Chapter IX

Chapter IX

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma


March came fast, this month on the 16th is my birthday and Jenny was busy preparing for it, but she has Alice to help. Jenny wanted to have my birthday at home but Alice wanted the opposite. She wanted to rent a place for the party. Then Alice change her mind back, she wanted to have the party at home. Jenny went along with her, she always give in to what everybody wants. Since she’s been in pain lately, she could hardly do much. I talked to her about it; she just smiled at me and said that as long as she’s fine on the day of my birthday she’s happy. My birthday falls on a Sunday. Monday, a week before my birthday Jenny asked me if I could take her out sailing just her and me on Saturday. I said “Sure, I’d be glad to take you; this would be a lot of fun, that’s a date. Just to tell you the truth I’m really looking forward to this for a long time now, just you and me in the open water. There’s nothing better than this, the most precious person in my life together in the adventure I dreamed of ever since I was a young boy, what else could I ask for. I must be in heaven right now.” She smiled, “Do you really mean every words you just said?” she asked teasingly. I had my right hand on my heart, “Did I ever tell you a lie.” She laughed, and happily jumped on me expecting me to catch her. I almost lost my balance. Good thing she’s not heavy at all, she’s very petite only five feet two inches, and she weighs about ninety-nine pounds because she kept losing them. I’m six feet tall and one hundred eighty pounds.

Friday night, two days before my birthday, Alice was already in bed waiting for me to finish in the bathroom. When I finished, I got in bed with her, she was lovey dovey with me. I knew she has something on her mind. She started playing with my ears, “Honey, I was thinking why don’t we get out of here tomorrow and go somewhere special just you and me, you know like the place we used to go to back when you’re just dating me, I really missed that place.” She continued to play with me. I looked at her seriously, “I’d love too, but why don’t we do that next Saturday, I’m very open to that, I think it’s great.”

I want to do it tomorrow, why can we not do it?”

This Saturday is already spoken for; I’m going sailing with Jenny. I promised her a while back, and I really want to do this, she’s not having pain for the last three days and I want to take advantage of that and even if she’s in pain I think I will still do it with her. I really need to do this with her, but you can come with us,” I said thinking that Jenny wouldn’t mind that at all, she’s very understanding. Alice turned sour face almost immediately. She stopped touching me and got up, “Why do I have to always make an appointment with you to do something?” I was about to answer her when she stormed out of the room and went to the bathroom, and slammed the door behind her. She stayed in there for a few minutes. I didn’t move a feet, I waited for her but when she came back she climbed in bed and sleep way on the end of her side of the bed facing away from me. I tried talking to her but she shut me off. She covered her face with a pillow and pretended she didn’t hear me. I stopped after a few minutes of begging and just let her be, if she’s mad, she’s mad, but I did begin to wonder.

I woke up very early because I know Andrea was up already at this time. I looked for her and found her in the kitchen of course. She was sipping coffee quietly on the end of the counter. I tapped her on the back and said good morning to her. She almost dropped her cup from being startled. After she recovered from it, she asked, “What are you doing up this early?” I went to get some coffee then I told her why I’m awake this early, “I’m excited about today. Remember, Jenny and I are going sailing. But that’s not really why I’m here, let me asked you, did Alice asked you about my day for Saturday?” Andrea took another sip of her coffee and said, “Yes, I told her that you and Jenny are going sailing whole day this Saturday.” Now I’m curious, “When did she ask you about this?”

Yesterday morning,” getting a little curious her self, “Why?”

I didn’t answer Andrea; the thing I just learned displeased me.

So she knew,” I was talking loud to myself, “But why does she have to do that, is she trying me whether I would cancel Jenny and go with her? Is she trying to prove if I love her more or Jenny?” I was getting really baffled and so as Andrea. We talked more about it. Alice was coming; we pretended that we’re talking about something else. We greeted her good morning but she disregards our efforts. I tried different approached, “How are you honey?” but she completely rebuked me. Alice didn’t say a word at all. She went to get some coffee, left right after, and went back to her room. When she got in the room, she slammed the door hard trying to wake up Jenny or trying to let me know that she’s still upset with me. Andrea shook her head and asked, “Is she not talking to you?”

No, I guess not,” I said, “She’s very upset with me when I told her that I’m not about to cancel on Jenny. She tried to even seduce me before she asked if we could go somewhere special, she thought that would work.” “She’s getting pretty jealous more and more.” Andrea said with concern, “I noticed it before too that she’s jealous, Mike was always around and did everything for Jenny so that give you more time with her. But came January I noticed that she’s quick to get upset every time she sees you with her.”

I really thought she understood. Why does she have to be jealous of Jenny when Jenny gives in to her a lot and she knew that,” I was worried, “I don’t know what to do.”

Well,” said Andrea, “If you asked me what I’d do, I will continue to do what I’m doing for Jenny since I don’t think that she’d last another year. I’m not speaking it but I have to face reality here, I will give slight attention on Alice’s jealousy and insecurities for now because when Jenny is gone she can have me to herself all she want.” Andrea was getting flustered, I could tell in her voice.

I’m planning to do that anyway,” I said quietly, “I just don’t like the fighting and arguing.”

Jenny did wake up from the big bang of the door because when she came out she was all ready for sailing. She looks happy as always and had a smile ready for you. “How’s the two I love most in the world doing?” Entreat Jenny, at the same time giving us a hug. We answered, “Fine and dandy.” She laughed. “I’m ready, let’s go,” she said very excited about it. “First my lady, you need to eat and take your medicine, and are you sure you won’t get sea sickness.” “So I chum the water, are you fishing, you’ll catch a bunch,” she said jokingly, trying to get away from me, she thought I would get her, and she’s right I was about to get her. I talked in my head, “Now how can I refused her or backed out on her.” Jenny suspended my thought when she asked, “Where’s Alice, let me asked both of you, is Alice mad or something? Did I do something wrong to her?” Andrea and I looked at each other, Jenny just confirmed it, Alice was definitely desirous of her. Jenny continued, “I say that because she’s been giving me the look. I wanted to talk to her about it but she’s been avoiding me, seems like it to me.” I felt so bad that Jenny has to see that. “Don’t worry,” I said trying to make her feel less anxious, “I don’t want you to trouble yourself with details, that can’t be good for you. Let me talk to Alice about it and straighten this thing out.” My heart drooped. I cut our conversation short and asked Jenny to eat. Andrea served her breakfast.

I went back to my room to change; Alice was still in bed, reading, I asked her if she’s still furious about last night, I guessed she was because she pretended I wasn’t in the room. I didn’t want to have an argument so I let her be, and I finished changing. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and cleaned up my face. When I finished I bid her good bye and that I’d see her tonight. I was trying to kiss her but she moved her face away. On the way out the door, I turned around, “I hope you’re appease when I get back so we can talk about this like descent human being.” I walked away, I took few steps and a thunderous bang of the door shook me. She slammed the door one more time. I skipped it and went straight to the kitchen to join Jenny who’s about done with her food. She scanned me with a sad face and looked back down. She didn’t like what’s happening at all but she didn’t say anything, she respected my privacy. I looked at Andrea. She was disgusted about it, “I guess I’ll get the rest of this.” She left to get Jenny’s medicine in the cabinet. I stood quiet and told Jenny to see me out side when she’s ready to go, then I headed out to the garage. I loaded all the stuff we needed. After a short while, Jenny and Andrea came out.

After I finished loading Jenny climbed in the front on the passenger seat and I climbed in the driver seat. Andrea waved us goodbye and Jenny waved at her back. In the car, Jenny asked if I said goodbye to Alice. I told her, “Yes when I was in the room changing and she ignored me. When I left the room, that’s when the door was slammed.” She asked again, “Why is she enraged, is it because you’re taking me out sailing, did she want to go and you said no?” She’s very snoopy about it so I have to tell her what really happened, “Well,” I started, “Last night she tried to seduce me into going with her someplace today. I told her that I had plans with you, I invited her to come with us but she didn’t want to.”

Oh, we can do this some other time do you want to go back?” she said trying to back out...

No,” I uttered, “Definitely not. I can go with her some other times,” I spoke defensively. Jenny got quiet for a few minutes, when she came back she said, “I love you Matt.”

I didn’t hear that, say it again.” I tried to steer her on a different direction of our conversation.

I love you Matt, you are my favorite brother in the whole world.”

I’m your only brother.”

Oh yeah,” she smiled. After that, she persisted on saying what she started to say anyway, “Matt you know I that I love you so much, I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

I interfered quickly, “I know,” I discoursed, “Jenny, if you are going to asked me not to pay attention to you more just so Alice would be happy, my answer is no. I will not do less for you, I told her before I asked her to marry me that what I’m doing for you now is not going to change ever because I was afraid of this to happen. I told her that she doesn’t have to marry me if she thinks she can’t handle this. She agreed to this and she told me that she was proud of me for doing this for you, now she’s having a second thought. I love Alice dearly, don’t get me wrong, but I can only have you for so long. I want to spend with you all the time I have in the world while I still I have you. Jenny please, you can’t avoid me because I’ll die if not gone crazy. I can’t handle that, please Jenny I beg of you.”

I wasn’t planning on doing that,” she gently expressed.

I never impart Alice less of me, I gave her as much time if not more as I gave you,” I remarked. I asked to stop this thing about Alice because we need to concentrate on where we going to sail.

She answered me cheerfully, “Why don’t we just let the wind blow us where ever.” She smiled at me.

This time I hired a skipper to teach me how to sail the boat, you know I never done this before. Therefore, we can actually go somewhere today. When we get there Jenny will be all ready for us,” I declared with a huge smile on my face.

Who is going to be ready for us?” she asked curiously.

Jenny, that’s my new girl’s name,” I responded swiftly, “I name her after you.” She laughed hard, “Oh yeah,” still laughing, “Are you going to watch her sleep also? Oh boy, Alice is really in trouble now, that’s two Jenny for competition. She’s going to the roof if she ever finds out about this.” With what Jenny said, I began to wonder about Alice’s reaction when she do find out about this. However, I’m not planning to change name just in case Alice object to it. She will be Jenny forever as long as I have this boat; this boat will renew what Jenny will leave behind. She will be my outlet if I want to endure being sane.

We arrived at the Marina just in time. The captain, Mr. Solis and his assistant Mr. Castro had everything ready. We have lots of gas so that’s no problem if ever the wind dies. When Jenny saw the boat with her name on it in beautiful fonts, she glanced at me, “Nice touch.” I thank her then told her that Mike helped me find the artist that did that. I introduced her to the captain and his assistant. The captain admired her, “Very proud to meet you ma’am, Matt told me a lot about you but meeting you is more than awesome.” “I hope he only told you good things about me,” badgered Jenny, then she followed it with a smile. “I don’t think there’s any bad recollections of you,” his rejoinder to her with a smile. The captain left us and climbed the boat. He asked his assistant to get ready to untie, he turned to us and yelled, “Come aboard, we’re ready to go out.” I had a mixed feelings, this was definitely dream come true for me. Jenny made it happen. I can’t believe that she remembered it; I told her when she was about five or six years old and never mentioned it to her since. Moreover, the only reason I mention it to her because she asked what I want to do when I’m grown up. I remembered exactly what I told her, ‘Oh well Jenny I’m pretty much grown up now, but when I was little, like you, just a little older than what you are now, I dreamed about buying me a sail boat when I’m old enough to get me a job and just sailed the open water.’ She asked me if I could take her with me and sail together, I told her that it would be my pleasure.

The Captain withheld my thought, he called, “Matt, over here, I’ll show you how to run this baby,” he said smiling at me, “This baby is one hot lady. I sailed a lot of yacht, but this, I love.”

I smiled at him, “Really? You like my baby. I love her too, I thought she looks great.”

For the first few hours, I was with the Captain, trying to learn everything he’s teaching me. Jenny was busy chatting with Mr. Castro. Occasionally he’d left to do what the Captain asked him to do but he’d always come back to where Jenny was and resume their conversation. “Oh good, Jenny is being entertained,” I thought to myself. While he was telling me what to do, the sail not raised yet; he’s just familiarizing me with all the equipment and all the gadgets on the bridge. When we got to the open water, and nobody was around us, he asked if I’m all ready to try it. “What the heck let’s try it.” The Captain asked his assistant to help raised the sail. The Captain turned off the engine and holler, “It’s all yours Matt, we’re sailing,” the Captain shouted, “I’ll be right here if you need me.”

I was so excited, adrenaline rushing through my entire body, I yelled, “Jenny, sweetheart, we’re sailing.”

She yelled back from the front of the boat,”You’re sailing,” she screamed, smiling, “I’m just here to give you company. But later when you’re confident enough could I help you with it?”

I don’t think I can be good with this in one lesson. I think I need a little more than just today,” yelling back at her. She just looked at me and smiled.

Jenny rose up and walked back to us. In the middle of her walk, I over steered accidentally and the boat tilted to the right side. Jenny got scared and screamed, “Matt.” Mr. Castro was fast on his feet to help her. He held Jenny’s arm, and walked her towards us. “Thank you,” she said trying to regain composure. “You know, I’m gonna get him.” Mr. Castro just smiled back, “It happens, there will be more so hold on tight.” Funny, after he has said that the boat tilts to the other side. Once again, Jenny lost her balanced, but Mr. Castro has a good hold of her. The captain was telling me not to over steer coming about, “Gently Matt, gently. That’s all she needs is a soft gentle touch.” The wind was really pushing the boat hard. We were going fast.

Jenny finally came. The captain entertained her. I continued to do the sail. The captain talked to Jenny. “It’s a beautiful day for sailing. The wind is perfect, not too rough, and not too slow.”

Yeah I know, but only he thinks that it’s too windy,” she looked at me and winked.

When I’m done with this, you better hide. I’m going to get you good, better yet Captain Solis, please take over so I can get her.” Jenny heard me that she started running away. The captain took over the sail, as I asked. I started chasing after her. Jenny ran behind Mr. Castro and used him as a shield. Mr. Castro played along with us. Jenny was laughing so hard that she could hardly move. We were all laughing at her because she was trying not to laugh but couldn’t help it; she’s holding her tummy with one hand and Mr. Castro’s shirt with the other. Mr. Castro signaled at me, and moved quickly leaving Jenny standing were she was, laughing so hard she didn’t even notice she was wide open. I grabbed her, wrapped her around my arms, and tried to bite her neck. She was pleading with me, but she couldn’t say the words, her voice is becoming hoarse from laughing too much. I just hugged her and laughed with her. It took a long time for her to recuperate from laughing so hard. Awhile after, she finally retrieved herself and told me that she was just joking. I answered back, “So did I, and besides I missed you. I haven’t spent time with you yet, I’m been busy with the captain.” She turned her head up to look at me and just smiled followed by a thank you.

The captain called me up again to take over. I excused myself from Jenny, then went to the bridge and sailed. This time I was gentler, still a little rough but definitely an improvement. The captain who was admiring us remarked, “You two really have a good relationship. She really is an angel,” he paused for few seconds, “Too bad she won’t be around that long. I like her spirit.” I nodded in agreement with him, being a very proud brother. The captain looked over Jenny’s way one more time. There was sadness in his eyes and before he turned back to me, he wiped his face with both hands.

Are you okay captain.”

Yeah sure, I’m fine, I just thought of something,” he said avoiding my eyes.

We sailed a long way, time wise I guess, because we’ve been sailing for four hours, I looked at our distance it wasn’t far we sailed about 30 miles so we’ve been going about 7-9 miles an hour depending on the wind, and it’s already after one in the afternoon and we still need to go back. The captain told us that we need to turn around and starts heading back to the Marina while the wind still up. I started turning the boat around to head for home. On the way back, we’re more relaxed and the wind slowed down a bit, that slowed us way down, we’re going about five miles an hour so that means it will take us longer to go back.

Everyone had plenty of sun already, because we’re all quiet especially when the sail was going very slow. After an hour and a half of slow phase, the wind picked back up. The sail just went with the wind. Jenny was showing tiredness towards last, but I never heard complaints from her. She stared in amazement to the beautiful sight in front of us. Mr. Castro was sitting pretty in front of the boat, and the captain was standing next to me quietly watching all my moves and occasionally he’d say something, tips on how to sail the boat smoothly and efficiently, his own experienced from sailing and sometimes just trying to be friendly.

Going back went smooth; the wind remained faithful to us all the way to the Marina. When we got closer, the captain asked to lower the sail and use the motor. Mr. Castro was quick on his feet; he was by us in no time. I have to help him lower the sail, while lowering the sail he gave me some pointer on how to do it by myself. When we’re finished, the captain asked me to bring the boat to the dock and park it. I drove the boat very gently trying not to hit anything. We finished docking the boat just before the sunset. We talked for a while, we talked about how good I did, what needed improvement and other stuff. Before the captain and Mr. Castro left, they made sure that the boat was safely tucked and everything was off then they said goodbye. Jenny and I took a little more time at the Marina. We sat on the front of the boat and watched the sunset until it was totally gone. It was dark when we started getting out of the boat and walked to the car.

On the way home, Jenny was tired that she fell asleep almost instantly after a few minutes of driving. Since I had nobody to talk to, I contemplated on today’s activity. I thought I did a good job sailing the boat. I loved to sail, I liked the feeling of being in the water and have the wind blow you where ever. I felt so alive, the dream I had since I was a little kid came true. I never in my adult life thought that this would happen. When I took responsibility on Jenny, when she was little I thought that I would do this when she’s out to college, but when Jenny got sick I told myself to forget about it. I had no idea that she would remember what I had told her when she was little and made it all happen to me. I watched her sleep peacefully. I picked up my hand, put it on her head, and gently touched her beautiful hair. I drove straight home and a little faster than the speed limit so I could transfer Jenny to her bed.

When we got home Mike and Andrea, we’re outside talking, waiting for us. I noticed Alice wasn’t with them. As I pulled to the driveway, Mike greeted us. Jenny woke up on sound of his voice. Mike opened the door for Jenny. “Hi Mike how are you,” greeted Jenny with a refresh smile on her face. Mike leaned over and gave Jenny a hug. I got out of the car while Mike was helping Jenny out. I went over to their side and gave Mike a hug, “Nice to see you, brother.”

Nice to be here,” retorted Mike, “So how was sailing?”

I was thrilled to tell Mike the story as we unload the car. Andrea and Jenny went ahead inside. When we got in, I asked about Alice. Andrea eyed me weird and said, “I don’t know, she didn’t say. She left around 3:30 in the afternoon. Mike and she passed each other two blocks away but she didn’t stop for Mike when Mike signaled on her. In addition, she spent all day on the phone and I think she called all invited guests and canceled the party. I don’t know where she is at; you can call her folks and asked if she’s there.”

I just nodded then went to our room. I surveyed the room for a note or letter or whatever but there was none. I sat on the edge of the bed next to the phone and dialed her parent’s house. The other line answered, “Hello.”

Hello Mom, this is Matt. I just want to ask if Alice is with you.”

Yes, she was here not that long ago, but I told her to go back home and apologize to you. She told me what happened. Dad and I gave her some talked about her attitude today. She should be home soon, so just wait for her but just in case she didn’t listen to us, I’ll call her friends and asked them if she’s there or not, I’ll call you right back.”

Thank you Mom.” I hung up the phone. I remained seated for a few minutes trying to sum up all that’s happened this week, especially today. All day today, I was feeling heaven, but when I got home all those feeling went away because of this. I felt like I can never be happy without feeling bad afterwards. I may not be ill but I do understand Jenny’s situation, her too can’t be happy without paying for it later. My eyes brewing with tears that I didn’t notice I was crying. I quickly wiped the tears off my eyes and shook myself off. I didn’t go out until I look the same as I left them.

The three were in the kitchen, talking while preparing dinner. Mike and Jenny were helping set the table. Jenny asked if I called Alice’s parents. I nodded, “Yes but she wasn’t there anymore. Her Mom sent her back home and she told her that she owes me a lot of apologies, but just in case, she’s calling some of Alice’s friends to see if she went to them instead.”

Jenny smiled, “Well, let’s just wait for her, maybe she went shopping trying to cool herself off. Her parents didn’t agree with her, maybe she’s looking for somebody to agree with her. Give her time to think and decide.” I cut in, Yeah, we don’t need big guest to celebrate my birthday, the ones that matters to me are here around me already, except for Alice, but she will, even though she’s extremely upset right now.”

Yeah, she’s just having a jealous attack. They have that especially during mid life crisis,” said Jenny jokingly. We all laughed about it.

Andrea served the dinner and we gathered and ate together waiting for Alice to come home. In the middle of our dinner, the phone rang. I told everyone it’s for me, so I excused myself from the table and picked up the phone. It was my mother in law as I expected. We talked a while. She told me everything she found out from Alice’s friends. “Alice is with Beth but they just left to pick some of their friends to go out and have a good time. First, she went to her best friend, Judy, but Judy told her the same thing we told her, so she stormed out of there and went to Beth, I guessed Beth was on her side. You know Beth’s pretty liberated girl, and I bet she told her to go out with her and enjoy the night.”

Thanks Mom, maybe she’ll be home by midnight, or she might stay the night with her friends. That’s fine, she needs an outlet.”

Yeah, it’s fine if she didn’t do it out of anger, and if she called you about it, and not just do it because she wants to pay you back, then that’s not fine at all. She’s getting jealous with somebody, who doesn’t have much to live, and even if she lives longer, she can’t really enjoy herself without paying for it.” She continued rambling and I just listened quietly, “I would understand her self pity, if she asked you way before Jenny asked you, and you changed your mind just because Jenny asked. Well, Alice told me, that Jenny asked her last week if she’s planning to do something with you, this Saturday, and she told Jenny no, she’s not doing anything, because she’s busy in preparation for your birthday.”

I didn’t know that Mom, Jenny didn’t tell me about it when she found out that Alice is angry about this trip.” “Oh you know, Jenny doesn’t complain and I bet she’s blaming herself too, about this. Nevertheless, don’t let her; she doesn’t deserve to be sorry for something she didn’t do. That’s why Dad and I gave Alice a hard time after she told us that. See, we didn’t get on her case until she told us the whole thing. I had her tell me everything she did, and say, the whole week.” She close the conversation, “Well anyway I told Maria, she’s Beth’s roommate, that when they get back to tell Alice to go home, but if Alice is drank to just let her sleep there and have her go home in the morning.”

Thanks Mom, you and Dad coming tomorrow still, right. I hope she didn’t cancel the food.”

Yes we are, and I don’t think you can cancel the cater on the last minute, you’re suppose to cancel at least three days before, so I guess we will have lots of food but no guest. Goodnight Matt.”

I hung up the phone after I said goodnight to her. I shrugged my shoulder, went back to the dinner table and sat back down. Mike made a joke, “You’ve been ditched the night of your birthday? Does this mean no red ribbon wrappings to untie tonight?”

I smiled, “I guess not. I can’t believe she’d do this, it’s very childish behavior don’t you think.”

Very childish and very selfish,” replied Andrea who was very disappointed.

Well, it’s understandable,” intervened Jenny, “She’s upset because she didn’t win. All she wanted was priority, and she wasn’t ready for the response she got. Let her soaked, and when she’s done, make sure you apologized to her first and I’ll bet she wouldn’t do this again, but after you’ve done that, she’s still mad and didn’t even bother to apologized then the problem is deeper than just skin, than just jealousy and envy over me. You have some serious talking to do with her, if that happens. I’m sorry Matt, I feel like I’m cramping your relationship with Alice. Why don’t you find…”

I stopped Jenny’s sentence right there. “I know what you’re going to say, and I’m not even going to listen to it.” Jenny did not try to finish it either; she has a lot of respect for me.

I’m not going anywhere, if Alice wants to play this game, fine, she can play it all she wants, but she has to play it by herself.”

Mike intruded and quickly said, “You know, he’s right, Jen, I don’t want to intrude, but I’m on Matt side on this one. You do give up so much already and just because Alice doesn’t see that or maybe Alice just don’t want to see it. Don’t blame yourself, you haven’t done anything wrong, why do you have to give in all the time. You maybe going but you still have the right to enjoy every minute of your stay.”

Jenny didn’t say anything, she just looked at me and smiled, and then she turned towards Mike and said, “I missed you.” Mike got up from his seat and went next to Jenny. He lowered himself down on Jenny’s eye level and gave Jenny a kiss on the cheek, “I missed you terribly,” whispered Mike on her ear.

We finished eating after an hour of chatting. Andrea got up, started clearing out the table, and asked if we could continue our conversation in the Den. Jenny left first, Mike and I followed. We sat and talked while we waited for Alice to come home. Andrea joined in shortly, “What are you all up to?”

Nothing really, just rambling,” Jenny answered back, “Why what do you have in mind?”

I’m just wondering,” she paused, “You guys want to play some game, like Rook. I’ll go get the cards.” We all agreed to it. It’s a good game to play on occasion like this, Mike and I against Andrea and Jenny. Rook takes along time to play and we’re not making it any faster either. All of us took our time betting against our opponent, letting the other team takes the middle, trying to guess whose holding the bird, and trying to set the opponent. We set the score for 500 and who ever get there first, win. Andrea was good at this game; we learned this game from her. She learned the game back when Jenny first diagnosed and she has to go to the hospital regularly for treatment. Andrea would wait a long time for her. One day, there was a woman that has the Rook card, and she was playing with her friend. Andrea went over to them and asked how to play it. Both women invited her to play with them and taught her as they play with the game.

Time went by without us noticing it, it’s after midnight and Alice wasn’t back yet. “Well it’s almost 1 o’clock, I’m getting pretty tired,” said Jenny yawning, “I guess I’ll go ahead and hit the bed. Goodnight, I love you.” Jenny gave each of us a hug goodnight. We pretty much decided that it’s a good idea, so we said goodnight to each other and headed to our own room. I waited a little while longer in the room for Alice hoping she would knock on the door any minute. I didn’t notice I fell asleep waiting, I woke up it’s morning. I glanced at my watch, It’s 4:30 in the morning. I looked towards Alice side of the bed and see if she’s here but the pillow wasn’t touch or the blanket wasn’t pull off me. She likes to pull the blanket all to herself that left my feet uncover. I closed my eyes for a second and sadness started crawling from under me. I juggled my feet to the bathroom and took a shower. I got ready for church then went to the kitchen to make some coffee. Andrea was in the kitchen alone trying to make breakfast, “Coffee?” she asked. “You read my mind,” she gave me the coffee then gave me a hug and said, “Happy birthday my little brown eyes, you.” I looked at her and hugged her tighter, “You used to call me that when I was little thank you I missed that name.” When Andrea let go hugging me, I asked if Alice called at all. She shook her head and just patted me on the back. She left and went back to make breakfast. I pulled out a chair and sat quietly, thinking. I wasn’t worried about something might have happen to her, but the sadness I felt in the room crept in me again that I felt a cold shiver down my spine.

I didn’t like the feeling I was experiencing, so I got up and started walking to see Jenny, if she’s up. Mike was out of bed, all ready. He was on his way to the kitchen. He gave me a brotherly hug telling me happy birthday. I thanked him and told him I’m going to see Jenny. He joined me. I put my arm on his shoulder as we walked to Jenny’s room. We stood by the door trying to listen to some movement inside. When we didn’t hear any, I quietly knocked on her door, waiting patiently for an answer, but after a few minutes of waiting, I knocked the second time a little louder than the first, waited quietly but still no answer. I turned to Mike, “Is she sounds asleep, still? Usually when I knocked, she’d hear and say something. I’ll just open the door.”

It’s only 5:00 o’clock in the morning, of course she’s still sound asleep,” said Mike, trying to be funny. First, I checked if the door was lock. I noticed the door wasn’t lock; I turned the knob as gentle as I could, and slowly pushed it open. As soon as the door opened wide I got inside, Mike followed. Jenny curled up under a thick blanket and made moaning sounds. I quickly got right next to her and felt her forehead, sure enough she was burning up, her temperature was way up, I didn’t waste any time, “Mike could you please get some Ice and wrapped it on towel and gave them to me quick, also asked Andrea to come over with her medicine.” Mike went like a lightning, yelling to Andrea on the way to the kitchen “Andrea come quick.”

What’s the commotion?”

Matt needs Jenny’s medicine, she’s burning up. I need to get some ice.” Andrea didn’t waver at all; she got the medicine and quickly ran in Jenny’s room. I woke her up to take the medicine; after she took it, she laid herself back down and closed her eyes. Andrea wiped Jenny’s face, arms and legs with cold wet towel. Mike came in with the iced towel and gave it to me soon after I put it on her forehead to lower the temperature down. After a few minutes Jenny opened her eyes and looked around the room, she’s astonished seeing the three of us in her room. She paused a few seconds then smiled, “Hi there, good morning everyone.” She looked at us with a smile then she turned to me, still smiling, “Happy birthday my dear brother.” She took my hand and pulled me closer, she gave me a hug and whispered gently, “I was meaning to make you special breakfast this morning, I’m sorry instead here you are taking care of me.”

Don’t worry about anything, why didn’t you wake me up when you feel you’re getting sick?”

I didn’t think I’m going to have fever. I woke up feeling very cold around 3:30 in the morning so I got the thick blanket and cover myself with it but my temperature wasn’t high yet, I felt my forehead I was just warm, I thought, but I felt cold, very cold. After a few minutes under the thick blanket, I fell back asleep and didn’t know my fever went up. By the way, is Alice back yet?” I shook my head, and changed the topic right away so she won’t feel bad about it.

When Andrea finished wiping Jenny’s arms and legs and body, she covered her back up with the thick blanket and asked Jenny to rest some more so she would sweat the fever out. Andrea put away the things we used, Mike and I stayed in her room. We didn’t talk while waiting for Jenny’s fever to go down. After two hours, her fever started going down and she was sweating hard. Mike got a towel and started wiping her sweat until her fever broke down. I removed the ice on her head and got the thermometer to check her temperature one more time. Her temperature was just above normal, 99.8d degrees when she finished sweating. When she heard that, she took her blanket off and got up. I stopped her and told her to rest some more but she overlooked it. She got out of the bed and told us to leave so she can change and get ready for church. Mike and I both left the room and I closed the door behind us. We strolled back to the kitchen. Andrea was busy setting the table, “Is Jenny sleeping?” Mike answered, “No, she’s up and getting ready for church. Her fever broke down.”

Andrea smiled, “That girl, nothing can really put her down.” Mike pulled up a chair and sat down. I grabbed my cup and asked Mike if he wanted some coffee. I walked to the counter where the coffee was. I took the coffee pot, poured some in the cups, and asked Mike if he still takes his coffee black. He nodded his head yes. I walked back to the table, I gave Mike his cup of coffee then I pulled up a chair and sat down. I seated on my usual spot, the head seat and Mike sat close to me. Andrea stood between us with her arm on our shoulder and asked if we’re ready for breakfast. Mike didn’t say anything, but I told her that when Jenny comes out to join us then we could all eat together. We talked and we waited for Jenny to come out. Jenny finally came to join us. She was all smile and all dressed up for church. She sat down opposite Mike. I asked Mike to lead us in prayer afterwards the four of us had a wonderful breakfast. We had a lot of time to spare, we took time eating even though, and none ate much. We had fun just chatting and being nice to each other. When we finished I closed in prayer, then we all excused ourselves, and went back to our room to finished getting ready.

We used the suburban going to church. I was driving. I was hoping Alice would be pulling over before we leave but no chance on that. When we got there, everyone greeted me a happy birthday. Jenny asked us if we could sit on the front this time. We usually sit in the middle or the other end of the church. Jenny sang today during offering. I wasn’t expecting this at all. She must have told them a while back or called them some time ago. She usually told me if she’s doing any special thing at church. Before she sang she said a few words, about the song, and she dedicated the song to me and greeted me happy birthday. Jenny sang the song, “I can’t live a day” with minus one tape. She sang beautifully as we all expected. Her eyes fixed on our direction. Her song touched many people; they stood up with her on the middle part of the song, raising their hands up to the Lord, and pretty much everyone was singing with her on the last part of it.

After the service Mike had something planned, “I want to take you all guys to lunch, my treat. This will be a birthday lunch for Matt. Dad will be joining us, Mom is supposed to be there also, but I’m not sure about her,” said Mike graciously. We all agreed, “Let’s go,” we said in unison. I told the guys that I need to call Alice just in case she came home this morning after we left. I used the cell phone in the car. I called home first, and let the phone rang till the answering machine picked up, I left her a message telling her where we at, and asking her if she can join us, and also I tried her cell phone but it was not on. I was hoping she was home, and was very eager to answer the phone. I couldn’t help but felt hurt inside. I didn’t want anybody to notice it, especially Jenny, but she knew me too well. I could see it on her eyes the hurt I was feeling right then. She may not want to talk to me about it, but she can’t hide the fact that she’s feeling guilty, and somewhat felt responsible. Jenny was not talking much; she’s just smiling a lot, and just taking it all in.

Mr. Andrews was waiting for us when we arrived at the restaurant. He was waiting alone, and there was no other glass on the table, I guess Mrs. Andrews stood us up one more time. Mr. Andrews spotted us. He got up and ready to meet us. The concierge showed us to our table. Mr. Andrews gave Jenny a nice fatherly hug, greeted me a happy birthday, followed by a hug and gave Mike, and Andrea a hug. We had a round table. Jenny sat next to Mr. Andrews, Mike sat next to Jenny, Andrea sat next to Mike and I sat between Andrea and Mr. Andrews. The concierge took the extra seat out, and we all rearrange our chair to give each other nice room to move freely. The waiter came with glasses of water, he set them on the table, gave our menu then he introduced himself. After a few minutes, he asked us about our drinks. He left to get our drinks. We looked at the menu. When the waiter came back, we’re ready what to get since we’ve been to this restaurant, and we know what kind of food to get. Mr. Andrews ordered different kinds of appetizers for us while waiting for our main dish. We finished ordering, the waiter left. Mr. Andrews opened the conversation, “Oh, Mrs. Andrews couldn’t join us today, she has appointment prior to this, and she doesn’t have time to get ready for this. Anyway, where is Alice, is she sick or something?”

She’s out with her friends,” I quickly answered, “She’s on strike from us since yesterday, mostly from me though.”

Oh, one of those,” discoursed Mr. Andrews jokingly, “Don’t you worry about it because you’ll get more as the years pass by. This is all I can say, it doesn’t matter if you are right, you are wrong, and you need to apologized, if you want the relationship last longer,” then he gave me a fatherly smile.

Thank you Sir,” I said respectfully. I always respect his insight and I respect him as I would my own father.

The luncheon with Mike, and his Dad was a pleasant change. Mr. Andrews always go out of his way to check up on us, and give us some fatherly love if we need it, which we are missing in our life. Mike’s mom doesn’t want to do anything with us ever since Jenny diagnosed with Leukemia. She wanted Mike to stop seeing Jenny, and she really wanted Mike to fall in love with somebody else. With all Mrs. Andrews effort to separate the two, Mike remained steadfast to Jenny and not only that, Mr. Andrews wasn’t on her side, and he persists to be around us despite her disapproval. I don’t blame her for doing so, but I don’t understand it.

We went straight home after the luncheon. Mike went home with us. My heart was beating fast, and hard, as we got closer to home. I was expecting Alice car parked on the front of the house, as she does all the time. When we came around the corner, I started looking for her car, but to my big disappointment, the car wasn’t there. I guess the three were doing the same thing, because they all looked at me with sympathy in their eyes. I pulled the car on the driveway. For some reason I felt discouraged, my body doesn’t seem to want to move. I stay seated while they got out of the car; they give me that moment to be alone by my self. I could hear Andrea telling Mike, and Jenny, to get ready for the party just in case Alice missed some guest, maybe she only cancels on the guest that she invited herself. I forced myself to get out of the car, and into the house. When I got in, I glanced at the big grandfather’s clock, and looked at the time. It’s about 3:30 in the afternoon, and Alice is not back yet, I pretty much gathered that she’s not going home tonight either. Andrea called the catering service to make sure they’re ready. I shuffled my feet going to my room to change to something more comfortable. I put on emerald green polo shirt and denim pants. I tarry in my room longer than I do wanted to, contemplating on just about everything. When somebody knocked on the door, it snapped me out of it. I yelled come in. The door opened gently, and Jenny’s head peek in, “can I come in?” she asked gently.

Sure, come on in,” I motioned her to sit next to me, “you look great.” She was just wearing a springy pantsuit but the colors, and the cut made her face look radiant.

Thank you, you too, you look distracted,” she smiled, “something the matter.” She gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead as she sat next to me. She continued, “I don’t think she’s coming home today, it would be great if she does come home. I’m sorry Matt, I should not ask you to take me sailing.” Her face changed quickly even though she’s trying to hide her feeling, she couldn’t hide the expression I’m seeing.

Jenny none of this is you’re doing, you asked me well in advanced and she asked me Friday night when she found out that morning that we had plan on Saturday. You didn’t tell me that you asked Alice that day you asked me, if she had a plan on Saturday for her and me. Her mom told me about it, because she asked Alice to tell her everything that been said and done this week. See, she just wanted to know whom I’m going to choose. That was way unfair of her to put me on that situation.”

She put her arms around me, and tried comforting me. She stood up, “you don’t have to justify anything, when she comes back we’ll apologize to her, then maybe she’ll feel guilty, and admit her mistakes, but if she doesn’t admit, we’ll just leave it as it is and forget about it.”

I changed the subject, “how are you feeling?”

I motioned for her to sit back down. She sat down as I asked. I put my hand on her forehead to check her temperature, and she’s just warmer than normal.

I’m feeling great physically, I’m not feeling pain but my heart does, it feels the same pain you’re feeling,” she took my hand, raised her head up to look at me, and smile faintly, “I love you Matt.”

I had my arms around her shoulder walking out of the room to join Andrea and Mike in the kitchen. Both were all ready for the party. The cater service came a few minutes later; they need to decorate, and get everything ready. They are in charge of just about everything, from decorations to food and cleaning. The caterer is one of Alice’s friends, Nancy Russell; they knew each other from college. Alice introduced her to me in one of the party she was catering. Nancy came in the door with stuff on her hand, and telling the staff what to do first, “hello Matt, do you remember me?” she asked putting the stuff down on the table. When her hands were free, she extends her right hand to shake my hand.

Yeah of course I remember you. Nancy, right,” I said shaking her hand, “Alice introduced us at a party you were catering. How are you doing?”

Fine, business is great. Where’s Alice?”

She’s not home right now,” Jenny interrupted, “she’s with her friends having fun can we help you with something?”

Oh no, everything is under control. I just wanted to talk to her.”

6:30 pm, the first guest arrived, Mr. Andrews. Mike opened the door for his Dad, “mom didn’t

come?” asked Mike. “You know her, she didn’t want anything to do with these kids anymore,” retorted

Mr. Andrews, “but why do we have to ruin the party just because she didn’t want to come.” Mike smiled

and gave his dad a hug. I went to meet them by the door.

Happy birthday Matt,” greeted Mr. Andrews, handing me a big present. I took the present. He patted me on the back as he pulled away from me. I couldn’t wait to find out what’s inside the box, so I quickly rip the wrapper off. When I finished tearing the wrapper, it showed a plain box, I opened the box, inside is another wrapped box in it. “Hey look, there’s another wrapped box inside,” I exclaimed in excitement.

Come on, open it, maybe it’s another box, then another box, till it’s just the right size,” exclaimed Jenny who was getting excited also. They all gathered around me as I opened the second box. This time I did it slower, when I finished tearing the wrapper, the box showed the picture of a binocular. This is an expensive binocular, I saw this particular brand on sale, and it was at least $1,000.

I thought you might need that one, when your out in the open water, and beside I couldn’t come up with what else to give you,” explained Mr. Andrews with a smile.

Thank you,” giving him another hug, “I do need this. I was thinking of getting one the other day, but I got distracted, and forgot all about it. Now I don’t need to, actually I was looking at this particular brand in the catalog. This is a very good one and it cost a lot of money. Thank you.” “Your welcome,” retorted Mr. Andrews. Mike left and went to his room, when he came back he had a present on his hands, “since you already opened dad’s, you might as well open this one before everyone gets here, Happy birthday brother.” “Thank you.” I took the box; it is as big of a box as his dad is. “Is there another wrapped box inside this too?” I asked as I ripped the wrapper off. Mike just smiled at me. When I finished unwrapping, the box said UPS package delivered to Mike. It was still in original seal. Mike didn’t even check it. Andrea got a kitchen knife and handed it to me. I used the knife to cut the packing tape on the box. Inside the box is a very nice watch case. I opened the case, and it is a divers watch up to 800 ft deep waterproof, “right timing Mike. My watch has water inside, yesterday I forgot to take off my watch, when I put my hand in the water, because it said waterproof, but I guess it’s not waterproof enough. Very nice, thanks Mike.” Mike just smiled.

The guests started arriving. I guessed Jenny invited the whole church; they were the ones who came first, the pastor and his wife, and two children, the elders, and their families, and our friends at church. Alice’s mom and dad came shortly after them.

Did Alice come home yet?” asked Mrs. Herring, “I called Beth but nobody’s answering, I let the phone rung. It’s either they’re sleeping, or they didn’t go home last night.”

No mom, she didn’t. Don’t worry about it she’s a big girl, she can take care of herself,” I extend my arms to hug her, “I bet they got home in the morning so drunk that they are sound asleep at this hour, or maybe they visited some other friends, and spent the night there.” Mr. Herring came joined us. He greeted me happy birthday with a big hug, then he said, “So Alice didn’t come home yet, she’s a stubborn person when she’s young. I guess she carried that persona to adulthood. How are you doing?”

I’m doing fine, sad but fine.”

I understand that, How’s Jenny doing?”

She’s sick this morning but as you can see, she’s all happy as all get out. Nothing really puts her down, and I love her so much for that.”

That’s good attitude. Like James said ‘you gotta count it all joy’ every piece in your life, can’t waste any, otherwise you wonder where they are, what happened, and what you’ve missed. I wish I had her behavior, sometimes I needed that.”

Yeah, me too, that’s why when things heats up I always want to be around her, I calm down much faster.”

We talked until the rest of the guest arrived and they all needed my attention. Alice did cancel some of these guests, but they came anyway to greet me and give me their presents. I explained to them why they got those call, and they all seemed to understand it, and none of them carried any bad emotion towards Alice, which I was hoping they wouldn’t, so that there’s no farther complications sometime in the future.

The celebration of my birthday party went along smoothly. When it was time to blow the candles everyone gathered around, and sung happy birthday. Jenny and Mike were carrying the birthday cake, walking towards me. Andrea had me stand all by myself in front of everyone. When they finished the song Jenny and Mike put the huge cake in front of me, and they move on each side of me. Before I blew the candles, they all yelled for me to say something. I said a few words, and said thank you for coming and not forgetting my birthday then I blew the candles as they sang, ‘for he is a jolly good fellow.’ Jenny and Mike helped me blew the candles, and when all the candles are blown, they give me kiss on each cheek, saying happy birthday. They couldn’t hug me because they were holding the cake all this time. I helped them carried the cake to the table, and Nancy took over with the cutting of the cake. The cake by the way was beautiful, Alice choose the flavor it’s half white, and half chocolate with all white frosting except the top, there was a part of the top that has blue looks like water. Jenny chooses the design. She put a sailboat on top of the cake. The sail had banner that said “happy birthday Matt” written on it. The sailboat was an exact replica of the one she gave me last Christmas. “This should be a beautiful display right there, on top of the mantle,” I said aloud. I gently cleaned the frosting on the bottom of the boat delicately wiped it dry. When I finished it looked even more beautiful. I gently picked it up, and placed it on top of the mantle. When I was done I stood next to Jenny, gave her the biggest hug I could give, and kissed her on the cheek. Jenny was surprised, “What’s that for?” “I just want to thank you for the wonderful replica of the boat. How did you get that one?” “Oh that, I got that one when I got your boat; I asked them if they can make me a small one, and I told them that I need it on your birthday to put on top of the cake, so they had a lot of time to make that boat. I told them to make it exactly like the real one.” “And they said yes, just like that?” “Yeah, they called the maker, and asked them if they could do it, the company did better yet, the manager asked the person who designed it. He was happy to do it for me on his spare time, so I really order that one from the original designer, and he didn’t even charge high for it.”

Wow, amazing, I can’t believe he did that for you, when did he give it to you?”

Last week, the day I asked you to sail with me. Andrea and I picked it up from the dealer. He shipped it there.”

I hope you didn’t get me any more present, because I thought yesterday was the most wonderful present I got from you, and now this.”

You like it?” she smiled at me.

I like it? You’re asking me if I like it. Jenny I love it. I thought I have to go to the marina every time I want to see the boat, but now I don’t need to, all I have to do is glance at this one, and I’m happy. Now all I need to do is asked that artist to put your name on both side of this one.” We looked at each other, and smile.

One at a time guest started approaching me, thanking me, telling me happy birthday one last time, and said goodbye. It’s past 9:30 at night and the next day was a work day so it’s about time to end a party. Nancy’s staff started to clean up, and put away stuff. The last one’s to leave were Alice’s parents, and Mr. Andrews. They stayed for a while until the helped were pretty much finished cleaning up. Nancy’s crew didn’t leave the house until everything was back to normal. Andrea helped some, and so did the rest of us. Nancy and her crew finished around 11 o’clock, and started heading out the door. We thank them for the wonderful food, and service. Nancy returned the same courtesy to us then said goodbye. When the helped were leaving, Alice drove in the driveway. Surprised to see Nancy, “What are you doing here?”

Hi to you too Alice, where have you been?” “With the gang trying to have fun.”

And missing your husband’s birthday party? Your Mom and Dad just left. Jenny said that you’re on strike.” “Oh, she did huh, I hate that girl. I couldn’t wait for her to go away in this world.” “Alice!” exclaimed Nancy. “What’s with you, I couldn’t believe I’m hearing this. What did she do to you that is so bad, and don’t tell me that because you’re just jealous.” Alice didn’t say any. Nancy continued, “As far as I know there’s nothing to be jealous of her. If you’re mad at your husband, don’t include her in it. You told me that when he asked you to marry him, he told you that he’s not going to change towards Jenny; he told you that if you can’t handle that, you don’t need to say yes. You choose this one, and now you’re condemning her, because you’re jealous? I love you Alice, but I’m not with you on this one.” Nancy started walking to her car. Alice called, “Nancy.” Nancy stopped but didn’t look back. Alice followed Nancy. “Nancy, did Jenny talk to you about this or did anyone? How did you know about it?”

Alice, I don’t need to asked around or have someone to tell me. Look, its Matt’s birthday, and you’re out partying with your friends… I overheard Matt explaining to some of the guest that you canceled, but showed up anyway, so they can greet him happy birthday, and give him presents. Andrea called me yesterday, and made sure everything on schedule. No wonder she said thank you, when she asked if you called, and I said no she didn’t call me yet. Were you meaning to cancel on me too? You know the policy; you need to cancel at least 72 hours in advance so it didn’t matter if you called, I would still come, and bring the food, and stuff.” Nancy sighed, “Goodnight Alice. I hope you realize, what you have is gold, you wouldn’t find that anywhere this easy.” Nancy got in the car and drove off. Alice still struck by what Nancy said; she didn’t even get to say goodbye, or thank you for that matter. She knew Nancy was disappointed if not disgusted with her behavior. She stayed outside for a while, when her senses came back, she went by the window, and looked inside. Jenny, Andrea, Mike, and I were too busy opening presents and writing the names of our guests. She watched us for a few minutes from the window decided to get in, but when she was at the door, and about to open it, she hesitated. She thought about what she’s going to say, or going to do, or just be quiet, and go straight to her room, and ignore everything around her. She pondered awhile until she had the courage to open the door.

The door opened, and the four of us stopped from unwrapping and all eyes at the door. Alice closed the door behind her, but she remained standing there, she didn’t say a thing. Jenny opened her mouth, and said, “Hi, Alice, welcome home.” I stood up and started walking towards her. My face changed expression, as I got closer, from being surprised to being happy. I was happy to see her home. I stood right in front of her and paused. I grabber her, and gave her a big hug, but to my amazement, she didn’t return my hug, she just stood there, and was a bit stiff. When I let go, she left without saying a word. She went straight to the bedroom, and slammed the door behind her. I was speechless, and for a moment motionless. I couldn’t bring myself to move. Jenny, Mike, and Andrea came to rescue me. Mike patted my back. Jenny together with Andrea hugged me. All of a sudden, all my senses came back. I looked at Jenny, and I hugged her as tight as I could. “Are you okay?” Jenny asked gently.

I don’t know I’m not sure.” I looked at Mike, then I looked at Andrea, but I couldn’t find an answer. We all got quiet in a flash just looking at each other, then Jenny spoke, “Why don’t you follow her to her room do what we’ve talked about.”

Okay, I’ll do that,” I was still disconcerted, “I need to apologize to her, okay I’m going. Wish me luck.” I walked slowly going to our bedroom. My mind filled with stuff, how was I going to start the conversation without her getting angrier, because the hug by the door didn’t help at all. When I got there, I stood still for a few minutes, just holding the doorknob. I took a deep breath and gathered all the mettle in me. I opened the door gently, Alice saw me first, and she started walking towards the bathroom. “Alice please,” I quickly said to stop her from going. She stopped but she didn’t turn around to look at me. “Alice,” I started apologizing, “I’m sorry for whatever I had done wrong. I wish you told me what I did, so I can do something about it. If for some reason I let you down, I’m sorry about it. If you were hurt because I went sailing with Jenny, instead of going with you somewhere, I’m sorry about that too. I’m sorry that you felt left alone and I’m sorry that I let you down.” I tried holding her hands, she didn’t resist but she didn’t return my affection either. I look at her eyes, but she tried to avoid contact with my eyes. “I called your parents when I found out from Andrea, and they told me that you were there, but left immediately. They thought you came home when they told you to, mom called your friends around, and one of them said that you were out with Beth, and others. I thought you would come home late last night. Where did you guys go?” “Everywhere,” Alice started, “Beth, and I, and the gang drove to San Antonio yesterday late afternoon, and party over there. I’m sorry about your party.”

Oh, no, don’t worry about it. Nancy showed up, and the rest of the guest showed up to grace me with their presence. Your mom and dad came, and they just left not that long ago when you came in. They asked you to call them whenever you come home it doesn’t matter what time it is.” “Okay, I’ll call them for a minute,” she walked toward the phone. “Alice we really need to sit down, and talk about this.” I plead as she dialed the phone. She asked me to leave the room so she can talk privately with her mom. I went out the room as she asks. I stayed out by the door for a while; I could hear the conversation wasn’t going good, because Alice sounded more upset. I went to the living room, but there was nobody there, everyone went to the room to give us some privacy. When Alice was finished talking to her parents, she let me know by opening the door. I went back to the room; I could see Alice was even more upset than when I left just a few minutes ago. I knew that she got third degree from her parents.

Matt, I didn’t come home to talk about us. I come home to tell you that I think it’s a good idea, if I go away for a while, and stay with Beth. I need to think. I don’t want to go home with mom and dad, because I couldn’t think there.”

I’m sorry? I don’t understand, I’m confused, explain it to me.” Alice just gave me the look. “Alice can we sit down, and talk about this like a civilized, smart people. When we’re finished talking and you still want to think away from me, then I won’t stop you, but we need to have a heart to heart talk. Let’s pour out what’s in our hearts.”

Okay lets talk, if that would satisfy you,” said Alice abruptly, she didn’t sit down, and her eyes were burning with anger. “Alice,” I started trying to be objective, calm and sensitive about it, “this episode Friday night was the fuse being lit isn’t it? You’ve been boiling a while back, and I finally stepped on it. Oh my, Jenny is right, this is more than just skin deep.” That’s it; all I have to say is the name Jenny and Alice blew up. “It’s all about Jenny, isn’t it?” said Alice practically yelling, she stormed out of the room, when she saw that it’s dark out, since everybody went to their room, she came back in. I didn’t move a thing, I stay seated, and calm.

You really want to know what’s eating me up,” she’s even louder, “I feel hate.”

I didn’t say anything. I let her vent out. “I felt the same way Mike’s mom felt about her. Everybody likes her, both my parents are on her side, my best friend is on her side; Mike’s dad is on her side every one in the world is on Jenny’s side. I hate her, I hate you for always over, right away like lightning every time Jenny feel a little pain, and giving her a lot of attention. I hate myself for being so jealous of her. I know that you give me a lot of your self, that you never ignore me, and you tend to my needs right away I need it, but I want all of you, all your attention, I don’t want to share you with anybody, and I know I’m not going to get that till she’s dead.” Alice voice was way up to the roof, “I want her out of our lives. I want her dead.”

That’s enough!!!” I snapped at her, “I’m not going to let you ruin her life just because you’re selfish; over my dead body!” Alice was going to say something but I cut it, “shut up… just shut up.... I don’t want Jenny to hear this, if something happened to her because of you, I don’t know if I can forgive you that easy.” This time I was more upset, “If you’re mad at me because of something I did, please don’t include her in it, she didn’t do anything wrong to you, more so, she doesn’t deserved your wrath. Wrath against me but please don’t include her, that I couldn’t accept, not at all. I didn’t raise Jenny all my life for you to kill her.” We were both very angry as we argued.

Everyone heard about what we’d argued. Andrea got worried about Jenny so she went to her room to see her. Andrea knocked but Jenny didn’t answer, so she opened the door. The room was dark but she could hear Jenny sobbing. She turned on Jenny’s bed lamp and found Jenny on the floor next to her bed all curled up and crying heavily. She sat next to her, wrapped Jenny around her arms and just comforted her. She didn’t say a word. Mike who was also worried went to Jenny’s room and joined Andrea comforting Jenny.

Jenny heard every word, Alice tore her apart and shredded her into pieces, and she took it all to heart. Neither Andrea nor Mike could stop Jenny from crying. This couldn’t be happening. Jenny’s nose started bleeding. Andrea tilted her head up to stop it. She also asked Mike to get a washcloth to put on her nose. Mike didn’t waste any time. All of a sudden Jenny’s temperature is rising. Andrea was quick to her feet, “Mike go get Matt, we need to bring Jenny to the hospital.”

Mike went like lightning yelling as he get closer, “Matt! Jenny is bleeding and her temperature shoots up like crazy, Andrea said we need to bring her to the hospital, I’ll get the car ready, and meet you outside.”

I didn’t waste any time either, I left Alice and I ran like lightning to Jenny’s room. “Andrea, give me an icy pack to put on Jenny’s forehead.”

I picked up Jenny and carried her to the car. Andrea came running with the icy pack, she got in the car and Mike took off as fast as he could. He put on the hazard light to let everyone know that it’s an emergency. On the way to the hospital, I called Dr. Martin on the cell phone, and told him everything. He didn’t waste anytime either, he told me that he’s on his way, and that he’s going to call the hospital to get ready for us.

We arrived at the hospital in no time, thanks to Mike, and his driving skills. They are ready for us; they were as fast as lightning helping her. Jenny is a regular patient in this hospital so they know her on a first name basis. They put Jenny on the gurney and rushed her to ER. Dr. Martin who just pulled in got out of his car and ran to catch up with them. The guard asked us to move our car. Mike jumped in the car, and drove it to parking lot. Andrea and I went ahead to ER, and wait by the door. Few minutes later Mike joined us. Mike borrowed the phone so he can call his dad. They talked for a few minutes. I didn’t feel like talking at all, I had my head down, I sat really still and got very quiet and had my eyes close. I wanted to talk to God. Andrea took my hand and joined me in prayer.

When Mike was finished talking to his dad, he sat down on the other side of me, put his hand around my shoulder, and joined Andrea and me in prayer. My heart felt very heavy that I couldn’t stop myself from crying. My mind is full of questions, worries, and I felt terrified about what’s going to happen. I turned to Andrea, I hug her and I just cried on her shoulder. She didn’t say a word, she let me vent, once and a while I could feel her hand rubbing my back.

I tried to regroup myself putting everything in perspective. Mike broke the silence, “Dad is on his way here.” “You told him about Jenny, and what happened tonight? I’m scared Mike, how did I let this happen.” “So am I,” Mike said in a very comforting voice. Mr. Andrews walked in, “what happened,” he asked, “how long she’s been in.” “More than an hour,” Mike answered.

How could this happened, she was just fine when I left your house.”

I told Mr. Andrews the whole story. When I finished, what he heard devastated him; he didn’t know what to say. He hugged me and cried with me. I didn’t feel like letting go just yet, and neither did he. Two hours has passed, no Dr. Martin came out to tell us if Jenny has pull through. I stayed quiet, and still on my seat. Good thing they’re very perceptive, and understanding, they left me alone. All of them had a worried look on their faces but they too stayed still on their seat.

Mean while, Alice must have called her mom right after we left because they showed up tonight, “Matt, Alice’s parents are here,” said Mike pointing me to their direction. I looked up and followed Mike’s eyes; they were walking fast, coming towards me. Behind them were Alice and Beth. When I saw them, my temperature changed. I could feel an adrenaline rush in me. I wasn’t looking forward to Tango with her nor looking forward to see her, not right now, especially that Jenny still in there being work on. My whole body became inflexible. “Matt,” said Mom Herring. I looked at Alice mom. She gave me a hug and said, “I’m sorry, where is she now?”

Still in there, nobody came out yet to tell us she’s out of danger.”

When she let go, Dad Herring gave me a hug also, he didn’t say anything, he was just sympathetic by tapping my back.

Alice called us right after you left, so we didn’t dilly dally,” said Alice’s mom. Her voice was scratchy and I can tell she was ready to cry.

Alice came to hug me but I didn’t return her hug nor tried to touch her. She began apologizing, “Matt,” I’m really, sorry. I didn’t mean what I said, and I didn’t mean for this to happen. I wish I could take it all back.” She paused and waited for me to say something. “Matt, please try to understand me.” She let go of me. I didn’t want to talk to her, not at all. I moved myself away from her. I sat back down, looking down with both hands on my head trying to hold my temper. Mike sat down with me. I talked to Mike without looking at him and told him what to do, “Mike, I didn’t want her here. Could you please talk to her and ask her to leave.” Mike did what I asked of him, he pulled Alice away from everyone and talked to her quietly telling her exactly what I told him. Alice refused to leave. She came back to me and begged, “Matt please, I want to be here. I don’t want to go.” I wanted to make this as rational as I could without loosing my temper, “Alice, you being here is just making things hard. I don’t want to see you right here, not while Jenny is fighting for her life because of all this.” She interrupted me, but I disregard her, “you said you need to go away to think, now is the best time to do that. Go with Beth and stay with her. Go… think, but not right here.” She shook her head no. “Please go, while I still have love and respect for you. The more I see you the harder it is for me to keep this love and respect I have left for you. If Jenny pull through with this one faster, then and only then I would listen to what you are going to tell me.” I sat back down before I do something or say something I would regret later.

Alice’s parents pulled Alice away from me, way from me and tried to talk to her and convince her to go, before the situation heats up between us. Beth tried to comfort Alice, “Alice, your parents’ right. You need to cool off before it’s too late.”

Yes Alice,” Alice’s mom agreed, “you wanted this way, well you got it. You want Jenny out of your life, well, you might just get that one too, but I don’t think only Jenny you’re loosing, I think you’re loosing him too if you don’t listen to what he wants.”

I’m sorry, but you’re way out of line,” Mr. Herring second it; “right now you don’t have grounds to stand on. So please lose that pride of yours and be submissive.” Beth cut in, “you know if you don’t want to come with me, you can go home to your house, just stay away from him don’t talk if he’s not willing to talk. You know he’s not going home until Jenny is out of danger.” Beth continued to ramble, “I can’t believe you said all those words. You know, Nancy called me up tonight and got mad at me because of what you told her about Jenny. She thought I encouraged you to do this.”

Alice’s mom got curious, “what did Alice say to Nancy?”

She told Nancy that she hates Jenny so much and she wishes Jenny is dead.”

Alice… you told Nancy that, and now you’re telling Matt that you didn’t mean what you say. You meditated on those words before you blurted out to Matt. I knew you were spoiled but I didn’t know you’re that spoiled… I thought we raised you better than that, get out of here before I get mad at you. Your dad and I don’t mind taking you home and whoop you silly.”

Alice was shocked from what her mom said. She knew she messed up big time, but she has a lot of pride and she’s not about to let her pride go down just like that. “But she did, she took away my place.” Everyone got lost from the statement she just said.

I hate her; she took everything away from me everything I ever care for.”

At least this time Alice was not loud, no other people could hear her except the ones talking to her. Her mom confused as she is, asked, “What do you mean, she took everything away from you? Are you listening to yourself?” “But mom,” Alice protested. “But nothing,” Alice mom agitated by her behavior.

Alice, don’t you think about what you just said, that suppose to be Jenny’s line. She should be the one saying all this you’re the outsider. Jenny didn’t take any from you much more she gave in a lot for you.” Alice got silent. “Don’t you think I didn’t know everything Jenny has done for you? You know that if it’s not for Jenny, Matt wouldn’t even asked you to marry him. That’s just one scenario. I think you knew what I’m getting at. Matt’s been taking care of Jenny whole his life; you think he’s going to give that up just because he married you? He told you before he asked you to marry him that he’s not going to change any in his life especially with Jenny. You agreed to that and you said you can help.” Alice tried to protest but her mom took it slightly.

You know why Jenny is still alive, because of somebody like Matt, Andrea, and Mike. I bet if Matt didn’t have this much passion for her, I don’t think she’s still around. I think she’d withered and die already the first year she got sick. What if you get sick, I hope not, but just for the sake of argument, and none of us cares for you the same way we care for her. What do you think, you’d do?” Alice mom got quiet and waited for an answer. Alice didn’t say anything she was lost for words. She sank on Beth’s shoulder and cried and cried. Beth, and her mom and dad comforted Alice without saying any more word to stop the argument and resentment on each other. Her parents left her and Beth alone and walked towards us. Mom Herring sat down on the extra seat and Dad Herring stand next to her with his back leaning on the wall. Alice mom didn’t try to say anything, she just sat quietly when he saw me head down with both hands on my face.

Three hours had passed, four hours but no Dr. Martin yet to tell us about Jenny’s condition. I was getting very scared and very nervous, my feet couldn’t stop from shaking, hearts jumping out of rhythm and tears don’t seem to want to stop flowing down. I thought there was a paddle of water around my feet. My mind was playing scary thoughts on me, it just keeps on playing like a broken record, I tried to shake it but I couldn’t help it. I don’t want it to end this way, not like this. I want her to say goodbye to me, she promised me. She promised that she wouldn’t let go of her last breath if she can’t say goodbye face to face to me. So you see, she has to come out of this, she has to otherwise she owes me.

It is almost daylight everyone was tired. I tried to talk to them, “Why don’t you all go home and get some sleep, a couple of hours at least. You all have worked tomorrow, I’m sorry, Mr. Andrews, Mom, dad, Mike, Andrea?” Nobody seemed to hear me so I tried again, “Mike, aren’t you supposed to go back to New York tomorrow?” “This week is spring break there, I don’t have school. Tomorrow I’ll call my work for a leave of absence until Jenny is well. I won’t leave till I know Jenny is totally out of danger.” “Will they give it to you?” “They better, if they don’t, I’ll just quit, because I’m not going anywhere until Jenny is out of here.” “Okay, I don’t think I can say any that would change that. I just hope they would understand all this.” “They all know about Jenny.”

© 2011 jenny nieuwsma

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Added on June 18, 2011
Last Updated on June 18, 2011


jenny nieuwsma
jenny nieuwsma

Naga City, Bicol, Philippines

My husband and i are missionary here in the Philippines. We are from Ft. Worth Texas. I like writing anything God put in my mind or just my own thought. so, pretty much random thoughts? more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jenny nieuwsma