Years Ago
The leaf, could here you speak, and breath the oxygen, I think within these words, of love for nature. It was an ode to the leaves, of the trees, as they are probably fallen all by now, to be reborn in spring, when I shall re read this... as all in nature repeat itself... Wonderful
Autumn may be my favorite time of the year, mainly just for this reason. The beauty of the leaves are amazing, even though they are so simple. The adjectives and descriptions you used to describe them were vivid and very well put. This is a very well-crafted poem with a beautiful message. Great job.
Your words are true. Mother Nature closes and open doors for us. Teaches us to appreciate death and life. I like your positive description of the leaf. Nature give us so much. Need to open our eyes to be thankful for the gifts of Nature. Thank you for a outstanding poem.
First green
To yellow
Than orange (check the word than? I'm not sure, but it might need to be then? I could be wrong, but something is tickling in the back of my head) :)
Rusty brown
I've been doing allot of walking this week..just to be in the woods with the tree's and all their wonderful colors right now...it is beautiful as is your poem..x
Thank you for visiting my place of work, I hope you enjoy what you read. I do try my best to entertain.
My imagination runs wild at times, but I love the freedom.
And to all those who have read.. more..