Chapter X

Chapter X

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

                         CHAPTER X

            Five hours later, Dr. Martin finally came out the door. I stand up quickly; almost fell down running to him. He puts his hand on my shoulder and walks me back to the group. He started updating us about Jenny, “we stop the bleeding, but her fever still up. She’s in the cooler right now to lower her fever down. In the last five hours, it only went 2 degrees down. She is sleeping soundly and I’m afraid that she might go into coma. With fever that high for five hours, I don’t know what was fried. I just hope it’s nothing serious; otherwise, we might lose her. I’m not trying to frighten you; I’m just simply stating the possibilities. What we need now is a lot of prayers.” He was going to say more but I interrupted him, “what do you mean we might lose her?” My whole body was as stiff as a log, I was so frightened, nervous, angry, and all this mixed feelings I couldn’t understand. I wanted to scream but my mouth glued together, I wanted to move but my legs were like frozen. I clinched Dr. Martin on both arms so tight that I could cut off his circulation. “Matt…” Dr. Martin said very patiently, “I don’t know, all I know right now is that she’s lying there motionless and her fever didn’t want to go down. We can’t do anything more right now but wait. Prayer couldn’t hurt right now, and I know that you all been doing that since you got here. Nonetheless, what I really want from you all is go home and get some sleep. It’s already morning and you’re still waiting. I don’t think Jenny would like this if she found out.” I loosened my grip on his arms and said, “I’m sorry DOC, can I go in. They can all go home but I need to be right next to her. I can’t go home, please, I beg you.” “Only you, because no one is allowed there, I’ll talk to the person there to let you in. And do me a favor, go to sleep when you get a chance because I don’t think I can handle both of you if you get sick also.” Dr. Martin patted my back then left. I could see on his face his worries, and he looked stressed. I looked around and watched their faces, they all have the same look I had on my face. “You guys really need to get some sleep. I will call you if there’s any progress on Jenny or when she wakes up.” “I’ll be here in the morning, do you need me to bring you change of clothes?” “That would be fine Mike.”  We hugged and said goodbye to each other. I asked them to continue praying for Jenny.  As soon as the group left, I ran in to see Jenny. I saw her lying in that cooler motionless. My heart ached even more on the sight of her. I took her hand and just squeezed it close to my heart as I lowered my body and squatted. I stayed on that position until my legs went numb. I could hardly stand up. I shook both legs, hard until the blood started circulating again. When my feet was able to move I grabbed a chair and pulled next to Jenny’s bed. I got myself settled, took her hand back and clenched it close to my heart. I must have fallen asleep because it is already 9 O’clock when Dr. Martin touched my shoulder to wake me up. He checked up on Jenny for a moment. Jenny’s fever was completely gone but she didn’t move a muscle at all. The nurse turned the cooler off a while. Her fever broke down more than an hour ago. Dr. Martin instructed the nurse for Jenny to be move to ICU. He also asked me to follow him to his office. When we got out of the room, Mike was waiting outside. We greeted each other and I invited him to go with me. On the way to the office, Mike asked about Jenny. I explained to him everything and that we’re going to discuss what other options we have if she stayed this way. Dr. Martin opened the door to his office. He asked us to come in and sit down as he sat himself down. We talked for about an hour.

          Meanwhile they transferred Jenny to ICU. She was stiff as a log when the orderlies tried to pick her up from the cooler. She didn’t wake up at all or move a muscle. When we finished talking with Dr. Martin, he walked us back to see Jenny. Jenny already tucked in when we came in. She didn’t have any changes whatsoever. I looked at Mike who looked at me at the same time; right away, I looked at Dr. Martin who focused on Jenny. He took Jenny’s hand to count her pulse. While he was doing that, he saw one of her finger move. To his excitement he blurted, “Matt, Mike, I think she’s regaining consciousness. I saw her moved her finger.” Both Mike and I focused on Jenny’s finger with excitement. A few seconds later, she moved not just a finger but she moved all of them. We jumped excited I hugged Mike and Dr. Martin who is also very excited to the improvements we’re seeing. A moment after, Jenny moved her head trying to wake up followed with a quiet moaning. I took her hand trying to call her. Jenny moved her head side to side a couple of times, she pause, her eyes blink rapidly for a moment slowly she opened her eyes. She look up, look to our directions, blink, and look at the light above. Jenny wasn’t saying anything; she was quiet. She closed her eyes for a brief seconds, then slowly opened it again looking up at the light. I called her name and so as Mike. She didn’t answer. Mike and I looked at each other with such puzzle on our eyes. We turned to Dr. Martin; he just looked back with such disarray. Almost in synchronized move, we turned our eyes back on Jenny. Still very quiet with eyes closed, she pulled her hand from me and slowly covered her eyes with both hands. She gently rubbed her eyes, paused again slowly she removed her hands off her eyes. She took a deep breath and slowly let it go. All at once, she opened her eyes. She looks like she’s trying to check something on the ceiling. I couldn’t take the mystery any longer, of what she was doing, I had to ask, “Jenny, honey what are you looking up there.”  She mumbled, “Ha, nothing, absolutely nothing.” Dr. Martin cut in, “What do you mean absolutely nothing?” “I can’t see, I could hear the three of you but I can’t see you.” We were all shocked. Words escaped me. I felt very faint. Mike got a hold of me and helped sat me down on Jenny’s bed. Dr. Martin didn’t waste time. He raised Jenny’s bed up. Dr. Martin asked her to open her eyes, she did. He touched one eye first, opened it wide and shone the light on it. He moved the light sideways, up, down, and center, Jenny didn’t blink at all. He did the same thing to the other eye and nothing, no blinking at all. When he’s done, he paged the nurse station. When he finished he turned to me and said, “I need to take Jenny for MRI scan to see what got fried in her brain. I was afraid, with high fever that long will do some damage. I just hope this is temporary damages. Then she needs to go to the ophthalmology clinic for thorough check up.” The attendant came to pick up Jenny and put her in a wheelchair. They went ahead of Dr. Martin. Dr. Martin started walking out. He turned to us and said, “Why don’t you two wait outside.” He put his arm on my shoulder and led Mike and me to the door. When we got out, he went ahead to follow Jenny, but on the way he stop at the nurse station and asked the nurse to go ahead and page Dr. Campbell, a Neurology Surgeon, and Dr. Robertson, an Eye Surgeon. 

       Mike and I waited outside ICU. Neither one of us really want to say anything, there is nothing to say, he was as shocked as I was by all this. I was deep in thought that I didn’t hear Andrea and Mr. Andrews coming. Mike talked to them and told them the bad news. Andrea couldn’t believe it she tapped my shoulder. When I look up, I was aback to see them here. I got up to hug Andrea. I couldn’t help to cry on her shoulder. “She can’t see, Andrea. She lost her sight.” “Is it because of the high fever?” Mr. Andrews came and hugged me when Andrea stepped back. He had such a fatherly, very comforting hug and his voice, when he spoke was very calming. “What’s going to happen now, are they going to operate on her eyes?”

I don’t know they don’t know either. Right now, they’re checking how much damage is there, and what else got fried.” “Then again, it might be just a temporary thing like Dr. Martin said,” interrupted Mike, “we just need to hope for the best and pray that this too shall pass.” We all nodded in agreement with him.

Jenny stayed with Dr. Martin longer than I expected. After all that procedure done on her, the three Doctors examined the result thoroughly. It was not bad damage and they expect it to be temporary loss of eyesight, but they weren’t sure and they don’t know how long. Maybe or maybe not, they were bouncing around on these possibilities. When they came back with Jenny, Dr. Martin took me aside and talked to me about Jenny’s condition. Dr. Martin started explaining, “We think that the loss is temporary. We need to give it at least a month, if her eyesight doesn’t comeback by that time, then and only then we will explore about other solution.”  

What you mean by explore, you mean to say she has to stay blind for that long before we can do anything about it.”

We need to do that Matt, to make sure we’re not making any more damage or, so we don’t make a choice we’ll regret for the rest of our lives. I love Jenny as much as you do if not more. Remember she grew up on my care, I consider her as my daughter.”

I know, I just don’t want to see her go through with this, it’s not like, she hasn’t had enough already.”

We talked a while before long I went back in Jenny’s room. She was awake talking to Mike, Andrea, and Mr. Andrews. I tried to be happy when I said Hi to everyone. I make sure Jenny couldn’t detect anything from my voice. Jenny was explaining how your other senses works better if you can’t see. She said that she can hear more than usual and her ears are more sensitive to everything. Also, her nose is working differently. She said, “You know, when you can see it, you kind of neglect the scent, and the noise that everyone makes.”

Jenny stayed in the hospital for overnight monitoring to make sure everything is well with her. If everything goes well she get to come home the next day. She’s going to need more help than normal, she need to get acquainted with her surroundings without eyes, and she’s not going to like this being serve on more than she already has. I glanced at Andrea, she’s the one who will suffer more than anybody else is because she will be helping Jenny more with her personal needs like helping her change clothes, going to the bathroom, while Jenny is getting used to doing it herself. I know she’s more than willing to serve her but I felt sorry for her. I turned my attention back to Jenny. I noticed that she’s not smiling much, but I guess because she can’t see anybody looking at her or that she’s still trying to sum up everything that happened to her. She’s deeper in thought; her face shows lots of questions. She responds nicely when someone ask her question or just being friendly to her.

         Andrea went home to get the house ready for tomorrow when Jenny gets out of here. She needs to make sure the stuff in the house is not in the way for Jenny. Since she can’t see, I don’t want her to bump on anything. Alice was home already. She asks how Jenny was doing and Andrea told her everything. “Jenny can’t see that’s why we’re going to try moving all these stuff to the side for now.”

What do you mean she can’t see?” asked Alice, she was confused and curious to hear why. “Well, her fever stayed high for more than five hours last night and slightly fried some parts of her brain specially her eyesight. The doctors weren’t sure if it’s temporary or permanent loss. They need to wait at least a month before they can do anything, what a mess ha?” “I’m so sorry,” apologized Alice.

Well, it’s a little late for that now. Feeling sorry is not going to bring her sight back. I told Matt that you’re here, he wasn’t very happy about it but he didn’t say anything bad about it either. Please, when Matt and Jenny come home tomorrow, I suggest that you stay out of the way especially Matt. Don’t talk to him if he doesn’t talk to you. He’s very bothered right now, especially Jenny is blind, he’s not talking much and he’s not a pleasant person to converse with these days, and you know that he is going to give all his attention to her. If you’re invisible to him, just accept it if you want your marriage to last a life time.”

You can’t tell me what to do,” snapped Alice, “you’re just a help, and a maid.”

Fine,” Andrea snapped back, “let’s see when they come home if I’m just a help to them. You are forgetting that they grew up on my care; they look up to me as their second mother. Do you think if I tell them this, Matt is going to be on your side? In your dream, lady, you maybe spoiled in your home but not here. You never heard bad things about you from me. You know why Matt married you?” “Because he loves me?”

He loves you all right, but that’s not why. He married you because Jenny asked him to; before she goes away she wants to see Matt at the altar waiting for his bride and for him to have a family, at least a wife because she knew that she won’t be around to see her nephew, or niece but at least he’s being taking care of someone. Matt tried to argue with her, but he can’t say No to her, you know that. Matt is the one who didn’t want to share his love with anybody. He just wants to give all that love to Jenny. I knew you’re jealous of Jenny ever since you live here. Mike was just around then the first three months, and when he left, you got even more jealous. You didn’t hear a thing from me, so if you think you could just shove me off or talk to me that way you have another thing coming. Matt and Jenny, all their life, they never talk to me that way, so I don’t expect you to do it. Do you hear me?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Now go to your room so we can finish our work,” Andrea’s voice was even snappier. Alice jumped and ran to her room. When she got in the room, she called her parents, told them about Jenny’s current conditions, and cried to her mom.

          Tuesday morning, Dr. Martin allowed Jenny to go home. Dr. Martin will be checking up on Jenny everyday in the house. I asked Mike to go ahead, get the car, and drive it to the front so Jenny doesn’t have a long walk. I helped Jenny sit on the wheelchair and pushed her out the door. Mike was already waiting by the front door. He opened the door for us then he went ahead of us to the car to open the back door for me. I carried Jenny in the car and sat her down the middle seat. I sat next to her. Mike put the wheelchair in the back and then he drove the car home. On the way home, Jenny wasn’t talking much and that bothered me. She answers questions every time we asked her but she doesn’t open any conversation or joins in to our conversations. She’s not sad or upset, she smiles a lot when she sensed we’re looking at her, but she’s not her usual self, or maybe it’s just my imaginations, I told myself.

        We reached the house fast. I didn’t notice the time just passed by, I was surprised when I saw the house. I didn’t think Mike speed; he parked the car close to the front door. I asked Mike to get the wheelchair and I’ll carry Jenny to her room. Andrea opened the door for me and she went ahead to open Jenny’s bedroom door. I put her down on her bed. She sat up and said, “thank you Matt.” She turned to Andrea and asked her for a glass of water. Andrea acknowledged her then left to get a glass of water. Mike came in with the wheelchair, “where do you want me to put the wheelchair, Jen.”

Oh, just put it next to my bed on the foot side so if I need it, it’s easy to reach. Oh Mike, aren’t you suppose to go back to New York?”

Oh no, it’s spring break this week, so I have a week leave also from work.”

Really, so they give it to you, ha?”

How do you know I didn’t really have off this week?”

Why? You think I just known you yesterday?” She gave Mike a smile, “I‘m glad that they’re very nice about it, too bad I can’t see you.”  She laughed a little, more like a force laugh. Andrea came in with the glass of water and handed it to Jenny. She slowly drank the water, gave the glass back to Andrea suddenly she turned her head around trying to sense something, “Matt are you still here?”

I took her hands, “yes my love, I’m still here. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.” She smiled, “Oh, no, I was just going to say I’m feeling fatigued, I need to go sleep now.”

Do you want to sleep under the cover? Scoot up so I can pull the sheets and you can get under.” I pulled the sheets up and tucked her in. The three of us said good day to her and closed the door behind us when we left the room.  I too was tired, I told Mike that I’m going to sleep for a few minutes while Jenny is sleeping, and asked him to do the same since he stayed with me all night. He agreed that he too is beat and sleep is not a bad thing. Andrea told us to have a good sleep as we went to our own room. I laid down my head and fell asleep almost immediately. I woke up around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I got up, went to the bathroom had a quick shower and change. When I finished I walked to Jenny’s room and check on Jenny, she was still sound asleep. I close her door very quietly then walk to the kitchen. Mike was awake and he is helping Andrea in the kitchen. “Hi guys,” I greeted both Mike and Andrea. Andrea greeted back and asked me to sit down for lunch. Mike asked me to join him eat; he took the food out from the oven and putting it on the table.  While we were eating, a loud bang from Jenny’s room scared us. We got up and rushed to her room. I got to the door first. I opened the door immediately and found Jenny on the floor. She got off the bed and tired to get to the bathroom, but she tripped on her shoes lying on the floor. I quickly ran to her rescue, “are you okay my sweet?”

Yeah,” she explained, “I was doing good till I stepped on something, and got off balanced, I hit my head on the door and fell.” She was rubbing her head gently. I kissed her head and picked her up. Andrea asked if she needed to use the bathroom. Jenny nodded, Andrea lead Jenny to the bathroom then close the door behind them. Jenny cried, “Ouch… that hurt my head. Why can’t I not remember where everything is, this is my room, I should know everything in the dark.”

Don’t worry about it,” comforted Andrea, “you’re just a bit confused right now, but few days later you’ll see that this is going just as natural to you as it was before.” Andrea helped her with everything from using the toilet to showering and changing clothes.  Jenny and Andrea came out the bathroom with Jenny holding Andrea. I grabbed the wheelchair and gently led Jenny to it. She sat down and greeted us with a smile.

Are you feeling okay love?” I asked. “Fine, I’m just fine.”

Are you hungry, we are having lunch, come join us?” She hesitated at first, “I’m not hungry and I don’t feel like eating either.”

But Jenny, you need to regain strength, and you need it for your medicine.”

She finally agreed I pushed her wheelchair to the kitchen.  Losing eyesight definitely changed her a bit. She’s quieter; she smiles only when she knew you’re talking to her directly. I guess it’s understandable, she can’t see you, so she doesn’t know if you’re looking at her or not. Her silence is deafening to my ears. I missed her constant smiles, her giggles, and her winks. Every time she teases me, she likes to wink at me a lot, and then she would give me the cutest look afterwards. Now days she gives me blank look.

       Jenny hardly touched her food. She was complaining of stomachache that I didn’t insist on her to eat. She sat with us and waited long after we finished. Jenny asked me to bring her to the piano. I was more than happy to oblige. When we got there, she tried to scoot herself on the bench. I gently held her arm and helped her sit down. She ran her fingers through the keys at that moment she asked me politely to leave her. Stunned, I did what she asks. I joined Andrea and Mike who were standing by the door close to the piano.

Jenny strokes the keys one by one. She paused for a moment, picked up her hands and covered her face with it. Slowly, she rubbed her face then she took both hands off her face and went back to playing the piano. She began playing a familiar piece. Over the noise of the piano, we could hear a gentle sobs and occasionally we could see her hand wiping her eyes. I felt so bad about it that I slowly walked towards her. I wish I could ease her pain. I sat next to her and gently stroked the key with her. Then I gently put my arms around her and that’s it, she broke down into loud cry. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried on me. I didn’t say anything and I wasn’t about to either. First, I didn’t know what to say, and second I might mess it up and make it worse. She cried and cried some more. My tears escaped my eyes as I touched her beautiful hair. I was blaming myself for letting Alice vent that loud. I could have prevented this if only I let Alice go when she said she’s going and didn’t want to talk to me. On the other hand, that was wrong too, but at least it won’t be this bad. If only I could turn the time back, I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m really kicking myself for this.

         Jenny’s friends came over to visit her. They had flowers and stuff animals and some school works for her. They told Jenny that when she’s ready, she can have somebody reads to her, then she can answer the question and somebody can write her answer for her. The professors were very nice to her for letting her catch up with the lessons like this. They visited with Jenny a while. They talked about school mostly. She tried to be cheerful for them, she invited them all to dinner but they said that they need to get back to their dorm and do all their homework and reports; they were complaining to Jenny how much they have to do, if they want to graduate. Jenny just smiled, “at least you’re all graduating, and I don’t think I will be joining you.” Her friends stopped bickering; they looked at her. None of them could find a word to say.

What, what are you all doing, why all of a sudden you’re all quiet.” Jenny waited for an answer, when she didn’t get any, “hello, I can hear your breathing, and I can feel the heat so talk to me.” One at a time they gave Jenny a hug and said Godspeed and at the same time apologized for being insensitive. Jenny, though very confused, bid them farewell.  As Jenny’s friends were getting out the door, Alice walked in. Alice ignored all of them as they said hello to her. She looked at me and smiled. I looked back but I couldn’t bring myself to return her smile. I turned my attention back to Jenny. I asked her if she’s ready to go back to her room. She nodded; I pushed her wheelchair. Mike who was looking at Alice just shrugged his shoulder. I told myself, she’s not getting away this easy. She thought if she smiles at me, everything would be back to normal. I’m still feeling the pain from what she had said to me. I never knew she had that much hatred and jealousy in her. It just dawned on me, I remembered at the wedding reception a friend of hers once told me. I remember exactly every word, “she finally land you, but watch out, she’s a spoiled brat, very spoiled and that she has a bad temper if she doesn’t get what she likes or things doesn’t go her way.” I didn’t bother to find out more about it, it was hectic that day, all I told her was, “thank you for the warning.” I’m kicking myself now. I should have found more information about her. I couldn’t even remember her name. Her parents didn’t say anything about her temper. They told me she’s spoiled and willful. Now I wonder if she really loves me or she just pursued me because she didn’t want to lose to her friend that dared her.

Jenny suspended my thought; she asked how I was feeling. “Ha? Yes, I’m fine, hold on to me; I need to pick up you so I can put you in bed. Another thing, I need to call Dr. Martin because you’re not eating much. I’m worried.”

Matt, you’re redirecting my question. Are you okay? You seem very distracted by something, can I help.”

This is nothing, I’m just worried that’s all,” trying to avoid her other questions.

I’m just a little sick to my stomach, it’s not that serious. You see, tomorrow I’ll feel much better.” I insisted on calling Dr. Martin anyway. She didn’t say anything more. As I was putting Jenny down, Mike knocked on the door. I glanced at him then he entered the room. He asked if Jenny is going to rest, I nodded. Mike pulled the blanket up to cover Jenny. “Thanks Mike. Say, you want to tell me what’s going on with you?”

Mike grabbed a seat and sat on the other side of bed. I sat opposite him on the other side. I listened to Mike’s rambling about his school and his work and the other things that he does. Jenny drifted away after few minutes. I looked at Mike who looked at me with the same concerned look on his eyes. “How is she, still complaining of stomach pain?” “Yeah, that reminds me, I need to call Dr. Martin and talk to him about it. I might ask him to come see her, he’s suppose to come tomorrow, but I don’t want to wait that long.” I walked toward the phone. I dialed his cell phone. After a couple of rings, he answered; he knew it was I so he straight asked me what’s going on. I told him everything about Jenny. He told me that he’s coming to see her. I felt somewhat relieved and or worried all of a sudden, the ‘what ifs’ crept in my head. I looked behind me to see if Mike was waiting for me but he wasn’t there, he went to the kitchen with Andrea. I followed him to the kitchen. Mike’s helping Andrea with dinner.  I completely forgot about Alice in the room. The thought of going to my room escaped me. The truth is I wasn’t looking forward to seeing her. I was actually hoping that she wouldn’t come tonight or the next nights. I was debating whether to go to the room, though I need to use the bathroom. I decided not to use the bathroom in our bedroom. I was on my way to the guest bathroom when I heard a knock on the front door. I went to see who was on the door, “Mr. Andrews. Come in, how are you doing Sir?” He greeted me with a hug. He was holding a bouquet of flowers for Jenny. “How is my favorite girl, is she awake?”

No Sir, actually she just dozed off a few minutes ago.” I led him to Mike and Andrea in the Kitchen. Mike saw his dad, he stop what he’s doing and greet his dad, “Hi, dad. What’s up?” said Mike as he came to hug him. Andrea came to greet him also. I excused myself and I went ahead to go to the bathroom.

         Alice was in the kitchen helping Andrea and Mike set the table. I was a bit hesitant to go in the kitchen but I don’t want Alice to notice that I am avoiding her. I wanted to show her that I’m still mad and extremely upset with her, though I didn’t think anything would be accomplish by such behavior, but I just want to bathe on this for a little while longer. Who cares if nothing good will come out of this. I’m entitled to one and Jenny seem to have the same feeling because she knew when Alice came in, all her classmates greeted Alice but Jenny didn’t say anything to her then. Regardless, I don’t think Jenny is blaming Alice for the loss of her sight, though I know that Jenny is very heart broken by what she heard Alice said of her. As a consequence, I don’t think Alice can mend this one as fast; especially the result was devastating to everyone. I was deeply hurt by it and surely Jenny is torn inside up by those very word.  I shuffled my feet as I enter in the kitchen. Alice smiled at me, but instead of returning her smiles, I looked away and turned my eyes on Mr. Andrews who sat already and busy looking at the pictures Mike took from my birthday. Mike picked them up this afternoon. I sat next to him and looked at pictures with him. Alice got embarrassed or more likely upset; she got a plate of food and drink and left the room. She went back to our bedroom and slammed the door very hard that it rattled the entire house. I thought of Jenny right away, she must have awakened by that noise and she might get scared.  I ran to Jenny’s room and I opened the door as quick as I could. The room was dark. I turned the light on as soon as was able to. Jenny was sound asleep, I took a deep breath and let go slowly in relief. Thank God, it didn’t scare her. I checked her forehead for fever; it’s not bad, just a little warmer than normal. She turned to the other side but she didn’t wake up at all. When I knew she was safe, I slowly backed out and headed out, I turned the light off then gently closed the door behind me. When I got out, the others were right behind me. I signaled thumbs up to them then they went back to the kitchen.

I went to our bedroom, I opened the door and peeked in, “please don’t slam the door again and I mean it.” I didn’t wait for her response, I moved my head back out and close the door gently. I went back to the kitchen to join the others for supper. I could feel that they want to ask me what happened to Alice but they were too polite to ask. I left it at that. I sat down and asked Mr. Andrews to say the blessing. He gave blessing for the food and prayed mostly for Jenny and me. When he finished and just about to start eating, Alice came back to get something, Mr. Andrews asked her to join us. I guess out of politeness for Him, she sat in with us. She has her plate with her. After she sat down, she looked at me and apologized for the door. I acknowledged her apology and firmly told her not to do it again. I thought if she doesn’t have respect for me, at least she should respect Jenny’s condition.

        In the middle of our supper, I heard Jenny called my name and I thought the sound was awfully close to us. I looked around and there she was feeling her way to the kitchen. I got up quickly and came to her rescue. I gently guide her to our table; I pulled up a chair and helped her sit. I asked if she’s hungry. She shook her head and said, “But I think I want something hot for my tummy, maybe a hot chicken broth. I don’t feel so good.” Andrea got up and told her that it will be here in a couple of minutes. She thanked Andrea after that she kind a sniffled, then said, “Hi there Mr. Andrews.” Mr. Andrews smiled, “hello sweetheart how’s my favorite munchkin?”

Not so good, I feel a little sick to my stomach. But I guess other than that I’m feeling pretty good.” “I got your favorite; I put them in your room.”

Oh, so that’s why I smell roses when I woke up,” she smiled at him then thank him for the roses.

Andrea came in with the soup. She put the soup in the mug so it’s easy for Jenny. She warned Jenny that it is hot, as she handed it to her, and asked her if she needs help with it. Jenny took the mug from Andrea and thanked her for it.

Do you want some cracker with it,” I asked, “you need to eat some solid food, and maybe it will make your stomach feel better.”

No thank you, I just want something hot.” She changed the subject,

This is good Andrea, thank you.” She turned her attention to Mike.

So Mike, when are you going to cook some of those New York style foods?”

When your stomach is ready for it, say, tomorrow?”

Oh sure, if I’m not feeling nauseous,” she said with a grin.

Dr. Martin rang the doorbell; Mike stood up to check who was by the door. Mike opened the door. Dr. Martin said, “Hi Mike how is Jenny?”

She’s in the kitchen trying to sip some hot chicken broth, her stomach still feeling poorly.” Mike led Dr. Martin to the kitchen.

Hi everyone” greeted Dr. Martin, “hello my sweet little Jenny.”

Hello, my favorite Doctor. How are you?”

I should be asking you that question, how are you feeling?”

Hmmm…, well, my stomach doesn’t like me right now. I feel nauseous most of the time and ready to spill it all out, doesn’t matter if my stomach is empty.” He asked Jenny to sit up straight and he began touching her stomach and asking Jenny if it hurts or not. He asked Jenny more questions and Jenny was so patient to answer all of them. When he’s done, he said that it’s nothing serious, she’s still under the weather and she needs a lot of rest for a number of days. From what he says, I was relieved that it’s not bad.

I asked Dr. Martin to join us for supper, Andrea already put up an extra place for him. He accepted my invitation, shortly after he sat down next to Jenny. We picked up where we left off. Jenny didn’t say hi to Alice nor did she say any word to her even though she can sense Alice’s presence in there. She sipped her chicken broth as we chitchat and eat. It was a goodnight. I actually enjoyed myself that night, I was laughing and I forgot for a while about Jenny’s condition because she’s right there with us laughing and enjoying the night as we used to. For a moment there, she is Jenny, vibrant, full of energy and doesn’t care if she’s in pain. Maybe she’s getting use to her new condition, I thought to myself.

          We prolonged our conversation in the kitchen after dinner. Andrea cleared the table and Mike helped. Jenny stayed with us for a while longer until she’s feeling sleepy. I like it if she sleeps a lot so she can recover faster. Dr. Martin took that chance too and said goodnight to us. I walked Dr. Martin to the door. When I came back to the kitchen, Jenny was about to say goodnight when Alice who gathered up all her nerve a while back said, “Jenny, I’m so sorry about what happened to you.”  Jenny turned her head following Alice voice, “If you’re saying sorry about loss of my sight, that’s not your fault or anybody else’s. That’s solely my fever’s fault. However, I don’t understand your jealousy and I don’t get what you mean by all that you said. I don’t get it. I’m not buying this jealousy thing, and you know that.”

What do you mean I know it?” asked Alice trying to be innocent about it.

This jealousy thing is not what’s really eating you, isn’t it. Because you know, you don’t have much to be jealous about, I give in a lot for you, more so than I wanted to, but because I want you to be happy; I sacrificed a lot for you. And that Friday night and Saturday episode, I asked you long before and you said no, you’re not planning anything.” Jenny paused, then took a deep breath and then gently asked, “Do you really love Matthew?” Alice didn’t expect that question at all and neither did I, and never in my life had she called me Matthew. Alice didn’t answer.

I ask because I just want to know if you really love my brother with your heart or you were just driven by others, like your friends who made a bet with you.”

I didn’t know she has knowledge about that either. I was very curios to find out how she knew so I have to asked, “What bet?”  Alice cut in “how did you know about that?” asked Alice, she’s very nervous. Her voice was shaking. “At the wedding, they were talking about it and I overheard them, so I came up to them and I asked them up front and they told me the whole story. But the question still stand, do you really love Matt, ha, Alice?” Jenny put Alice in the stand. She couldn’t handle the pressure. She got up and was ready to leave but Jenny stopped her. “Sit down... Please,” said Jenny very calm but firm. Alice sat back down. I stared at Alice for a moment, but she avoided my eyes. I was actually starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. I don’t think I can handle this right now either. Mr. Andrews who felt we need some privacy, led Mike and Andrea away from us, they went out of the room and left us alone. When they’re gone, I turned my eyes on Alice and asked, “Did you really make that bet? Am I just a bet for you too or do you really feel something for me? Because I sure feel something for you, Yes, I didn’t asked you to marry me until Jenny asked me to get married before she goes away, since she knew I was dating you, and I thought, I knew you love me too and I knew I love you, I thought it was the right time to asked you. Thus, I told Jenny I would ask you, but I didn’t tell Jenny until I knew for sure I want to live the rest of my life with you. Jenny didn’t just ask me to marry you either; she made sure first that it’s you I’m in love with.”

I don’t know…,” cried Alice, “I don’t know anymore. I’m sorry; I wasn’t very honest with you Matt. I should have told you about the bet before I said yes to you. That’s why I need to get away from here so I can’t think.” Alice cried.  If you really want to leave, I won’t stop you. I just hope you find the answer to all this mess,” I said sadly. I felt bad. I wanted to hit something or throw something, but I stop myself. All of a sudden, my senses came back. I looked at Jenny who was sitting very quietly, tears rolling down her face. I got scared, oh no, not again, she might not survive this one. I felt her forehead for rising temperature, she didn’t have any fever, I was relieved, and thank God.  Alice stared at me tears and all; I stared back at her looking for some answer. She didn’t say anything, she stood up and stormed out the room and went to her room. I didn’t attempt to follow her, I didn’t want to make the same mistake I did the other night that cause Jenny’s sight. After Alice left, I turned my attention back to Jenny, “are you all right, do you want me to bring you to your room?”

Yes, if you don’t mind, I’m feeling pretty tired.” I picked her up and carried her to her room. Andrea saw me, went ahead, and opened the door for me. I put Jenny on her bed. I pulled the sheet as she scooted under, and I covered her. She took my hands and cherished them to her face. She kissed my hands, “are you okay Matt? I’m sorry about all this.” “I’m okay, and I don’t want you to worry about me. I don’t want you to have a high fever again. Because you might not survive, and I might loose you; I don’t want to loose you, not just yet. I don’t wanna loose you like this, if I have to loose you, I want it to be a special situation, not this kind of situation. I want it to be a happy good bye, not when your heart is broken and somebody is to blame.”

I should have not said anything to Alice.”

You know what, someone at the reception warned me about her. First she said something like this, “she finally land you,” so I knew that someone kind a dare her, and then she warned me about her temper. I thought she was just teasing me, you know. What really surprised me is that you knew about it too. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Because I didn’t want you worry and I thought, who knows maybe she does love you, that’s why she took on that bet. It’s a win, win situation for her, she got you and she won the bet.”

We talked until she was falling asleep on me. She said goodnight to me and gave me a kiss. I didn’t want to leave her room so I told her to move a little so I can climb in. She drifted right away. I lay very still, my head was full of stuff, but I didn’t know where to begin. I felt betrayed, heartbroken and angry all at the same time. I really wanted to shout; I felt like shouting and get over with it. I got up, but when I looked at Jenny who is sleeping very calmly, I changed my mind. I lay back down. Why it has to happen this way, I asked myself. I was in tears, I was hurting bad. My mind was bouncing back and forth whether I go and talk to Alice or just let her be. She didn’t want to talk to me anyway, so why should I bother talking to her, I told myself.

         I wanted to sleep but my mind was so awake. I tossed and turned a few times until I heard Jenny moan a little. She turned over to one side, then a few seconds later she turned over again and her moaning was getting louder. I knew she’s in pain. A few minutes after, she made the burping sound as if she’s ready to throw up. I talked to her and asked if she need her tub, and I got the tub right away just in case. She got up, and in a flash before I could put the tub by her mouth, she threw up all over the bed. I called for Andrea as I helped Jenny get up so she can change and have the bed sheet replaced. Jenny asked me to take her to the bathroom and right after we got in the bathroom she bent down in front of the toilet and threw up again. She threw up all the broth that she drank.  Andrea came right away, she took the bed sheets and blanket off the bed, folding them so the puke didn't spill, then she immediately changed the bed with the new sheets. When she finished changing the bed, she came in the bathroom and told me she’ll take over helping Jenny. I told her that Jenny needs changing, after she’s done throwing up. Mike also came in the room. I took the bed sheets and blanket out, brought it to the washroom. Mike followed and asked if I needed help. I thanked Mike for the offer. While we were putting the bed sheets in the washing machine, I told Mike what happened. “She was asleep, all of a sudden, she started tossing back and forth and making a burping sound. I knew she’s going to throw up but before I get to place the tub by her mouth, she let go and boy, she’s covered with it. I felt really bad every time she’s in one of this situation, why is she suffering too much while I’m not.”

No, that’s not true, you suffer with her, you feel her suffering, and your heart is always broken by it. I think watching her go through such thing is harder on us than on her, because we can’t do anything about it, that’s why we’re feeling bad all the time.”

I know I just don’t feel like I can go through another night every time this happens.” I changed the topic, “by the way did Alice leave the house? That’s another problem I don’t know how to solve, and I don’t know what to do.”

No she’s still here. Matt, hum…” Mike hesitated to ask personal question, he’s much too nice a person to do that. “I don’t want to go in there, I don’t want to make another mistake like the other night, and put Jenny in danger again because maybe this time we might not be so lucky or Jenny might not be so lucky. If Alice goes berserk again, she’s hard to control. I think I’ll leave her alone till she figures out what she needs to do.”

I commenced walking back to Jenny’s room. Mike followed. Alice was in the den reading something when we pass by the hallway. I stopped and looked at her. She looked back. She was about to say something but she stopped herself. I stood there a minute and waited for her to say what she was going to say. She left the room and went back to her room. Mike and I continued with our conversation as we walked back to Jenny’s room.  Jenny was changed and back in bed already. Andrea was taking her temperature when we came in the room. “She’s a little hotter than normal, so I want to make sure it’s not high.” The timer beeped, Andrea pulled the thermometer out her mouth, shook it then looked at the reading. “Hmm… 101 degrees, not so bad, but she needs to be in constant watch just to make sure it won’t go higher.”

I’ll be sleeping here, so don’t worry.”

Did you wash the sheets?”

Yeah, thanks Andrea for helping Jenny.”

Goodnight, Matt.” She gave me a motherly kiss, she leaned down and gave Jenny a hug and a kiss goodnight, “goodnight sweetheart, I hope you feel better tomorrow.”

I will Andrea, goodnight,” she returned her hugs and kisses.

Andrea turned to Mike, “goodnight, Mike,” she said as she gave him a hug.

Goodnight, Andrea.”  Jenny was having a hard time going back to sleep, she asked us to tell her stories. Mike talked mostly about Jim, what they’d been doing lately. Every so often, we could hear footsteps going back and forth. We could hear it get closer to the door then it goes away before it fades. I asked Mike as the sound was fading to check who it is. Mike stood up then gently opened the door and peeked out the door to see the owner of the footsteps. Mike closed the door back behind him, “it’s Alice, and she’s going back and forth from her room to here. I think she wants to talk to you.”

I stopped and waited for her to say something out there but she didn’t say anything. I think she’s ready to burst into fire again, I don’t desire to go out there and light that fire.” “She’s phasing all right. Are you just going to let her be?”  I looked at Jenny for some response but I forgot that she couldn’t see me looking at her. I turned back to Mike but he just shrugged his shoulder.

I’m going to stay here. If she knocks then maybe I’ll talk to her, but I need to find a place where nobody can hear her.”  I was expecting Jenny to say something but for some reason, she remained quiet, she’s awake but extremely quiet. We stopped talking and just listened to the footsteps. After about 20 minutes, it faded away completely and all we heard was a door slammed shut. Half an hour later, Jenny drifted off. Mike said goodnight and left the room. I climbed in Jenny’s bed and slept next to her so I could watch her. Her fever didn’t go any higher; it was actually going down the last time I checked before I drifted to sleep.

         When I woke up Jenny was no longer in bed. I got out and looked for her. Her bathroom is dark, the door is open and it’s very quiet, I went to the kitchen, Andrea was making breakfast and Mike was setting the table but Jenny wasn’t with them. “Jenny… where is Jenny?” I asked nervously.

Relaxed,” Mike answered smiling, “she’s out back catching some fresh air…”

Andrea interrupted Mike, “she woke up early and tried to get out, I saw her, feeling her way to the kitchen, good thing I saw her first before the corner. She almost smacks her head on that corner again.”

How is she feeling?” “She’s feeling pretty good, no more fever and she said her stomach is not upset no more. You like to go get her for breakfast?”

Yeah, I will.” I was very happy about Jenny’s fast recovery.

Hey Matt,” Andrea said with hesitation.

What is it?” I said a bit curious of what she’s going to say.

Hum,” she paused, “ha.... Alice left very early this morning with a suitcase.”

I didn’t say anything; I just looked at Andrea; sadly dropped my head in disappointment. I contemplated for a few minutes then asked, “Did she say anything at all?”

No, I asked but she ignored me, so I just told her that I hope she’ll find peace thinking somewhere else and I hope that she finds answers, and said that I’ll tell you that she said good bye.”

Thank you Andrea, I really hope she would just apologize and get this over with.”

First, I went to our bedroom to see if Alice left a letter or a note at least, telling me where she’s going or when she’s coming back or what were her plans. When I got in the room I looked at the bed first, she made the bed but there’s nothing on top of it. I glanced at the nightstands but nothing there either. I walked to her vanity, but same thing, no note or letter. I walked in the bathroom, there’s nothing there at all. Alice’s action disappointed me. Maybe the walking back and forth last night was a sign of saying swan song. I left the room very sad and hurt. I was literally dragging my feet to walk out of there. I went out to the backyard and there’s Jenny trying to feel the flowers and smelling them, good thing they’re not roses otherwise she’ll get poke by the thorns. There are roses in the backyard but they’re farther from where she was. I stared at her for a moment; she’s more cheerful than yesterday she has a renewed energy. Joy overfilled my aching heart just a minute ago. I went closer to her, grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me. I hugged her with such excitement. “Thank God you’re well.” “Good morning Matt, are you okay?” “Yes, oh yes, I’m so happy to see you like this. It makes my heart jump with joy.” I helped her walk back in the house for breakfast.

Saturday morning, I went to visit Jenny in her room to ask if she needs help going out the room. She was still in bed, when she heard me came in she turned her body facing the other way, and hid her face on the pillow. I called her name, “Jenny sweetheart, are you okay?”

She didn’t answer, I climbed in bed and try to climb over her to see her face, when all of a sudden she turned around, “Bulaga!” said Jenny laughing.

I got surprised, lost my balance, and I landed on her. I wasn’t expecting that from her. We were both laughing as I got off her. “Your face is all red.”

I got scared, what do you think?” I have no idea that her sight came back. When she told me that I was all red, it didn’t register in my head at first.

I never knew how good you look, until now,” she said smiling, “I missed your smile.”

I grabbed her face in excitement, “you can see!” I smeared her face with kisses, “your sight came back! thank you Lord. Praise to your name!” I got off the bed, ran to the door and yelled, “Mike, Andrea come quick. Jenny got her sight back.” Right after I called them I went back to Jenny who also was up and was jumping on the bed in excitement. I climbed in bed and joined her, jumping, and laughing. It was a perfect day.

Mike and Andrea came running in excitement. Both were laughing of happiness. When they came in, they were surprised to see us jumping. Mike grabbed Jenny’s hands, Jenny stopped jumping and she got off the bed. Mike gave her a big hug and a kiss, Andrea who couldn’t wait that long joined them in hugging. We were all very happy and couldn’t stop celebrating. “I was dreaming that my sight came back,” explained Jenny, “when I woke up, I opened my eyes and I can see the bright sun, so I looked around, I could see things perfectly. I didn’t get out because I knew Matt is going to check on me. I decided to surprise him.” She let go a beautiful smile.

I need to call Dr. Martin to tell him the good news. I’ll bet he’s going to the roof with this news I’m going to bring him.”

When your done Matt, I need to call my dad also to tell him before he goes somewhere, because I thought he mentioned it to me that he has a meeting with somebody sometime today.”

I used the phone in Jenny’s room. I dialed Dr. Martin, after a couple of rings; he answered the phone, “hello.”

DOC, you’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you.”

What is it?” asked the Doctor, “something wrong with Jenny?”

No, just the opposite she got her sight back.” I said very excited, I was jumping with joy. “Really, praise the Lord. I will be right over.”

He hang up the phone with out saying goodbye. As I hang up the phone, Mike was waiting for me to move so he can call his dad. After I move, Mike waste no time to call his dad and gave him the news. His dad was so excited that he’s also coming over right away. When Mike finished on the phone, I picked Jenny up and we all left her room for breakfast. We were twirling on the way to the kitchen.

The days passed and Jenny was feeling good. Mike went back to New York very happy, I went back to work and Jenny went back to school. She even had time to finish all the work that her classmates brought to her before. The school was all surprised to see Jenny in campus that week. They were very happy that the Dean announced it on the P.A. system her miraculous recovery and they welcome her back.

Everything was going good for me except for this thing with Alice. I called her parents and told them the news about Jenny; they were all excited about it. When I asked about Alice, her mom told me that she never in their house and that Beth and Alice went on a trip somewhere. Mom Herring said it was work related trip. Alice didn’t call me at all. I called the day or so before they left on a trip, but no one was home because no one answered the phone. I left a message but she didn’t return it. I guess she’s still thinking about us, or maybe that was just her excuse. I don’t know, I just hope this is all for the better.

I didn’t bother to ask Mom Herring where Alice and her friends went off to. I thought if Alice wanted me to know, she would at least return my phone calls. I hope she’s really trying hard to think about us, what she’s going to do about it. I didn’t want to convince myself that this was just her excuse so she can go where ever she want without my permission or without asking me first. Maybe she was not ready to get married yet and I rather pressured her into it. It’s been how many weeks now and she’s still in thinking mode, she told me the night we argued that she just wanted few days to think away from me, it’s almost a month already and she doesn’t have an answer yet.

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 19, 2011
Last Updated on June 19, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

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A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

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A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

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