Chapter XII

Chapter XII

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

                        CHAPTER XII

Next week is Jenny’s 22nd birthday. Fifteenth of June falls on a Wednesday, first I thought we celebrate early but I went against it. It will be much better if the party is on the day of her birthday. There’s no school but there’s work, I don’t work much, and definitely, I won’t be working on that day. When I sent the invitations, everyone RSVPed, and they didn’t have a problem coming Wednesday night to grace Jenny with their presence and greet her Happy Birthday. I’d been very busy with this one. I even had a gown for her made for this occasion; I picked all white, shiny white material, lace and all. I want this to be the most special birthday she’s going to have it might be her last. I hired professional photographer and camera operator to video tape every little detail of the party; I want him to focus everything on Jenny.

The days has passed that sometimes Jenny’s feeling great and other days, she’s very sick. When I asked her about her birthday, she’d always say, “looking forward to it.” I told her about my plan for her birthday and she didn’t say anything bad about, or try to talk me out of it. I think she really want this too. I could feel she’s really looking forward to it just the way she said.

Saturday, Just four days to Jenny’s birthday, she got very sick. She couldn’t even get out of her bed. I called Dr. Martin; he came right away and gave her a shot. I stayed in her room watching her sleep, because the shot he gave her put her out to sleep, so she can’t feel much of the pain. We made her room like a hospital room, when she gets very sick like this one, Dr. Martin will come over and treat her in her room. Now days, she needs more shot instead of just the regular medicine she’d been taking. She’s definitely showing sign of regression.

Sunday morning, she was still very weak from yesterday; I didn’t let Jenny get up. I didn’t go to church. I stayed with her. I told Alice and Andrea to go. When they left, I put a movie in Jenny’s room and we watch the Moses movie. She’s not much of a talker lately. She still smiles a lot but her words are more expensive now days. Sunday afternoon, Mike and Jim showed up in the house. I wasn’t expecting them that day. I thought they’re coming Monday night or Tuesday morning. Jenny was sleeping when they came. They went to see her anyway just to see how she’s doing. Mike talked about her outside appearance,

She’s showing more and more fatigued on her face, even when she’s resting like this.” He touched her hair and twirled the tip of his finger around on it.

She had a rough day yesterday. Your dad came by yesterday, he comes here everyday sometimes twice before he goes to work and on the way home from work, yesterday he was going to asked Jenny to go out with him but Jenny was hacking her guts out and Dr. Martin just left few minutes before.”

Still,” Jim blurted, “she doesn’t take solid food, that’s why, she’s looking like this. Even though, look at her, she looks peaceful.”

Not all the time, sometimes she keeps all the food, and sometimes she returns all the food back to Andrea.” I laughed as I said it. I thought it was cute.

Jenny awakened by my laughing. She opened her eyes, and looked around. When she saw Mike and Jim, “hi guys, why are you here? I thought you won’t be here till Monday night or Tuesday?”

Oh,” Mike answered, “I got this whole week off, and so did Jim. Therefore, we decided to come early. We planned to come yesterday, but Jim’s work called Friday night and asked him to come in Saturday to fix something in the computer. It took him all day.”

Jenny smiled, “good to see you.” She tried to get up. I hold out my hand to help her and at the same time, I asked if she’s feeling okay. “Yes, I want to stretch out my body somewhere other than my bed.”

I helped her walk; I put my arm around her waist for support. Mike and Jim followed. We walked to the kitchen; Andrea was making something for us to eat. Jenny could smell the food,

That sure smells good. I feel like eating.”

I very was happy to hear that, “Did you hear that guys? She feels like eating. You know, that sounds like a song to my ears.” I leaned down to kiss her forehead.

When we got in the kitchen, Mike pulled up a chair for Jenny and I sat her down. Mike pushed the chair back closer to the table. Andrea saw us with Jenny, she came over, “hello there sleepy head. Are you okay?” Before Jenny get to answer, I cut in, “what’s cooking? Jenny smelled the food and she said, she feels like eating, do you hear that Andrea? She feels like eating.”

I’m making your favorite, sweetheart. Chicken a la Andrea.” She smiled, “it won’t be long, and it’s almost cooked.” Andrea left and went back to her cooking, Mike followed Andrea to help in the kitchen. We talked while waiting for the food. Alice came in, and joined us. She helped me and Jim set the table.

We heard a knock on the door. Jim went to open the door. It was Mr. Andrews, he too was surprised to see Jim here, and “you guys came down early?” he asked.

Yeah, Mike and I got this whole week off.” Letting Mr. Andrews in, Jim closed the door behind them then led Mr. Andrews to the kitchen. Alice got an extra plate for Mr. Andrews. Mr. Andrews was delighted to see Jenny out with us. He leaned down and gave Jenny a kiss on the cheek. “I am glad to see you out of your room.” Jenny smiled, “Matt told me that you were here yesterday to take me out. I would have enjoyed an afternoon with you.”

We enjoyed the afternoon dinner. They’re all here; we’re just like one big happy family. Jenny didn’t eat much, but that’s fine, her stomach was keeping all the food in. She didn’t even feel like throwing up. We had pleasant conversations, and we had a good time laughing to funny stories. Mike and Jim told lots of funny jokes and stories about their works and people at work. Jenny was enjoying every one of them. I was enjoying seeing Jenny happy and laughing. I told Jenny lot of jokes and funny stories while I watch her in her room, but this is much better, more people laughing at the same time, so even though you don’t feel like laughing, you kind of get into it. Jenny didn’t excuse herself until around 7:30 in the evening. That was long hours for her. I took her to her room. She went to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, changed her pajama with a new one. She was in pajama all day. I waited in her room. When she finished she climbed in bed,

I was getting pretty tired, that’s why I excused myself, but I had a good time.”

Glad to hear that sweetheart. I’m also glad that you keep all the food you ate. How’s your stomach?” I asked as I sat next to her. “Fine, it’s a little tight but I don’t feel like throwing up.”

She pushed the blanket down so she can get under it. I pulled the blanket from under me, and then I pulled it to cover her. Jenny said goodnight, she closed her eyes, and few seconds later, she was out like a light bulb. I kissed her goodnight. I left her room to join the others.

Monday, this morning Jenny woke early, she was in the kitchen with Andrea. They were drinking tea together when I came in. When they saw me coming, they greeted me. Andrea went to check the food she has in the oven. I sat on the chair next to Jenny.

You’re awake early, something the matter?” I asked. I reached forward to give her a kiss. She leaned her body closer to me, for me to kiss her. Andrea came back with a cup of coffee for me.

I feel pretty good. My stomach was feeling nauseous, and cold, so I came here to get something hot for my stomach.” She continued drinking her tea. I moved my chair closer. I felt her forehead. She was a bit warm. When I finished checking, I put my arm around her shoulder. I squeezed her arm as I pulled her closer to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder,

Did you have a good sleep, because you looked like you still need it?”

She reached forward to tickle my chest. Seconds later, she tried to move away from me but my arm still wrapped around her shoulder. I pulled her, put her body on my lap, and started tickling her.

Oh yeah, you like me to tickle you back.” I said as I tickled her lightly with both hands. She was laughing hard as she begged me to stop. Her feet were kicking the air. She couldn’t move. I had her pinned against my stomach. I stopped tickling her. She got up from my lap and took my arm away from her shoulder. She stood up, and went behind me and she tried to tickle me again. She was laughing hard so she was having hard time just to reach me. I was laughing at her doing it; I turned around to get her, she move back quickly. I stood up, and right away, she ran from me. I tried to catch her. We were laughing hard and making noise as I chased her. Jenny was calling Andrea for help. She ran outside to the backyard. Andrea followed laughing at us. Jenny stopped abruptly, but I was still running, it was a little late for me to notice as I bumped on to her. We both lost our balanced and we landed on the ground with Jenny on the bottom, still laughing. I checked on Jenny to make sure she didn’t get hurt or scrapes from the fall. Andrea ran to us also to help, asking if we’re all right. Andrea and I hold out our hands to Jenny, she hold our hands as she got up from the ground. “I was just trying to help you wake up,” said Jenny as she brushed off the dirt from her pajama. I helped her brushed some of the dirt off her.

So was I, I thought it was a good way to wake up, chasing you around.”

The morning sun was a beautiful sight; Jenny was thrilled to watch it. Andrea went back to the kitchen. We stayed outside, Jenny walked farther to get a good view of the sun. I followed. When she stopped, I stood behind her and wrapped her around my arms. I rested my chin on her shoulder. She turned her head and landed a quick peck on my cheek. She went back to watching the sun come up. The sun was very round and bright orange. The background light hit the clouds just right and it made a beautiful design in the sky. We were enjoying the sunrise when Mike came up and said, “Beautiful sun rise, good morning guys.” We acknowledge Mike’s presence then right away, we went back to watching the sun before it looses the beauty of it. Mike stood next to me and watched the sun with us. We talked as we marveled at the view in front of us. It was definitely one of God’s wonder. Jim came out also, but he didn’t get to see the marvelous sunrise. The sun was already up and the bright orange color was fading.

What were you guys watching?” he asked curiously.

The sun,” answered Jenny, “it was peeking so beautifully.”

Andrea came out and called us for breakfast. We all went inside. The table was all set and the food all served on the table. Alice already seated, waiting for us to sit down. I asked Mike to say grace and he did a short one. Alice was the only one who was in a hurry. Alice didn’t need to work but she doesn’t like to quit her job, she’s good at it. She has to work today and tomorrow, but Wednesday I asked if she could take a day off to help me for Jenny’s birthday. She agreed but I don’t know if she would really do it. Anyway, Mike and Jim are here so there’s no problem if she back out on it. It’s not the help I’m after but her participation on it. Her willingness to be involved, she wasn’t involved in the planning, because she wasn’t here that time, she was still thinking about our marriage in the Caribbean. What a place to think.

Tuesday, a day before her birthday I woke up early again to do my quiet time. I prayed for Jenny mostly, for God to give her a new strength today and specially tomorrow. Yesterday, I enjoyed my morning with Jenny, she was Jenny I used to have funny and vibrant. I spent about an hour on my knees. I went to her room. I opened the door gently and walked in quietly trying not to make a noise; Jenny was still in bed, facing the window side. I was going to go around the other side, but I decided against it. I walked back out of the room instead. I went back to my room. Alice was awake and she was in the shower. I sat on the bed, thinking. My mind was still cooking on Jenny. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it; Jenny was standing right in front of me. I asked her to come in.

I thought you were sleeping. I went in your room just a few minutes ago.”

I just woke up, do you have something to do today?” she asked quietly.

No, spend time with you. Why, you want to do something particular?”

Can we go visit moms and dad’s grave?”

It was a little peculiar why this thing popped in her mind. Nevertheless, I didn’t ask her why we needed to visit them. “Okay, when you want to leave,” I said.

Right after breakfast, I like to get there early so it’s not hot yet.”

Mike and Jim went with us, they were worried about Jenny, and Mike asked how she was feeling. She just smiled at them and told them what’s going on with her. She’s not very sick but she’s not fine either, she said that her stomach was upset that’s why she didn’t eat breakfast. She didn’t feel like doing this but she needs to do it. We reached the cemetery in no time, it wasn’t far and there was no traffic on the road. She stayed there at least 30 minutes. She just sat down on top of the box quietly. My parents were lying above the grounds. It was one of those where everything is above the ground. I sat next to her then so did both Mike and Jim.

On the way back to the car she asked if we could go to the marina and play around with the sail, maybe go sailing for couple of hours or so. Jim and Mike liked the idea; they never really get to sail with me yet. Actually, I thought it was a great idea also. From where we at, there was a shortcut going that way. It should save us at least 15 minutes. Mike and Jim were excited about it, and so was I. The boat has lots of gas in the tank. Jenny and I never really used the gas when we went sailing three weeks ago. If today the wind is not that good we can always used the gas. I glanced at Jenny every chance I got, she was quiet, but she looks happy. Randomly, she’d smile at me if she saw me looking at her. She also turned her head to the back to smile at Mike and Jim.

We got there faster than I thought, there’s no traffic on the road going there either, maybe that’s why or maybe I just didn’t notice my speed. It’s early, it’s only 10 minutes past 10 o’clock. We’re going to have lots of time in the water, I told the guys. Mike and Jim got out of the car first. Jim saw my baby, “wow, it’s just as pretty as I imagined it, and it is exactly the same as the one on top of the mantle.”

Because it’s the exact replica, the same designer hand made the little one. Jenny asked him if he could make her one. She told him that it would be a top for the cake on his birthday. Isn’t that awesome?” Mike answered proudly.

Very awesome,” replied Jim, “how did she get the designer to do it?”

The dealer called the maker, then the maker did something more to Jenny, he asked the designer if he’s willing to do it.”

That must have cost a lot a penny.”

Jenny wouldn’t tell us, she just said not much.”

They helped Jenny climbed in. I checked everything before I untie the boat. When I finished, I asked Mike to turned the motor on, and back the boat out gently. Jim sat next to Jenny on the front of the boat. The wind was perfect for it. I took over as soon as the boat was out in the open water. I set the sail up then killed the motor. I let the wind moved us, we weren’t moving fast because the wind wasn’t strong enough for that. Mike stayed with me and watched me. Jim joined soon after Jenny excused herself to go down in the cabin. I asked Jenny if she’s okay, she nodded, she need to use the rest room. I asked if any of them wants to take the wheel, both shook their head, they said that they would watch me first. I told them the stuff I learned from Mr. Solis. I told them that I hired him for a couple of lessons. Jenny came back up and sat next to Mike. Mike held her hands and kissed it.

How are you feeling my love?” Mike didn’t let go of her hands.

I’m doing fine,” said Jenny trying to put up a smile that doesn’t show pain. “Did you guys already figure out where you going?”

How about that away,” said Mike pointing his finger to the left.

Jim interrupted Mike’s turn, “how about that way, skipper. Ay, ay skipper,” said Jim trying to imitate somebody’s voice on one of the show on TV.

I couldn’t resist imitating McCoy’s voice from the Star Trek show, “Jim, are you sure that’s where you want to go… But Jim… it’s against the wind.”

Jenny started laughing. She came up with Scottie, “but Captain, this lady has enough power to do it.”

We were all laughing that time. Jim did Captain Kirk voice with the dramatic pose, “okay... let’s do it on my signal,” then he ended it with another dramatic pose.

Mike did Mr. Spock’s voice, and the look, “I think I need to calculate this before we move forward.” We were having a blast. We did more jokes and imitated somebody, specially the funny characters on the show although we don’t watch much TV or movies in the house.

We were going slow, about three-four miles an hour at the most. The wind rather died on us, but we’re having too much fun to notice it. It’s nice to sail with many on the boat but I enjoyed sailing with just Jenny as my passenger. Jim talked about maybe getting one of this and sail the Atlantic Ocean, he asked Mike if he wanted to join him. I suggested that they get a month time off, then come down here so we can all go sailing and actually go somewhere like Alaska or somewhere we can do two weeks going there and two weeks going back. Alaska will definitely takes a little more time than two weeks, it‘ll probably take more than a month just one-way especially with this kind of speed. Both were excited about it. Jim turned to Jenny, “how about it Jen?”

Jenny just showed a faint smile on her face, “I’ll see you guys.”

After four and a half hour later in the water, I told them that we needed to start going back to the shore. I turned the boat around. The wind picked up again, we were going a little faster, I told them that if the wind continued like this we‘d get back faster. Jim commented about going back usually takes faster than the first. I’d been keeping my eye on Jenny most of the day. Towards last, she’s showing tiredness, she’s closing her eyes and rubbing it with her hands a bunch of times. We weren’t planning for this trip so we didn’t care to buy some food to eat for lunch. Good thing, there were drinks in the cooler that I brought last time and left it in the boat. I didn’t feel like eating, I knew Jenny is not up to it; I didn’t know about Mike and Jim, but neither talked about it or even mention anything about food.

We got back to the marina around 7:30 at night, I bet Alice and Andrea were wondering where we’d been, I told the others. We didn’t give Andrea any courtesy call about it, because none of us carried a cell phone. We left the house at 7:30 in the morning, and we’ll get back home around 9 - 9:30 at night, if we decided not to eat out. Even if Mike or Jim suggested it, I will decide against it since Jenny looked really out of it. Mike and Jim didn’t say anything about eating out; both were more concerned about Jenny. Jenny for some reason had red blotches all over her face, arms and body, and she’s hot all over. On the way home, I speed like crazy.

When I reached home, I pulled the car in a hurry, and asked Mike to call Dr. Martin and tell him what happened to Jenny’s body. Jenny didn’t want me to carry her to the room. She said she could walk. Andrea was on the front door looking mad. She laid it on us. I couldn’t say any and I can’t talk back to her, she’s like my second mother, and I have a lot of respect for her. Andrea was on the roll.

Where have you been all day long? Why you just got back, look at Jenny what happened to her. Why can’t you not at least called me to tell me where you guys are. I was worried sick, thinking something happened to all you guys. I called Dr. Martin and asked him just in case you guys brought Jenny there. I called Mike’s dad, maybe you went there late this afternoon. You seemed to forget Jenny’s condition.”

When she paused, I took my time to explained, “Andrea we went sailing, after Jenny finished visiting mom and dad. None of us brought any phone and nor was thinking of calling you on the phone until late in the afternoon. We’re very sorry, I’m very sorry, Jenny wanted for us to go sailing. She was fine the whole day, except towards in the afternoon, she was red, very red. We thought it was just the sun. She wasn’t blotchy like this until tonight in the car.”

Mike finished the call. He interrupted “Dr. Martin said he’ll be right over.”

Andrea was still rolling but when Jenny started smooching to her and apologizing, she melted like butter on Jenny’s hot body. “Andrea, my sweet Andrea, it’s my fault. Lay it just on me. I’m sorry, that we didn’t think of calling you. That was so insensitive of us. I love you.” Jenny continued to smooch on her. Andrea couldn’t help but smiled. When she spoke again, it was soft like an ice cream.

Look at you, you’re all red and blotchy, what am I going to do with you.”

We have no idea what happened, I’m sorry, I’d been eyeing her the whole time. I thought she was doing well,” said Jim, trying to apologize also. Andrea finally calmed down. She asked us to wash up so we can eat. We all went like little kids in her sight. She went with Jenny to her room. When I came in my room Alice was smiling, and said, “You guys got soaped by Andrea, ha? She was upset all day. She told me that when you guys get home, you will get it.”

We had it,” I said as I gave her a kiss. “Did you eat yet?”

No, we waited for you guys.”

Alice and I went ahead to the kitchen, Mike and Jim followed. Jenny and Andrea were not out yet. I went to her room; everyone kinda followed me to Jenny’s room. Jenny had on pajamas and already in bed. Jenny didn’t feel like eating. I asked Jenny if every thing’s all right, she just nodded and said that she was tired. I was trying to convince her to eat when the doorbell rang. Mike opened the door for Dr. Martin. Mike led him to Jenny’s room. He didn’t waste any time to examine Jenny.

This is just an allergy from prolong exposure to the sun. Her new medicine didn’t like sun.” He got something in his bag and asked Andrea for a glass of water. Andrea left and she came back with a glass of water on her hands. Dr. Martin helped Jenny get up, popped a medicine in her mouth and asked her to swallow it. “Okay, that should take care of that blotches,” he said as he continued to check on Jenny. He was reading her pulse, he looked at Jenny, he was about to say something, but Jenny rather signaled him to stop. I saw Jenny’s other hand moved like a sign of stop, and her mouth sounded like she said no. I was curious so I had to asked, “What, what’s wrong?” “Oh nothing,” said Dr. Martin avoiding my eyes. He continued checking on her vital signs. When Dr. Martin finished, he asked Jenny to take a rest. Jenny did lie down. Dr. Martin pulled the blanket and tucked her in. We all said goodnight to her and before we left she asked Andrea if she could stay with her for a while, she needed to talk to her. Andrea stayed behind. They talked a while until Jenny fell asleep and Andrea was lying next to Jenny.

When we get to the kitchen, I talked to Dr. Martin about the signal Jenny gave him. Dr. Martin was hesitant at first, but he finally told us. “I don’t know Matt, I’m worried but Jenny didn’t want me to say it, Jenny’s pulse was almost undetectable, and her heartbeat was really faint. I was thinking, I’m going to come by after I get off from work but it will be around midnight, I just want to make sure.”

Yes, oh yes, please do. I will wait for you aren’t we guys,” I looked at Jim and Mike, who quickly agreed with me. Dr. Martin asked what we did all day with Jenny. I told him everything we did from early in the morning. “Did she say anything peculiar today?”

Not really, we were cutting off with jokes, and funny stories. She was having so much fun from it. Only once she said, ‘I’ll see you guys,’ we were talking about long sailing sometime this year,”

Mike cut in, “this morning too in the car going to the cemetery. She said she doesn’t really feel like going out but this is something she has to do before, you know... before she passes away.”

Jim confirmed what Mike said, “Yes Matt, she did say that, and the sailing, didn’t she say, one last time?”

We gave a deep thought on what Jenny had said all day. They’re all kind of last will. I got scared all of a sudden, I ran to Jenny’s room. Andrea was watching Jenny sleep. I tapped Andrea shoulder, “How is she?”

She’s very weak. She told me all stuff, but the thing I can’t shake off is when she said, ‘I’ll watch you up every now and then, Andrea’. Then she apologized again, for what you all did. She quoted, ‘this is not a way to leave you, you’re mad at me.’ I told her I wasn’t mad at her, I was more upset with the boys. Then she said ‘yeah, but that includes me because it’s my fault, you may tell me that, but I was the one who did it, if I didn’t do that then you wont be mad aren’t you.’ That’s it then she said goodnight and drifted to sleep.” I leaned down to feel Jenny’s breathing, she was breathing weakly. I stayed with Andrea. She asked me if we ate. I said no, I asked her to go eat with others. She got up and said, “tell you what, why don’t I bring you food in here, while she’s sleeping I need to pick up the kitchen, then I’ll come back with your food.”

Okay, I’m hungry so I don’t mind if you bring it here.”

Andrea left, and went back to the kitchen. Dr. Martin had left already. Alice, Mike and Jim were sitting down but they weren’t eating, they were just staring at their food, playing with fork and spoon. “What gloomy bunch of faces,” commented Andrea?

Mike responded, “How is Jenny. Is she sleeping?”

Yes, tell you what too guys, why don’t you help me bring this food in Jenny’s room then we can all eat in there. I was going to do that for Matt anyway. Jim, if you can get the folding table and Mike will carry some chair, Alice and I will bring the food.”

That’s a good idea,” retorted Alice.

Everyone did what is supposed to do. When Mike and Jim came in the room with the table and chairs, I quickly gathered what they’re about to do. Both just smiled, Jim set the table up then Mike put the chair down that he was carrying, then he left to get some more. Jim followed to helped Alice and Andrea with the food.

They came in together with all bunch of stuff, and Andrea explained, “When I went back to the kitchen, these three were just staring at the food with such gloom on their faces, that looked like they just lost more than millions of dollars in gambling, so you see I had to tell them.”

Yeah right,” I said smiling.

I helped them set the food on the table. When we finished we hold each other’s hand and I said the blessing on the food, and Jenny. We started passing the dish to each other. I heard Jenny moaned. I stopped and looked at her. I walked to her side. She turned again. A few seconds later, she moaned, I guess she was dreaming because a couple of minutes after the last moan and movement, she twist her head and woke up. She looked around. I gently held her hand and told her that she was dreaming. She turned her eyes back to the table. She was surprised to see a table in her room, her eyes squinted as she put up a smile, “good, I’m hungry.” She got up and I helped her off the bed. Mike pulled up a chair for her. I sat her down gently.

I was very happy that she actually said she’s hungry, and wanting to eat. Knowing Jenny, she probably just wanted to please us specially me. I guess she saw that sad puppy eye look again. Mr. Andrew came by to see if we got home safe, and wanted to know what happened. He joined us for supper. The dinner went very good. Jenny looked at us one at a time, she didn’t say any word but the way she looked at us and the way she smiled, she's sending us a messaged like, I’m going to miss you all. Mr. Andrew asked, “Is it okay, if I pick up Jenny tomorrow around lunch time, says 11:30?”

I would like that,” said Jenny excited. “I was going to asked you anyway if I can spend some time with you.” I couldn’t say anything, I wanted for her to stay home and get rest for the party, but I don’t want to restrict her either. Anyway, Mike’s dad is very good about not getting Jenny tired. I told her that Dr. Martin is coming back at midnight to make sure her heart rate is back to normal. She looked at me as if she didn’t know I had something to do with it.

What do you want for your birthday,” I asked to redirect her questions, about Dr. Martin. “Why, is it my birthday already?” asked Jenny jokingly, “Ha… you just asked me that so I wont asked you if you drilled him again with all those questions, like when you saw me signal to him not to say anything.”

Yeah, but I didn’t asked him to come back tonight, he volunteered himself, ain’t he, guys.” The others agreed. Jenny wasn’t convinced, or she’s just giving me a hard time.

Jenny was getting very tired and weak. I asked if she wants to go back in bed, she gave me the look of approval. I had to help her because she couldn’t get up herself. She didn’t want every one to know, so she holds out her hands for me to pick her up. I picked her up and carried her to bed. I put her down as gently as I could, and I sat next to her. The others followed my lead. Mr. Andrews leaned over to give Jenny a kiss goodnight, “I need to say good bye sweetheart. I told Julia that I wouldn’t be long; I just wanted to see if you got home safe and find out what happened. Andrea called me this evening and asked if you happened to visit me.”

Goodnight, I will be ready for tomorrow,” said Jenny smiling, as she returned a kiss. He turned to Mike, “aren’t you coming home with me, your mom asked if you are going to visit her at all. She said you were here already but you didn’t even call her about it. Good thing I didn’t tell that you were here since Sunday. She just found out tonight when Andrea called.”

I can’t, I already told Matt that I would wait with him for Dr. Martin. Tell her after Jenny’s birthday, say Thursday.”

Oh, you can go. You don’t need to wait with me.”

Don’t worry about it Mike, I’ll just tell your mom that if she wants to see you she has to come tomorrow for the party, because you didn’t come here to visit her.” Mike looked at his dad. His dad continued, “Oh I know she would not like this idea of mine, and she will have a big fit tonight.”

Mike, together with Jim showed his dad to the door. Dr. Martin pulled over on the driveway. Mr. Andrews waited for him to get out of the car before he goes to his car. They talked for a few minutes. Mr. Andrews left. Dr. Martin walked with Mike and Jim to go in the house. They all went to the bedroom; Jenny was drifting in and out of sleep. She opened her eyes when she heard Dr. Martin’s voice, “How are you doing tonight,” he asked as he sat down next to Jenny.

I don’t know, I feel like,” Jenny stop. She looked around and didn’t finish what she’s about to say. I don’t like this; I don’t like it at all. I hold Jenny’s hand, and asked, “You feel like what? my love.” She let go a deep breath, but she didn’t say anything. Dr. Martin continued to check on Jenny’s heart rate and eyes. He commented about her skin progress as he resumed doing his job. He asked Mike to go to his car and get a box in the trunk. When Mike came back, Dr. Martin took the box, opened it and got the bottle of IV.

You’re very dehydrated; I need to give you this so it will help you.” He asked me to get the pole and put it next to Jenny’s bed. He hangs the bottle up. He got cotton and soaked it in alcohol, then he wiped the back of her palm. He got the needle that connect to the bottle and inserted it in Jenny’s skin. “This should last you all night.” In that box also was a monitor. Dr. Martin connected them to Jenny. “Nurse Louise will be in here shortly, she will be monitoring your condition. If you need another bottle, she can replace this one for you. I want her to monitor your pulse rate and your heart rate. Tomorrow morning I will come see you.” Jenny reminded him that she has a date with Mike’s dad during lunchtime. He just smiled and said, “let’s see your progress okay? You can still have it, just send all of them away and enjoy the time with him. There’s a table, you can hire Andrea to be the chef, and Matt as a waiter, and Mike and Jim as janitors. Alice can help Andrea with cooking.”

But Doc,” I interrupted in turn, “will she be able to do her birthday party?”

If she gets enough rest and she gets enough liquid, she should be fine. She will be weak but I think she would be able to move a bit.”

The doorbell rang, Dr. Martin guess, “That should be nurse Louise. She’s just in time”. I opened the door for her. She greeted me as the door opened; I returned her greetings and asked to come follow me. I closed the door behind me. I walked her to Jenny’s room. Jenny just drifted away to sleep. Dr. Martin briefed her on what to do. He had to go home so he can come back early tomorrow before he goes to hospital. I walked Dr. Martin to the door. When he left, I went back to Jenny’s room. The Nurse already sent the others to sleep. I came in and Louise, told me to go sleep also. She said, “I got this, so go to sleep because tomorrow is a big day for all of you.”

How about you, can you stay awake?”

I brought a lot of work to be done so I don’t think I would be sleepy and beside there’s a TV here and earphone so I can watch a movie while I do my work. She should be fine. She usually does.”

I said goodnight to her and I kissed Jenny goodnight, then I left the room. I really wanted to watch Jenny, but she’s right, it’s past midnight and tomorrow is a big day. I went to my room; Alice was all ready for bed and is lying down already. I told her goodnight as I walked in the bathroom. When I got out, she was asleep.

I was very tired but I couldn’t sleep, Jenny occupied my mind. I tossed and turn on my side of bed and hoped I won’t wake Alice doing it. I got up and sat on the bed contemplating whether to go or not to go in Jenny’s room. I finally decided I have to go, so I got off the bed slowly as I could, then I walked to the door very quietly, I was on my tiptoes. I hold the knob firmly and slowly turned it open. I walked out the door on tiptoes. I left the door open so when I get back I don’t need to open it. Jenny’s door was open; the light was shining out the door. I started walking to her room, but I changed my mind. Maybe Louise was trying to concentrate on her work, and if I go in there, I’ll just distract her. I decided to go in the kitchen and get something to drink. I didn’t turn any light on, the moon was bright and the drapes on the window were wide open, so the inside of the house was bright. I opened the refrigerator and got the almost empty bottle of milk. I drank all of it. I glanced at the microwave clock, it reads 3:37 A. M., wow, I told my self, I need to sleep. If I go now I could have at least 3-4 hours of sleep. Alice didn’t say she has day off, so if she wakes up early for work, I’ll end up with just three hours. I went back to bed. That time it wasn’t hard for me to sleep. I think I wore my self out that my body said enough of this, you are going to sleep.

Wednesday, Jenny’s 22nd birthday; the day we’d been waiting for. Dr. Martin came by around 7:30 in the morning. I woke up to the rings of the doorbell. Andrea let Dr. Martin in, and walked with him to Jenny’s room. Andrea had a cup of coffee on her hand for the Nurse. I went out to meet him. Louise told Dr. Martin everything she did, “this is her second bottle. She slept through the night after I gave her shot, she had a fever of 103 degrees and she was in pain.” I was getting worried she wont be able to attend her party. Dr. Martin sat next to her and just stared at her, dismayed. Then he turned his head back to Louise, “you can go home now and get some sleep. I’ll wait for her to wake up.” Louise finished her cup of coffee first, socialized with us for a few minutes then said goodbye to him and to me. She walked out of the door. Andrea walked with her to the front door. As Andrea closed the door behind her, she stood there for a while and let go a big sigh of desperation. Like her, I didn’t like the news she gave us. I wanted to ask a lot of question to him but I don’t think it will be a good situation right now. I was silent the whole time we were waiting for her to wake up.

Mike came in the room with three mugs on one hand and the decanter full of freshly brewed coffee on the other hand. “Anybody cares for some coffee,” he said putting the decanter on the table first. He poured some coffee in the mugs and served them to us without waiting for our answers. Actually, I wanted one badly, and I think so as Dr. Martin. Jim came in also with a mug on his hand and said, “Andrea said that you took the whole thing of coffee here.” He greeted us as he pours a coffee in his mug. We acknowledged his presence, then just like rehearsed act we went back to what we’re doing. He gave up and joined us in just sitting there doing nothing but sip our coffee. We waited like that, a little shy of an hour.

Jenny woke up. She looked towards us. She looked around, then back to us. I greeted her first, “How are you, sweetheart.”

Dr. Martin followed then Mike and Jim. Jenny looked at us very strange.

I should be asking you guys that question, how are you? You all look like you lost on a betting game, or you haven’t slept yet,” said Jenny trying to show no pain, but she can’t hide it. She couldn’t even get up. She tried to pretend she didn’t want to get up. “I think I need to rest all day so I can get ready for tonight. Are you going to greet me happy birthday at all, boys?”

We apologized for not greeting her right away. One at a time we greeted her a happy birthday, followed by a kiss on the cheek.

Sweetheart, I don’t want you getting up because I’m going to replace this bottle, for your strength. Maybe this afternoon before you change for the party I will take this off.”

But what about Mr. Andrews, I promised him a lunch.”

Mike interrupted her turn, “I will call dad and tell him.”

Please no, I really want to spend time with him even for just a little while and it can be here. We’ll do what Doc said last night. Are you all up to it?”

We all agreed and more than willing to do it. I asked her what she want Andrea to cook and I’ll tell her. She told me whatever. I went to the kitchen to tell Andrea to make something for them for lunch. Dr. Martin did a routine check on Jenny then said goodbye to her, he told her he’ll be back around after three in the afternoon. He told Jenny to rest. Soon enough Jenny fell asleep. I stayed with Jenny. I sat on the chair that was next to her bed.

Time just moved so quickly. When I looked at the clock, it reads 10:49 in the morning. Jenny was awake by then too. She asks me to sit next to her. I was more than happy to oblige. I pulled all the pillows that were on her bed and propped it on her back. I sat back down facing her. I grabbed her foot and started rubbing it as I talked, “how do you feel, my love?” I didn’t stop massaging her toes and foot.

She gave a half smile, “I’m not feeling good physically, but I’m happy because you’re here. My whole body is like pins and needles. I’m just operating on drugs right now, but I promised I will get up this afternoon and will be out there for my birthday,” she said smiling a little bigger this time.

I hope so; I don’t want you to miss your own birthday. Anyway, I got something for you.” I said with such enthusiasm.

Not a present, right? I don’t need any present.”

I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.”

I got off the bed and ran to my room. I went to my closet and got her beautiful gown I had made for her. I hurried back to her room. On the way, Mike, Jim, and Andrea saw me with the dress and they tried to catch up with me. They asked if they can go with me, I nodded. When we reached the door to Jenny’s room, I stop. I asked Mike and Jim to go in first and asked Jenny to close her eyes. Jenny went along with them; Mike motioned me to come in. Andrea was following behind me. When I was in position, Mike asked her to open her eyes. She opened slowly. When she saw her gown, she was thrilled, no; she was more than that she was in cloud nine. She asked to bring it closer so she can touch it. I walked closer, and then hold it out to her reach.

She felt the material, “I love this, soft and cozy like an angel’s. Is this what I’m going to wear tonight?”

Yes, this is your gown for tonight.”

Perfect. I don’t want you to take this as morbid but when the time comes for me, you know, can you put this on me. I want this to be my parting dress also.”

I didn’t say any word just nodded. She gave me a faint smile and said thank you almost as faint as her smile. Mike, Jim, and Andrea lowered their head down trying to avoid Jenny’s gazes.

Mr. Andrews came on time just as he said he would. I opened the door for him; he was ready for lunch with Jenny. He had waiters with him, carrying covered dishes, Jenny’s favorite drinks, bundles and bundles of balloons, flowers, candles, bed table and elegant place setting for two.

Wow, I didn’t know you are going to do it here, did Mike call you.”

No, I just figured that she wont be able to move much, after a talk with Dr. Martin last night, so this morning I was thinking how can I spend time with her without her doing much, and I came up with this, what do you think?”

Simply astounding, I bet she’s going to really enjoy this.”

Mike came out; he couldn’t believe what he saw. He called Jim out. Jim was blown out.

That’s awesome dad, Jenny is going to love this idea. Dr. Martin’s idea is that we be your waiter, Andrea will be the chef. He told Jenny she couldn’t get out of her bed yet. It’s like you read his mind.”

We were all waiting outside Jenny’s room, unfortunately Jenny wasn’t finished changing yet. When she finished Andrea opened the door to let us know we are able to come in any time. I told everyone I would announce Mr. Andrews’ arrival. I went in, Jenny was back in bed, and Andrea was putting the pillows behind Jenny so she can sit up. The room was tidy up, and ready to meet guest. I sat next to her, “Your date is here, he’s asking if he can come in.”

Sure, I’m ready,” said Jenny smiling.

I motioned for them to come in. Mr. Andrews came in with the waiters standing next to him. Mike and Jim came in but they stayed behind. Jenny was shocked; she didn’t know what to say. A tear rolled down her cheek. Mr. Andrews got closer to her, kissed the tear on her cheek and said, “Happy birthday, sweetheart, so is my date ready for some hors d’oeuvre?” Jenny tried to get up, he stopped her, “don’t get up, stay put.” One waiter placed the table over Jenny’s lap; it’s a table for two. Mr. Andrews sat on the bed by Jenny’s foot. The waiters proceed in setting the table. One of the waiter who had the flowers, handed them to Mr. Andrews, and Mr. Andrews gave Jenny the flowers. The other waiter tied all the balloons that had been pre-blown around Jenny’s bedpost. Then he got his helium tank and blew more balloons that he let float on the ceiling. The room filled with balloons that looked like heaven, just the way I liked it. I didn’t think I told Mike nor Andrea about how I want to decorate the house, or maybe I did mention it to them because for some reason Mr. Andrews knew about it. He did the same thing. Jenny put the flowers on the side of the table after she finished smelling them. When the waiters were finished, they stand to the side of the room away from them but easy to reached if Mr. Andrews need them. We, as in Andrea, Mike, Jim, And I left the room but we sat outside by the door and listened to every little detail of what they’re saying, we could hear everything.

Mr. Andrews did the blessing of the food being served before them. Two of the waiters came to them and started serving food and drinks. The food and drinks were set on the big table that we used last night. The other two waiters went out the house to get something in the car. When they came back they had music instruments with them, they were also entertainers. They got two guitars, a violin, and percussion. I knew Mr. Andrews was enjoying this but Jenny most of all was very happy. She maybe in pain but the laughter was pure joy. Mr. Andrews was telling her stories about his youth, how he courted Mrs. Andrews and some funny stuff he did in high school, and college, the troubles that he got from it. Mike on the other side was really enjoying it too; he was listening intently to every detail his dad said. He told us that his dad did tell him some of these stories but not all. Mr. Andrews was telling the funny ones, occasionally Mike would say, “I heard this before, listen it’s really funny.” What Mr. Andrews was doing, wasn’t only Jenny who had the chance to enjoy it. We enjoyed it as much as Jenny except we’re not right there with them and we don’t have the food that they were enjoying.

Before the waiters served them the dessert, they got their instruments and one of the waiter spoke first, “all these song we’re about to sing are dedicated to Jenny from Mr. Andrews.” They began singing to them, serenading them. They sang three beautiful love songs. They sang the songs that Mr. Andrews knew that meant a lot to Jenny. Jenny couldn’t help herself to cry. While they were singing, Jenny’s tears began rolling down her face. I had to admit, this was very special. When they finished, they all said happy birthday to Jenny, then two of the waiters served the dessert.

The dinner lasted about an hour and a half. Mr. Andrews hired them for two hours. They cleaned up everything. One waiter asked Andrea if she could transfer some of the left over on our plate for the food not served. When they finished, they greeted Jenny happy birthday with song, they said this one was from them. They thank everyone for having them. They left shortly. I showed them out the door and before they got in their vehicle, I asked if they have a card so maybe I can use them next time. One of them gave me a card. Mr. Andrews stayed for few minutes, until he said, “I need to go home so I can get ready for tonight. 6:30 right, I think Julia is willing to come with me”.

That’s great,” replied Jenny happily, “maybe she’ll stay even a little longer this time.”

Mr. Andrews once again gave Jenny a kiss and told her to rest for tonight. She just smiled, “thank you very much for a wonderful date. I’ll see you tonight.”

Mr. Andrews left the room. I walked him to the door. Mike joined us. On the way to the door, Mike was giving his dad a hard time, and I joined in. We told him that we’re very jealous of it. Jenny had so much fun and she never had that much fun when she’s with us. Mr. Andrews was just taking them all and just showing his pride.

We walked back to her room, Jim was helping her lie down, and he removed all the pillows that were propped behind her. Jenny scooted herself down so she can lie down without bumping her head on the headboard. He pulled up the blanket and covered Jenny. Jenny said thank you and goodnight to Jim, then closed her eyes to sleep. Jim gave her a kiss on the forehead goodnight and left the room. He was already closing the door behind him when we reached the door to Jenny’s room.

Is she sleeping already?”

Oh, yeah,” replied Jim, “but you can go in to kiss her goodnight if you want.”

Jim opened the door. He got in first since he was blocking the entrance. Mike and I walked gently and just glanced at her.

Did you make sure she’s all right?”

Yea, I kissed her on the forehead and she didn’t have any fever. She told me she’s feeling a little pain but it’s nothing. She’s just tired; she’s been awake since 10:30 this morning. It’s almost 2 pm. It’s understandable that she’s tired. I can’t believe she lasted this long without falling asleep on your dad, Mike.”

We went to our room to get ready ourselves for tonight. Nancy and her crew will be here any time now. They have lots of decorating, and setting up to do. However, they didn’t need to do Jenny’s room, because Mr. Andrews did that already. It’s even the right color. I was hoping Alice would come home early, she told me she would take this day off but she gave me this excused that her boss canceled it because there’s new line came in, whatever that is. I sat on my bed contemplating, trying to think about Jenny, is she going to be well enough to attend her own party, or she just going to stay in her bed. My heart sank from that thought. I bowed my head, closed my eyes and started praying to God for some help. “I thank you Dear God for giving Jenny energy today with Mr. Andrews, thank you. I come to you now for tonight Lord, please grant her more energy for tonight that she may enjoy the celebration of her birthday. I asked all this in Jesus name, Amen”. When I finished, I sensed a renewed peace in me. I got up and walked in the bathroom to shower. I was happy. I was humming a song I just heard, the waiters sang it to Jenny.

Alice did come home early enough. When I got out of the shower, she was walking in the door. She always parked her car in the garage when she comes home for the night, and go through the kitchen. Andrea greeted her; she returned the same courtesy to her and walked to our room. I was changing when she came in. She went straight to the bathroom and greeted me good afternoon with a kiss. I returned her kiss. We did few minutes telling about our days, as I finalized getting ready for tonight. I just put on for now the pants and the shirt, I left the tuxedo jacket, and the bow on the rack. I will put them when the guest starts arriving.

You look great,” said Alice, she glanced to where I hang Jenny’s dress in the closet, “did you show Jenny the dress already? because it’s not here. What did she say about it?”

Yes. Oh, she loves it. She want to wear it also when she, you know.”

Alice excused herself and left me to take a shower also. I wrapped up.

The hours seemed to go faster. It’s already passed three o’clock; Mike and Jim came out all done. We all wore the same outfit, white tuxedo with black bow. The guests will be wearing whites of some sort. I put in the invitation that the color for tonight has to have something white on it. It doesn’t need to be all white. I think it will end up black and white tonight. All the decorations are white, white flowers, white balloons, white candles on white cake, white streamers, white ribbons, and other white stuff. Everything will be white tonight. For some reason I couldn’t explained, I needed to do them all in white. I wanted white balloons on the ceiling to look like heaven.

Nancy and her crew came just before 4:00 in the afternoon. They were fast moving crew, very good at what they do. They brought everything inside and didn’t waste time. The man who was doing the balloons blows them fast. First, he filled up the ceiling with balloons, right after he tied them up he just let it go up. He had a big helium tank that can blow hundreds of balloons. This is a big area to cover. I wanted the ceiling covered from the front door, all the living rooms, kitchen, dining, hallway, guest powder room, all the way to Jenny’s room. I didn’t include the other bedrooms. I told Nancy that the others would be close all the time. Nancy made a huge white banner that said ‘Happy birthday Jenny’ in beautiful silver fonts. She hung it on the end of the foyer coming in from the front door going to the big receiving room. The guests when they came in, the first thing they will see is the banner. The foyer is about 8 feet wide and the length of the first receiving room. On the ends of the banner are three balloons on its side and ribbons with it. Nancy had the banner made by professional tailor. It is hand made quilt. The background is heaven. Nancy made two banners; she put them back to back, that way Jenny didn’t have to go to the front to read her banner when she gets out of her room. It’s a great souvenir. Mike already asked for the other one, he want to bring it with him and hang it in his basement on the wall by the computer. The flowers were all over the place, white roses, white carnations white lilies, and white daises. They were in small white vases with white ribbons. As the ceiling filled up the whole place looked just like heaven. There were balloons tucked also to the bottom walls, and balloons tied on the flower vases. It cost me a lot of penny for this but for Jenny it’s all worth it. I will spend my entire fortune if it is for Jenny.

4:15 in the afternoon, Dr. Martin came to check on Jenny. We all tried to be quiet while decorating the inside. I went with Dr. Martin going to Jenny’s room. We talked on the way. He asked how long she’s been sleeping. I told him that Mr. Andrews showed up for their date and did an awesome lunch for Jenny. I told him every little detail. We reached Jenny’s room; I opened the door gently and let him in first. Jenny was still sleeping. The bottle of IV was almost empty. Dr. Martin gently tried taking the needle off Jenny’s hand. Jenny felt his hands and woke up from it. She gently opened her eyes, followed by a yawn. Dr. Martin asked how she was feeling. She responded, “I’m doing well I guess. Let me try getting up.” After she said that, she did try getting up. Both my hands and Dr. Martin’s hands were ready to catch her just in case she falls down. She got up, got off the bed, without falling. She smiled at us. She sat back down for Dr. Martin. He still needs to finish his routine checking. She was weak but she did fantastic of hiding it. She told us that she needed to get ready. I called Andrea to help her. Andrea came in right away.

Dr. Martin,” she started, “I need to talk to you before I come out for the party. Maybe you can be my escort.”

I will be here if you need me. I brought my changed of clothes with me that way I don’t need to leave you just in case, which reminds me, Matt, can I use your bathroom to shower and change clothes.”

By all means, use it.” I said smiling.

Lisa and the kids will come shortly.”

Good all of them are coming; it’s been along time since I last talked to your wife.”

Andrea and Jenny went to the bathroom. Andrea had her changing clothes with her, that way she can just change together with Jenny; the two planned that, this morning. Andrea already showered herself, hair’s done, face’s done, except for the dress, she can’t wear it yet because she has to help Jenny shower. Jenny is weak all the time now that I’m afraid she’d fall, and it’s hard for her to bend her body. Dr. Martin and I went out to get his clothes. I showed him to another guest room. I went in the bathroom first to make sure he has everything he needed. He followed me in. I opened the linen closet to show him the towels, soap and shampoo. We hardly ever use this room. Mike when he’s here usually uses the same room and so as Jim. The last time somebody slept in this room was a year ago. It was during the month of Jenny’s birthday. My friend, he’s in California now, he had three children, and one of his children, the oldest one used this room. They were visiting his parents here in Texas, somewhere close to Houston, and then decided to visit us also.

5:30 in the evening, the first guest arrived, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews. Mike was glad that she came. He came out and greeted them with a hug, “Mom, you’re here. I should do this more often, you know, I don’t come to see you, you come see me.” He laughed to let her know he was not being serious about it.

His mom gave him a good come back, “who said, I came here to see you?” She laughed. She was being sociable, I wonder if she’s coming around, or this is just for now. She used to be like this when Mike and Jenny were in high school. Like, if Jenny is doing homework with Mike in their house, she used to helped them with it, bring them snacks, and when I came by to picked Jenny up she usually asked me to come in for a drink and a little chat. I was deep in thought about her, when she approached me and asked if we could talk. I was startled. I couldn’t find a word. She pulled me on the side and started apologizing, “Matt, this might come to you as a shock.”

She was right it is a shock to me, the fact that she’s right here in front of me, is a bit conspicuous. She continued, “I’d been thinking a lot lately on how I’d been treating both you and Jenny. I know I made lots of mistake, but this with you and Jenny was by far the worst. I was thinking about the past, and I come to realized that I missed that.” I interrupted in turn, “I was remembering those too when you came and startled me. What a coincidence that we were both thinking of the good old days,” I said smiling, “I didn’t have any bad feelings toward you, and I understand your point. I was just hoping you’d be a little more patient about it.”

I was very uncaring, and please, don’t try to make it easy on me. I really need to make it up with you both. I was hoping I could apologized to Jenny too before she comes out,” she said pleading.

She’s changing, but let me see if she’s done in the bathroom, then maybe she’ll have time to talk to you, why don’t you follow me then wait for me outside her door.”

We both walked to Jenny’s room. When we reached the door, I knocked. I waited for an answer before opening it. I heard Andrea asked, “Who is it?”

It’s me,” I answered.

Come in.”

I asked Mrs. Andrews to wait by the door. I opened the door gently then I came in. Andrea was trying to fix Jenny’s hair. Jenny asked me what I wanted. “I was going to asked you if you have a little time to spare. You won’t believe it but Mrs. Andrews is out by your door wanting to talk to you.”

Jenny was surprised, “really? What does she want?”

Before I get to say something, she said, “Yea, she can come in.”

I went back to the door. I opened it and stuck my head out. “Yes, please come in.” I opened the door wider and I moved aside for her. Mrs. Andrews went straight to where Jenny was sitting. Jenny gave her a smile and opened the floor for conversation, “I’m glad you’re here. Mr. Andrews said, he wanted to take you but he wasn’t sure about it, how are you?”

Jenny, I want to ask for your forgiveness for what I had done to you. I was very uncaring and very selfish. I watched your graduation ceremony and what you said touched my heart. You know, I was glad that John and Mike didn’t pay any attention to me, that despite all disapproval they persisted to relate with you. Believed me, I was nagging and nagging them specially Mr. Andrews, but he just kiss me and went on with his plan with you any way. When I saw that tape, it made me start thinking about stuff. I missed you.” Jenny didn’t say anything. She just opened her arms wide and waited for Mrs. Andrews to hug her. They hugged for a while; Mrs. Andrews was on her knees hugging Jenny. I could see tears brewing on Jenny’s eyes. Jenny was the first to pull away and helped her get up. Mrs. Andrews also apologized to Andrea and Andrea accepted with open arms. Mrs. Andrews Turned back to Jenny and asked Jenny if she need help with her hair. Andrea nodded, and said, “I do, I can’t find a good hairdo for her outfit.”

Mrs. Andrews looked at Jenny’s gown and said, “Oh, you look like an angel. I know. Why don’t we put your hair like a halo. I’ll braid it around your head to look like a halo.”

That’s not bad,” replied Andrea, “you know how to do that?”

Oh sure,” Mrs. Andrews started combing Jenny’s hair. Andrea stood aside and watched. She got the bottle of gel, put small amount of gel on her hands and spread on Jenny’s hair. She combed it again just to straighten them. She began braiding it starting from the front on the left side of her head, and continued on, all the way to the front of the other side. Then the extra hair she pulled it to the front and pinned it right next to the beginning of the braid. It did look just like halo. She asked Andrea if she had some of the small shiny silver clips. Andrea opened the drawer next to her and pulled out some of them. Mrs. Andrews carefully clipped them around her braided hair. Then she got some of the silver glitter and sprayed it around the top of Jenny’s forehead, and on the side of her face just the sides closer to the ears. When she’s done, Jenny did look like she was wearing halo, and it made her face more radiant. Mrs. Andrews took her time when she was doing her hair. It took almost an hour. Jenny thanked her, followed by another hug. Then she asked what time it is. I told her that it’s almost time for her to meet her guests. She asked us if we could leave her for now and asked me to tell Dr. Martin to come. We all walked out. I went to look for Dr. Martin. More guests had arrived, and continued to multiply by the minutes. The door didn’t seem to stop opening and closing. I finally found Dr. Martin. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. “Jenny wants to talk to you now. She’s waiting in her room, all dressed up.” He nodded in agreement then left me to go see Jenny. I was going to follow him but other guests who wanted to talk to me trapped me. Anyway, Jenny didn’t want me in there. She made it a point that she only wanted him.

Dr. Martin knocked on the door when he got there. Jenny told him to come in and asked to close the door so nobody would disturb them. He closed the door and walked to Jenny. She asked him to grab a seat. He pulled the first seat he could reach and moved it closer to Jenny. Dr. Martin felt her head for fever, and it was high enough, to make sure he got his bag and took the ear thermometer. Dr. Martin quickly checked her temperature. He read it. The reading says 102.4 degrees. Dr. Martin gave her medicine. After she took it, she said, “That’s not why I wanted to talk you. I just want to say good bye to you without the others trying to listen, especially Matt, otherwise he’ll be a paranoid wreck right now.” She smiled on what she had just said about me, “I’ll say good bye to him last. I want to thank you for all your help and always willing to go beyond your call of duty. You’re always there for me. Thank you for treating me like a family.” Dr. Martin was shock, he didn’t know what to do, “Jenny, what do you mean you need to say good bye? You are acting like this is your last day?”

She looked at him with a very faint smile nodding, “today is the day, and I can feel it. That’s why I need to say adieu to everyone I love fast and quick before I lost it. I was just holding on for this day, I knew it will mean a lot to Matt because he did a lot for this.” Right after she said that Dr. Martin’s tears escape his eyes. He dropped on his knees and hug Jenny, crying on her shoulder. He didn’t know what to say. Jenny returned his hug, her eyes were filling with tears but she fought not to let it fall. She tapped his shoulder and said, “Do me a favor; before we get out there, I want you smiling. Please don’t let Matt saw you cried. He would suspect it in a heart beat.” Dr. Martin wiped his tears dry. He put on a strong face. He got up and helped Jenny up. He held out his arm and Jenny had a good hold on it. He asked if she’s strong enough to walk. She nodded, “I need to do this.”

Dr. Martin opened the door of the room. One of the usher was watching there all the time for Jenny to come out so they can all cheer when she walked out the door. The usher said quietly to the guests closer to him, “they’re coming out.” The guests stopped whatever they were doing and waited for Jenny to come to the hallway. They had a few feet of hallway to walk through before they get to the big receiving room. Jenny and Dr. Martin reach the end of the hallway the guests shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY!!!.” Jenny let go her beautiful smile. They surrounded Jenny greeting her, telling her how beautiful she is, and giving her a hug. Dr. Martin wasn’t holding Jenny but he was very close just in case she falls down. She is weak. Dr. Martin suggested giving her a seat, and they can just hug her sitting down. We, as in the people that lived here couldn’t even come close to Jenny. We weren’t together either, I couldn’t even find Andrea or Mike. I saw Alice standing close to her parents.

When the crowd thinned down, she asked if Dr. Martin could walk her to Jim. Jim was standing not so far from her. We could hear music playing in the background of all the noise people were making. Dr. Martin signaled Jim to come closer, and he did. He gave Jenny to Jim. Dr. Martin left sniffling, he looked for his wife, and when he found her, he went to her and hugged her without saying a word.

How about a dance,” Jenny asked. Jim was thrilled. He took her arm firmly because he knew she’s weak. He escorted her to the dance floor. He put both hands around Jenny’s waist. Then Jenny slowly moves her hands around his neck. They moved slowly and Jim was supporting Jenny’s body good.

Jim,” she started, “could you do me favor?”

Anytime,” he said convincingly.

Could you please kind a check up on Mike for me once in a while, you know I don’t want him to be depressed all the time. I love you too, you know,” she paused and very quietly she said, “I need to say goodbye now, please don’t say anything loud, I don’t want Matt to notice it, because I will bid farewell to him last.” Jim broke into tears. He hugged Jenny closer to him. He said goodbye right on her ears and kissed her. Jenny smiled at him, “Now if you could take me to Alice, she’s right there,” looking directly at Alice, “and could you stay close while I say goodbye to Alice because I want you to bring me to Andrea also.” Wiping his eyes dry, Jim did without hesitation. Jenny gave Alice a hug. She pulled away. She holds Alice hands, “Alice, please take care of Matt for me. I love you,” she smiled, “I was hoping I could stay longer to get to know you better. We had such a short time. I’m sorry if I caused you pain. It wasn’t easy, you and Matt, living with me, I know that. I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry Jenny; I was the one who was being a brat.”

Please don’t react differently. I don’t want Matt to see it,” Jenny whispered, “Good bye now, please take care of Matt and yourself.”

Just like Jim, she broke into tears. She hugged Jenny a while. When she pulled away, Jenny asked Jim to bring her to Andrea. Alice turned to her parents and cried on them. Andrea was by the buffet table trying to help. When Jim saw Andrea looking on their direction, he signaled her. Andrea walked up to them. Jenny hugged Andrea. “Andrea, I love you so much. Remember what I told you today; please don’t forget it, ha.” Andrea nodded and she knew it already. She hugged Jenny and didn’t let go. Jenny, all this time she tried not to cry because of me. She didn’t want me to see it, and good thing I wasn’t trying to get in the way either. For some reason that I couldn’t explained again, it was like something or someone stopping me from going to her while she was talking to them. I was just watching Jenny with a big smile on my face. She smiled and said hello to everyone she passed.

Finally, Andrea let go of her. Jenny asked Jim to bring her to Mr. Andrews who was standing not that far from where they’re standing. Mr. Andrews noticed that Jenny and Jim were coming toward him; he tried to meet them halfway. Jenny asked Jim to ask the person in charge of music to play her favorite music and asked him to tell the person to let it play a number of times. When Mr. Andrews was next to them, Jenny asked, “how about a dance?”

Mr. Andrews was very happy, “my pleasure.”

Jim told Mr. Andrews to get a good hold of Jenny. He did. He held Jenny firmly. They moved a little to the middle. Mr. Andrews hold Jenny firmly with one hand on her waist and the other hand holding her hand. Jim went to where the stereo system was and told the person exactly what Jenny said. Jim got the CD and asked him to play that one track on repeat mode. The man programmed the stereo and he just let Jenny’s song played repeatedly.

Mr. Andrews and Jenny were dancing. Jenny told him the same thing she told the others. Tears rolled down his eyes, as he dances with Jenny. He pulled Jenny closer to him and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Jenny asked him to give her to Mike. Mr. Andrews searched for Mike from the crowd, Mike was there watching them. He walked Jenny to him. “How about a dance,” she said with a smile.

Mike didn’t waste anytime. He looked at his dad though, and he was puzzled. His dad’s eyes were all wet with tears. His dad just looked back at him very sadly. When Mike got a good hold of Jenny, he led her to the middle of the dance floor. Mr. Andrews stayed and just watch them quietly crying. Mike was hugging Jenny while dancing. Jenny pulled back a bit and started talking, “Mike, I love you very much,” she paused, “could you promise me something.”

If I can,” he said nicely.

Don’t just hold on to the past, grab the future too, please.”

What do you mean?” He was suspicious.

I want you to go on; have some family and kids, a bunch of them.”

Jenny,” protested Mike, but before he could say more, Jenny cut in,

Please, promise me.” She started pleading.

I can’t, I just can’t.”

Jenny held his face very gently and gave him a kiss on the lips. Mike returned her kiss. She pulled back first, swallowing, she said softly, “Good bye… Mike,” her tears were brewing, but she tried not to let it fall. She hugged him. Mike hugged her tighter yet, crying on her shoulder he whispered, “No, no, Jenny…”

Jenny quieted Mike, she put her finger on his lips, “sshs..., I love you, I want you to say good bye.”

Remember that I love you always, no one would ever take that love away from me. I will say good bye but just for now, I’ll see you sometime.” He gave her another kiss.

Jenny pulled away again; I could tell she was in worse pain.

Could you please bring me to Matt?” Mike, even though he didn’t want to let go of Jenny, he did what she asked. When they reached me, “How about a dance with you, it’s a beautiful song. Reminds me of you,” she said trying to hide the pain from me.

I thanked Mike and so did Jenny. Mike with tears and all gently stepped aside. I led Jenny back in the middle of the dance floor. “How are you feeling my precious bundle of joy,” I asked trying to tease her.

Peachy,” she smiled. We danced for a while. I locked my eyes on her. I didn’t want any distraction at all. I was very happy; I thought I was in heaven. She pulled me closer and kissed me on my nose. Then she smiled,

I love you Matt.”

I didn’t hear you, what did you say?”

I love you,” she said with louder voice, “I love you very much”.

I noticed she changed the word, that wasn’t what she used to say. I put one hand under her chin, and I brushed her lips with my lips.

I love you too,” I yelled, “I love you more.”

I picked her up, enough to raise her feet off the ground, and span around a couple of times, then she asked me to put her down. I hugged her tight. She pulled away. She put her hands on my face and she nudges my head slightly down, then she put her head against mine. Her tears were brewing again, but this time she couldn’t stop it from rolling down her face. She close her eyes,

Say good bye to me Matt,” she said very faintly, “I need to go now, it’s time.”

I stopped moving, I froze. Tears immediately ran off my eyes. She wrapped her hands around my neck and she leaned her head on my chest. I hugged her very tight with one hand, as I touched her face with my other hand. I couldn’t say the word. I was crying on her shoulder. She kind a whispered to me again,

Say goodbye Matt.”

I hugged her tight; I could have crushed some of her bones. My tears were flooding the floor. I didn’t know how to let her go, but I know I have to. Finally, I whispered, my voice cracked, “good… bye... mm my… love.” That was it, she was just waiting for me to say goodbye, just as she promised that she wouldn’t let go of her last breath until I say goodbye to her. Right after I said goodbye, few seconds later, she let go of her last breath. Her hands dropped down and her head slightly dropped, because she had it propped on my chest. I cried louder and louder, I didn’t loosen my hug, instead I made it even tighter. I wanted to scream, until I couldn’t help myself. I screamed her name on top of my lungs. I screamed until I couldn’t scream no more. I continued to hug her as tight as I could. My feet were shaking and getting very weak, I could hardly stand straight, I felt like falling down on the floor. I felt numbness in my entire being.

One by one, they started walking towards Jenny and me. All of them were crying. Mike came first; he joined me in hugging Jenny. “She’s gone, she is gone.” He was just nodding his head. Andrea came, Alice came, Jim, Mr. Andrews, Dr. Martin, then the rest of the guests. We hugged each other. None of us moved for a long while. I cried and mumbled, “She left me Mike, Andrea. What am I supposed to do now my sweet, sweet Jenny?” I sobbed harder. I couldn’t feel anything but hurt in my heart. I didn’t move and I didn’t want anybody to move her. I wanted to die right at that minute, I felt dead inside.

Slowly the crowd started stepping back to give us some room. They too were deeply grieving; they didn’t know what is worst, feeling bad about losing Jenny or feeling sorry for me. It was just us left in the middle, me, Jenny, Mike, Jim, Andrea and Alice, and Mr. Andrews. Mike and Jim wrapped us around with their arms and pulled us down forcing me to sit on the floor. I sat down, and then I put Jenny’s limped body on my lap, her head on my arm. I buried my head on Jenny, sobbing continuously. Mike gathered both Jenny’s hands and placed them on top of her stomach. Dr. Martin left and called the hospital to tell the bad news.

Nancy lit the candles on the cake; she and two of her staff brought it to us. Nobody was singing happy birthday then Mike started singing and leading everyone to sing happy birthday. Mike said that it may not be her birthday here, but it’s her birthday in heaven. She’s gone up with our Creator to join His angels in heaven. After that speech, almost in unison, they sang louder. Their singing filled the air. When the song ended, Nancy asked me to blow the candles. I glanced at Jenny, closed my eyes and tried to feel Jenny in me. I opened my eyes and said, “let‘s make a wish and blow the candles my love.” I threw a strong wind on the candles and I put off the flames in one blow. The crowds cheered and sang the other part of the song....

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 22, 2011
Last Updated on June 22, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma